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NBA G League Standings Detailed team records across various views including, overall, conference, and division information.


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Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasleagueStringAlias of a league
ex. NBDL
idleagueGUIDUnique ID of a league
ex. ac79301f-9b1a-4e72-a4cb-230d4418ae08
nameleagueStringName of a league
ex. NBA G League
aliasconferenceStringAlias of a conference
idconferenceGUIDUnique ID of a conference
ex. 1359451c-3a31-4a27-afca-214e3d391156
nameconferenceStringName of a conference
aliasdivisionStringAlias of a division
iddivisionGUIDUnique ID of a division
ex. 12e5e30e-894f-4b77-887d-027b3f97437b
namedivisionStringName of a division
ex. Pacific
idseasonGUIDUnique season ID
ex. 2a29bf58-7069-4ca4-8933-0347544e243d
typeseasonStringType of the season
REG (Regular Season)
yearseasonIntegerYear of the season
Standings - Overall:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
lossesteamIntegerNumber of losses
point_diffteamDecimalAverage point differential
ex. -0.99
points_againstteamDecimalAverage points against per game
ex. 110.28
points_forteamDecimalAverage points scored per game
ex. 109.29
win_pctteamDecimalWinning percentage
ex. 0.439
winsteamIntegerNumber of wins
lengthteam - streak - winIntegerNumber of wins in a row
lengthteam - streak - lossIntegerNumber of losses in a row
Standings - Records:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
lossesteam - records - atlantic-dlIntegerNumber of losses vs. Atlantic Division opponents
win_pctteam - records - atlantic-dlDecimalWinning percentage vs. Atlantic Division opponents
winsteam - records - atlantic-dlIntegerNumber of wins vs. Atlantic Division opponents
lossesteam - records - below_500IntegerNumber of losses vs. teams below a .500 winning percentage
win_pctteam - records - below_500DecimalWinning percentage vs. teams below a .500 winning percentage
winsteam - records - below_500IntegerNumber of wins vs. teams below a .500 winning percentage
lossesteam - records - central-dlIntegerNumber of losses vs. Central Division opponents
win_pctteam - records - central-dlDecimalWinning percentage vs. Central Division opponents
winsteam - records - central-dlIntegerNumber of wins vs. Central Division opponents
lossesteam - records - conferenceIntegerNumber of losses within own conference
win_pctteam - records - conferenceDecimalWinning percentage within own conference
winsteam - records - conferenceIntegerNumber of wins within own conference
lossesteam - records - divisionIntegerNumber of losses within own division
win_pctteam - records - divisionDecimalWinning percentage within own division
winsteam - records - divisionIntegerNumber of wins within own division
lossesteam - records - easternIntegerNumber of losses vs. Eastern Conference opponents
win_pctteam - records - easternDecimalWinning percentage vs. Eastern Conference opponents
winsteam - records - easternIntegerNumber of wins vs. Eastern Conference opponents
lossesteam - records - equal_reboundsIntegerNumber of losses in games with equal rebounds
win_pctteam - records - equal_reboundsDecimalWinning percentage in games with equal rebounds
winsteam - records - equal_reboundsIntegerNumber of wins in games with equal rebounds
lossesteam - records - equal_turnoversIntegerNumber of losses in games with equal turnovers
win_pctteam - records - equal_turnoversDecimalWinning percentage in games with equal turnovers
winsteam - records - equal_turnoversIntegerNumber of wins in games with equal turnovers
lossesteam - records - fewer_turnoversIntegerNumber of losses in games with fewer turnovers
win_pctteam - records - fewer_turnoversDecimalWinning percentage in games with fewer turnovers
winsteam - records - fewer_turnoversIntegerNumber of wins in games with fewer turnovers
lossesteam - records - homeIntegerNumber of losses in home games
win_pctteam - records - homeDecimalWinning percentage in home games
winsteam - records - homeIntegerNumber of wins in home games
lossesteam - records - last_10IntegerNumber of losses in the last ten games
win_pctteam - records - last_10DecimalWinning percentage in the last ten games
winsteam - records - last_10IntegerNumber of wins in the last ten games
lossesteam - records - last_10_homeIntegerNumber of losses in the last ten home games
win_pctteam - records - last_10_homeDecimalWinning percentage in the last ten home games
winsteam - records - last_10_homeIntegerNumber of wins in the last ten home games
lossesteam - records - last_10_roadIntegerNumber of losses in the last ten away games
win_pctteam - records - last_10_roadDecimalWinning percentage in the last ten away games
winsteam - records - last_10_roadIntegerNumber of wins in the last ten away games
lossesteam - records - leads_field_goal_pctIntegerNumber of losses in games with a higher field goal percentage than the opponent
win_pctteam - records - leads_field_goal_pctDecimalWinning percentage in games with a higher field goal percentage than the opponent
winsteam - records - leads_field_goal_pctIntegerNumber of wins in games with a higher field goal percentage than the opponent
lossesteam - records - leads_reboundsIntegerNumber of losses in games with more rebounds than the opponent
win_pctteam - records - leads_reboundsDecimalWinning percentage in games with more rebounds than the opponent
winsteam - records - leads_reboundsIntegerNumber of wins in games with more rebounds than the opponent
lossesteam - records - midwest-dlIntegerNumber of losses vs. Midwest Division opponents
win_pctteam - records - midwest-dlDecimalWinning percentage vs. Midwest Division opponents
winsteam - records - midwest-dlIntegerNumber of wins vs. Central Midwest opponents
lossesteam - records - opponent_fewer_turnoversIntegerNumber of losses when the opponent had fewer turnovers
win_pctteam - records - opponent_fewer_turnoversDecimalWinning percentage when the opponent had fewer turnovers
winsteam - records - opponent_fewer_turnoversIntegerNumber of wins when the opponent had fewer turnovers
lossesteam - records - opponent_leads_field_goal_pctIntegerNumber of losses when the opponent had a higher field goal percentage
win_pctteam - records - opponent_leads_field_goal_pctDecimalWin percentage when opponent had a higher field goal percentage
winsteam - records - opponent_leads_field_goal_pctIntegerNumber of wins when the opponent had a higher field goal percentage
lossesteam - records - opponent_leads_reboundsIntegerNumber of losses when the opponent had a higher field goal percentage
win_pctteam - records - opponent_leads_reboundsDecimalWin percentage when the opponent had more rebounds
winsteam - records - opponent_leads_reboundsIntegerNumber of wins when the opponent had more rebounds
lossesteam - records - opponent_scores_100_or_moreIntegerNumber of losses in games when an opponent scores 100 or more points
win_pctteam - records - opponent_scores_100_or_moreDecimalWinning percentage in games when an opponent scores 100 or more points
winsteam - records - opponent_scores_100_or_moreIntegerNumber of wins in games when an opponent scores 100 or more points
lossesteam - records - over_500IntegerNumber of losses vs. teams above a .500 winning percentage
win_pctteam - records - over_500DecimalWinning percentage vs. teams above a .500 winning percentage
winsteam - records - over_500IntegerNumber of wins vs. teams above a .500 winning percentage
lossesteam - records - overtimeIntegerNumber of losses in overtime games
win_pctteam - records - overtimeDecimalWinning percentage in overtime games
winsteam - records - overtimeIntegerNumber of wins in overtime games
lossesteam - records - pacific-dlIntegerNumber of losses vs. Pacific Division opponents
win_pctteam - records - pacific-dlDecimalWinning percentage vs. Pacific Division opponents
winsteam - records - pacific-dlIntegerNumber of wins vs. Pacific Division opponents
lossesteam - records - roadIntegerNumber of losses in away games
win_pctteam - records - roadDecimalWinning percentage in away games
winsteam - records - roadIntegerNumber of wins in away games
lossesteam - records - scores_100_or_moreIntegerNumber of losses when scoring 100 or more points
win_pctteam - records - scores_100_or_moreDecimalWinning percentage when scoring 100 or more points
winsteam - records - scores_100_or_moreIntegerNumber of wins when scoring 100 or more points
lossesteam - records - southeast-dlIntegerNumber of losses vs. Southeast Division opponents
win_pctteam - records - southeast-dlDecimalWinning percentage vs. Southeast Division opponents
winsteam - records - southeast-dlIntegerNumber of wins vs. Southeast Division opponents
lossesteam - records - southwest-dlIntegerNumber of losses vs. Southwest Division opponents
win_pctteam - records - southwest-dlDecimalWinning percentage vs. Southwest Division opponents
winsteam - records - southwest-dlIntegerNumber of wins vs. Southwest Division opponents
lossesteam - records - ten_pointsIntegerNumber of losses in games decided by ten points or less
win_pctteam - records - ten_pointsDecimalWinning percentage in games decided by ten points or less
winsteam - records - ten_pointsIntegerNumber of wins in games decided by ten points or less
lossesteam - records - three_pointsIntegerNumber of losses in games decided by three points or less
win_pctteam - records - three_pointsDecimalWinning percentage in games decided by three points or less
winsteam - records - three_pointsIntegerNumber of wins in games decided by three points or less
lossesteam - records - westernIntegerNumber of losses vs. Western Conference opponents
win_pctteam - records - westernDecimalWinning percentage vs. Western Conference opponents
winsteam - records - westernIntegerNumber of wins vs. Western Conference opponents
Standings - Rankings:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
conferenceteam - games-behindIntegerGames behind the conference leader
divisionteam - games-behindIntegerGames behind the division leader
leagueteam - games-behindIntegerGames behind the league leader
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 67a79348-041a-45f6-bb12-722d38dc8dbf
marketteamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Delaware
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Blue Coats
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