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RPI Rankings

NCAAMB RPI Rankings RPI information including rating, strength of schedule, ranking, and records based on the Sportradar’s RPI calculations.


Update Frequency

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Data Updates: RPI Rankings are updated overnight around 11 AM UTC.

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseasonGUIDUnique ID of a season
ex. 415ae0cb-38dd-4ace-8f22-fb6015b39006
typeseasonStringType of a season
REG (Regular Season)
yearseasonIntegerYear of a season
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
awpteamDecimalAdjusted winning percentage (metric which provides weighted outcomes for wins/losses at home/neutral/road games)
ex. 0.7974
away_lossesteamIntegerNumber of losses on the road
away_winsteamIntegerNumber of wins on the road
home_lossesteamIntegerNumber of losses at home
home_winsteamIntegerNumber of wins at home
neut_lossesteamIntegerNumber of losses at neutral sites
neut_winsteamIntegerNumber of wins at neutral sites
opp_lossesteamIntegerNumber of total losses for opponents
opp_winsteamIntegerNumber of total wins for opponents
owpteamDecimalOpponents' winning percentage
ex. 0.5712
oowpteamDecimalOpponents' opponents' winning percentage (average of each Opponent's OWP)
ex. 0.5294
lossesteamIntegerNumber of overall team losses
winsteamIntegerNumber of overall team wins
prev_rankteamIntegerTeam rank for the previous week
rankteamIntegerCurrent RPI rank for a team
rpiteamDecimalCurrent RPI rating
ex. 0.6173
sosteamDecimalStrength of schedule
ex. 0.5572
Rankings by Opponent:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
rankteam - opponentIntegerRanking range of opponents
1-25, 26-50, 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151+
lossesteam - opponentIntegerNumber of losses versus an opponent in a ranking range
winsteam - opponentIntegerNumber of wins versus an opponent in a ranking range
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 24051034-96bb-4f78-a3a6-312f3258780f
marketteamStringSchool name of a team
ex. Pittsburgh
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Panthers
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