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Seasonal Statistics

NBA G League Seasonal Statistics Provides complete team and player seasonal statistics for a given season and season type.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: 120 seconds

Data Updates: As Necessary

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseasonGUIDUnique season ID
ex. 2a29bf58-7069-4ca4-8933-0347544e243d
typeseasonStringType of the season
PRE (Preseason), REG (Regular Season), PST (Postseason), SC (Showcase Cup), EX (Exhibition)
yearseasonIntegerYear of the season
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameplayerStringFirst name of a player
ex. Anthony
full_nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Anthony Tarke
idplayerGUIDUnique player ID
ex. 89c7cd33-6143-48dd-82c4-ccbfed25ddaa
jersey_numberplayerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
last_nameplayerStringLast name of a player
ex. Tarke
positionplayerStringPosition of a player
NA, C, C-F, F, F-C, F-G, G, G-F
primary_positionplayerStringPrimary position of a player
Player Statistics (Season):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of assists
assistsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalAssists per game
assists_turnover_ratioplayer_records - player - totalDecimalAssist to turnover ratio
blocked_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of blocked attempts
blocked_attplayer_records - player - averageDecimalBlocked attempts per game
blocksplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of shots blocked
blocksplayer_records - player - averageIntegerShots blocked per game
coach_ejectionsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of coach ejections
coach_tech_foulsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of coach technical fouls
defensive_reboundsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of defensive rebounds
def_reboundsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalDefensive rebounds per game
double_doublesplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of double-doubles
effective_fg_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalEffective Field Goal Percentage
(FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA
efficiencyplayer_records - player - totalDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating
(sPoints + sAssists + sBlocks+sSteals + sFoulsDrawn + sReboundsTotal) - (sTurnovers + sBlocksReceived + sFoulsPersonal + sFoulsTechnical + (sTwoPointersAttempted - sTwoPointersMade) + (sThreePointersAttempted - sThreePointersMade) + (sFreeThrowsAttempted - sFreeThrowsMade))
efficiencyplayer_records - player - averageDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating per game
ejectionsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of ejections
fast_break_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of fast break attempts
fast_break_attplayer_records - player - averageDecimalFast break attempts per game
fast_break_madeplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of fast break baskets
fast_break_madeplayer_records - player - averageDecimalFast break baskets per game
fast_break_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalFast break percentage
ex. 100.0
fast_break_pctplayer_records - player - averageDecimalFast break percentage per game
ex. 82.0
fast_break_ptsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of fast break points
fast_break_ptsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalFast break points per game
field_goals_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of field goal attempts
field_goals_attplayer_records - player - averageDecimalField goal attempts per game
field_goals_madeplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of field goals made
field_goals_madeplayer_records - player - averageDecimalField goals made per game
field_goals_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 56.5
field_goals_at_midrange_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of mid-range field goal attempts
field_goals_at_midrange_madeplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of mid-range field goals made
field_goals_at_midrange_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalMid-range field goal percentage
ex. 56.5
field_goals_at_rim_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of field goal attempts at the rim
field_goals_at_rim_madeplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of field goals made at the rim
field_goals_at_rim_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalAt the rim field goal percentage
ex. 56.5
flagrant_foulsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of flagrant fouls
flagrant_foulsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalFlagrant fouls per game
fouloutsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of foul outs
fouls_drawnplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of fouls drawn
fouls_drawnplayer_records - player - averageDecimalFouls drawn per game
free_throws_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of free throw attempts
free_throws_attplayer_records - player - averageDecimalFree throw attempts per game
free_throws_madeplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of free throws made
free_throws_madeplayer_records - player - averageDecimalFree throws made per game
free_throws_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalFree throw percentage
ex. 100.0
games_playedplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of games played
games_startedplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of games started
minusplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of team points against while a player is on the court
minutesplayer_records - player - totalStringNumber of minutes played
ex. 40:07
minutesplayer_records - player - averageDecimalMinutes played per game
offensive_foulsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of offensive fouls
offensive_foulsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalOffensive fouls per game
offensive_reboundsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of offensive rebounds
off_reboundsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalOffensive rebounds per game
offensive_rebounds_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalOffensive rebound percentage
ex. 20.0
personal_foulsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of personal fouls
personal_foulsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalPersonal fouls per game
plusplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of team points scored while a player is on the court
pointsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of points
pointsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalPoints per game
points_in_paintplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of points in the paint
points_in_paintplayer_records - player - averageDecimalPoints in the paint per game
points_in_paint_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of points in the paint attempts
points_in_paint_attplayer_records - player - averageDecimalPoints in the paint attempts per game
points_in_paint_madeplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of points in the paint baskets
points_in_paint_madeplayer_records - player - averageDecimalPoints in the paint baskets per game
points_in_paint_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalPoints in the paint percentage
ex. 28.6
points_off_turnoversplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of points off turnovers
points_off_turnoversplayer_records - player - averageDecimalPoints off turnovers per game
reboundsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of rebounds
reboundsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalRebounds per game
second_chance_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of second chance attempts
second_chance_attplayer_records - player - averageDecimalSecond chance attempts per game
second_chance_madeplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of second chance baskets
second_chance_madeplayer_records - player - averageDecimalSecond chance baskets per game
second_chance_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalSecond chance percentage
ex. 20.0
second_chance_ptsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of second chance points
second_chance_ptsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalSecond chance points per game
stealsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of steals
stealsplayer_records - player - averageDecimalSteals per game
tech_foulsplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of total unsportsmanlike technical fouls
tech_fouls_non _unsportsmanlikeplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of non-unsportsmanlike technical fouls
three_points_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of 3-point attempts
three_points_attplayer_records - player - averageDecimal3-point attempts per game
three_points_madeplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of 3-point baskets
three_points_madeplayer_records - player - averageDecimal3-point baskets per game
three_points_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimal3-point percentage
ex. 100.0
triple_doubleplayer_records - player - totalBooleanSignifies a triple-double
true_shooting_attplayer_records - player - totalDecimalNumber of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage
sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
true_shooting_attplayer_records - player - averageDecimalNumber of attempts per game used to determine true shooting percentage
true_shooting_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalTrue Shooting Percentage
100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts )
turnoversplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of turnovers
turnoversplayer_records - player - averageDecimalTurnovers per game
two_points_attplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of 2-point attempts
two_points_attplayer_records - player - averageDecimal2-point attempts per game
two_points_madeplayer_records - player - totalIntegerNumber of 2-point baskets
two_points_madeplayer_records - player - averageDecimal2-point baskets per game
two_points_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimal2-point percentage
ex. 100.0
usage_pctplayer_records - player - totalDecimalUsage Percentage: an estimate of the percentage of team plays used by a player while they are on the floor
ex. 27.61
Team Statistics (Season):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assiststeam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of assists
assiststeam_records - overall - averageDecimalAssists per game
assists_turnover_ratioteam_records - overall - totalDecimalAssist to turnover ratio
bench_pointsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of bench points
bench_pointsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalBench points per game
blocked_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of blocked attempts
blocked_attteam_records - overall - averageDecimalBlocked attempts per game
blocksteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of shots blocked
blocksteam_records - overall - averageIntegerShots blocked per game
coach_ejectionsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of coach ejections
coach_tech_foulsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of coach technical fouls
defensive_ratingteam_records - overall - totalDecimalTeam defensive rating. The number of points allowed per 100 possesions by a team
ex. 106.18
defensive_reboundsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of defensive rebounds
def_reboundsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalDefensive rebounds per game
effective_fg_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimalEffective Field Goal Percentage
(FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA
efficiencyteam_records - overall - totalDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating
efficiencyteam_records - overall - averageDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating per game
ejectionsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of ejections
fast_break_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of fast break attempts
fast_break_attteam_records - overall - averageDecimalFast break attempts per game
fast_break_madeteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of fast break baskets
fast_break_madeteam_records - overall - averageDecimalFast break baskets per game
fast_break_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimalFast break percentage
ex. 100.0
fast_break_ptsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of fast break points
fast_break_ptsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalFast break points per game
field_goals_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of field goal attempts
field_goals_attteam_records - overall - averageDecimalField goal attempts per game
field_goals_madeteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of field goals made
field_goals_madeteam_records - overall - averageDecimalField goals made per game
field_goals_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 56.5
field_goals_at_midrange_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of mid-range field goal attempts
field_goals_at_midrange_madeteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of mid-range field goals made
field_goals_at_midrange_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimalMid-range field goal percentage
ex. 56.5
field_goals_at_rim_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of field goal attempts at the rim
field_goals_at_rim_madeteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of field goals made at the rim
field_goals_at_rim_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimalAt the rim field goal percentage
ex. 56.5
flagrant_foulsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of flagrant fouls
flagrant_foulsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalFlagrant fouls per game
fouloutsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of foul outs
fouls_drawnteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of fouls drawn
fouls_drawnteam_records - overall - averageDecimalFouls drawn per game
free_throws_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of free throw attempts
free_throws_attteam_records - overall - averageDecimalFree throw attempts per game
free_throws_madeteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of free throws made
free_throws_madeteam_records - overall - averageDecimalFree throws made per game
free_throws_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimalFree throw percentage
ex. 100.0
games_playedteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of games played
minutesteam_records - overall - totalStringNumber of minutes played
ex. 40:07
minutesteam_records - overall - averageDecimalMinutes played per game
net_ratingteam_records - overall - totalDecimalTeam net rating. Net value for a team's offensive and defensive ratings
ex. 6.88
offensive_foulsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of offensive fouls
offensive_foulsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalOffensive fouls per game
offensive_ratingteam_records - overall - totalDecimalTeam offensive rating. The number of points scored per 100 possesions by a team
ex. 113.06
offensive_reboundsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of offensive rebounds
off_reboundsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalOffensive rebounds per game
opponent_possessionsteam_records - overall - totalDecimalEstimate on a team's opponent possessions based on both the team's statistics and their opponent's statistics.
personal_foulsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of personal fouls
personal_foulsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalPersonal fouls per game
pointsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of points
pointsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalPoints per game
points_againstteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of points against
points_in_paintteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of points in the paint
points_in_paintteam_records - overall - averageDecimalPoints in the paint per game
points_in_paint_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of points in the paint attempts
points_in_paint_attteam_records - overall - averageDecimalPoints in the paint attempts per game
points_in_paint_madeteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of points in the paint baskets
points_in_paint_madeteam_records - overall - averageDecimalPoints in the paint baskets per game
points_in_paint_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimalPoints in the paint percentage
ex. 28.6
points_off_turnoversteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of points off turnovers
points_off_turnoversteam_records - overall - averageDecimalPoints off turnovers per game
possessionsteam_records - overall - totalDecimalEstimate on team possessions based on both the team's statistics and their opponent's statistics.
reboundsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of rebounds
reboundsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalRebounds per game
second_chance_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of second chance attempts
second_chance_attteam_records - overall - averageDecimalSecond chance attempts per game
second_chance_madeteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of second chance baskets
second_chance_madeteam_records - overall - averageDecimalSecond chance baskets per game
second_chance_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimalSecond chance percentage
ex. 20.0
second_chance_ptsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of second chance points
second_chance_ptsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalSecond chance points per game
stealsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of steals
stealsteam_records - overall - averageDecimalSteals per game
tech_foulsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of technical fouls
technical_otherteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of other technical fouls
This stat is no longer in use but may be present for past games
team_defensive_reboundsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of team defensive rebounds
team_foulsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of team fouls
team_offensive_reboundsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of team offensive rebounds
team_reboundsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of team rebounds
team_tech_foulsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of team technical fouls
team_turnoversteam_records - overall - totalIntegerSum of team turnovers
three_points_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of 3-point attempts
three_points_attteam_records - overall - averageDecimal3-point attempts per game
three_points_madeteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of 3-point baskets
three_points_madeteam_records - overall - averageDecimal3-point baskets per game
three_points_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimal3-point percentage
ex. 100.0
total_foulsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of total fouls (team fouls + personal fouls)
total_reboundsteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of total rebounds (team rebounds + player rebounds)
total_turnoversteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of total team turnovers (player_turnovers + team_turnovers)
true_shooting_attteam_records - overall - totalDecimalNumber of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage
sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
true_shooting_attteam_records - overall - averageDecimalNumber of attempts per game used to determine true shooting percentage
true_shooting_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimalTrue Shooting Percentage
100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts )
turnoversteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of turnovers
turnoversteam_records - overall - averageDecimalTurnovers per game
two_points_attteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of 2-point attempts
two_points_attteam_records - overall - averageDecimal2-point attempts per game
two_points_madeteam_records - overall - totalIntegerNumber of 2-point baskets
two_points_madeteam_records - overall - averageDecimal2-point baskets per game
two_points_pctteam_records - overall - totalDecimal2-point percentage
ex. 100.0
Team Opponent Statistics (Season):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assiststeam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of assists
assiststeam_records - opponents - averageDecimalAssists per game
assists_turnover_ratioteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalAssist to turnover ratio
bench_pointsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of bench points
bench_pointsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalBench points per game
blocked_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of blocked attempts
blocked_attteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalBlocked attempts per game
blocksteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of shots blocked
blocksteam_records - opponents - averageIntegerShots blocked per game
coach_ejectionsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of coach ejections
coach_tech_foulsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of coach technical fouls
defensive_ratingteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalTeam defensive rating. The number of points allowed per 100 possesions by a team
ex. 106.18
defensive_reboundsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of defensive rebounds
def_reboundsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalDefensive rebounds per game
effective_fg_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalEffective Field Goal Percentage
(FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA
efficiencyteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating
efficiencyteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalPlayer Efficiency Rating per game
ejectionsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of ejections
fast_break_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of fast break attempts
fast_break_attteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalFast break attempts per game
fast_break_madeteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of fast break baskets
fast_break_madeteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalFast break baskets per game
fast_break_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalFast break percentage
ex. 100.0
fast_break_ptsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of fast break points
fast_break_ptsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalFast break points per game
field_goals_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of field goal attempts
field_goals_attteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalField goal attempts per game
field_goals_madeteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of field goals made
field_goals_madeteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalField goals made per game
field_goals_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 56.5
field_goals_at_midrange_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of mid-range field goal attempts
field_goals_at_midrange_madeteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of mid-range field goals made
field_goals_at_midrange_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalMid-range field goal percentage
ex. 56.5
field_goals_at_rim_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of field goal attempts at the rim
field_goals_at_rim_madeteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of field goals made at the rim
field_goals_at_rim_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalAt the rim field goal percentage
ex. 56.5
flagrant_foulsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of flagrant fouls
flagrant_foulsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalFlagrant fouls per game
fouloutsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of foul outs
fouls_drawnteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of fouls drawn
fouls_drawnteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalFouls drawn per game
free_throws_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of free throw attempts
free_throws_attteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalFree throw attempts per game
free_throws_madeteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of free throws made
free_throws_madeteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalFree throws made per game
free_throws_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalFree throw percentage
ex. 100.0
games_playedteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of games played
minutesteam_records - opponents - totalStringNumber of minutes played
ex. 40:07
minutesteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalMinutes played per game
net_ratingteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalTeam net rating. Net value for a team's offensive and defensive ratings
ex. 6.88
offensive_foulsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of offensive fouls
offensive_foulsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalOffensive fouls per game
offensive_ratingteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalTeam offensive rating. The number of points scored per 100 possesions by a team
ex. 113.06
offensive_reboundsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of offensive rebounds
off_reboundsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalOffensive rebounds per game
opponent_possessionsteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalEstimate on a team's opponent possessions based on both the team's statistics and their opponent's statistics.
personal_foulsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of personal fouls
personal_foulsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalPersonal fouls per game
pointsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of points
pointsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalPoints per game
points_againstteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of points against
points_in_paintteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of points in the paint
points_in_paintteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalPoints in the paint per game
points_in_paint_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of points in the paint attempts
points_in_paint_attteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalPoints in the paint attempts per game
points_in_paint_madeteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of points in the paint baskets
points_in_paint_madeteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalPoints in the paint baskets per game
points_in_paint_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalPoints in the paint percentage
ex. 28.6
points_off_turnoversteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of points off turnovers
points_off_turnoversteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalPoints off turnovers per game
possessionsteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalEstimate on team possessions based on both the team's statistics and their opponent's statistics.
reboundsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of rebounds
reboundsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalRebounds per game
second_chance_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of second chance attempts
second_chance_attteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalSecond chance attempts per game
second_chance_madeteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of second chance baskets
second_chance_madeteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalSecond chance baskets per game
second_chance_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalSecond chance percentage
ex. 20.0
second_chance_ptsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of second chance points
second_chance_ptsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalSecond chance points per game
stealsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of steals
stealsteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalSteals per game
tech_foulsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of technical fouls
technical_otherteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of other technical fouls
This stat is no longer in use but may be present for past games
team_defensive_reboundsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of team defensive rebounds
team_foulsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of team fouls
team_offensive_reboundsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of team offensive rebounds
team_reboundsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of team rebounds
team_tech_foulsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of team technical fouls
team_turnoversteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerSum of team turnovers
three_points_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of 3-point attempts
three_points_attteam_records - opponents - averageDecimal3-point attempts per game
three_points_madeteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of 3-point baskets
three_points_madeteam_records - opponents - averageDecimal3-point baskets per game
three_points_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimal3-point percentage
ex. 100.0
total_foulsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of total fouls (team fouls + personal fouls)
total_reboundsteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of total rebounds (team rebounds + player rebounds)
total_turnoversteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of total team turnovers (player_turnovers + team_turnovers)
true_shooting_attteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalNumber of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage
sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted)
true_shooting_attteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalNumber of attempts per game used to determine true shooting percentage
true_shooting_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimalTrue Shooting Percentage
100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts )
turnoversteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of turnovers
turnoversteam_records - opponents - averageDecimalTurnovers per game
two_points_attteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of 2-point attempts
two_points_attteam_records - opponents - averageDecimal2-point attempts per game
two_points_madeteam_records - opponents - totalIntegerNumber of 2-point baskets
two_points_madeteam_records - opponents - averageDecimal2-point baskets per game
two_points_pctteam_records - opponents - totalDecimal2-point percentage
ex. 100.0
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 67a79348-041a-45f6-bb12-722d38dc8dbf
marketteamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Delaware
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Blue Coats
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