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Team Roster

USFL Team Roster provides franchise team information, as well as the complete roster of players.

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Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
numberdraftIntegerDraft pick number of a player
rounddraftIntegerDraft pick round of a player
yeardraftIntegerDraft year of a player
aliasdraft - teamStringDraft team alias
ex. PHI (Philadelphia)
iddraft - teamGUIDUnique ID of a draft team
ex. b786eb70-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29
marketdraft - teamStringDraft team market name
ex. Philadelphia
namedraft - teamStringDraft team name
ex. Stars
sr_iddraft - teamStringUnique Sportradar ID of a draft team
ex. sr:competitor:882421
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasfranchiseStringFranchise (team) alias
ex. NJ (New Jersey Generals)
idfranchiseGUIDUnique ID of a franchise
ex. ad96d260-9677-11ec-9ad0-d3ebe46bbb12
namefranchiseStringFranchise (team) name
ex. Generals
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliashierarchy - conferenceStringAlias of a conference
ex. USFL
idhierarchy - conferenceGUIDUnique ID of a conference
ex. 23f26d00-966b-11ec-aba0-0f22e7db39c9
namehierarchy - conferenceStringName of a conference
ex. USFL
aliashierarchy - divisionStringAlias of a division
idhierarchy - divisionGUIDUnique ID of a division
ex. cf16ca01-9675-11ec-b3cb-77bc504b6aa0
namehierarchy - divisionStringName of a division
ex. North Division
idseasonGUIDUnique season ID
ex. 234f28d6-b9d7-4881-a890-30b451c13aec
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbr_nameplayerStringAbbreviated name of a player
ex. J.Crawford
birth_dateplayerDatePlayer date of birth
ex. 1994-12-02
birth_placeplayerStringBirthplace of a player
ex. Deerfield Beach, FL, USA
collegeplayerStringCollege attended
ex. Illinois
college_confplayerStringCollege Conference
ex. Big Ten Conference
experienceplayerIntegerNumber of years active in the USFL for a player
first_nameplayerStringFirst name of a player
ex. James
nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. James Crawford
heightplayerIntegerHeight in inches
high_schoolplayerStringHigh school attended
ex. St. Thomas Aquinas (FL)
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 94b1aa60-b862-11ec-8d8f-9baa1b88fba4
jerseyplayerIntegerJersey number of a player
last_nameplayerStringLast name of a player
ex. Crawford
name_suffixplayerStringSuffix of a player
ex. Jr.
positionplayerStringPosition of a player

See our FAQ for a list of valid positions
preferred_nameplayerStringPreferred name of a player
statusplayerStringStatus of a player
ACT(Active), DUP(Duplicate profile), EXE(Exempt), IR(Injured Reserve), IRD(Injured Reserve - Designated for Return), NON(Non-football related injured reserve), NWT(Not with team), PRA(Practice Squad), PUP(Physically unable to perform), RET(Retired), SUS(Suspended), UDF(Unsigned draft pick)
weightplayerDecimalWeight in lbs
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_namehome/away - coachStringFirst name of a coach
ex. John
full_namehome/away - coachStringFull name of a coach
ex. John DeFilippo
idhome/away - coachGUIDUnique ID of a coach
ex. 80675d40-6102-11ed-a6fd-cb7b3f097b25
last_namehome/away - coachStringLast name of a coach
ex. DeFilippo
name_suffixhome/away - coachStringSuffix of a coach
ex. Jr.
positionhome/away - coachStringType of coach
ex. Head Coach
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasteamStringTeam alias
ex. PIT
championship_seasonsteamStringYears of championship seasons
ex. 2022, 2023
championships_wonteamIntegerNumber of championships won
conference_titlesteamIntegerNumber of conference titles
division_titlesteamIntegerNumber of division titles
foundedteamIntegerYear a team was founded
fight_songteamStringTeam fight song
general_managerteamStringTeam general manager
ex. Lonnie Young
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. c8797380-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29
marketteamStringTeam market name
ex. Pittsburgh
mascotteamStringTeam mascot
ex. Marty the Mauler
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Maulers
nicknamesteamStringTeam nicknames
ownerteamStringTeam owner
ex. National Spring Football League Enterprises
playoff_appearancesteamIntegerNumber of playoff appearances
presidentteamStringTeam president
sr_idteamStringUnique Sportradar ID of a team
ex. sr:competitor:882423
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 1020 24th St N
capacityvenueIntegerCapacity of a venue
ex. 47100
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Birmingham
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. b1f3fd20-90f4-11ec-bf38-efe8ff3d0b79
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Protective Stadium
roof_typevenueStringRoof type of a venue
outdoor, dome, retractable_dome
sr_idvenueStringUnique Sportradar venue ID
ex. sr:venue:58724
statevenueStringState of a venue
ex. AL
surfacevenueStringSurface type of a venue
turf, artificial
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 35203
Path Params
Defaults to trial

The access level of your API key. Production (production) or Trial (trial)

Defaults to en

2 letter code for supported languages: en (English)

Defaults to c8797380-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29

ID of a given team

This endpoint is designed for team_ids that exist in the current League Hierarchy endpoint.

Defaults to json

Format returned


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