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NBA Trades Provides summary details of all in-draft trades.


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Data Updates: As Necessary

Data Points

Draft Info:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
end_datedraftDateEnd date of a draft
ex. 2022-06-23
iddraftGUIDUnique ID of a draft
ex. 01c63362-299c-48a0-b725-63fa18fca261
start_datedraftDateStart date of a draft
ex. 2022-06-23
statusdraftStringStatus of a draft
scheduled, inprogress, complete, closed
yeardraftIntegerYear of a draft
Trade Info:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idtradeGUIDUnique ID of a trade
ex. bced26d2-2b01-41f8-8d1c-7db9e926f758
sequencetradeIntegerSequence number of a trade
ex. 1652884083078
completetradeBooleanSignifies a trade is complete
idtrade - transactionGUIDUnique ID of a transaction
ex. bced26d2-2b01-41f8-8d1c-7db9e926f758
aliastransaction - teamStringTrade team alias
ex. LAL (Los Angeles Lakers)
directiontransaction - teamStringDirection of trade
to, from
idtransaction - teamGUIDUnique ID of a trade team
ex. 583ecae2-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c
markettransaction - teamStringTrade team market name
ex. Los Angeles
nametransaction - teamStringTrade team name
ex. Lakers
Pick Info:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
amountitemStringAmount of trade compensation
typeitemStringType of a draft item
coach, future_pick, money, player, pick
iditemStringUnique ID of a draft item
idpickGUIDUnique ID of a draft pick
ex. 97a78186-f6cf-4774-b8a5-dc07eb020ebf
rounditem - future_pickIntegerFuture pick round number
yearitem - future_pickIntegerFuture pick draft year
numberpickIntegerNumber of a draft pick within a round
supplementalitem - pickBooleanSignifies a supplemental draft pick
overallpickIntegerOverall number of a draft pick
idpick - trades - tradeGUIDUnique ID of a trade
ex. 3fc4ffa0-fe54-4d9a-bf53-e85df0e2cefd
Round Info:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
end_dateroundDateEnd date of a round
ex. 2022-06-23
idroundGUIDUnique ID of a round
ex. 27b93f2c-95fb-4ba6-80ea-d50c95f7d1a4
numberroundIntegerNumber of a round
start_dateroundDateStart date of a round
ex. 2022-06-23
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
channelbroadcastStringName of the draft's broadcast channel
networkbroadcastStringName of the draft's broadcast network
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasleagueStringAlias of a league
ex. NBA
idleagueGUIDUnique ID of a league
ex. 4353138d-4c22-4396-95d8-5f587d2df25c
nameleagueStringName of a league
ex. NBA
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 620 Atlantic Avenue
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Brooklyn
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Barclays Center
statevenueStringState or province of a venue
ex. NY
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