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Tournament Summary

NCAAWB Tournament Summary Tournament information including location, status, start date, end date, set up, and participants.


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Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 7269c5c7-6614-41d8-9415-7ca3243f6612
marketteamStringSchool name of a team
ex. Iowa
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Hawkeyes
seedteamIntegerTeam seed number for a tournament
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idbracketGUIDUnique ID of a bracket
ex. 27dd52e5-f560-40b9-9947-567dc309317a
locationbracketStringLocation of a bracket
ex. Seattle, WA, USA
namebracketStringName of a bracket
ex. Seattle 3
rankbracketIntegerNumerical value (1-4) to provide the position (top left, bottom left, etc) in the tournament for each region. See our March Madness FAQ for additional info.
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
end_datetournamentdateEnd date of a tournament
ex. 2023-04-03
start_datetournamentdateStart date of a tournament
ex. 2023-03-14
statustournamentStringStatus of a tournament
ex. scheduled, inprogress, closed
idtournamentGUIDUnique ID of a tournament
ex. c4903014-8c00-4083-a70c-bedcd501cda3
locationtournamentStringLocation of a tournament
ex. Dallas, TX, USA
nametournamentStringName of a tournament
ex. NCAA Women's Division I Basketball Tournament
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