NFL Game Play-by-Play provides a live play-by-play timeline, including possession and location information as well as all team and player statistics earned on each play.
Update Frequency
TTL / Cache: This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.
Data Updates: Realtime
Data Points
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attendance | game | Integer | Attendance of a game |
decision | away | String | Away team coin toss decisionkick , receive , defer |
direction | away | String | Away team coin toss direction chosen |
outcome | away | String | Away team coin toss outcomewon , lost |
points | away | Integer | Away team points in a quarter |
remaining_challenges | away | Integer | Away team challenges remaining |
remaining_timeouts | away | Integer | Away team timeouts remaining |
used_challenges | away | Integer | Away team challenges used |
used_timeouts | away | Integer | Away team timeouts used |
points | away | Integer | Away team total points |
clock | game | String | Clock value of the game |
quarter | coin_toss | String | Coin toss within a period. A coin toss will occur at the start of the game, half (period 3), and overtime |
decision | home | String | Home team coin toss decisiondefer , receive , defer |
direction | home | String | Home team coin toss direction chosen |
outcome | home | String | Home team coin toss outcomewon , lost |
points | home | Integer | Home team points in a quarter |
remaining_challenges | home | Integer | Home team challenges remaining |
remaining_timeouts | home | Integer | Home team timeouts remaining |
used_challenges | home | Integer | Home team challenges used |
used_timeouts | home | Integer | Home team timeouts used |
points | home | Integer | Home team total points |
id | overtime | GUID | Overtime unique ID |
number | overtime | Integer | Overtime number |
sequence | overtime | Integer | Period sequence number (The first overtime sequence would be 5 ) |
quarter | game | Integer | Quarter number of a game |
id | quarter | GUID | Quarter unique ID |
number | quarter | Integer | Quarter number |
sequence | quarter | Integer | Period sequence number |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
alias | away | String | Away team alias |
id | away | GUID | Away team unique ID |
market | away | String | Away team market name ex. Minnesota |
name | away | String | Away team name |
sr_id | away | String | Away team Sportradar ID |
internet | broadcast | String | Name of a game's internet stream ex. ESPN+ |
network | broadcast | String | Name of a game's broadcast network ex. Amazon Prime Video |
radio | broadcast | String | Name of a game's radio station ex. Sirius 134, XM 231 |
satellite | broadcast | String | Name of a game's broadcast satellite station ex. ESPN Ocho |
duration | game | String | Duration of the game |
entry_mode | game | String | Type of data entry for the game |
alias | home | String | Home team alias |
id | home | GUID | Home team unique ID |
market | home | String | Home team market name ex. Green Bay |
name | home | String | Home team name |
sr_id | home | String | Home team Sportradar ID |
number | game | Integer | Game number |
parent_id | game | GUID | Standard parent ID of a game. Use this ID to group events (like the Super Bowl) across seasons. |
scheduled | game | Date/Time | Game scheduled start date/time |
sr_id | game | String | Game Sportradar ID |
status | game | String | Game status scheduled , created , inprogress , complete , closed , cancelled , delayed , suspended , postponed , time-tbd , if necessary , unnecessary See our NFL FAQ for game status descriptions |
title | game | String | Game title |
away | time_zones | String | Time zone of the away team ex. US/Pacific |
home | time_zones | String | Time zone of the home team ex. US/Eastern |
venue | time_zones | String | Time zone of the venue ex. US/Eastern |
condition | weather | String | Weather conditions for the game |
humidity | weather | String | Humidity conditions for the game |
temp | weather | String | Temperature for the game |
direction | wind | String | Wind direction for the game |
speed | wind | String | Wind speed for the game |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | season | GUID | Unique season ID |
name | season | String | Name of the season |
type | season | String | Type of the season |
year | season | Integer | Year of the season |
id | week | GUID | Unique week ID |
sequence | week | Integer | Week sequence number |
title | week | String | Week title |
Play-by-Play Details:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
category | detail | String | Play detail category ex. kick_off , kick_off_return , tackle See our FAQ for all possible detail categories |
description | - | String | Text description of a play |
direction | detail | String | Direction of action for a play Rush: short left , short right , short middle , deep right , deep left , deep middle , left , right , middle Pass: backward pass , handoff , lateral , reverse , left tackle , left guard , up the middle , right guard , right tackle , right end , left end , kneels |
alias | end_location | String | Team alias of the location of the ball at the conclusion of a play ex. MIN (Minnesota) |
yardline | end_location | Integer | Yardline location of the ball at the conclusion of a play ex. 45 |
first_touch | detail | String | Indicates the yard line where the ball was first touched, after a fumble, but before the ball was recovered Will not appear for games with entry_mode="LDE" |
no_attempt | detail | String | Indicates a player should receive a statistical attempt for a play. Generally used on laterals Will not appear for games with entry_mode="LDE" |
onside | detail | String | Indicates an onside kick |
description | penalty | String | Text description of a penalty |
no_play | penalty | String | Signifies a nullified play due to a penalty |
result | penalty | String | Result of a penaltyaccepted , declined , offset |
yards | penalty | Integer | Number of yards penalized on the play |
reason_missed | detail | String | Type of missed field goal attemptBlocked , Hit Crossbar , Hit Left Upright , Hit Right Upright , Short , Wide Left , Wide Right Will not appear for games with entry_mode="LDE" |
result | detail | String | Result of the play See here for a list of valid results |
sack_split | detail | String | Signifies a sack was split between two defenders Will not appear for games with entry_mode="LDE" |
safety | detail | Boolean | Indicates a play ending in a safety |
sequence | detail | Integer | Sequence number of the play detail |
alias | start_location | String | Team alias of the location of the ball at the beginning of a play ex. MIN (Minnesota) |
yardline | start_location | Integer | Yardline location of the ball at the beginning of a play ex. 45 |
yards | detail | Integer | Yards gained or lost on the play |
Play-by-Play Details - Review:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
result | detail - review | String | Result of a play review/challengeoverturned , upheld |
reversed | detail - review | Boolean | Signifies the call on the field was reversed when true |
type | detail - review | String | Type of a play review/challenge ex. first down , pass completion , short of the line to gain See our FAQ for a complete list of valid types. |
alias | detail - review - team | String | Alias of a team initiating a review/challenge ex. MIN (Minnesota) |
id | detail - review - team | GUID | Unique ID of a team initiating a review/challenge ex. 82d2d380-3834-4938-835f-aec541e5ece7 |
market | detail - review - team | String | Market name of a team initiating a review/challenge ex. Minnesota |
name | detail - review - team | String | Name of a team initiating a review/challenge ex. Vikings |
sr_id | detail - review - team | String | Unique Sportradar ID of a team initiating a review/challenge ex. sr:competitor:4324 |
Play-by-Play Details - Recovery:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
type | detail - recovery | String | Type of recoveryball out of bounds , blocked kick recovery , dead ball declared , fumble recovery , interception , other team , other_team , same player , same team |
first_touch | detail - recovery | Integer | Yard line where a plyer first touched the ball on a fumble Data point is only supported from 2017-2020 |
alias | detail - recovery - team | String | Alias of a team recovering the ball ex. MIN (Minnesota) |
id | detail - recovery - team | GUID | Unique ID of a team recovering the ball ex. 82d2d380-3834-4938-835f-aec541e5ece7 |
market | detail - recovery - team | String | Market name of a team recovering the ball ex. Minnesota |
name | detail - recovery - team | String | Name of a team recovering the ball ex. Vikings |
sr_id | detail - recovery - team | String | Unique Sportradar ID of a team recovering the ball ex. sr:competitor:4324 |
Play-by-Play Drive:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
created_at | drive | Date/Time | Timestamp of the start of a drive |
duration | drive | String | Duration of a drive in MM:SS format |
end_clock | drive | String | Game clock value at the end of a drive ex. 9:56 |
end_reason | drive | String | End result of a drive ex. Touchdown See our FAQ for a list of valid end reasons and their definitions |
farthest_drive_yardline | drive | Integer | The furthest yardline the offensive team reached during a drive (1-99 scale) |
first_downs | drive | Integer | Number of first downs in a drive |
first_drive_yardline | drive | Integer | Starting yardline of the first play of a drive (1-99 scale) |
gain | drive | Integer | Number of yards gained in a drive |
id | drive | GUID | Unique ID of a drive |
inside_20 | drive | Boolean | Signifies a drive which ends inside the opponent's 20 yardline |
last_drive_yardline | drive | Integer | Starting yardline of the last play of a drive (1-99 scale) |
net_yards | drive | Integer | Net yards for the offensive team on a drive (Yards gained minus penalty yards) |
pat_points_attempted | drive | Integer | Number of point after touchdown attempts on a drive |
pat_successful | drive | Boolean | Signifies a successful point after touchdown on a drive |
penalty_yards | drive | Integer | Number of penalty yards on a drive |
play_count | drive | Integer | Number of plays in a drive |
scoring_drive | drive | Boolean | Signifies a drive which ends in a score |
sequence | drive | Integer | Sequential number of the drive within a game |
start_clock | drive | String | Game clock value at the start of a drive ex. 4:32 |
start_reason | drive | String | Start reason of a drive |
team_sequence | drive | Integer | Sequential number of the drive for the offensive team |
updated_at | drive | Date/Time | Timestamp of the last update of a drive |
id | drive - defensive_team | GUID | Unique ID of the defensive team for a drive ex. 82d2d380-3834-4938-835f-aec541e5ece7 |
points | drive - defensive_team | Integer | Number of points scored for the defensive team for a drive |
id | drive - offensive_team | GUID | Unique ID of the offensive team for a drive ex. 82d2d380-3834-4938-835f-aec541e5ece7 |
points | drive - offensive_team | Integer | Number of points scored for the offensive team for a drive |
Play-by-Play Ending Situation:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
clock | end_situation | String | Game clock value at the end of a play |
down | end_situation | Integer | Down at the end of a play |
alias | location | String | Team alias of the location of the ball at the end of a play ex. MIN (Minnesota) |
id | location | GUID | Unique team ID of the team with possession at the end of a play |
market | location | String | Team market name ex. Minnesota |
name | location | String | Team name ex. Vikings |
sr_id | location | GUID | Unique ID of a team ex. sr:competitor:4423 |
yardline | location | Integer | Yardline of the ball at the end of a play |
alias | possession | String | Team alias of the possession of the ball at the end of a play ex. MIN (Minnesota) |
id | possession | GUID | Unique team ID of the team with possession at the end of a play |
market | possession | String | Team market name ex. Minnesota |
name | possession | String | Team name ex. Vikings |
sr_id | possession | GUID | Unique ID of a team ex. sr:competitor:4423 |
yfd | end_situation | Integer | Yards to gain a first down at the end of a play |
Play-by-Play Event:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
clock | event | String | Clock value for an event ex. 12:37 |
created_at | event | Date/Time | Timestamp of the creation of an event ex. 2022-09-20T00:54:16+00:00 |
description | - | String | Text description of an event |
id | event | String | Unique ID of an event |
sequence | event | Decimal | Sequence number of an event or play as a UNIX timestamp. Use this value to help sequence play-by-play events (smallest to largest sequence number). ex. 1665336878436.0 |
type | event | String | Type of an eventsetup , timeout , tv_timeout , two_minute_warning , comment , period_end , game_over |
updated_at | event | Date/Time | Timestamp of the last update of an event ex. 2022-09-20T00:54:16+00:00 |
wall_clock | event | Date/Time | Timestamp of the start of a play/event entry ex. 2022-10-09T17:12:08+00:00 |
Play-by-Play Play:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
away_points | play | Integer | Away points at the end of a play |
blitz | play | Boolean | Signifies whether the defense blitzed on a play |
clock | play | String | Clock value for a play ex. 12:37 |
created_at | play | Date/Time | Timestamp of the creation of a play ex. 2022-09-20T00:54:16+00:00 |
description | - | String | Text description of a play |
fake_field_goal | play | Boolean | Signifies whether the a play was a fake field goal |
fake_punt | play | Boolean | Signifies whether the a play was a fake punt |
hash_mark | play | String | The hash mark of the ball at the beginning of a playRight Hash , Left Hash |
home_points | play | Integer | Home points at the end of a play |
huddle | play | String | Indicates whether there was a huddle prior to a play |
id | play | GUID | Unique ID of a play |
left_tightends | play | Integer | Number of tight ends lined up on the left side for a play |
men_in_box | play | Integer | Number of defensive men in the box for a play |
pass_route | play | String | Type of pass route on a passing play |
play_action | play | Boolean | Indicates whether there was a play action for a play |
play_direction | play | String | Direction of action for a play Rush: short left , short right , short middle , deep right , deep left , deep middle , left , right , middle Pass: backward pass , handoff , lateral , reverse , left tackle , left guard , up the middle , right guard , right tackle , right end , left end , kneels |
players_rushed | play | Integer | Number of defensive players rushing for a play |
pocket_location | play | String | Location of the quarterback pocket for a playScramble Left , Scramble Right , Boot Left , Boot Right , Rollout Left , Rollout Right , Middle |
qb_at_snap | play | String | Location of the quarterback at the snap for a playShotgun , Under Center , Pistol |
right_tightends | play | Integer | Number of tight ends lined up on the right side for a play |
run_pass_option | play | Boolean | Indicates whether a play is a run/pass option |
running_lane | play | Integer | Signifies which hole the running back ran through on a rush play (1-8), with 1 being leftmost and 8 rightmost |
scoring_play | play | Boolean | Indicates whether a play resulted in a score |
screen_pass | play | Boolean | Indicates whether a play is a screen pass |
sequence | play | Decimal | Sequence number of an event or play as a UNIX timestamp. Use this value to help sequence play-by-play events (smallest to largest sequence number). ex. 1665336878436.0 |
type | play | String | Type of playpass , rush , faircatch_kick , extra_point , conversion , free_kick , kickoff , punt , field_goal , penalty |
updated_at | play | Date/Time | Timestamp of the last update of a play ex. 2022-09-20T00:54:16+00:00 |
wall_clock | play | Date/Time | Timestamp of the start of the play/event entry ex. 2022-10-09T17:12:08+00:00 |
Play-by-Play Points After:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | points-after-play | GUID | Unique ID of a point after attempt |
type | points-after-play | String | Type of a point after attemptextra_point , conversion , penalty |
sequence | points-after-play | Decimal | Sequence number of a point after play as a UNIX timestamp. Use this value to help sequence play-by-play events (smallest to largest sequence number). ex. 1665336878436.0 |
Play-by-Play Quarter:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | quarter | GUID | Unique ID of a quarter |
number | quarter | Integer | Number of a quarter |
sequence | quarter | Integer | Sequential number of a quarter |
Play-by-Play Scoring:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
away_points | score | Integer | Number of away team points |
clock | score | Boolean | Clock value for a score ex. 12:37 |
home_points | score | Integer | Number of home team points |
points | score | Integer | Number of points for a score |
sequence | score | Integer | Sequence number of an event or play. Used to sequence events properly |
Play-by-Play Starting Situation:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
clock | start_situation | String | Clock value at the start of a play ex. 12:37 |
down | start_situation | Integer | Down at the start of a play |
alias | location | String | Team alias of the location of the ball at the start of a play ex. MIN (Minnesota) |
id | location | GUID | Unique team ID of the team with possession at the start of a play |
market | location | String | Team market name ex. Minnesota |
name | location | String | Team name ex. Vikings |
sr_id | location | GUID | Unique ID of a team ex. sr:competitor:4423 |
yardline | location | Integer | Yardline of the ball at the start of a play |
alias | possession | String | Team alias of the possession of the ball at the start of a play ex. MIN (Minnesota) |
id | possession | GUID | Unique team ID of the team with possession at the start of a play |
market | possession | String | Team market name ex. Minnesota |
name | possession | String | Team name ex. Vikings |
sr_id | possession | GUID | Unique ID of a team ex. sr:competitor:4423 |
yfd | end_situation | Integer | Yards to gain a first down at the start of a play |
Kick & Punt Block Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
block | block | Integer | Number kick blocks |
category | block | String | Type of blocked kickfield_goal , extra_point , punt |
Conversion Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempt | conversion | Integer | Number of conversion attempts |
category | conversion | String | Category of conversionpass , receive , rush , turnover |
complete | conversion | Integer | Number of conversion completions |
safety | conversion | Integer | Number of conversion safeties |
Defensive Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
ast_sack | defense | Integer | Number of assisted sacks |
ast_tackle | defense | Integer | Number of assisted tackles |
ast_tlost | defense | Integer | Number of assisted tackles for a loss |
batted_pass | defense | Integer | Number of batted passes |
blitz | defense | Integer | Number of blitzes |
block | defense | Integer | Number of blocked kicks/punts |
category | defense | String | Category of defensive statisticdefense , special_team , misc |
def_comp | defense | String | Number of completed passes with a defensive player covering on the play |
def_target | defense | Integer | Number of defensive targets |
forced_fumble | defense | Integer | Number of forced fumbles |
hurry | defense | Integer | Number of hurries |
interception | defense | Integer | Number of interceptions |
int_touchdown | defense | Integer | Number of interceptions for a touchdown |
int_yards | defense | Integer | Number of interception yards |
knockdown | defense | Integer | Number of knowckdowns |
missed_tackle | defense | Integer | Number of missed tackles |
nullified | defense | Boolean | Nullified play flag |
pass_defended | defense | Integer | Number of passes defended |
primary | defense | Integer | Indicates whether the assist tackler was the primary tackler on a play *This stat is unsupported since 2021 |
qb_hit | defense | Integer | Number of hits on the quarterback |
sack | defense | Integer | Number of sacks |
sack_yards | defense | Integer | Number of sack yards |
safety | defense | Integer | Number of safeties |
tlost | defense | Integer | Number of tackles for a loss |
tlost_yards | defense | Integer | Number of tackles for a loss yardage |
tackle | defense | Integer | Number of tackles |
Defensive Conversion Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempt | defense_conversion | Integer | Number of defensive conversion attempts |
category | defense_conversion | String | Category of defensive conversionconversion , extra_point |
complete | defense_conversion | Integer | Number of defensive conversion completions |
Down Conversion Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempt | down_conversion | Integer | Number of down conversion attempts |
complete | down_conversion | String | Category of down conversionconversion , extra_point |
down | down_conversion | Integer | Number of the down at play start |
category | first_down | String | Type of first downpass , rush , penalty |
Extra Point Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
aborted | extra_point | Integer | Number of aborted extra points |
attempt | extra_point | Integer | Number of attempted extra points |
blocked | extra_point | Integer | Number of blocked extra points |
made | extra_point | Integer | Number of made extra points |
missed | extra_point | Integer | Number of missed extra points |
returned | extra_point | Integer | Number of returned extra points |
safety | extra_point | Integer | Number of extra point safeties |
Field Goal Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempt | field_goal | Integer | Number of attempted field goals |
att_yards | field_goal | Integer | Yardage of attempted field goal |
blocked | field_goal | Integer | Number of blocked field goals |
made | field_goal | Integer | Number of made field goals |
missed | field_goal | Integer | Number of missed field goals |
nullified | field_goal | Boolean | Signifies a nullified field goal attempt |
returned | field_goal | Integer | Number of returned field goals |
yards | field_goal | Integer | Yardage of made field goal |
Fumbles Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
forced | fumble | Integer | Number of forced fumbles |
fumble | fumble | Integer | Number of fumbles |
lost | fumble | Integer | Number of lost fumbles |
nullified | fumble | Boolean | Signifies a nullified play due to a penalty |
opp_rec | fumble | Integer | Number of opponent fumble recoveries |
opp_rec_td | fumble | Integer | Number of opponent fumble recovery touchdowns |
opp_rec_yards | fumble | Integer | Number of opponent fumble recovery yards |
out_of_bounds | fumble | Integer | Number of fumbles out of bounds |
own_rec | fumble | Integer | Number of own fumble recoveries |
own_rec_td | fumble | Integer | Number of own fumble recovery touchdowns |
own_rec_yards | fumble | Integer | Number of own fumble recovery yards |
play_category | fumble | String | Type of fumble ex. misc |
Kickoff Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempt | kick | Integer | Number of kickoff attempts |
endzone | kick | Integer | Number of kicks into the endzone |
inside_20 | kick | Integer | Number of kicks inside the 20 yardline |
net_yards | kick | Integer | Number of net yards on the kickoff |
nullified | kick | Boolean | Signifies a nullified play due to a penalty |
onside_attempt | kick | Boolean | Number of onside kickoff attempts |
onside_success | kick | Boolean | Number of onside kickoff successes |
own_rec | kick | Boolean | Number of own recoveries on a kickoff |
own_rec_td | kick | Boolean | Number of own recovery touchdowns on a kickoff |
squib_kick | kick | Boolean | Number of squib kicks |
touchback | kick | Boolean | Number of touchbacks |
yards | kick | Boolean | Number of kickoff yards |
Passing Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempt | pass | Integer | Number of pass attempts |
att_yards | pass | Integer | Number of pass attempt (air) yards, measured from the line of scrimmage to the yardline of the receiving target |
batted_pass | pass | Integer | Number of batted passes |
blitz | pass | Integer | Number of blitzes |
complete | pass | Integer | Number of pass completions |
firstdown | pass | Integer | Number of passing first downs |
goaltogo | pass | Integer | Number of plays in a goal-to-go situation |
hurry | pass | Integer | Number of pass hurries |
incompletion_type | pass | String | Type of incomplete passThrown Away , Pass Defended , Dropped Pass , Spike , Poorly Thrown |
inside_20 | pass | Integer | Number of passes inside the 20 yardline |
interception | pass | Integer | Number of interceptions thrown |
int_touchdown | pass | Integer | Number of interception touchdowns thrown |
knockdown | pass | Integer | Number of knockdowns |
nullified | pass | Boolean | Signifies a nullified play due to a penalty |
on_target_throw | pass | Integer | Number of on target throws |
pocket_time | pass | Double | Time spent in the pocket ex. 1.153 |
sack | pass | Integer | Number of sacks |
sack_yards | pass | Integer | Number of sack yards |
safety | pass | Integer | Number of safeties |
touchdown | pass | Integer | Number of touchdowns |
yards | pass | Integer | Number of passing yards |
Penalty Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
penalty | penalty | Integer | Number of penalties |
yards | penalty | Integer | Number of penalty yardage |
Punting Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempt | punt | Integer | Number of attempted punts |
blocked | punt | Integer | Number of blocked punts |
downed | punt | Integer | Number of downed punts |
endzone | punt | Integer | Number of punts into the endzone |
faircatch | punt | Integer | Number of fair catch punts |
hang_time | punt | Double | Hang time of a punt in seconds ex.3.166 |
inside_20 | punt | Integer | Number of punts inside the 20 yardline |
net_yards | punt | Integer | Net yardage of a punt |
nullified | punt | Boolean | Signifies a nullified play due to a penalty |
out_of_bounds | punt | Integer | Number of punts out of bounds |
touchback | punt | Integer | Number of touchback punts |
yards | punt | Integer | Yardage of punt |
Receiving Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
broken_tackles | receive | Integer | Number of receiving broken tackles |
catchable | receive | Integer | Number of receiving catchable passes |
dropped | receive | Integer | Number of receiving drops |
firstdown | receive | Integer | Number of receiving first downs |
goaltogo | receive | Integer | Number of receptions in goal-to-go |
inside_20 | receive | Integer | Number of receptions inside the 20 yardline |
nullified | receive | Boolean | Signifies a nullified play due to a penalty |
reception | receive | Integer | Number of receptions |
safety | receive | Integer | Number of receiving safeties |
targets | receive | Integer | Number of receiving targets |
touchdown | receive | Integer | Number of receiving touchdowns |
yards | receive | Integer | Number of receiving yards |
yards_after_catch | receive | Integer | Number of receiving yards after the catch |
yards_after_contact | receive | Integer | Number of receiving yards after contact |
Return Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
category | return | String | Type of returnpunt_return , kick_return |
downed | return | Integer | Number of returns downed |
faircatch | return | Integer | Number of return fair catches |
firstdown | return | Integer | Number of return first downs |
lateral | return | Integer | Number of return laterals |
nullified | return | Boolean | Signifies a nullified play due to a penalty |
out_of_bounds | return | Integer | Number of returns out of bounds |
play_category | return | String | Type of return playpunt_return , kick_return |
return | return | Integer | Number of returns |
touchback | return | Integer | Number of return touchbacks |
touchdown | return | Integer | Number of return touchdowns |
yards | return | Integer | Number of return yardage |
Rushing Play Statistics:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempt | rush | Integer | Number of rushing attempts |
broken_tackles | rush | Integer | Number of rushing broken tackles |
firstdown | rush | Integer | Number of rushing first downs |
goaltogo | rush | Integer | Number of rushes in goal-to-go |
inside_20 | rush | Integer | Number of rushes inside the 20 yardline |
kneel_down | rush | Integer | Number of rushing kneel downs |
lateral | rush | Integer | Number of rushing laterals |
nullified | rush | Boolean | Signifies a nullified play due to a penalty |
safety | rush | Integer | Number of rushing safeties |
scramble | rush | Integer | Number of rushing scrambles |
tlost | rush | Integer | Number of rushing tackles for a loss |
tlost_yards | rush | Integer | Number of rushing tackles for a loss yardage |
touchdown | rush | Integer | Number of rushing touchdowns |
yards | rush | Integer | Number of rushing yards |
yards_after_contact | rush | Integer | Number of rushing yards after contact |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
name | player | String | Full name of a player ex. George Kittle |
id | player | GUID | Unique ID of a player ex. 7e648a0b-fdc8-4661-a587-5826f2cac11b |
jersey | player | String | Jersey number of a player |
position | player | String | Position of an NFL player |
role | player | String | Role of a player during a specific play ex. pass , receive , tackle , rush , defend , catch , ast_tackle , kick , return , penalty |
sr_id | player | String | Player Sportradar ID ex. sr:player:828235 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
losses | record | Integer | Number of team losses year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome |
ties | record | Integer | Number of team ties year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome |
wins | record | Integer | Number of team wins year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
alias | team | String | Team alias ex. MIN (Minnesota) |
id | team | GUID | Unique team ID ex. 82d2d380-3834-4938-835f-aec541e5ece7 |
market | team | String | Team market name ex. Minnesota |
name | team | String | Team name ex. Vikings |
sr_id | team | String | Team Sportradar ID ex. sr:competitor:4324 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
address | venue | String | Address of a venue |
capacity | venue | Integer | Capacity of a venue ex. 72220 |
city | venue | String | City of a venue |
country | venue | String | Country of a venue |
id | venue | GUID | Unique ID of a venue ex. 6a72e5ca-33d0-40af-8e6b-b32a4d3d9346 |
lat | venue | Decimal | Latitude of a venue ex. 29.684735 |
lng | venue | Decimal | Longitude of a venue ex. -95.410725 |
name | venue | String | Name of a venue |
roof_type | venue | String | Roof type of a venueoutdoor , dome , retractable_dome |
sr_id | venue | String | Venue Sportradar ID ex. sr:venue:2402 |
state | venue | String | State of a venue ex. MN |
surface | venue | String | Surrace type of a venueturf , artifical |
zip | venue | Integer | ZIP code of a venue ex. 77054 |