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Game Summary

NCAAMB Game Summary Top-level boxscore information along with detailed game stats at the team and player levels.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.

Data Updates: Realtime

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idgame - seasonGUIDUnique season ID
ex. 415ae0cb-38dd-4ace-8f22-fb6015b39006
namegame - seasonStringName of the season
ex. Post-season
typegame - seasonStringType of the season
yeargame - seasonIntegerYear of the season
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attendancegameIntegerAttendance of a game
ex. 19079
lead_changesgameIntegerNumber of lead changes in a game
possession_arrowgameGUIDUnique ID of the team with the current possession arrow (available for full coverage games only)
ex. c2104cdc-c83d-40d2-a3cd-df986e29f5d3
times_tiedgameIntegerNumber of times tied in a game
bonusteamBooleanSignifies a team is in the bonus (available for full coverage games only)
double_bonusteamBooleanSignifies a team is in the double bonus (available for full coverage games only)
pointsteamIntegerTotal points for a team
aliasteamStringAbbreviation of a team
ex. IOWA
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. c10544de-e3bd-4776-ba2e-83df8c017fd1
marketteamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Iowa
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Hawkeyes
rankteamIntegerTeam rank in the AP Top 25. Value represents the team's rank at the time the game was moved to created status.
remaining_timeoutsteamIntegerRemaining timeouts for a team
pointsteam - scoring - halfIntegerTeam points in a half/period
numberteam - scoring - halfIntegerHalf/period number
sequenceteam - scoring - halfIntegerHalf/period sequence number
pointsteam - scoring - overtimeIntegerTeam points in overtime
numberteam - scoring - overtimeIntegerOvertime number
sequenceteam - scoring - overtimeIntegerPeriod sequence number (The first overtime sequence would be 3)
hometeamBooleanSignifies the home team when true
Starters & Activity:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
activeplayerBooleanSignifies a player is on the active roster
ejectedplayerBooleanSignifies a player is ejected from a game
fouled_outplayerBooleanSignifies a player is fouled out of a game
on_courtplayerBooleanSignifies a player is currently on the court
playedplayerBooleanSignifies a player played in a game
starterplayerBooleanSignifies a player started a game
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. a41d5a05-4c11-4171-a57e-e7a1ea325a6d
home_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. c10544de-e3bd-4776-ba2e-83df8c017fd1
conference_gamegameStringSignifies an in-Conference matchup
ex. (SEC vs. SEC)
coveragegameStringCoverage level of a game
full, extended_boxscore
clockgameStringClock value of the game
ex. 12:37
clock_decimalgameStringClock value in decimal form when the game clock is under 1:00. Otherwise it displays the same value as clock
ex. 00:21.70
durationgameStringDuration of a game
ex. 2:26
entry_modegameStringType of data entry for the game
LDE (Live Data Entry by Sportradar)
halfgameIntegerCurrent half/period of a game
idgameGUIDUnique ID of a game
ex. 759fe00f-6393-41af-9aa3-d0dcb64a5a3e
neutral_sitegameBooleanSignifies a game played at a neutral venue
parent_idgameGUIDStandard parent ID of a game. Use this ID to group events (like conference tournaments) across seasons
ex. f3c4703e-678c-4338-90dd-116fc5e326c9
scheduledgamedateTimeScheduled date and time of a game
ex. 2024-02-14T05:00:00Z
statusgameStringThe status of a game
scheduled, created, inprogress, halftime, complete, closed, cancelled, delayed, postponed, time-tbd, if-necessary, unnecessary

Please see our FAQ section for a list of game status definitions
titlegameStringGame title
ex. Patriot League - Quarterfinal 3
track_on_courtgameBooleanSignifies a game with live tracking of players on the court when true

When true, we provide a lineupchange event type and an on_court element for events in the Game Play-by-Play endpoint, and an on_court indicator for each player in the Game Summary endpoint.

Click here for more information on in-game player substitutions
awaygame - time_zonesStringTime zone of the away team
ex. US/Pacific
homegame - time_zonesStringTime zone of the home team
ex. US/Eastern
venuegame - time_zonesStringTime zone of the venue
ex. US/Eastern
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
channelbroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast channel
ex. 208
localebroadcastStringSignifies the locale of a broadcast
ex. Home, Away, National
networkbroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast network
ex. ESPNU or ESPN+
typebroadcastStringType of broadcast
ex. TV or Internet
Player Statistics (Game):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of assists
assists_turnover_ratioplayer - statisticsDecimalAssist to turnover ratio
blocked_attplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of blocked attempts
blocksplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of shots blocked
coach_ejectionsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of coach ejections
coach_tech_foulsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of coach technical fouls
defensive_ratingplayer - statisticsDecimalDefensive Rating
ex. 106.11873436165
defensive_reboundsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of defensive rebounds
defensive_rebounds_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalDefensive rebound percentage
ex. 27.7537372335189
double_doubleplayer - statisticsBooleanSignifies a double-double
effective_fg_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalEffective Field Goal Percentage
(FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA
efficiencyplayer - statisticsDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating
(sPoints + sAssists + sBlocks+sSteals + sFoulsDrawn + sReboundsTotal) - (sTurnovers + sBlocksReceived + sFoulsPersonal + sFoulsTechnical + (sTwoPointersAttempted - sTwoPointersMade) + (sThreePointersAttempted - sThreePointersMade) + (sFreeThrowsAttempted - sFreeThrowsMade))
efficiency_game_scoreplayer - statisticsDecimalPlayer Efficiency Game Score
sPoints + 0.4 sFieldGoalsMade - 0.7 sFieldGoalsAttempted - 0.4 ( sFreeThrowsAttempted - sFreeThrowsMade) + 0.7 sReboundsOffensive + 0.3 sReboundsDefensive + sSteals + 0.7 sAssists + 0.7 sBlocks - 0.4 sFoulsPersonal - sTurnovers
fast_break_attplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of fast break attempts
fast_break_madeplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of fast break baskets
fast_break_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalFast break percentage
ex. 100.0
fast_break_ptsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of fast break points
field_goals_attplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of field goal attempts
field_goals_madeplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of field goals made
field_goals_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 56.5
flagrant_foulsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of flagrant fouls
fouled_outplayer - statisticsBooleanSignifies a fouled out player
fouls_drawnplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of fouls drawn
free_throws_attplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of free throw attempts
free_throws_madeplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of free throws made
free_throws_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalFree throw percentage
ex. 100.0
minusplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of team points against while a player is on the court
minutesplayer - statisticsStringNumber of minutes played
ex. 40:07
offensive_foulsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of offensive fouls
offensive_ratingplayer - statisticsDecimalOffensive Rating
ex. 171.93820667994
offensive_reboundsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of offensive rebounds
offensive_rebounds_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalOffensive rebound percentage
ex. 20.0
personal_foulsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of personal fouls
plusplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of team points scored while a player is on the court
pls_minplayer - statisticsIntegerPlus/Minus (Team scoring while a player is on the court)
ex. -1 or 12
pointsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of points
points_in_paintplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of points in the paint
points_in_paint_attplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of points in the paint attempts
points_in_paint_madeplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of points in the paint baskets
points_in_paint_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalPoints in the paint percentage
ex. 28.6
points_off_turnoversplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of points off turnovers
reboundsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of rebounds
rebounds_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalRebound percentage
ex. 26.7857142857143
second_chance_attplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of second chance attempts
second_chance_madeplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of second chance baskets
second_chance_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalSecond chance percentage
ex. 20.0
second_chance_ptsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of second chance points
stealsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of steals
steals_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalSteal percentage
ex. 1.23425509677491
tech_foulsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of technical fouls
three_points_attplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of 3-point attempts
three_points_madeplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of 3-point baskets
three_points_pctplayer - statisticsDecimal3-point percentage
ex. 100.0
triple_doubleplayer - statisticsBooleanSignifies a triple-double
true_shooting_attplayer - statisticsDecimalNumber of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage
sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
true_shooting_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalTrue Shooting Percentage
100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts )
turnoversplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of turnovers
turnovers_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalTurnover Percentage
ex. 3.88198757763975
two_points_attplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of 2-point attempts
two_points_madeplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of 2-point baskets
two_points_pctplayer - statisticsDecimal2-point percentage
ex. 100.0
Player Statistics by Period (Game):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idplayer - statistics - periods - periodGUIDUnique ID of a period
ex. f93bf438-b392-400f-8d6d-ee20cd281fa1
numberplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerPeriod number
sequenceplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerPeriod sequence number
typeplayer - statistics - periods - periodStringType of a period
assistsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of assists
assists_turnover_ratioplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimalAssist to turnover ratio
blocked_attplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of blocked attempts
blocksplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of shots blocked
defensive_reboundsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of defensive rebounds
effective_fg_pctplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimalEffective Field Goal Percentage
(FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA
efficiencyplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating
efficiency_game_scoreplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimalPlayer Efficiency Game Score
sPoints + 0.4 sFieldGoalsMade - 0.7 sFieldGoalsAttempted - 0.4 ( sFreeThrowsAttempted - sFreeThrowsMade) + 0.7 sReboundsOffensive + 0.3 sReboundsDefensive + sSteals + 0.7 sAssists + 0.7 sBlocks - 0.4 sFoulsPersonal - sTurnovers
field_goals_attplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of field goal attempts
field_goals_madeplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of field goals made
field_goals_pctplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 56.5
flagrant_foulsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of flagrant fouls
fouls_drawnplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of fouls drawn
free_throws_attplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of free throw attempts
free_throws_madeplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of free throws made
free_throws_pctplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimalFree throw percentage
ex. 100.0
minutesplayer - statistics - periods - periodStringNumber of minutes played
ex. 40:07
offensive_foulsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of offensive fouls
offensive_reboundsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of offensive rebounds
personal_foulsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of personal fouls
pls_minplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerPlus/Minus (Team scoring while a player is on the court)
ex. -1 or 12
pointsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points
points_in_paintplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points in the paint
points_in_paint_attplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points in the paint attempts
points_in_paint_madeplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points in the paint baskets
points_in_paint_pctplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimalPoints in the paint percentage
ex. 28.6
points_off_turnoversplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points off turnovers
reboundsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of rebounds
second_chance_ptsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of second chance points
stealsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of steals
tech_foulsplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of technical fouls
three_points_attplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of 3-point attempts
three_points_madeplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of 3-point baskets
three_points_pctplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimal3-point percentage
ex. 100.0
true_shooting_attplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimalNumber of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage
sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
true_shooting_pctplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimalTrue Shooting Percentage
100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts )
turnoversplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of turnovers
two_points_attplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of 2-point attempts
two_points_madeplayer - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of 2-point baskets
two_points_pctplayer - statistics - periods - periodDecimal2-point percentage
ex. 100.0
Team Statistics (Game):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assiststeam - statisticsIntegerNumber of assists
assists_turnover_ratioteam - statisticsDecimalAssist to turnover ratio
bench_pointsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of bench points
biggest_leadteam - statisticsIntegerLargest lead in points for a team
blocked_attteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of blocked attempts
blocksteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of shots blocked
coach_tech_foulsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of coach technical fouls
defensive_reboundsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of defensive rebounds
effective_fg_pctteam - statisticsDecimalEffective Field Goal Percentage
(FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA
efficiencyteam - statisticsDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating
efficiency_game_scoreteam - statisticsDecimalPlayer Efficiency Game Score
sPoints + 0.4 sFieldGoalsMade - 0.7 sFieldGoalsAttempted - 0.4 ( sFreeThrowsAttempted - sFreeThrowsMade) + 0.7 sReboundsOffensive + 0.3 sReboundsDefensive + sSteals + 0.7 sAssists + 0.7 sBlocks - 0.4 sFoulsPersonal - sTurnovers
ejectionsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of ejections
fast_break_ptsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of fast break points
field_goals_attteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of field goal attempts
field_goals_madeteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of field goals made
field_goals_pctteam - statisticsDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 56.5
field_goals_at_midrange_attteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of mid-range field goal attempts
field_goals_at_midrange_madeteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of mid-range field goals made
field_goals_at_midrange_pctteam - statisticsDecimalMid-range field goal percentage
ex. 56.5
field_goals_at_rim_attteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of field goal attempts at the rim
field_goals_at_rim_madeteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of field goals made at the rim
field_goals_at_rim_pctteam - statisticsDecimalAt the rim field goal percentage
ex. 56.5
flagrant_foulsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of flagrant fouls
fouloutsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of fouled out players
fouls_drawnteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of fouls drawn
free_throws_attteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of free throw attempts
free_throws_madeteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of free throws made
free_throws_pctteam - statisticsDecimalFree throw percentage
ex. 100.0
minutesteam - statisticsStringNumber of minutes played
ex. 4:25:00
opp_scoreteam - statistics - most_unansweredIntegerOpponents score when a team's largest scoring run was attained
own_scoreteam - statistics - most_unansweredIntegerTeam's score when its largest score run was attained
pointsteam - statistics - most_unansweredIntegerLongest streak of unanswered points
offensive_foulsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of offensive fouls
offensive_reboundsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of offensive rebounds
personal_foulsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of personal fouls
personal_reboundsteam - statisticsIntegerTotal number of rebounds attributed to players
Note: this appears under rebounds in previous API versions
player_tech_foulsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of player technical fouls
player_turnoversteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of turnovers attributed to players
Note: this appears under turnovers in previous API versions
pls_minteam - statisticsIntegerPlus/Minus
pointsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of points
points_againstteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of points against
points_in_paintteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of points in the paint
points_in_paint_attteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of points in the paint attempts
points_in_paint_madeteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of points in the paint baskets
points_in_paint_pctteam - statisticsDecimalPoints in the paint percentage
ex. 28.6
points_off_turnoversteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of points off turnovers
second_chance_ptsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of second chance points
stealsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of steals
team_defensive_reboundsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of team defensive rebounds
team_offensive_reboundsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of team offensive rebounds
team_reboundsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of team rebounds
team_tech_foulsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of team technical fouls
team_turnoversteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of team turnovers
three_points_attteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of 3-point attempts
three_points_madeteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of 3-point baskets
three_points_pctteam - statisticsDecimal3-point percentage
ex. 80.0
total_foulsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of total fouls (team fouls + personal_fouls). Team fouls include any team-related foul, such as a coach ejection, coach technical foul, or bench technical foul.
total_reboundsteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of total rebounds (team rebounds + player rebounds)
total_turnoversteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of total team turnovers (player_turnovers + team_turnovers)
true_shooting_attteam - statisticsDecimalNumber of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage
sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
true_shooting_pctteam - statisticsDecimalTrue Shooting Percentage
100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts )
two_points_attteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of 2-point attempts
two_points_madeteam - statisticsIntegerNumber of 2-point baskets
two_points_pctteam - statisticsDecimal2-point percentage
ex. 100.0
Team Statistics by Period (Game):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idteam - statistics - periods - periodGUIDUnique ID of a period
ex. ad21bd6e-1d49-4579-b526-2da03d71a1e6
numberteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerPeriod number
sequenceteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerPeriod sequence number
typeteam - statistics - periods - periodStringType of a period
assiststeam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of assists
assists_turnover_ratioteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimalAssist to turnover ratio
bench_pointsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of bench points
biggest_leadteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerLargest lead in points for a team
blocked_attteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of blocked attempts
blocksteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of shots blocked
coach_tech_foulsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of coach technical fouls
defensive_reboundsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of defensive rebounds
effective_fg_pctteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimalEffective Field Goal Percentage
(FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA
efficiencyteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating
efficiency_game_scoreteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimalPlayer Efficiency Game Score
sPoints + 0.4 sFieldGoalsMade - 0.7 sFieldGoalsAttempted - 0.4 ( sFreeThrowsAttempted - sFreeThrowsMade) + 0.7 sReboundsOffensive + 0.3 sReboundsDefensive + sSteals + 0.7 sAssists + 0.7 sBlocks - 0.4 sFoulsPersonal - sTurnovers
field_goals_attteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of field goal attempts
field_goals_madeteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of field goals made
field_goals_pctteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 56.5
flagrant_foulsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of flagrant fouls
fouls_drawnteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of fouls drawn
free_throws_attteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of free throw attempts
free_throws_madeteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of free throws made
free_throws_pctteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimalFree throw percentage
ex. 100.0
minutesteam - statistics - periods - periodStringNumber of minutes played
ex. 4:25:00
offensive_foulsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of offensive fouls
offensive_reboundsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of offensive rebounds
personal_foulsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of personal fouls
player_tech_foulsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of player technical fouls
pls_minteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerPlus/Minus
pointsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points
points_againstteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points against
points_in_paintteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points in the paint
points_in_paint_attteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points in the paint attempts
points_in_paint_madeteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points in the paint baskets
points_in_paint_pctteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimalPoints in the paint percentage
ex. 28.6
points_off_turnoversteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of points off turnovers
reboundsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of rebounds
second_chance_ptsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of second chance points
stealsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of steals
team_reboundsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of team rebounds
team_tech_foulsteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of team technical fouls
team_turnoversteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of team turnovers
three_points_attteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of 3-point attempts
three_points_madeteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of 3-point baskets
three_points_pctteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimal3-point percentage
ex. 80.0
total_turnoversteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of total team turnovers (player_turnovers + team_turnovers)
true_shooting_attteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimalNumber of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage
sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
true_shooting_pctteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimalTrue Shooting Percentage
100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts )
turnoversteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of turnovers
two_points_attteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of 2-point attempts
two_points_madeteam - statistics - periods - periodIntegerNumber of 2-point baskets
two_points_pctteam - statistics - periods - periodDecimal2-point percentage
ex. 100.0
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameplayerStringFirst name of a player
ex. Kris
full_nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Kris Murray
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 0f46d12f-8a60-442f-8c8e-4c350aed6502
jersey_numberplayerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
last_nameplayerStringLast name of a player
ex. Murray
positionplayerStringPosition of a player
NA, C, C-F, F, F-C, F-G, G, G-F
primary_positionplayerStringPrimary position of a player
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasteamStringAbbreviation of a team
ex. IOWA
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. c10544de-e3bd-4776-ba2e-83df8c017fd1
marketteamStringSchool name of a team
ex. Iowa
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Hawkeyes
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_namecoachStringFirst name of a coach
ex. Dan
full_namecoachStringFull name of a coach
ex. Dan Hurley
idcoachGUIDUnique ID of a coach
ex. 1d0f4b4c-e651-43bd-abbf-24e13e762af8
last_namecoachStringLast name of a coach
ex. Hurley
positioncoachStringPosition of a coach
ex. Head Coach
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 1 Elliot Drive
capacityvenueStringCapacity of a venue
ex. 15500
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Iowa City
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. 04c2567a-3a02-462b-b06b-5a4216dd30af
latvenue - locationDecimalLatitude of a venue
ex. 41.663611
lngvenue - locationDecimalLongitude of a venue
ex. -91.554444
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Carver-Hawkeye Arena
statevenueStringState or province of a venue
ex. IA
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 95814
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