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League Leaders

NCAAWB League Leaders Provides NCAA leader information for various offensive and defensive categories including full player seasonal statistics for each player in each category.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: 120 seconds

Data Updates: As Necessary

Data Points

Leader Categories and Rankings:

This feed provides total season leaders and per game leaders for a given Conference.

Total Season Categories: Minutes, Points, Assists, Turnovers, Steals, Blocks, Offensive Rebounds, Rebounds, Personal Fouls, Field Goal Percentage, 2-Point Percentage, 3-Point Percentage, Free Throw Percentage

Per Game Categories: Minutes, Points, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, Turnovers, Personal Fouls

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasleadersStringAlias of a leader grouping
ex. BIG10
idleadersGUIDUnique ID of a leader grouping
ex. 99eadefa-6b4d-43f1-a176-76cbd034bfdb
nameleadersStringName of a leader grouping
ex. Big Ten
typeleadersStringType of a leader grouping
ex. conference
namecategoryStringName of a leader category
ex. minutes
typecategoryStringType of a leader category. Categories will be separated into total season leaders and per game leaders. For example, Total Points Leaders and Points Per Game Leaders
total, average
rankrankIntegerPlayer rank for a statistic (1-25)
scorerankDecimalPlayer's total for a statistic
ex. 309.0 under category name of minutes and category type of total equals 309 total minutes played
tiedrankBooleanSignifies a player is tied in the rankings for a statistic
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseasonGUIDUnique ID of a season
ex. 99709e03-9678-4ded-b848-3406ff731687
typeseasonStringType of a season
REG (Regular Season),CT (Conference Tournament),PST (Postseason)
yearseasonIntegerYear of a season
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameplayerStringFirst name of a player
ex. Caitlin
full_nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Caitlin Clark
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. d8f2f455-ee4e-4061-8d1d-bd04131bd9a4
jersey_numberplayerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
last_nameplayerStringLast name of a player
ex. Clark
positionplayerStringPosition of a player
NA, C, C-F, F, F-C, F-G, G, G-F
primary_positionplayerStringPrimary position of a player
Player Statistics (Season):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of assists
assistsstatistics - averageDecimalAssists per game
assists_turnover_ratiostatistics - totalDecimalAssist to turnover ratio
blocked_attstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of blocked attempts
blocked_attstatistics - averageDecimalBlocked attempts per game
blocksstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of shots blocked
blocksstatistics - averageIntegerShots blocked per game
defensive_reboundsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of defensive rebounds
def_reboundsstatistics - averageDecimalDefensive rebounds per game
efficiencystatistics - totalDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating
(sPoints + sAssists + sBlocks+sSteals + sFoulsDrawn + sReboundsTotal) - (sTurnovers + sBlocksReceived + sFoulsPersonal + sFoulsTechnical + (sTwoPointersAttempted - sTwoPointersMade) + (sThreePointersAttempted - sThreePointersMade) + (sFreeThrowsAttempted - sFreeThrowsMade))
efficiencystatistics - averageDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating per game
ejectionsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of ejections
field_goals_attstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of field goal attempts
field_goals_attstatistics - averageDecimalField goal attempts per game
field_goals_madestatistics - totalIntegerNumber of field goals made
field_goals_madestatistics - averageDecimalField goals made per game
field_goals_pctstatistics - totalDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 56.5
flagrant_foulsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of flagrant fouls
flagrant_foulsstatistics - averageDecimalFlagrant fouls per game
fouloutsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of foul outs
free_throws_attstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of free throw attempts
free_throws_attstatistics - averageDecimalFree throw attempts per game
free_throws_madestatistics - totalIntegerNumber of free throws made
free_throws_madestatistics - averageDecimalFree throws made per game
free_throws_pctstatistics - totalDecimalFree throw percentage
ex. 100.0
games_playedstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of games played
games_startedstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of games started
minusstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of team points against while a player is on the court
minutesstatistics - totalStringNumber of minutes played
ex. 40:07
minutesstatistics - averageDecimalMinutes played per game
offensive_reboundsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of offensive rebounds
off_reboundsstatistics - averageDecimalOffensive rebounds per game
personal_foulsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of personal fouls
personal_foulsstatistics - averageDecimalPersonal fouls per game
pointsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of points
pointsstatistics - averageDecimalPoints per game
reboundsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of rebounds
reboundsstatistics - averageDecimalRebounds per game
stealsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of steals
stealsstatistics - averageDecimalSteals per game
tech_foulsstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of technical fouls
three_points_attstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of 3-point attempts
three_points_attstatistics - averageDecimal3-point attempts per game
three_points_madestatistics - totalIntegerNumber of 3-point baskets
three_points_madestatistics - averageDecimal3-point baskets per game
three_points_pctstatistics - totalDecimal3-point percentage
ex. 100.0
true_shooting_attstatistics - totalDecimalNumber of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage
sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
true_shooting_attstatistics - averageDecimalNumber of attempts per game used to determine true shooting percentage
true_shooting_pctstatistics - totalDecimalTrue Shooting Percentage
100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts )
turnoversstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of turnovers
turnoversstatistics - averageDecimalTurnovers per game
two_points_attstatistics - totalIntegerNumber of 2-point attempts
two_points_attstatistics - averageDecimal2-point attempts per game
two_points_madestatistics - totalIntegerNumber of 2-point baskets
two_points_madestatistics - averageDecimal2-point baskets per game
two_points_pctstatistics - totalDecimal2-point percentage
ex. 100.0
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 7269c5c7-6614-41d8-9415-7ca3243f6612
marketteamStringSchool name of a team
ex. Iowa
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Hawkeyes
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