Splits (In-game) Detailed Team, Player, and Opponent in-game splits across various views including: Higher Field Goal Percentage, Less Personal Fouls, Less Rebounds, Less Turnovers, Lower Field Goal Percentage, More Personal Fouls, More Rebounds, More Turnovers, Over 100 Against, Over 100 For, Same Personal Fouls, Same Rebounds, Same Turnovers, Under 100 Against, and Under 100 For.
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Data Updates: Splits are updated around 5 minutes after a game is moved to closed
Data Points
Splits Categories:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
category | split | String | Category of a split statistichigher_fg_pct , less_personal_fouls , less_rebounds , less_turnovers , lower_fg_pct , more_personal_fouls , more_rebounds , more_turnovers , over_100_against , over_100_for , same_personal_fouls , same_rebounds , same_turnovers , under_100_against , under_100_for |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
alias | split - conference | String | Alias of a conference ex. EASTERN |
id | split - conference | GUID | Unique ID of a conference ex. 3960cfac-7361-4b30-bc25-8d393de6f62f |
name | split - conference | String | Name of a conference ex. EASTERN CONFERENCE |
alias | split - division | String | Alias of a division ex. SOUTHEAST |
id | split - division | GUID | Unique ID of a division ex. 54dc7348-c1d2-40d8-88b3-c4c0138e085d |
name | split - division | String | Name of a division ex. Southeast |
id | season | GUID | Unique season ID ex. 583eca2f-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c |
type | season | String | Type of the seasonPRE , REG , PIT , PST |
year | season | Integer | Year of the season |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
first_name | player | String | First name of a player ex. Stephen |
full_name | player | String | Full name of a player ex. Stephen Curry |
id | player | GUID | Unique player ID ex. 8ec91366-faea-4196-bbfd-b8fab7434795 |
jersey_number | player | Integer | Number of a player's jersey |
last_name | player | String | Last name of a player ex. Curry |
name_suffix | player | String | Suffix of a player ex. Jr. |
position | player | String | Position of a playerNA , C , C-F , F , F-C , F-G , G , G-F |
primary_position | player | String | Primary position of a playerNA , C , PF , PG , SF , SG |
reference | player | String | League reference ID of a player ex. 201939 |
sr_id | player | GUID | Unique Sportradar ID of a player ex. sr:player:608110 |
Player Statistics (Season):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
games_played | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of games played |
games_started | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of games started |
minutes | player_records - split - overall - total | String | Number of minutes played ex. 40:07 |
field_goals_made | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of field goals made |
field_goals_att | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of field goal attempts |
field_goals_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Field goal percentage ex. 56.5 |
two_points_made | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of 2-point baskets |
two_points_att | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of 2-point attempts |
two_points_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | 2-point percentage ex. 100.0 |
three_points_made | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of 3-point baskets |
three_points_att | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of 3-point attempts |
three_points_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | 3-point percentage ex. 100.0 |
blocked_att | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of blocked attempts |
free_throws_made | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of free throws made |
free_throws_att | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of free throw attempts |
free_throws_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Free throw percentage ex. 100.0 |
offensive_rebounds | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of offensive rebounds |
defensive_rebounds | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of defensive rebounds |
rebounds | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of rebounds |
assists | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of assists |
turnovers | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of turnovers |
assists_turnover_ratio | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Assist to turnover ratio |
steals | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of steals |
blocks | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of shots blocked |
personal_fouls | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of personal fouls |
tech_fouls | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of total unsportsmanlike technical fouls |
tech_fouls_non _unsportsmanlike | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of non-unsportsmanlike technical fouls |
points | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of points |
flagrant_fouls | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of flagrant fouls |
ejections | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of ejections |
foulouts | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of foul outs |
true_shooting_att | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Number of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted) |
true_shooting_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | True Shooting Percentage 100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts ) |
efficiency | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Player Efficiency Rating (sPoints + sAssists + sBlocks + sSteals + sFoulsDrawn + sReboundsTotal) - (sTurnovers + sBlocksReceived + sFoulsPersonal + sFoulsTechnical + (sTwoPointersAttempted - sTwoPointersMade) + (sThreePointersAttempted - sThreePointersMade) + (sFreeThrowsAttempted-sFreeThrowsMade)) |
points_off_turnovers | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of points off turnovers |
points_in_paint | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of points in the paint |
points_in_paint_made | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of points in the paint baskets |
points_in_paint_att | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of points in the paint attempts |
points_in_paint_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Points in the paint percentage ex. 28.6 |
effective_fg_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Effective Field Goal Percentage (FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA |
double_doubles | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of double-doubles |
triple_double | player_records - split - overall - total | Boolean | Signifies a triple-double |
fouls_drawn | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of fouls drawn |
offensive_fouls | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of offensive fouls |
fast_break_att | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of fast break attempts |
fast_break_pts | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of fast break points |
fast_break_made | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of fast break baskets |
fast_break_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Fast break percentage ex. 100.0 |
coach_ejections | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of coach ejections |
second_chance_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Second chance percentage ex. 20.0 |
second_chance_pts | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of second chance points |
second_chance_att | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of second chance attempts |
second_chance_made | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of second chance baskets |
minus | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of team points against while a player is on the court |
plus | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of team points scored while a player is on the court |
coach_tech_fouls | player_records - split - overall - total | Integer | Number of coach technical fouls |
minutes | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Minutes played per game |
points | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Points per game |
off_rebounds | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Offensive rebounds per game |
def_rebounds | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Defensive rebounds per game |
rebounds | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Rebounds per game |
assists | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Assists per game |
steals | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Steals per game |
blocks | player_records - split - overall - average | Integer | Shots blocked per game |
turnovers | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Turnovers per game |
personal_fouls | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Personal fouls per game |
flagrant_fouls | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Flagrant fouls per game |
blocked_att | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Blocked attempts per game |
field_goals_made | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Field goals made per game |
field_goals_att | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Field goal attempts per game |
three_points_made | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | 3-point baskets per game |
three_points_att | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | 3-point attempts per game |
free_throws_made | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Free throws made per game |
free_throws_att | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Free throw attempts per game |
two_points_made | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | 2-point baskets per game |
two_points_att | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | 2-point attempts per game |
efficiency | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Player Efficiency Rating per game |
true_shooting_att | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Number of attempts per game used to determine true shooting percentage |
points_off_turnovers | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Points off turnovers per game |
points_in_paint_made | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Points in the paint baskets per game |
points_in_paint_att | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Points in the paint attempts per game |
points_in_paint | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Points in the paint per game |
fouls_drawn | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Fouls drawn per game |
offensive_rebounds_pct | player_records - split - overall - total | Decimal | Offensive rebound percentage ex. 20.0 |
fast_break_pts | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Fast break points per game |
fast_break_att | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Fast break attempts per game |
fast_break_made | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Fast break baskets per game |
offensive_fouls | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Offensive fouls per game |
second_chance_pts | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Second chance points per game |
second_chance_att | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Second chance attempts per game |
second_chance_made | player_records - split - overall - average | Decimal | Second chance baskets per game |
Team Statistics (Season):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
games_played | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of games played |
minutes | team_records - overall - total | String | Number of minutes played ex. 40:07 |
field_goals_made | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of field goals made |
field_goals_att | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of field goal attempts |
field_goals_pct | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | Field goal percentage ex. 56.5 |
two_points_made | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of 2-point baskets |
two_points_att | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of 2-point attempts |
two_points_pct | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | 2-point percentage ex. 100.0 |
three_points_made | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of 3-point baskets |
three_points_att | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of 3-point attempts |
three_points_pct | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | 3-point percentage ex. 100.0 |
blocked_att | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of blocked attempts |
free_throws_made | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of free throws made |
free_throws_att | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of free throw attempts |
free_throws_pct | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | Free throw percentage ex. 100.0 |
offensive_rebounds | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of offensive rebounds |
defensive_rebounds | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of defensive rebounds |
rebounds | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of rebounds |
assists | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of assists |
assists_turnover_ratio | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | Assist to turnover ratio |
turnovers | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of turnovers |
steals | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of steals |
blocks | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of shots blocked |
personal_fouls | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of personal fouls |
tech_fouls | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of technical fouls |
points | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of points |
fast_break_pts | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of fast break points |
flagrant_fouls | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of flagrant fouls |
points_off_turnovers | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of points off turnovers |
second_chance_pts | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of second chance points |
ejections | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of ejections |
foulouts | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of foul outs |
points_in_paint | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of points in the paint |
efficiency | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | Player Efficiency Rating (sPoints+sAssists+sBlocks+sSteals+sFoulsDrawn+sReboundsTotal)-(sTurnovers+sBlocksReceived+sFoulsPersonal+sFoulsTechnical+(sTwoPointersAttempted-sTwoPointersMade)+(sThreePointersAttempted-sThreePointersMade)+(sFreeThrowsAttempted-sFreeThrowsMade)) |
true_shooting_att | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | Number of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted) |
true_shooting_pct | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | True Shooting Percentage 100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts ) |
points_in_paint_made | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of points in the paint baskets |
points_in_paint_att | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of points in the paint attempts |
points_in_paint_pct | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | Points in the paint percentage ex. 28.6 |
effective_fg_pct | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | Effective Field Goal Percentage (FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA |
bench_points | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of bench points |
fouls_drawn | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of fouls drawn |
offensive_fouls | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of offensive fouls |
team_tech_fouls | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of team technical fouls |
fast_break_att | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of fast break attempts |
fast_break_made | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of fast break baskets |
fast_break_pct | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | Fast break percentage ex. 100.0 |
technical_other | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of other technical fouls This stat is no longer in use but may be present for past games |
coach_ejections | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of coach ejections |
points_against | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of points against |
team_defensive_rebounds | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of team defensive rebounds |
team_offensive_rebounds | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of team offensive rebounds |
second_chance_att | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of second chance attempts |
second_chance_made | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of second chance baskets |
second_chance_pct | team_records - overall - total | Decimal | Second chance percentage ex. 20.0 |
coach_tech_fouls | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of coach technical fouls |
team_fouls | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of team fouls |
total_rebounds | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of total rebounds (team rebounds + player rebounds) |
total_fouls | team_records - overall - total | Integer | Number of total fouls (team fouls + personal_fouls ). Team fouls include any team-related foul, such as a coach ejection, coach technical foul, or bench technical foul. |
fast_break_pts | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Fast break points per game |
points_off_turnovers | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Points off turnovers per game |
second_chance_pts | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Second chance points per game |
minutes | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Minutes played per game |
points | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Points per game |
off_rebounds | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Offensive rebounds per game |
def_rebounds | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Defensive rebounds per game |
rebounds | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Rebounds per game |
assists | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Assists per game |
steals | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Steals per game |
blocks | team_records - overall - average | Integer | Shots blocked per game |
turnovers | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Turnovers per game |
personal_fouls | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Personal fouls per game |
flagrant_fouls | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Flagrant fouls per game |
blocked_att | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Blocked attempts per game |
field_goals_made | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Field goals made per game |
field_goals_att | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Field goal attempts per game |
three_points_made | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | 3-point baskets per game |
three_points_att | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | 3-point attempts per game |
free_throws_made | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Free throws made per game |
free_throws_att | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Free throw attempts per game |
two_points_made | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | 2-point baskets per game |
two_points_att | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | 2-point attempts per game |
points_in_paint | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Points in the paint per game |
efficiency | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Player Efficiency Rating per game |
true_shooting_att | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Number of attempts per game used to determine true shooting percentage |
points_in_paint_att | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Points in the paint attempts per game |
points_in_paint_made | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Points in the paint baskets per game |
bench_points | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Bench points per game |
fouls_drawn | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Fouls drawn per game |
offensive_fouls | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Offensive fouls per game |
fast_break_att | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Fast break attempts per game |
fast_break_made | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Fast break baskets per game |
second_chance_att | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Second chance attempts per game |
second_chance_made | team_records - overall - average | Decimal | Second chance baskets per game |
Team Opponent Statistics (Season):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
games_played | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of games played |
minutes | team_records - opponents - total | String | Number of minutes played ex. 40:07 |
field_goals_made | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of field goals made |
field_goals_att | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of field goal attempts |
field_goals_pct | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | Field goal percentage ex. 56.5 |
two_points_made | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of 2-point baskets |
two_points_att | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of 2-point attempts |
two_points_pct | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | 2-point percentage ex. 100.0 |
three_points_made | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of 3-point baskets |
three_points_att | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of 3-point attempts |
three_points_pct | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | 3-point percentage ex. 100.0 |
blocked_att | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of blocked attempts |
free_throws_made | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of free throws made |
free_throws_att | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of free throw attempts |
free_throws_pct | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | Free throw percentage ex. 100.0 |
offensive_rebounds | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of offensive rebounds |
defensive_rebounds | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of defensive rebounds |
rebounds | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of rebounds |
assists | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of assists |
assists_turnover_ratio | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | Assist to turnover ratio |
turnovers | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of turnovers |
steals | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of steals |
blocks | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of shots blocked |
personal_fouls | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of personal fouls |
tech_fouls | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of technical fouls |
points | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of points |
fast_break_pts | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of fast break points |
flagrant_fouls | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of flagrant fouls |
points_off_turnovers | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of points off turnovers |
second_chance_pts | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of second chance points |
ejections | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of ejections |
foulouts | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of foul outs |
points_in_paint | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of points in the paint |
efficiency | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | Player Efficiency Rating (sPoints+sAssists+sBlocks+sSteals+sFoulsDrawn+sReboundsTotal)-(sTurnovers+sBlocksReceived+sFoulsPersonal+sFoulsTechnical+(sTwoPointersAttempted-sTwoPointersMade)+(sThreePointersAttempted-sThreePointersMade)+(sFreeThrowsAttempted-sFreeThrowsMade)) |
true_shooting_att | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | Number of attempts used to determine true shooting percentage sFieldGoalsAttempted + (0.44 * sFreeThrowsAttempted) |
true_shooting_pct | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | True Shooting Percentage 100 sPoints / (2 sTrueShootingAttempts ) |
points_in_paint_made | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of points in the paint baskets |
points_in_paint_att | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of points in the paint attempts |
points_in_paint_pct | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | Points in the paint percentage ex. 28.6 |
effective_fg_pct | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | Effective Field Goal Percentage (FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA |
bench_points | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of bench points |
fouls_drawn | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of fouls drawn |
offensive_fouls | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of offensive fouls |
team_tech_fouls | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of team technical fouls |
fast_break_att | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of fast break attempts |
fast_break_made | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of fast break baskets |
fast_break_pct | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | Fast break percentage ex. 100.0 |
technical_other | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of other technical fouls This stat is no longer in use but may be present for past games |
coach_ejections | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of coach ejections |
points_against | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of points against |
team_defensive_rebounds | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of team defensive rebounds |
team_offensive_rebounds | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of team offensive rebounds |
second_chance_att | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of second chance attempts |
second_chance_made | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of second chance baskets |
second_chance_pct | team_records - opponents - total | Decimal | Second chance percentage ex. 20.0 |
coach_tech_fouls | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of coach technical fouls |
team_fouls | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of team fouls |
total_rebounds | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of total rebounds (team rebounds + player rebounds) |
total_fouls | team_records - opponents - total | Integer | Number of total fouls (team fouls + personal_fouls ). Team fouls include any team-related foul, such as a coach ejection, coach technical foul, or bench technical foul. |
fast_break_pts | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Fast break points per game |
points_off_turnovers | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Points off turnovers per game |
second_chance_pts | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Second chance points per game |
minutes | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Minutes played per game |
points | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Points per game |
off_rebounds | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Offensive rebounds per game |
def_rebounds | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Defensive rebounds per game |
rebounds | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Rebounds per game |
assists | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Assists per game |
steals | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Steals per game |
blocks | team_records - opponents - average | Integer | Shots blocked per game |
turnovers | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Turnovers per game |
personal_fouls | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Personal fouls per game |
flagrant_fouls | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Flagrant fouls per game |
blocked_att | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Blocked attempts per game |
field_goals_made | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Field goals made per game |
field_goals_att | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Field goal attempts per game |
three_points_made | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | 3-point baskets per game |
three_points_att | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | 3-point attempts per game |
free_throws_made | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Free throws made per game |
free_throws_att | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Free throw attempts per game |
two_points_made | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | 2-point baskets per game |
two_points_att | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | 2-point attempts per game |
points_in_paint | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Points in the paint per game |
efficiency | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Player Efficiency Rating per game |
true_shooting_att | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Number of attempts per game used to determine true shooting percentage |
points_in_paint_att | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Points in the paint attempts per game |
points_in_paint_made | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Points in the paint baskets per game |
bench_points | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Bench points per game |
fouls_drawn | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Fouls drawn per game |
offensive_fouls | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Offensive fouls per game |
fast_break_att | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Fast break attempts per game |
fast_break_made | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Fast break baskets per game |
second_chance_att | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Second chance attempts per game |
second_chance_made | team_records - opponents - average | Decimal | Second chance baskets per game |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | series - participant - team | GUID | Unique ID of a team ex. 583ed0ac-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c |
market | series - participant - team | String | Market name of a team ex. Sacramento |
name | series - participant - team | String | Team name ex. Kings |
reference | series - participant - team | String | League reference ID of a team ex. 1610612750 |
sr_id | series - participant - team | GUID | Unique Sportradar ID of a team ex. sr:team:3415 |