NBA Schedule Date, time, location, and other event details for every match-up taking place in the full league season.
Update Frequency
TTL / Cache: 10 Seconds
Data Updates: As Necessary
Data Points
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
alias | away | String | Abbreviation of the away team ex. MEM (Memphis) |
id | away | GUID | Unique ID of the away team ex. 583eca88-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c |
away_team | game | GUID | Unique ID of the away team ex. 583eca88-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c |
name | away | String | Team name of the away team ex. Memphis Grizzlies |
away_points | game | Integer | Number of points for the away team |
reference | away | String | League reference ID of the away team ex. 1610612750 |
seed | away | Integer | Seed number for the away team |
sr_id | away | GUID | Unique Sportradar ID of the away team ex. sr:team:3415 |
channel | broadcast | String | Name of a game's broadcast channel ex. 649 |
locale | broadcast | String | Signifies the locale of a broadcast ex. Home , Away , National |
network | broadcast | String | Name of a game's broadcast network ex. ESPN |
type | broadcast | String | Type of broadcast ex. TV |
coverage | game | String | Coverage level of a gamefull , extended_boxscore |
id | game | GUID | Unique ID of a game ex. 1f730a9a-8221-48ff-a259-ac2103fb58b0 |
inseason_tournament | game | Boolean | Signifies a game is part of the In-Season Tournament |
reference | game | String | League reference ID of a game ex. 1610612758 |
sr_id | game | GUID | Unique Sportradar ID of a game ex. sr:match:35431817 |
status | game | String | The status of a gamescheduled , created , inprogress , halftime , complete , closed , cancelled , delayed , postponed , time-tbd , if-necessary , unnecessary Please see our FAQ section for a list of game status definitions |
title | game | String | Title of a game ex. Game 3 |
alias | home | String | Abbreviation of the home team ex. GSW (Golden State) |
id | home | GUID | Unique ID of the home team ex. 583ec825-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c |
home_team | game | GUID | Unique ID of the home team ex. 583ec825-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c |
name | home | String | Team name of the home team ex. Golden State Warriors |
home_points | game | Integer | Number of points for the home team |
reference | home | String | League reference ID of the home team ex. 1610612750 |
seed | home | Integer | Seed number for the home team |
sr_id | home | GUID | Unique Sportradar ID of the home team ex. sr:team:3428 |
neutral_site | game | Boolean | Signifies a game played at a neutral venue |
scheduled | game | dateTime | Scheduled date and time of a game ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00 |
away | game - time_zones | String | Time zone of the away team ex. US/Pacific |
home | game - time_zones | String | Time zone of the home team ex. US/Eastern |
venue | game - time_zones | String | Time zone of the venue ex. US/Eastern |
track_on_court | game | Boolean | Signifies a game with tracking of players on the court. When true, we provide a lineupchange event type, on_court player for Play-by-Play events, and an on_court indicator in Game Summary |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
alias | league | String | Alias of a league ex. NBA |
id | league | GUID | Unique ID of a league ex. 4353138d-4c22-4396-95d8-5f587d2df25c |
name | league | String | Name of a league ex. NBA |
id | season-schedule | GUID | Unique season ID ex. 583eca2f-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c |
type | season-schedule | String | Type of the seasonPRE , REG , PIT , PST |
year | season-schedule | Integer | Year of the season |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
address | venue | String | Address of a venue ex. 500 David J. Stern Walkway |
capacity | venue | String | Capacity of a venue ex. 17608 |
city | venue | String | City of a venue ex. Sacramento |
country | venue | String | Country of a venue ex. USA |
id | venue | GUID | Unique ID of a venue ex. 2e687b9a-c7a7-487c-85b4-43479abc8458 |
lat | venue - location | Decimal | Latitude of a venue ex. 29.684735 |
lng | venue - location | Decimal | Longitude of a venue ex. -95.410725 |
name | venue | String | Name of a venue ex. Golden 1 Center |
sr_id | venue | GUID | Unique Sportradar ID of a venue ex. sr:venue:6942 |
state | venue | String | State or province of a venue ex. CA |
zip | venue | Integer | ZIP code of a venue ex. 95814 |