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Game Statistics

UFL Game Statistics provides extensive team and player level game statistics for each team.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.

Data Updates: Realtime

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attendancegameIntegerAttendance of a game
ex. 73242
remaining_challengesawayIntegerAway team challenges remaining
remaining_timeoutsawayIntegerAway team timeouts remaining
used_challengesawayIntegerAway team challenges used
used_timeoutsawayIntegerAway team timeouts used
pointsawayIntegerAway team total points
clockgameStringClock value of the game
ex. 12:37
remaining_challengeshomeIntegerHome team challenges remaining
remaining_timeoutshomeIntegerHome team timeouts remaining
used_challengeshomeIntegerHome team challenges used
used_timeoutshomeIntegerHome team timeouts used
pointshomeIntegerHome team total points
quartergameIntegerQuarter number of the game
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasawayStringAway team alias
ex. MEM (Memphis)
idawayGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. 51da96b0-9676-11ec-9ad0-d3ebe46bbb12
marketawayStringAway team market name
ex. New Orleans
nameawayStringAway team name
ex. Breakers
sr_idawayStringUnique Sportradar ID of the away team
ex. sr:competitor:882413
cablebroadcastStringNumber of a game's broadcast cable station
ex. 822
internetbroadcastStringName of a game's internet stream
ex. ESPN+
networkbroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast network
ex. Amazon Prime Video
radiobroadcastStringName of a game's radio station
ex. Sirius 134, XM 231
satellitebroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast satellite station
ex. ESPN Ocho
conference_gamegameBooleanSignifies an in-Conference matchup
durationgameStringDuration of the game
ex. 2:52
entry_modegameStringType of data entry for the game
LDE (Live Data Entry)
aliashomeStringHome team alias
ex. SA
idhomeGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. c8797380-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29
markethomeStringHome team market name
ex. San Antonio
namehomeStringHome team name
ex. Brahmas
sr_idhomeStringUnique Sportradar ID of the home team
ex. sr:competitor:882423
idgameGUIDUnique ID of a game
ex. 03aa477c-de6a-4d7a-90f4-97eed05f2e89
scheduledgameDate/TimeScheduled date and time of a game
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
sr_idgameStringUnique Sportradar ID of a game
ex. sr:match:33623305
statusgameStringGame status
scheduled, created, inprogress, halftime, complete, closed, cancelled, delayed, suspended, postponed, time-tbd

See our UFL FAQ for game status descriptions
awaytime_zonesStringTime zone of the away team
ex. US/Pacific
hometime_zonesStringTime zone of the home team
ex. US/Eastern
venuetime_zonesStringTime zone of the venue
ex. US/Eastern
conditionweatherStringWeather conditions for a game
ex. Partly cloudy
humidityweatherByteHumidity conditions for a game
ex. 44
tempweatherByteTemperature of a game in Fahrenheit
ex. 57
directionwindStringWind direction for a game
ex. N
speedwindByteWind speed for a game in MPH
Game Statistics - Conversions (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsextra_points - conversions - playerIntegerNumber of two-point conversion attempts
categoryextra_points - conversions - playerStringCategory of conversion
pass, receive, rush, defense
successesextra_points - conversions - playerIntegerNumber of successful two-point conversions
Game Statistics - Defense (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of defensive assisted tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
combineddefense - playerIntegerNumber of combined (assists + tackles) defensive tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
forced_fumblesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of fumble recoveries
interceptionsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of interceptions
misc_assistsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of miscellaneous assisted tackles.
Ex: An assisted tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_forced_fumblesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of miscellaneous forced fumbles.
Ex: A forced fumble by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of miscellaneous fumble recoveries.
Ex: A fumble recovery by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_tacklesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of miscellaneous tackles.
Ex: A solo tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
passes_defendeddefense - playerIntegerNumber of passes defended
qb_hitsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of hits on the quarterback
sack_yardsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of sack yards
sacksdefense - playerIntegerNumber of sacks
safetiesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of safeties
sp_assistsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of special teams assisted tackles
sp_blocksdefense - playerIntegerNumber of blocked kicks/punts
sp_forced_fumblesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of special teams forced fumbles
sp_fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of total (kicking + receiving) special teams fumble recoveries
sp_opp_fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of special teams opponent fumble recoveries
sp_own_fumble_recoveriesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of own special teams fumble recoveries
sp_tacklesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of special teams tackles
tacklesdefense - playerIntegerNumber of defensive tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
tlossdefense - playerIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss
tloss_yardsdefense - playerIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss yardage
Game Statistics - Extra Points (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsextra_points - kicks - playerIntegerNumber of attempted extra points
blockedextra_points - kicks - playerIntegerNumber of blocked extra points
madeextra_points - kicks - playerIntegerNumber of made extra points
missedextra_points - kicks - playerIntegerNumber of missed extra points
percentextra_points - kicks - playerDecimalExtra point percentage
ex. 75.0
Game Statistics - Field Goals (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals
attempts_19field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 1-19 yards
attempts_29field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 20-29 yards
attempts_39field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 30-39 yards
attempts_49field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 40-49 yards
attempts_50field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of attempted field goals of 50 yards or more
avg_yardsfield_goals - playerDecimalAverage number of yards on attempted field goals
ex. 38.5
blockedfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of blocked field goals
longestfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest made field goal
madefield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of made field goals
made_19field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 1-19 yards
made_29field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 20-29 yards
made_39field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 30-39 yards
made_49field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 40-49 yards
made_50field_goals - playerIntegerNumber of successful field goals of 50 yards or more
missedfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of missed field goals
pctfield_goals - playerDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 75.0
yardsfield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of total yards on successful field goals
Game Statistics - Fumbles (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ez_rec_tdsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of end zone fumble recovery touchdowns
forced_fumblesfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
fumblesfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of fumbles
lost_fumblesfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of lost fumbles
opp_recfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recoveries
opp_rec_tdsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery touchdowns
opp_rec_yardsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery yards
out_of_boundsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of opponent fumbles out of bounds
own_recfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of own fumble recoveries
own_rec_tdsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery touchdowns
own_rec_yardsfumbles - playerIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery yards
Game Statistics - Interception Returns (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardsint_returns - playerDecimalAverage number of yards on interception returns
ex. 38.5
longestint_returns - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest interception return
longest_touchdownint_returns - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest interception return for a touchdown
returnsint_returns - playerIntegerNumber of interception returns
touchdownsint_return - playerIntegerNumber of interception return touchdowns
yardsint_returns - playerIntegerNumber of total interception return yards
Game Statistics - Kick Returns (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardskick_returns - playerDecimalAverage number of yards on kick returns
ex. 19.5
faircatcheskick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of fair catches on kick returns
longestkick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest kick return
longest_touchdownkick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest kick return for a touchdown
returnskick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of kick returns
touchdownskick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of kick return touchdowns
yardskick_returns - playerIntegerNumber of total kick return yards
Game Statistics - Kickoffs (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
endzonekickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoffs into the endzone
inside_20kickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoffs inside the 20 yardline
kickoffskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoffs
onside_attemptskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of onside kickoff attempts
onside_successeskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of onside kickoff successes
out_of_boundskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoffs out of bounds
return_yardskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of total return yards on kickoffs
total_endzonekickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of total kickoffs into the endzone (touchbacks + endzone kicks)
touchbackskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of touchbacks
yardskickoffs - playerIntegerNumber of kickoff yards
Game Statistics - Passing (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
air_yardspassing - playerIntegerNumber of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point)
attemptspassing - playerIntegerNumber of pass attempts
avg_yardspassing - playerDecimalAverage yards per pass attempt
ex. 7.22
cmp_pctpassing - playerDecimalCompletion percentage
ex. 78.049
completionspassing - playerIntegerNumber of pass completions
first_downspassing - playerIntegerNumber of first downs
interceptionspassing - playerIntegerNumber of interceptions thrown
int_touchdownspassing - playerIntegerNumber of interceptions thrown returned for touchdowns
longestpassing - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest completed pass
longest_touchdownpassing - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest pass for a touchdown
ratingpassing - playerDecimalPasser rating
ex. 94.7
redzone_attemptspassing - playerIntegerNumber of pass attempts in the red zone
sack_yardspassing - playerIntegerNumber of sack yards
sackspassing - playerIntegerNumber of sacks
touchdownspassing - playerIntegerNumber of passing touchdowns
yardspassing - playerIntegerNumber of passing yards
Game Statistics - Penalties (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_downspenalties - playerIntegerNumber of penalties resulting in a first down
penaltiespenalties - playerIntegerNumber of penalties
yardspenalties - playerIntegerNumber of penalty yardage
Game Statistics - Punt Returns (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardspunt_returns - playerDecimalAverage number of yards on punt returns
ex. 19.5
faircatchespunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of fair catches on punt returns
longestpunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt return
longest_touchdownpunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt return for a touchdown
returnspunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of punt returns
touchdownspunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of punt return touchdowns
yardspunt_returns - playerIntegerNumber of total punt return yards
Game Statistics - Punts (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptspunts - playerIntegerNumber of punt attempts
avg_net_yardspunts - playerDecimalAverage net yards on punts
ex. 28.75
avg_yardspunts - playerDecimalAverage yards on punts
ex. 43.75
blockedpunts - playerIntegerNumber of punts blocked
inside_20punts - playerIntegerNumber of punts inside the 20 yardline
longestpunts - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt
net_yardspunts - playerIntegerNumber of total net punt yards
return_yardspunts - playerIntegerNumber of total return punt yards
out_of_boundspunts - playerIntegerNumber of punts out of bounds
return_yardspunts - playerIntegerNumber of total return yards on punts
touchbackspunts - playerIntegerNumber of touchbacks
yardspunts - playerIntegerNumber of punt yards
Game Statistics - Receiving (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
air_yardsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point)
avg_yardsreceiving - playerDecimalAverage yards per reception
ex. 7.22
first_downsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving first downs
longestreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest reception
longest_touchdownreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest receiving touchdown
receptionsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receptions
redzone_targetsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving red zone targets
targetsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving targets
touchdownsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving touchdowns
yardsreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving yards
yards_after_catchreceiving - playerIntegerNumber of receiving yards after the catch
Game Statistics - Rushing (Player)
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing attempts
avg_yardsrushing - playerDecimalAverage yards per rush
ex. 3.22
first_downsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing first downs
longestrushing - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest rush
longest_touchdownrushing - playerIntegerNumber of yards of longest rushing touchdown
redzone_attemptsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing red zone attempts
lateralrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing laterals
tlostrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss
tlost_yardsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss yardage
touchdownsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing touchdowns
yardsrushing - playerIntegerNumber of rushing yards
Game Statistics - Special Conversions (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsextra_points - special_conversions - playerIntegerNumber of special conversion attempts
successesextra_points - special_conversions - playerIntegerNumber of successful special conversions
pointsextra_points - special_conversions - playerIntegerNumber of points for a successful conversions
categoryextra_points - special_conversions - playerStringType of special conversion attempt
pass, receive, rush, defense
Game Statistics - Conversions (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
defense_attemptsextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of defensive two-point conversion attempts
defense_successesextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of successful defensive two-point conversions
pass_attemptsextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of two-point conversion passing attempts
pass_successesextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of successful passing two-point conversions
rush_attemptsextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of two-point conversion rushing attempts
rush_successesextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of successful rushing two-point conversions
turnover_successesextra_points - conversionsIntegerNumber of turnover successes
Game Statistics - Defense (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsdefenseIntegerNumber of defensive assisted tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
combineddefenseIntegerNumber of combined (assists + tackles) defensive tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
forced_fumblesdefenseIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
fourth_down_stopsdefenseIntegerNumber of fourth down stops
fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of fumble recoveries
interceptionsdefenseIntegerNumber of interceptions
misc_assistsdefenseIntegerNumber of miscellaneous assisted tackles.

Ex: An assisted tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_forced_fumblesdefenseIntegerNumber of miscellaneous forced fumbles.

Ex: A forced fumble by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of miscellaneous fumble recoveries.

Ex: A fumble recovery by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
misc_tacklesdefenseIntegerNumber of miscellaneous tackles.

Ex: A solo tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return
missed_tacklesdefenseIntegerNumber of missed tackles
passes_defendeddefenseIntegerNumber of passes defended
qb_hitsdefenseIntegerNumber of hits on the quarterback
sack_yardsdefenseIntegerNumber of sack yards
sacksdefenseIntegerNumber of sacks
safetiesdefenseIntegerNumber of safeties
sp_assistsdefenseIntegerNumber of special teams assisted tackles
sp_blocksdefenseIntegerNumber of blocked kicks/punts
sp_forced_fumblesdefenseIntegerNumber of special teams forced fumbles
sp_fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of total (kicking + receiving) special teams fumble recoveries
sp_opp_fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of special teams opponent fumble recoveries
sp_own_fumble_recoveriesdefenseIntegerNumber of own special teams fumble recoveries
sp_tacklesdefenseIntegerNumber of special teams tackles
tacklesdefenseIntegerNumber of defensive tackles

*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles
three_and_outs_forceddefenseIntegerNumber of three and outs forced
tlossdefenseIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss
tloss_yardsdefenseIntegerNumber of tackles for a loss yardage
Game Statistics - Efficiency (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsteam - efficiency - thirddownIntegerNumber of third down attempts
successesteam - efficiency - thirddownIntegerNumber of third down successes
pctteam - efficiency - thirddownDecimalThird down conversion percentage
ex. 61.538
attemptsteam - efficiency - fourthdownIntegerNumber of fourth down attempts
successesteam - efficiency - fourthdownIntegerNumber of fourth down successes
pctteam - efficiency - fourthdownDecimalFourth down conversion percentage
ex. 50.0
attemptsteam - efficiency - goaltogoIntegerNumber of goal-to-go attempts
successesteam - efficiency - goaltogoIntegerNumber of goal-to-go successes
pctteam - efficiency - goaltogoDecimalGoal-to-go conversion percentage
ex. 100.0
attemptsteam - efficiency - onside_scrimmageIntegerNumber of onside scrimmage attempts
successesteam - efficiency - onside_scrimmageIntegerNumber of onside scrimmage successes
pctteam - efficiency - onside_scrimmageDecimalOnside scrimmage conversion percentage
ex. 50.0
attemptsteam - efficiency - redzoneIntegerNumber of red zone attempts
successesteam - efficiency - redzoneIntegerNumber of red zone successes
pctteam - efficiency - redzoneDecimalRed zone conversion percentage
ex. 80.0
Game Statistics - Extra Points (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsextra_points - kicksIntegerNumber of attempted extra points
blockedextra_points - kicksIntegerNumber of blocked extra points
madeextra_points - kicksIntegerNumber of made extra points
missedextra_points - kicksIntegerNumber of missed extra points
percentextra_points - kicksDecimalExtra point percentage
ex. 75.0
Game Statistics - Field Goals (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsfield_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals
attempts_19field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 1-19 yards
attempts_29field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 20-29 yards
attempts_39field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 30-39 yards
attempts_49field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals between 40-49 yards
attempts_50field_goalsIntegerNumber of attempted field goals of 50 yards or more
avg_yardsfield_goalsDecimalAverage number of yards on attempted field goals
ex. 38.5
blockedfield_goalsIntegerNumber of blocked field goals
longestfield_goalsIntegerNumber of yards of longest made field goal
madefield_goals - playerIntegerNumber of made field goals
made_19field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 1-19 yards
made_29field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 20-29 yards
made_39field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 30-39 yards
made_49field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals between 40-49 yards
made_50field_goalsIntegerNumber of successful field goals of 50 yards or more
missedfield_goalsIntegerNumber of missed field goals
net_attemptsfield_goalsIntegerNumber of net field goal attempts
pctfield_goalsDecimalField goal percentage
ex. 75.0
yardsfield_goalsIntegerNumber of total yards on successful field goals
Game Statistics - First Downs (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
passfirst_downsIntegerNumber of passing first downs
penaltyfirst_downsIntegerNumber of first downs due to penalty
rushfirst_downsIntegerNumber of rushing first downs
totalfirst_downsIntegerNumber of total first downs
Game Statistics - Fumbles (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ez_rec_tdsfumblesIntegerNumber of end zone fumble recovery touchdowns
forced_fumblesfumblesIntegerNumber of forced fumbles
fumblesfumblesIntegerNumber of fumbles
lost_fumblesfumblesIntegerNumber of lost fumbles
opp_recfumblesIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recoveries
opp_rec_tdsfumblesIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery touchdowns
opp_rec_yardsfumblesIntegerNumber of opponent fumble recovery yards
out_of_boundsfumblesIntegerNumber of opponent fumbles out of bounds
own_recfumblesIntegerNumber of own fumble recoveries
own_rec_tdsfumblesIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery touchdowns
own_rec_yardsfumblesIntegerNumber of own fumble recovery yards
Game Statistics - Interception Returns (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardsint_returnsDecimalAverage number of yards on interception returns
ex. 38.5
longestint_returnsIntegerNumber of yards of longest interception return
longest_touchdownint_returnsIntegerNumber of yards of longest interception return for a touchdown
returnsint_returnsIntegerNumber of interception returns
touchdownsint_returnsIntegerNumber of interception return touchdowns
yardsint_returnsIntegerNumber of total interception return yards
interceptionsinterceptionsIntegerNumber of interceptions
return_yardsinterceptionsIntegerNumber of interception return yards
returnedinterceptionsIntegerNumber of interceptions returned
Game Statistics - Kick Returns (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardskick_returnsDecimalAverage number of yards on kick returns
ex. 19.5
faircatcheskick_returnsIntegerNumber of fair catches on kick returns
longestkick_returnsIntegerNumber of yards of longest kick return
longest_touchdownkick_returnsIntegerNumber of yards of longest kick return for a touchdown
returnskick_returnsIntegerNumber of kick returns
touchdownskick_returnsIntegerNumber of kick return touchdowns
yardskick_returnsIntegerNumber of total kick return yards
Game Statistics - Kickoffs (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
endzonekickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoffs into the endzone
inside_20kickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoffs inside the 20 yardline
kickoffskickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoffs
out_of_boundskickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoffs out of bounds
return_yardskickoffsIntegerNumber of total return yards on kickoffs
total_endzonekickoffsIntegerNumber of total kickoffs into the endzone (touchbacks + endzone kicks)
touchbackskickoffsIntegerNumber of touchbacks
yardskickoffsIntegerNumber of kickoff yards
Game Statistics - Miscellaneous Returns (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
blk_fg_touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of blocked field goals returned for touchdowns
blk_punt_touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of blocked punts returned for touchdowns
ez_rec_touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of end zone recovery touchdowns
fg_touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of field goal attempts returned for touchdowns
returnsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of miscellaneous returns
touchdownsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of miscellaneous returns for touchdowns
yardsmisc_returnsIntegerNumber of miscellaneous return yardage
Game Statistics - Passing (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
air_yardspassingIntegerNumber of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point)
attemptspassingIntegerNumber of pass attempts
avg_yardspassingDecimalAverage yards per pass attempt
ex. 7.22
cmp_pctpassingDecimalCompletion percentage
ex. 78.049
completionspassingIntegerNumber of pass completions
first_downspassingIntegerNumber of first downs
interceptionspassingIntegerNumber of interceptions thrown
int_touchdownspassingIntegerNumber of interceptions thrown returned for touchdowns
longestpassingIntegerNumber of yards of longest completed pass
longest_touchdownpassingIntegerNumber of yards of longest pass for a touchdown
net_yardspassingIntegerNumber of net yards passing
ratingpassingDecimalPasser rating
ex. 94.7
redzone_attemptspassingIntegerNumber of pass attempts in the red zone
sack_yardspassingIntegerNumber of sack yards
sackspassingIntegerNumber of sacks
touchdownspassingIntegerNumber of passing touchdowns
yardspassingIntegerNumber of passing yards
Game Statistics - Penalties (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_downspenaltiesIntegerNumber of penalties resulting in a first down
penaltiespenaltiesIntegerNumber of penalties
yardspenaltiesIntegerNumber of penalty yardage
Game Statistics - Punt Returns (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_yardspunt_returnsDecimalAverage number of yards on punt returns
ex. 19.5
faircatchespunt_returnsIntegerNumber of fair catches on punt returns
longestpunt_returnsIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt return
longest_touchdownpunt_returnsIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt return for a touchdown
returnspunt_returnsIntegerNumber of punt returns
touchdownspunt_returnsIntegerNumber of punt return touchdowns
yardspunt_returnsIntegerNumber of total punt return yards
Game Statistics - Punts (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptspuntsIntegerNumber of punt attempts
avg_net_yardspuntsDecimalAverage net yards on punts
ex. 28.75
avg_yardspuntsDecimalAverage yards on punts
ex. 43.75
blockedpuntsIntegerNumber of punts blocked
inside_20puntsIntegerNumber of punts inside the 20 yardline
longestpuntsIntegerNumber of yards of longest punt
net_yardspuntsIntegerNumber of total net punt yards
return_yardspuntsIntegerNumber of total return punt yards
out_of_boundspuntsIntegerNumber of punts out of bounds
return_yardspuntsIntegerNumber of total return yards on punts
touchbackspuntsIntegerNumber of touchbacks
yardspuntsIntegerNumber of punt yards
Game Statistics - Receiving (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
air_yardsreceivingIntegerNumber of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point)
avg_yardsreceivingDecimalAverage yards per reception
ex. 7.22
first_downsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving first downs
longestreceivingIntegerNumber of yards of longest reception
longest_touchdownreceivingIntegerNumber of yards of longest receiving touchdown
receptionsreceivingIntegerNumber of receptions
redzone_targetsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving red zone targets
targetsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving targets
touchdownsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving touchdowns
yardsreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving yards
yards_after_catchreceivingIntegerNumber of receiving yards after the catch
Game Statistics - Rushing (Team)
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attemptsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing attempts
avg_yardsrushingDecimalAverage yards per rush
ex. 3.22
first_downsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing first downs
longestrushingIntegerNumber of yards of longest rush
longest_touchdownrushingIntegerNumber of yards of longest rushing touchdown
redzone_attemptsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing red zone attempts
tlostrushingIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss
tlost_yardsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing tackles for a loss yardage
touchdownsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing touchdowns
yardsrushingIntegerNumber of rushing yards
Game Statistics - Special Conversions (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
defense_one_point_attemptsspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of one-point defensive conversion attempts
defense_one_point_successesspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of successful one-point defensive conversions
pass_one_point_attemptsspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of one-point passing conversion attempts
pass_one_point_successesspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of successful one-point passing conversions
rush_one_point_attemptsspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of one-point rushing conversion attempts
rush_one_point_successesspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of successful one-point rushing conversions
defense_three_point_attemptsspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of three-point defensive conversion attempts
defense_three_point_successesspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of successful three-point defensive conversions
pass_three_point_attemptsspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of three-point passing conversion attempts
pass_three_point_successesspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of successful three-point passing conversions
rush_three_point_attemptsspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of three-point rushing conversion attempts
rush_three_point_successesspecial_conversionsIntegerNumber of successful three-point rushing conversions
Game Statistics - Touchdowns (Team)
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
fumble_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of fumble return touchdowns
int_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of interception return touchdowns
kick_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of kick return touchdowns
othertouchdownsIntegerNumber of touchdowns outside of other categories. Common examples are blocked kicks or punts returned for scores.
passtouchdownsIntegerNumber of passing touchdowns
punt_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of punt return touchdowns
rushtouchdownsIntegerNumber of rushing touchdowns
totaltouchdownsIntegerNumber of total touchdowns
total_returntouchdownsIntegerNumber of total return touchdowns
Game Statistics - Team Summary
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
avg_gainteamDecimalAverage yards per play
ex. 7.6
fumblesteamIntegerNumber of fumbles
lost_fumblesteamIntegerNumber of fumbles lost
penaltiesteamIntegerNumber of penalties
penalty_yardsteamIntegerNumber of penalty yards
play_countteamIntegerNumber of offensive plays
possession_timeteamIntegerTime of possession
ex. 36:38
return_yardsteamIntegerNumber of return yards
rush_playsteamIntegerNumber of rushing plays
safetiesteamIntegerNumber of safeties
total_yardsteamIntegerNumber of total yards
turnoversteamIntegerNumber of turnovers
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseasonGUIDUnique season ID
ex. 234f28d6-b9d7-4881-a890-30b451c13aec
nameseasonStringName of the season
typeseasonStringType of the season
yearseasonIntegerYear of the season
idweekGUIDUnique week ID
ex. eb5f5b92-6a4e-42a7-b590-3f0ce7cc4736
sequenceweekIntegerWeek sequence number
titleweekStringWeek title
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Deon Cain
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. f99a57a0-bdb7-11ed-a9cf-659b88c64826
jerseyplayerIntegerJersey number of a player
positionplayerStringPosition of a player

See our FAQ for a list of valid positions
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
losseshome/away - recordIntegerNumber of team losses year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome
tieshome/away - recordIntegerNumber of team ties year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome
winshome/away - recordIntegerNumber of team wins year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasteamStringTeam alias
ex. SA
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. c8797380-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29
marketteamStringTeam market name
ex. San Antonio
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Brahmas
sr_idteamStringUnique Sportradar ID of a team
ex. sr:competitor:882423
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 1020 24th St N
capacityvenueIntegerCapacity of a venue
ex. 47100
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Birmingham
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. b1f3fd20-90f4-11ec-bf38-efe8ff3d0b79
latvenue - locationDecimalLatitude of a venue
ex. 41.6587
lngvenue - locationDecimalLongitude of a venue
ex. -91.5511
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Protective Stadium
roof_typevenueStringRoof type of a venue
outdoor, dome, retractable_dome
sr_idvenueStringUnique Sportradar venue ID
ex. sr:venue:58724
statevenueStringState of a venue
ex. AL
surfacevenueStringSurface type of a venue
turf, artificial
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 35203
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