WNBA Free Agents Detailed player information for all current free agents in the league.
Update Frequency
TTL / Cache: 300 seconds
Data Updates: As Necessary
Data Points
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
alias | league | String | Alias of a league ex. WNBA |
id | league | GUID | Unique ID of a league ex. 59c24590-0adb-4b3d-80a8-10450f83f4a1 |
name | league | String | Name of a league ex. WNBA |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
abbr_name | player | String | Abbreviated name of a player ex. J.Simms |
birth_date | player | Date | Player date of birth ex. 1995-09-17 |
birth_place | player | String | Birthplace of a player ex. Tyler, TX, USA |
college | player | String | College attended ex. Texas Tech |
experience | player | unsignedByte | Number of years played in the WNBA |
first_name | player | String | First name of a player ex. Jennie |
full_name | player | String | Full name of a player ex. Jennie Simms |
height | player | unsignedByte | Height in inches |
high_school | player | String | High school attended ex. Cypress Falls (TX) |
id | player | GUID | Unique ID of a player ex. fb74e168-9e07-4656-ac2c-14fb8a8e35bd |
last_name | player | String | Last name of a player ex. Simms |
position | player | String | Position of a playerNA , C , C-F , F , F-C , F-G , G , G-F |
primary_position | player | String | Primary position of a playerNA , C , PF , PG , SF , SG |
reference | player | String | League reference ID of a player ex. 1626157 |
rookie_year | player | unsignedShort | Rookie year in the NBA |
sr_id | player | GUID | Unique Sportradar ID of a player ex. sr:player:1157062 |
status | player | String | Status of a playerFA (Free Agent) |
updated | player | dateTime | Timestamp of a change to a player profile ex. 2022-09-30T22:55:57Z |
weight | player | unsignedShort | Weight in lbs. |