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Game Statistics

NCAAFB Game Statistics provides team and player level game statistics for each team.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.

Data Updates: Realtime

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attendancegameIntegerAttendance of a game
ex. 73242
remaining_challengesawayIntegerAway team challenges remaining
remaining_timeoutsawayIntegerAway team timeouts remaining
used_timeoutsawayIntegerAway team timeouts used
used_challengesawayIntegerAway team challenges used
clockgameStringClock value of the game
ex. 12:37
remaining_challengeshomeIntegerHome team challenges remaining
remaining_timeoutshomeIntegerHome team timeouts remaining
used_timeoutshomeIntegerHome team timeouts used
used_challengeshomeIntegerHome team challenges used
pointshomeIntegerHome team points in the game
pointsawayIntegerAway team points in the game
quartergameIntegerQuarter number of the game
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasawayStringAway team alias
ex. TCU (Texas Christian University)
idawayGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. a09e634d-39a8-4aa8-81a4-7337580a31f4
marketawayStringAway team market name
ex. TCU
nameawayStringAway team name
ex. Horned Frogs
cablebroadcastStringNumber of a game's broadcast cable station
ex. 822
internetbroadcastStringName of a game's internet stream
ex. ESPN+
networkbroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast network
ex. Amazon Prime Video
radiobroadcastStringName of a game's radio station
ex. Sirius 134, XM 231
satellitebroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast satellite station
ex. ESPN Ocho
conference_gamegameBooleanSignifies an in-Conference matchup
ex. (SEC vs. SEC)
coveragegameStringCoverage level of a game
full, extended_boxscore
durationgameStringDuration of a game
ex. 2:52
entry_modegameStringType of data entry for the game
LDE (Live Data Entry)
game_typegameStringType of game
regular, conference_championship, bowl, playoff
aliashomeStringHome team alias
ex. UGA (University of Georgia)
idhomeGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. 2eef738d-c637-4b12-b8df-4b79efcce71e
markethomeStringHome team market name
ex. Georgia
namehomeStringHome team name
ex. Bulldogs
idgameGUIDUnique ID of a game
ex. c9686716-f48a-4667-996d-97639429d8c3
neutral_sitegameBooleanSignifies a game is held at a neutral site
playoff_game_typegameStringName of a playoff game type

See our FAQ for a list of valid playoff game types
parent_idgameGUIDStandard parent ID of a game. Use this ID to group events (like bowl games) across seasons.
scheduledgameDate/TimeScheduled date and time of a game
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
sr_idgameStringUnique Sportradar ID of a game
ex. sr:match:38354639
statusgameStringGame status
scheduled, created, inprogress, halftime, complete, closed, cancelled, postponed, delayed, suspended, flex-schedule, time-tbd

See our NCAAFB FAQ for game status descriptions
titlegameStringGame title
ex. CFP National Championship
awaytime_zonesStringTime zone of the away team
ex. US/Pacific
hometime_zonesStringTime zone of the home team
ex. US/Eastern
venuetime_zonesStringTime zone of the venue
ex. US/Eastern
conditionweatherStringWeather conditions for a game
ex. Partly cloudy
humidityweatherByteHumidity conditions for a game
ex. 44
tempweatherByteTemperature of a game in Fahrenheit
ex. 57
directionwindStringWind direction for a game
ex. N
speedwindByteWind speed for a game in MPH
Game Statistics - Conversions (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsextra_points - conversions - playerIntegerNumber of two-point conversion attempts
categoryextra_points - conversions - playerStringCategory of conversion
pass, receive, rush, defense
successesextra_points - conversions - playerIntegerNumber of successful two-point conversions
Game Statistics - Defense (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of defensive assisted tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
combineddefense - playerIntegerNumber of combined (assists + tackles) defensive tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
forced_fumblesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of fumble recoveries
interceptionsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of interceptions
misc_assistsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of miscellaneous assisted tackles.

Ex: An assisted tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_forced_fumblesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of miscellaneous forced fumbles.

Ex: A forced fumble by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of miscellaneous fumble recoveries.

Ex: A fumble recovery by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_tacklesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of miscellaneous tackles.

Ex: A solo tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
missed_tacklesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of missed tackles
passes_defendeddefense - playerIntegerNumber of passes defended
qb_hitsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of hits on the quarterback
sack_yardsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of sack yards
sacksdefense - playerIntegerNumber of sacks
safetiesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of safeties
sp_assistsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of special teams assisted tackles
sp_blocksdefense - playerIntegerNumber of blocked kicks/punts
sp_forced_fumblesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of special teams forced fumbles
sp_fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of total (kicking + receiving) special teams fumble recoveries
sp_opp_fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of special teams opponent fumble recoveries
sp_own_fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of own special teams fumble recoveries
sp_tacklesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of special teams tackles
tacklesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of defensive tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
tlossdefense - playerIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss
tloss_yardsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss yardage
Game Statistics - Extra Points (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsextra_points - kicks - playerIntegerNumber of attempted extra points
blockedextra_points - kicks - playerIntegerNumber of blocked extra points
madeextra_points - kicks - playerIntegerNumber of made extra points
missedextra_points - kicks - playerIntegerNumber of missed extra points
pctextra_points - kicks - playerDecimalExtra point percentage
ex. 75.0
Game Statistics - Field Goals (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals
attempts_19field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 1-19 yards
attempts_29field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 20-29 yards
attempts_39field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 30-39 yards
attempts_49field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 40-49 yards
attempts_50field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals of 50 yards or more
avg_yardsfield_goals - playerDecimalAverage number of yards on attempted field goals
ex. 38.5
blockedfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of blocked field goals
longestfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest made field goal
madefield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of made field goals
made_19field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 1-19 yards
made_29field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 20-29 yards
made_39field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 30-39 yards
made_49field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 40-49 yards
made_50field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals of 50 yards or more
missedfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of missed field goals
pctfield_goals - playerDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 75.0
yardsfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of total yards on successful field goals
Game Statistics - Fumbles (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ez_rec_tdsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of end zone fumble recovery touchdowns
forced_fumblesfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
fumblesfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of fumbles
lost_fumblesfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of lost fumbles
opp_recfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recoveries
opp_rec_tdsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery touchdowns
opp_rec_yardsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery yards
out_of_boundsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of opponent fumbles out of bounds
own_recfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of own fumble recoveries
own_rec_tdsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery touchdowns
own_rec_yardsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery yards
Game Statistics - Interception Returns (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardsint_returns - playerDecimalAverage number of yards on interception returns
ex. 38.5
longestint_returns - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest interception return
returnsint_returns - playerIntegerNumber of interception returns
touchdownsint_return - playerIntegerNumber of interception return touchdowns
yardsint_returns - playerIntegerNumber of total interception return yards
Game Statistics - Kick Returns (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardskick_returns - playerDecimalAverage number of yards on kick returns
ex. 19.5
faircatcheskick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of fair catches on kick returns
longestkick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest kick return
returnskick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of kick returns
touchdownskick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of kick return touchdowns
yardskick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of total kick return yards
Game Statistics - Kickoffs (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
endzonekickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoffs into the endzone
inside_20kickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoffs inside the 20 yardline
kickoffskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoffs
out_of_boundskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoffs out of bounds
return_yardskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of total return yards on kickoffs
total_endzonekickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of total kickoffs into the endzone (touchbacks + endzone kicks)
touchbackskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of touchbacks
yardskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoff yards
Game Statistics - Passing (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
air_yardspassing - playerIntegerNumber of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point)

Air yards is not currently a collected statistic for NCAA Football
attemptspassing - playerIntegerNumber of pass attempts
avg_yardspassing - playerDecimalAverage yards per pass attempt
ex. 7.22
cmp_pctpassing - playerDecimalCompletion percentage
ex. 78.049
completionspassing - playerIntegerNumber of pass completions
defended_passespassing - playerIntegerNumber of pass attempts defended
first_downspassing - playerIntegerNumber of first downs
interceptionspassing - playerIntegerNumber of interceptions thrown
int_touchdownspassing - playerIntegerNumber of interceptions thrown returned for touchdowns
longestpassing - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest completed pass
longest_touchdownpassing - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest pass for a touchdown
ratingpassing - playerDecimalPasser rating
ex. 94.7
redzone_attemptspassing - playerIntegerNumber of pass attempts in the red zone
sack_yardspassing - playerIntegerNumber of sack yards
sackspassing - playerIntegerNumber of sacks
touchdownspassing - playerIntegerNumber of passing touchdowns
yardspassing - playerIntegerNumber of passing yards
Game Statistics - Penalties (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_downspenalties - playerIntegerNumber of penalties resulting in a first down
penaltiespenalties - playerIntegerNumber of penalties
yardspenalties - playerIntegerNumber of penalty yardage
Game Statistics - Punt Returns (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardspunt_returns - playerDecimalAverage number of yards on punt returns
ex. 19.5
faircatchespunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of fair catches on punt returns
longestpunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt return
returnspunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of punt returns
touchdownspunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of punt return touchdowns
yardspunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of total punt return yards
Game Statistics - Punts (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptspunts - playerIntegerNumber of punt attempts
avg_net_yardspunts - playerDecimalAverage net yards on punts
ex. 28.75
avg_yardspunts - playerDecimalAverage yards on punts
ex. 43.75
blockedpunts - playerIntegerNumber of punts blocked
inside_20punts - playerIntegerNumber of punts inside the 20 yardline
longestpunts - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt
net_yardspunts - playerIntegerNumber of total net punt yards
return_yardspunts - playerIntegerNumber of total return punt yards
out_of_boundspunts - playerIntegerNumber of punts out of bounds
return_yardspunts - playerIntegerNumber of total return yards on punts
touchbackspunts - playerIntegerNumber of touchbacks
yardspunts - playerIntegerNumber of punt yards
Game Statistics - Receiving (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
air_yardsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point)

Air yards is not currently a collected statistic for NCAA Football
avg_yardsreceiving - playerDecimalAverage yards per reception
ex. 7.22
first_downsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving first downs
longestreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest reception
longest_touchdownreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest receiving touchdown
receptionsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receptions
redzone_targetsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving red zone targets
targetsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving targets
touchdownsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving touchdowns
yardsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving yards
yards_after_catchreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving yards after the catch

Yards after catch is not currently a collected statistic for NCAA Football
Game Statistics - Rushing (Player)
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing attempts
avg_yardsrushing - playerDecimalAverage yards per rush
ex. 3.22
first_downsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing first downs
longestrushing - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest rush
longest_touchdownrushing - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest rushing touchdown
redzone_attemptsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing red zone attempts
tlostrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss
tlost_yardsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss yardage
touchdownsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing touchdowns
yardsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing yards
Game Statistics - Conversions (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
defense_attemptsextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of defensive two-point conversion attempts
defense_successesextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of successful defensive two-point conversions
pass_attemptsextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of two-point conversion passing attempts
pass_successesextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of successful passing two-point conversions
rush_attemptsextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of two-point conversion rushing attempts
rush_successesextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of successful rushing two-point conversions
turnover_successesextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of turnover successes
Game Statistics - Defense (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsdefenseIntegerNumber of defensive assisted tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
combineddefenseIntegerNumber of combined (assists + tackles) defensive tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
forced_fumblesdefenseIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
fourth_down_stopsdefenseIntegerNumber of fourth down stops
fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of fumble recoveries
interceptionsdefenseIntegerNumber of interceptions
misc_assistsdefenseIntegerNumber of miscellaneous assisted tackles.
Ex: An assisted tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_forced_fumblesdefenseIntegerNumber of miscellaneous forced fumbles.
Ex: A forced fumble by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of miscellaneous fumble recoveries.
Ex: A fumble recovery by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_tacklesdefenseIntegerNumber of miscellaneous tackles.
Ex: A solo tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
passes_defendeddefenseIntegerNumber of passes defended
qb_hitsdefenseIntegerNumber of hits on the quarterback
sack_yardsdefenseIntegerNumber of sack yards
sacksdefenseIntegerNumber of sacks
safetiesdefenseIntegerNumber of safeties
sp_assistsdefenseIntegerNumber of special teams assisted tackles
sp_blocksdefenseIntegerNumber of blocked kicks/punts
sp_forced_fumblesdefenseIntegerNumber of special teams forced fumbles
sp_fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of total (kicking + receiving) special teams fumble recoveries
sp_opp_fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of special teams opponent fumble recoveries
sp_own_fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of own special teams fumble recoveries
sp_tacklesdefenseIntegerNumber of special teams tackles
tacklesdefenseIntegerNumber of defensive tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
three_and_outs_forceddefenseIntegerNumber of three and outs forced
tlossdefenseIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss
tloss_yardsdefenseIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss yardage
Game Statistics - Efficiency (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsteam - efficiency - thirddownIntegerNumber of third down attempts
successesteam - efficiency - thirddownIntegerNumber of third down successes
pctteam - efficiency - thirddownDecimalThird down conversion percentage
ex. 61.538
attemptsteam - efficiency - fourthdownIntegerNumber of fourth down attempts
successesteam - efficiency - fourthdownIntegerNumber of fourth down successes
pctteam - efficiency - fourthdownDecimalFourth down conversion percentage
ex. 50.0
attemptsteam - efficiency - goaltogoIntegerNumber of goal-to-go attempts
successesteam - efficiency - goaltogoIntegerNumber of goal-to-go successes
pctteam - efficiency - goaltogoDecimalGoal-to-go conversion percentage
ex. 100.0
attemptsteam - efficiency - redzoneIntegerNumber of red zone attempts
successesteam - efficiency - redzoneIntegerNumber of red zone successes
pctteam - efficiency - redzoneDecimalRed zone conversion percentage
ex. 80.0
Game Statistics - Extra Points (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsextra_points - kicksIntegerNumber of attempted extra points
blockedextra_points - kicksIntegerNumber of blocked extra points
madeextra_points - kicksIntegerNumber of made extra points
missedextra_points - kicksIntegerNumber of missed extra points
pctextra_points - kicksDecimalExtra point percentage
ex. 75.0
Game Statistics - Field Goals (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsfield_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals
attempts_19field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 1-19 yards
attempts_29field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 20-29 yards
attempts_39field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 30-39 yards
attempts_49field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 40-49 yards
attempts_50field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals of 50 yards or more
avg_yardsfield_goalsDecimalAverage number of yards on attempted field goals
ex. 38.5
blockedfield_goalsIntegerNumber of blocked field goals
longestfield_goalsIntegerNumber of yards of longest made field goal
madefield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of made field goals
made_19field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 1-19 yards
made_29field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 20-29 yards
made_39field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 30-39 yards
made_49field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 40-49 yards
made_50field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals of 50 yards or more
missedfield_goalsIntegerNumber of missed field goals
net_attemptsfield_goalsIntegerNumber of net field goal attempts
pctfield_goalsDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 75.0
yardsfield_goalsIntegerNumber of total yards on successful field goals
Game Statistics - First Downs (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
passfirst_downsIntegerNumber of passing first downs
penaltyfirst_downsIntegerNumber of first downs due to penalty
rushfirst_downsIntegerNumber of rushing first downs
totalfirst_downsIntegerNumber of total first downs
Game Statistics - Fumbles (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ez_rec_tdsfumblesIntegerNumber of end zone fumble recovery touchdowns
forced_fumblesfumblesIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
fumblesfumblesIntegerNumber of fumbles
lost_fumblesfumblesIntegerNumber of lost fumbles
opp_recfumblesIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recoveries
opp_rec_tdsfumblesIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery touchdowns
opp_rec_yardsfumblesIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery yards
out_of_boundsfumblesIntegerNumber of opponent fumbles out of bounds
own_recfumblesIntegerNumber of own fumble recoveries
own_rec_tdsfumblesIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery touchdowns
own_rec_yardsfumblesIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery yards
Game Statistics - Interception Returns (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardsint_returnsDecimalAverage number of yards on interception returns
ex. 38.5
longestint_returnsIntegerNumber of yards of longest interception return
returnsint_returnsIntegerNumber of interception returns
touchdownsint_returnsIntegerNumber of interception return touchdowns
yardsint_returnsIntegerNumber of total interception return yards
interceptionsinterceptionsIntegerNumber of interceptions
return_yardsinterceptionsIntegerNumber of interception return yards
returnedinterceptionsIntegerNumber of interceptions returned
Game Statistics - Kick Returns (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardskick_returnsDecimalAverage number of yards on kick returns
ex. 19.5
faircatcheskick_returnsIntegerNumber of fair catches on kick returns
longestkick_returnsIntegerNumber of yards of longest kick return
returnskick_returnsIntegerNumber of kick returns
touchdownskick_returnsIntegerNumber of kick return touchdowns
yardskick_returnsIntegerNumber of total kick return yards
Game Statistics - Kickoffs (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
endzonekickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoffs into the endzone
inside_20kickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoffs inside the 20 yardline
kickoffskickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoffs
out_of_boundskickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoffs out of bounds
return_yardskickoffsIntegerNumber of total return yards on kickoffs
total_endzonekickoffsIntegerNumber of total kickoffs into the endzone (touchbacks + endzone kicks)
touchbackskickoffsIntegerNumber of touchbacks
yardskickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoff yards
Game Statistics - Miscellaneous Returns (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
blk_fg_touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of blocked field goals returned for touchdowns
blk_punt_touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of blocked punts returned for touchdowns
ez_rec_touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of end zone recovery touchdowns
fg_touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of field goal attempts returned for touchdowns
returnsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of miscellaneous returns
touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of miscellaneous returns for touchdowns
yardsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of miscellaneous return yardage
Game Statistics - Passing (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
air_yardspassingIntegerNumber of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point)

Air yards is not currently a collected statistic for NCAA Football
attemptspassingIntegerNumber of pass attempts
avg_yardspassingDecimalAverage yards per pass attempt
ex. 7.22
cmp_pctpassingDecimalCompletion percentage
ex. 78.049
completionspassingIntegerNumber of pass completions
first_downspassingIntegerNumber of first downs
interceptionspassingIntegerNumber of interceptions thrown
int_touchdownspassingIntegerNumber of interceptions thrown returned for touchdowns
longestpassingIntegerNumber of yards of longest completed pass
longest_touchdownpassingIntegerNumber of yards of longest pass for a touchdown
net_yardspassingIntegerNumber of net yards passing
ratingpassingDecimalPasser rating
ex. 94.7
redzone_attemptspassingIntegerNumber of pass attempts in the red zone
sack_yardspassingIntegerNumber of sack yards
sackspassingIntegerNumber of sacks
touchdownspassingIntegerNumber of passing touchdowns
yardspassingIntegerNumber of passing yards
Game Statistics - Penalties (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_downspenaltiesIntegerNumber of penalties resulting in a first down
penaltiespenaltiesIntegerNumber of penalties
yardspenaltiesIntegerNumber of penalty yardage
Game Statistics - Punt Returns (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardspunt_returnsDecimalAverage number of yards on punt returns
ex. 19.5
faircatchespunt_returnsIntegerNumber of fair catches on punt returns
longestpunt_returnsIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt return
returnspunt_returnsIntegerNumber of punt returns
touchdownspunt_returnsIntegerNumber of punt return touchdowns
yardspunt_returnsIntegerNumber of total punt return yards
Game Statistics - Punts (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptspuntsIntegerNumber of punt attempts
avg_net_yardspuntsDecimalAverage net yards on punts
ex. 28.75
avg_yardspuntsDecimalAverage yards on punts
ex. 43.75
blockedpuntsIntegerNumber of punts blocked
inside_20puntsIntegerNumber of punts inside the 20 yardline
longestpuntsIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt
net_yardspuntsIntegerNumber of total net punt yards
return_yardspuntsIntegerNumber of total return yards on punts
touchbackspuntsIntegerNumber of touchbacks
yardspuntsIntegerNumber of punt yards
Game Statistics - Receiving (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
air_yardsreceivingIntegerNumber of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point)

Air yards is not currently a collected statistic for NCAA Football
avg_yardsreceivingDecimalAverage yards per reception
ex. 7.22
first_downsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving first downs
longestreceivingIntegerNumber of yards of longest reception
longest_touchdownreceivingIntegerNumber of yards of longest receiving touchdown
receptionsreceivingIntegerNumber of receptions
redzone_targetsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving red zone targets
targetsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving targets
touchdownsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving touchdowns
yardsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving yards
yards_after_catchreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving yards after the catch

Yards after catch is not currently a collected statistic for NCAA Football
Game Statistics - Rushing (Team)
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing attempts
avg_yardsrushingDecimalAverage yards per rush
ex. 3.22
first_downsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing first downs
longestrushingIntegerNumber of yards of longest rush
longest_touchdownrushingIntegerNumber of yards of longest rushing touchdown
redzone_attemptsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing red zone attempts
tlostrushingIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss
tlost_yardsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss yardage
touchdownsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing touchdowns
yardsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing yards
Game Statistics - Touchdowns (Team)
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
fumble_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of fumble return touchdowns
int_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of interception return touchdowns
kick_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of kick return touchdowns
othertouchdownsIntegerNumber of touchdowns outside of other categories. Common examples are blocked kicks or punts returned for scores.
passtouchdownsIntegerNumber of passing touchdowns
punt_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of punt return touchdowns
rushtouchdownsIntegerNumber of rushing touchdowns
totaltouchdownsIntegerNumber of total touchdowns
total_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of total return touchdowns
Game Statistics - Team Summary
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_gainteamDecimalAverage yards per play
ex. 7.6
fumblesteamIntegerNumber of fumbles
lost_fumblesteamIntegerNumber of fumbles lost
penaltiesteamIntegerNumber of penalties
penalty_yardsteamIntegerNumber of penalty yards
play_countteamIntegerNumber of offensive plays
possession_timeteamIntegerTime of possession
ex. 36:38
return_yardsteamIntegerNumber of return yards
rush_playsteamIntegerNumber of rushing plays
safetiesteamIntegerNumber of safeties
total_yardsteamIntegerNumber of total yards
turnoversteamIntegerNumber of turnovers
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseasonGUIDUnique season ID
ex. ff53e5e4-10ef-4842-a0b7-b489956fa07e
nameseasonStringName of the season
typeseasonStringType of the season
yearseasonIntegerYear of the season
idweekGUIDUnique week ID
ex. c5b272b0-388f-496d-ab6f-0a341b0a116b
sequenceweekIntegerWeek sequence number
titleweekStringWeek title
ex. 10
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 4be48c57-4b7c-46ad-8535-445c195feda6
jerseyplayerStringJersey number of a player
nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Stetson Bennett
positionplayerStringPosition of a player

See our FAQ for a list of valid positions
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasteamStringTeam alias
ex. IOW (University of Iowa)
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. a2ee495d-37c7-45ac-ac3d-d3a492a219c1
marketteamStringTeam market name
ex. Iowa
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Hawkeyes
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 886 Stadium Drive
capacityvenueIntegerCapacity of a venue
ex. 69250
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Iowa City
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. 967ef86b-d0de-49b7-8984-61f95104d30d
latvenue - locationDecimalLatitude of a venue
ex. 41.6587
lngvenue - locationDecimalLongitude of a venue
ex. -91.5511
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Kinnick Stadium
roof_typevenueStringRoof type of a venue
outdoor, dome, retractable_dome
statevenueStringState of a venue
ex. IA
surfacevenueStringSurface type of a venue
turf, artificial, outdoor
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 52242
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