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League Hierarchy

WNBA League Hierarchy League, conference, division, and team identification and association information.


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Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasleagueStringAlias of a league
ex. WNBA
idleagueGUIDUnique ID of a league
ex. 59c24590-0adb-4b3d-80a8-10450f83f4a1
nameleagueStringName of a league
ex. WNBA
aliasconferenceStringAlias of a conference
idconferenceGUIDUnique ID of a conference
ex. 092510cf-3285-48bb-b831-40ac3608ca36
nameconferenceStringName of a conference
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasteamStringAbbreviation of a team
ex. NYL (New York Liberty)
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 08ed8274-e29f-4248-bc2e-83cc8ed18d75
marketteamStringMarket name of a team
ex. New York
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Liberty
sr_idteamGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a team
ex. sr:team:3446
hex_colorteam_colorStringTeam color HEX value
ex. #0c233f
typeteam_colorStringType of team color
primary, secondary
redteam_color - rgb-colorIntegerTeam RGB color code - Red
ex. 12
greenteam_color - rgb-colorIntegerTeam RGB color code - Green
ex. 35
blueteam_color - rgb-colorIntegerTeam RGB color code - Blue
ex. 63
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 600 First Avenue North
capacityvenueStringCapacity of a venue
ex. 19356
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Minneapolis
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. 7aed802e-3562-5b73-af1b-3859529f9b95
latvenue - locationDecimalLatitude of a venue
ex. 44.979444
lngvenue - locationDecimalLongitude of a venue
ex. -93.276111
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Golden 1 Center
sr_idvenueGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a venue
ex. sr:venue:6930
statevenueStringState or province of a venue
ex. MN
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 55403
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