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Rankings (Current Week)

NCAAFB Rankings (Current Week) provides the current top 25 Rankings (Polls).


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: 2 seconds

Data Updates:

  • Rankings are updated within 15 minutes after their release to the public, typically on Sundays.
  • The CFP rankings begin after week 10, and are typically released on Tuesdays.

Data Points


The following polls are covered: Associated Press (AP25), Amway Coaches (EU25), College Football Playoff (CFP25), FCS Media (FCS25), AFCA FCS Coaches (FCSC25)

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliaspollStringAlias of a poll
AP25, EU25, H25, CFP25, FCS25, FCSC25
idpollGUIDUnique ID of a poll
ex. aef92d2e-6f2d-462a-972b-f38859ddb96f
namepollStringName of a poll
ex. Associated Press Top 25
effective_timepollDate/TimeTimestamp of the creation of the weekly ranking (poll) record
ex. 2023-01-10T13:42:00+00:00
seasonpollIntegerYear of the polled season
weekpollIntegerWeek of the polled season
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
prev_rankpoll - rankings - teamIntegerTeam rank for the previous week
lossespoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of overall team losses
winspoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of overall team wins
tiespoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of overall team ties
rankpoll - rankings - teamIntegerTeam rank for the week polled
pointspoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of team rank points for the week polled
fp_votespoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of first place votes for a team for the week polled
votespoll - canditates - teamIntegerNumber of votes for a team outside of the top 25 for the week polled
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasteamStringTeam alias
ex. IOW (University of Iowa)
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. a2ee495d-37c7-45ac-ac3d-d3a492a219c1
marketteamStringTeam market name
ex. Iowa
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Hawkeyes
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