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UFL Play-by-Play provides a live play-by-play timeline, including possession and location information as well as all team and player statistics earned on each play.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.

Data Updates: Realtime

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attendancegameIntegerAttendance of a game
decisionawayStringAway team coin toss decision
kick, receive, defer
directionawayStringAway team coin toss direction chosen
outcomeawayStringAway team coin toss outcome
won, lost
pointsawayIntegerAway team points in a quarter
remaining_challengesawayIntegerAway team challenges remaining
remaining_timeoutsawayIntegerAway team timeouts remaining
used_challengesawayIntegerAway team challenges used
used_timeoutsawayIntegerAway team timeouts used
pointsawayIntegerAway team total points
clockgameStringClock value of the game
quartercoin_tossStringCoin toss within a period. A coin toss will occur at the start of the game, half (period 3), and overtime
decisionhomeStringHome team coin toss decision
kick, receive, defer
directionhomeStringHome team coin toss direction chosen
outcomehomeStringHome team coin toss outcome
won, lost
pointshomeIntegerHome team points in a quarter
remaining_challengeshomeIntegerHome team challenges remaining
remaining_timeoutshomeIntegerHome team timeouts remaining
used_challengeshomeIntegerHome team challenges used
used_timeoutshomeIntegerHome team timeouts used
pointshomeIntegerHome team total points
idovertimeGUIDOvertime unique ID
numberovertimeIntegerOvertime number
sequenceovertimeIntegerPeriod sequence number (The first overtime sequence would be 5)
quartergameIntegerQuarter number of a game
idquarterGUIDQuarter unique ID
numberquarterIntegerQuarter number
sequencequarterIntegerPeriod sequence number
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasawayStringAway team alias
ex. MEM (Memphis)
idawayGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. 51da96b0-9676-11ec-9ad0-d3ebe46bbb12
marketawayStringAway team market name
ex. New Orleans
nameawayStringAway team name
ex. Breakers
sr_idawayStringUnique Sportradar ID of the away team
ex. sr:competitor:882413
cablebroadcastStringNumber of a game's broadcast cable station
ex. 822
internetbroadcastStringName of a game's internet stream
ex. ESPN+
networkbroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast network
ex. Amazon Prime Video
radiobroadcastStringName of a game's radio station
ex. Sirius 134, XM 231
satellitebroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast satellite station
ex. ESPN Ocho
conference_gamegameBooleanSignifies an in-Conference matchup
durationgameStringDuration of the game
ex. 2:52
entry_modegameStringType of data entry for the game
LDE (Live Data Entry)
aliashomeStringHome team alias
ex. SA
idhomeGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. c8797380-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29
markethomeStringHome team market name
ex. San Antonio
namehomeStringHome team name
ex. Brahmas
sr_idhomeStringUnique Sportradar ID of the home team
ex. sr:competitor:882423
idgameGUIDUnique ID of a game
ex. 03aa477c-de6a-4d7a-90f4-97eed05f2e89
scheduledgameDate/TimeScheduled date and time of a game
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
sr_idgameStringUnique Sportradar ID of a game
ex. sr:match:33623305
statusgameStringGame status
scheduled, created, inprogress, halftime, complete, closed, cancelled, delayed, suspended, postponed, time-tbd

See our UFL FAQ for game status descriptions
awaytime_zonesStringTime zone of the away team
ex. US/Pacific
hometime_zonesStringTime zone of the home team
ex. US/Eastern
venuetime_zonesStringTime zone of the venue
ex. US/Eastern
conditionweatherStringWeather conditions for a game
ex. Partly cloudy
humidityweatherByteHumidity conditions for a game
ex. 44
tempweatherByteTemperature of a game in Fahrenheit
ex. 57
directionwindStringWind direction for a game
ex. N
speedwindByteWind speed for a game in MPH
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseasonGUIDUnique season ID
ex. 234f28d6-b9d7-4881-a890-30b451c13aec
nameseasonStringName of the season
typeseasonStringType of the season
yearseasonIntegerYear of the season
idweekGUIDUnique week ID
ex. eb5f5b92-6a4e-42a7-b590-3f0ce7cc4736
sequenceweekIntegerWeek sequence number
titleweekStringWeek title
Play-by-Play Details:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
categorydetailStringPlay detail category
ex. kick_off,'kick_off_return','tackle'
description-StringText description of a play
ex. M.Bethel-Thompson pass short right complete to PIT 42. Catch made by A.Jones at PIT 42. Gain of 3 yards. Tackled by K.Gipson, R.Foster at PIT 39.
directiondetailStringDirection of action for a play
Rush: short left, short right, short middle, deep right, deep left, deep middle, left, right, middle
Pass: backward pass, handoff, lateral, reverse, left tackle, left guard, up the middle, right guard, right tackle, right end, left end, kneels
aliasend_locationStringTeam alias of the location of the ball at the conclusion of a play
ex. SA (Pittsburgh)
yardlineend_locationIntegerYardline location of the ball at the conclusion of a play
ex. 45
first_touchdetailStringIndicates the yard line where the ball was first touched, after a fumble, but before the ball was recovered
Will not appear for games with entry_mode="LDE"
no_attemptdetailStringIndicates a player should receive a statistical attempt for a play. Generally used on laterals
Will not appear for games with entry_mode="LDE"
onsidedetailStringIndicates an onside kick
descriptionpenaltyStringText description of a penalty
ex. Unsportsmanlike Conduct / Defense
no_playpenaltyStringSignifies a nullified play due to a penalty
resultpenaltyStringResult of a penalty
accepted, declined, offset
safetypenaltyBooleanIndicates a play ending in a safety
yardspenaltyIntegerNumber of yards penalized on the play
reason_misseddetailStringType of missed field goal attempt
Blocked, Hit Crossbar, Hit Left Upright, Hit Right Upright, Short, Wide Left, Wide Right
Will not appear for games with entry_mode="LDE"
resultdetailStringResult of the play
sack_splitdetailStringSignifies a sack was split between two defendersWill not appear for games with entry_mode="LDE"
sequencedetailIntegerSequence number of the play detail
aliasstart_locationStringTeam alias of the location of the ball at the beginning of a play
ex. SA (Pittsburgh)
yardlinestart_locationIntegerYardline location of the ball at the beginning of a play
ex. 45
yardsdetailIntegerYards gained or lost on the play
Play-by-Play Drive:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
created_atdriveDate/TimeTimestamp of the start of a drive
ex. 2023-04-17T00:19:40+00:00
durationdriveStringDuration of a drive in MM:SS format
ex. 5:43
end_clockdriveStringGame clock value at the end of a drive
ex. 9:56
end_reasondriveStringEnd result of a drive
ex. Touchdown

See our FAQ for a list of valid end reasons and their definitions
farthest_drive_yardlinedriveIntegerThe furthest yardline the offensive team reached during a drive (1-99 scale)
first_downsdriveIntegerNumber of first downs in a drive
first_drive_yardlinedriveIntegerStarting yardline of the first play of a drive (1-99 scale)
gaindriveIntegerNumber of yards gained in a drive
iddriveGUIDUnique ID of a drive
ex. 1d491536-8263-4f48-9368-0d2e831f6840
inside_20driveBooleanSignifies a drive which ends inside the opponent's 20 yardline
last_drive_yardlinedriveIntegerStarting yardline of the last play of a drive (1-99 scale)
net_yardsdriveIntegerNet yards for the offensive team on a drive (Yards gained minus penalty yards)
pat_points_attempteddriveIntegerNumber of point after touchdown attempts on a drive
pat_successfuldriveBooleanSignifies a successful point after touchdown on a drive
penalty_yardsdriveIntegerNumber of penalty yards on a drive
play_countdriveIntegerNumber of plays in a drive
scoring_drivedriveBooleanSignifies a drive which ends in a score
sequencedriveIntegerSequential number of the drive within a game
start_clockdriveStringGame clock value at the start of a drive
ex. 4:32
start_reasondriveStringStart reason of a drive
ex. Field Goal

See our FAQ for a list of valid start reasons and their definitions
team_sequencedriveIntegerSequential number of the drive for the offensive team
updated_atdriveDate/TimeTimestamp of the last update of a drive
iddrive - defensive_teamGUIDUnique ID of the defensive team for a drive
ex. 1d491536-8263-4f48-9368-0d2e831f6840
pointsdrive - defensive_teamIntegerNumber of points scored for the defensive team for a drive
iddrive - offensive_teamGUIDUnique ID of the offensive team for a drive
ex. 1d491536-8263-4f48-9368-0d2e831f6840
pointsdrive - offensive_teamIntegerNumber of points scored for the offensive team for a drive
Play-by-Play Ending Situation:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
clockend_situationStringGame clock value at the end of a play
downend_situationIntegerDown at the end of a play
aliaslocationStringTeam alias of the location of the ball at the end of a play
ex. SA (Pittsburgh)
idlocationGUIDUnique team ID of the team with possession at the end of a play
marketlocationStringTeam market name
ex. San Antonio
namelocationStringTeam name
ex. Brahmas
sr_idlocationGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. sr:competitor:882423
yardlinelocationIntegerYardline of the ball at the end of a play
aliaspossessionStringTeam alias of the possession of the ball at the end of a play
ex. SA (Pittsburgh)
idpossessionGUIDUnique team ID of the team with possession at the end of a play
marketpossessionStringTeam market name
ex. San Antonio
namepossessionStringTeam name
ex. Brahmas
sr_idpossessionGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. sr:competitor:882423
yfdend_situationIntegerYards to gain a first down at the end of a play
Play-by-Play Event:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
clockeventStringClock value for an event
ex. 12:37
created_ateventDate/TimeTimestamp of the creation of an event
ex. 2022-09-20T00:54:16+00:00
description-StringText description of an event
ex. TV Timeout
ideventStringUnique ID of an event
ex. 34ced4e0-dca8-11ed-b2c7-9159d1dff79a
sequenceeventDecimalSequence numer of events or plays. Used to sequence events properly
ex. 1681685062673.0
typeeventStringType of an event
setup, timeout, tv_timeout, two_minute_timeout, comment, period_end, game_over
updated_ateventDate/TimeTimestamp of the last update of an event
ex. 2022-09-20T00:54:16+00:00
Play-by-Play Play:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_pointsplayIntegerAway points at the end of a play
clockplayStringClock value for a play
ex. 12:37
created_atplayDate/TimeTimestamp of the creation of a play
ex. 2022-09-20T00:54:16+00:00
description-StringText description of a play
home_pointsplayIntegerHome points at the end of a play
idplayGUIDUnique ID of a play
play_directionplayStringDirection of action for a play

Rush: short left, short right, short middle, deep right, deep left, deep middle, left, right, middle

Pass: backward pass, handoff, lateral, reverse, left tackle, left guard, up the middle, right guard, right tackle, right end, left end, kneels
scoring_playplayBooleanIndicates whether a play resulted in a score
sequenceplayDecimalSequence numer of events or plays. Used to sequence events properly
ex. 1681685279136.0
typeplayStringType of play
pass, rush, faircatch_kick, extra_point, conversion, free_kick, kickoff, punt, field_goal, penalty
updated_atplayDate/TimeTimestamp of the last update of a play
ex. 2022-09-20T00:54:16+00:00
wall_clockplayDate/TimeTimestamp of the start of the play/event entry
ex. 2022-10-09T17:12:08+00:00
Play-by-Play Points After:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idpoints-after-playGUIDUnique ID of a point after attempt
typepoints-after-playStringType of a point after attempt
extra_point, conversion, penalty
sequencepoints-after-playDecimalSequence numer of events or plays. Used to sequence events properly
Play-by-Play Quarter:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idquarterGUIDUnique ID of a quarter
numberquarterIntegerNumber of a quarter
sequencequarterIntegerSequential number of a quarter
Play-by-Play Scoring:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_pointsscoreIntegerNumber of away team points
clockscoreBooleanClock value for a score
ex. 12:37
home_pointsscoreIntegerNumber of home team points
pointsscoreIntegerNumber of points for a score
sequencescoreIntegerSequence number of an event or play. Used to sequence events properly
ex. 1665336878436.0
Play-by-Play Starting Situation:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
clockstart_situationStringClock value at the start of a play
ex. 12:37
downstart_situationIntegerDown at the start of a play
aliaslocationStringTeam alias of the location of the ball at the start of a play
ex. SA (Pittsburgh)
idlocationGUIDUnique team ID of the team with possession at the start of a play
marketlocationStringTeam market name
ex. San Antonio
namelocationStringTeam name
ex. Brahmas
sr_idlocationGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. sr:competitor:882423
yardlinelocationIntegerYardline of the ball at the start of a play
aliaspossessionStringTeam alias of the possession of the ball at the start of a play
ex. SA (Pittsburgh)
idpossessionGUIDUnique team ID of the team with possession at the start of a play
marketpossessionStringTeam market name
ex. San Antonio
namepossessionStringTeam name
ex. Brahmas
sr_idpossessionGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. sr:competitor:882423
yfdend_situationIntegerYards to gain a first down at the start of a play
Kick & Punt Block Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
blockblockIntegerNumber kick blocks
categoryblockStringType of blocked kick
field_goal, extra_point, punt
Conversion Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptconversionIntegerNumber of conversion attempts
categoryconversionStringCategory of conversion
pass, receive, rush, turnover
completeconversionIntegerNumber of conversion completions
safetyconversionIntegerNumber of conversion safeties
Defensive Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ast_sackdefenseIntegerNumber of assisted sacks
ast_tackledefenseIntegerNumber of assisted tackles
ast_tlostdefenseIntegerNumber of assisted tackles for a loss
blockdefenseIntegerNumber of blocked kicks/punts
categorydefenseStringCategory of defensive statistic
defense, special_team, misc
forced_fumbledefenseIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
interceptiondefenseIntegerNumber of interceptions
int_touchdowndefenseIntegerNumber of interceptions for a touchdown
int_yardsdefenseIntegerNumber of interception yards
nullifieddefenseBooleanNullified play flag
pass_defendeddefenseIntegerNumber of passes defended
primarydefenseIntegerIndicates whether the assist tackler was the primary tackler on a play
*This stat is unsupported since 2021
qb_hitdefenseIntegerNumber of hits on the quarterback
sackdefenseIntegerNumber of sacks
sack_yardsdefenseIntegerNumber of sack yards
safetydefenseIntegerNumber of safeties
tlostdefenseIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss
tlost_yardsdefenseIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss yardage
tackledefenseIntegerNumber of tackles
Defensive Conversion Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptdefense_conversionIntegerNumber of defensive conversion attempts
categorydefense_conversionStringCategory of defensive conversion
conversion, extra_point
completedefense_conversionIntegerNumber of defensive conversion completions
Down Conversion Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptdown_conversionIntegerNumber of down conversion attempts
completedown_conversionStringCategory of down conversion
conversion, extra_point
downdown_conversionIntegerNumber of the down at play start
categoryfirst_downStringType of first down
pass, rush, penalty
Extra Point Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptextra_pointIntegerNumber of attempted extra points
blockedextra_pointIntegerNumber of blocked extra points
madeextra_pointIntegerNumber of made extra points
missedextra_pointIntegerNumber of missed extra points
returnedextra_pointIntegerNumber of returned extra points
safetyextra_pointIntegerNumber of extra point safeties
Field Goal Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptfield_goalIntegerNumber of attempted field goals
att_yardsfield_goalIntegerYardage of attempted field goal
blockedfield_goalIntegerNumber of blocked field goals
madefield_goalIntegerNumber of made field goals
missedfield_goalIntegerNumber of missed field goals
nullifiedfield_goalBooleanSignifies a nullified field goal attempt
returnedfield_goalIntegerNumber of returned field goals
yardsfield_goalIntegerYardage of made field goal
Fumbles Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
forcedfumbleIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
fumblefumbleIntegerNumber of fumbles
lostfumbleIntegerNumber of lost fumbles
nullifiedfumbleBooleanSignifies a nullified play due to a penalty
opp_recfumbleIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recoveries
opp_rec_tdfumbleIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery touchdowns
opp_rec_yardsfumbleIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery yards
out_of_boundsfumbleIntegerNumber of fumbles out of bounds
own_recfumbleIntegerNumber of own fumble recoveries
own_rec_tdfumbleIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery touchdowns
own_rec_yardsfumbleIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery yards
play_categoryfumbleStringType of fumble
ex. misc
Kickoff Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptkickIntegerNumber of kickoff attempts
endzonekickIntegerNumber of kicks into the endzone
inside_20kickIntegerNumber of kicks inside the 20 yardline
net_yardskickIntegerNumber of net yards on the kickoff
nullifiedkickBooleanSignifies a nullified play due to a penalty
onside_attemptkickBooleanNumber of onside kickoff attempts
onside_successkickBooleanNumber of onside kickoff successes
own_reckickBooleanNumber of own recoveries on a kickoff
own_rec_tdkickBooleanNumber of own recovery touchdowns on a kickoff
touchbackkickBooleanNumber of touchbacks
yardskickBooleanNumber of kickoff yards
Passing Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptpassIntegerNumber of pass attempts
att_yardspassIntegerNumber of pass attempt (air) yards, measured from the line of scrimmage to the yardline of the receiving target
completepassIntegerNumber of pass completions
firstdownpassIntegerNumber of passing first downs
goaltogopassIntegerNumber of plays in a goal-to-go situation
inside_20passIntegerNumber of passes inside the 20 yardline
interceptionpassIntegerNumber of interceptions thrown
int_touchdownpassIntegerNumber of interception touchdowns thrown
nullifiedpassBooleanSignifies a nullified play due to a penalty
sackpassIntegerNumber of sacks
sack_yardspassIntegerNumber of sack yards
safetypassIntegerNumber of safeties
touchdownpassIntegerNumber of touchdowns
yardspassIntegerNumber of passing yards
Penalty Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
penaltypenaltyIntegerNumber of penalties
yardspenaltyIntegerNumber of penalty yardage
Punting Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptpuntIntegerNumber of attempted punts
blockedpuntIntegerNumber of blocked punts
downedpuntIntegerNumber of downed punts
endzonepuntIntegerNumber of punts into the endzone
faircatchpuntIntegerNumber of fair catch punts
inside_20puntIntegerNumber of punts inside the 20 yardline
net_yardspuntIntegerNet yardage of a punt
nullifiedpuntBooleanSignifies a nullified play due to a penalty
out_of_boundspuntIntegerNumber of punts out of bounds
touchbackpuntIntegerNumber of touchback punts
yardspuntIntegerYardage of punt
Receiving Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
firstdownreceiveIntegerNumber of receiving first downs
goaltogoreceiveIntegerNumber of receptions in goal-to-go
inside_20receiveIntegerNumber of receptions inside the 20 yardline
nullifiedreceiveBooleanSignifies a nullified play due to a penalty
receptionreceiveIntegerNumber of receptions
safetyreceiveIntegerNumber of receiving safeties
targetsreceiveIntegerNumber of receiving targets
touchdownreceiveIntegerNumber of receiving touchdowns
yardsreceiveIntegerNumber of receiving yards
yards_after_catchreceiveIntegerNumber of receiving yards after the catch
Return Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
categoryreturnStringType of return
punt_return, kick_return
downedreturnIntegerNumber of returns downed
faircatchreturnIntegerNumber of return fair catches
firstdownreturnIntegerNumber of return first downs
lateralreturnIntegerNumber of return laterals
nullifiedreturnBooleanSignifies a nullified play due to a penalty
out_of_boundsreturnIntegerNumber of returns out of bounds
play_categoryreturnStringType of return play
punt_return, kick_return
returnreturnIntegerNumber of returns
touchbackreturnIntegerNumber of return touchbacks
touchdownreturnIntegerNumber of return touchdowns
yardsreturnIntegerNumber of return yardage
Rushing Play Statistics:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptrushIntegerNumber of rushing attempts
firstdownrushIntegerNumber of rushing first downs
goaltogorushIntegerNumber of rushes in goal-to-go
inside_20rushIntegerNumber of rushes inside the 20 yardline
lateralrushIntegerNumber of rushing laterals
nullifiedrushBooleanSignifies a nullified play due to a penalty
safetyrushIntegerNumber of rushing safeties
tlostrushIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss
tlost_yardsrushIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss yardage
touchdownrushIntegerNumber of rushing touchdowns
yardsrushIntegerNumber of rushing yards
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Deon Cain
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. f99a57a0-bdb7-11ed-a9cf-659b88c64826
jerseyplayerIntegerJersey number of a player
positionplayerStringPosition of a player

See our FAQ for a list of valid positions
roleplayerStringRole of a player during a specific play
ex. pass, receive, tackle, rush, defend, catch, ast_tackle, kick, return, penalty
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
lossesrecordIntegerNumber of team losses year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome
tiesrecordIntegerNumber of team ties year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome
winsrecordIntegerNumber of team wins year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasteamStringTeam alias
ex. SA
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. c8797380-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29
marketteamStringTeam market name
ex. San Antonio
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Brahmas
sr_idteamStringUnique Sportradar ID of a team
ex. sr:competitor:882423
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 1020 24th St N
capacityvenueIntegerCapacity of a venue
ex. 47100
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Birmingham
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. b1f3fd20-90f4-11ec-bf38-efe8ff3d0b79
latvenue - locationDecimalLatitude of a venue
ex. 41.6587
lngvenue - locationDecimalLongitude of a venue
ex. -91.5511
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Protective Stadium
roof_typevenueStringRoof type of a venue
outdoor, dome, retractable_dome
sr_idvenueStringUnique Sportradar venue ID
ex. sr:venue:58724
statevenueStringState of a venue
ex. AL
surfacevenueStringSurface type of a venue
turf, artificial
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 35203
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