UFL Push Statistics provides detailed, real-time game stats at the team and player level for all live games.
https://api.sportradar.com/usfl/{access_level}/stream/{language_code}/statistics/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key} |
Parameter | Description |
access_level | Defines the access level of your API keyproduction , trial |
language_code | Optional code for supported languagesen (English) |
your_api_key | Your API key |
Optional Query String Parameters
By default, a Push feed will provide all data available for all in progress games. If needed, you can filter the data returned by including query strings.
Optional query string parameters must be added after your API key with an ampersand (&
). If you are filtering for more than one result, separate the results with a comma (,
) and no spaces.
Parameter | Description |
event_category | Event categoryredzone , two_minute , scoring_play , big_play , turnover Example: event_category=redzone |
event_type | Event typesetup , timeout , tv_timeout , two_minute_warning , comment , period_end , game_over Example: event_type=timeout |
locale | Language returned expressed as a 2-letter codeen (English)Example: locale=en |
match_id | Match id Example: match_id=sd:match:673b459c-7506-4c11-9273-1b9502537f1d |
team_id | Team id Example: team_id=sd:team:4415b0a7-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44 |
status | Game statusinprogress , created Example: status=inprogress |
Code Samples
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'openssl'
url = URI("https://api.sportradar.us/ufl/trial/stream/en/statistics/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key}")
http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url)
response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
import requests
import json
r = requests.get("https://api.sportradar.com/ufl/trial/stream/en/statistics/subscribe",
params = {'api_key': 'your_api_key'},
redirect_url = r.headers['Location']
r = requests.get(redirect_url, stream=True)
for line in r.iter_lines():
# filter out keep-alive new lines
if line:
decoded_line = line.decode('utf-8')
curl -L GET 'api.sportradar.us/ufl/trial/stream/en/statistics/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key}'
Samples with Query String Params
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'openssl'
url = URI("https://api.sportradar.us/ufl/trial/stream/en/statistics/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key}&status=inprogress&match=sd:match:673b459c-7506-4c11-9273-1b9502537f1d")
http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url)
response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
import requests
import json
r = requests.get("https://api.sportradar.com/ufl/trial/stream/en/statistics/subscribe",
params = {'api_key': 'your_api_key', 'status': 'inprogress', 'match': 'sd:match:673b459c-7506-4c11-9273-1b9502537f1d'},
redirect_url = r.headers['Location']
r = requests.get(redirect_url, stream=True)
for line in r.iter_lines():
# filter out keep-alive new lines
if line:
decoded_line = line.decode('utf-8')
curl -L GET 'api.sportradar.us/ufl/trial/stream/en/statistics/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key}&status=inprogress&match=sd:match:673b459c-7506-4c11-9273-1b9502537f1d'
Sample Data
The above commands return json like this.
Check out our Simulationsto replay actual games at any time, on your own schedule. Push simulations are available as well.
Data Points
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attendance | payload | Integer | Attendance of a game ex. 73242 |
remaining_challenges | away | Integer | Away team challenges remaining |
remaining_timeouts | away | Integer | Away team timeouts remaining |
used_challenges | away | Integer | Away team challenges used |
used_timeouts | away | Integer | Away team timeouts used |
points | away | Integer | Away team total points |
clock | payload | String | Clock value of the game ex. 12:37 |
remaining_challenges | home | Integer | Home team challenges remaining |
remaining_timeouts | home | Integer | Home team timeouts remaining |
used_challenges | home | Integer | Home team challenges used |
used_timeouts | home | Integer | Home team timeouts used |
points | home | Integer | Home team total points |
quarter | payload | Integer | Quarter number of the game |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
alias | away | String | Away team alias ex. MEM (Memphis) |
id | away | GUID | Unique ID of the away team ex. 51da96b0-9676-11ec-9ad0-d3ebe46bbb12 |
market | away | String | Away team market name ex. New Orleans |
name | away | String | Away team name ex. Breakers |
sr_id | away | String | Unique Sportradar ID of the away team ex. sr:competitor:882413 |
conference_game | payload | Boolean | Signifies an in-Conference matchup |
coverage | payload | String | Optional value that displays the coverage of a game ex. full |
duration | payload | String | Duration of the game ex. 2:52 |
entry_mode | payload | String | Type of data entry for the gameLDE (Live Data Entry) |
game_type | payload | String | Type of gameregular , playoff |
alias | home | String | Home team alias ex. SA |
id | home | GUID | Unique ID of the home team ex. c8797380-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29 |
market | home | String | Home team market name ex. San Antonio |
name | home | String | Home team name ex. Brahmas |
sr_id | home | String | Unique Sportradar ID of the home team ex. sr:competitor:882423 |
id | payload | GUID | Unique ID of a game ex. 03aa477c-de6a-4d7a-90f4-97eed05f2e89 |
neutral_site | payload | Boolean | Signifies a game is held at a neutral site |
scheduled | payload | Date/Time | Scheduled date and time of a game ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00 |
sr_id | payload | String | Unique Sportradar ID of a game ex. sr:match:33623305 |
status | payload | String | Game status scheduled , created , inprogress , halftime , complete , closed , cancelled , delayed , suspended , postponed , time-tbd See our UFL FAQ for game status descriptions |
title | payload | String | Game title ex. UFL Championship |
wx_condition | payload | String | Weather conditions for a game ex. Partly cloudy |
wx_humidity | payload | Byte | Humidity conditions for a game ex. 44 |
wx_temp | payload | Byte | Temperature of a game in Fahrenheit ex. 57 |
wx_wind_direction | payload | String | Wind direction for a game ex. N |
wx_wind_speed | payload | Byte | Wind speed for a game in MPH |
Game Statistics - Conversions (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | conversions | Integer | Number of two-point conversion attempts |
category | conversions | String | Category of conversionpass , receive , rush , turnover |
successes | conversions | Integer | Number of successful two-point conversions |
Game Statistics - Defense (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
assists | defense | Integer | Number of defensive assisted tackles *Does not include misc. or special teams tackles |
combined | defense | Integer | Number of combined (assists + tackles ) defensive tackles*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles |
forced_fumbles | defense | Integer | Number of forced fumbles |
fumble_recoveries | defense | Integer | Number of fumble recoveries |
interceptions | defense | Integer | Number of interceptions |
knockdowns | defense | Integer | Number of knockdowns |
misc_assists | defense | Integer | Number of miscellaneous assisted tackles. Ex: An assisted tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return |
misc_forced_fumbles | defense | Integer | Number of miscellaneous forced fumbles. Ex: A forced fumble by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return |
misc_fumble_recoveries | defense | Integer | Number of miscellaneous fumble recoveries. Ex: A fumble recovery by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return |
misc_tackles | defense | Integer | Number of miscellaneous tackles. Ex: A solo tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return |
passes_defended | defense | Integer | Number of passes defended |
qb_hits | defense | Integer | Number of hits on the quarterback |
sack_yards | defense | Integer | Number of sack yards |
sacks | defense | Integer | Number of sacks |
safeties | defense | Integer | Number of safeties |
sp_assists | defense | Integer | Number of special teams assisted tackles |
sp_blocks | defense | Integer | Number of blocked kicks/punts |
sp_forced_fumbles | defense | Integer | Number of special teams forced fumbles |
sp_fumble_recoveries | defense | Integer | Number of special teams fumble recoveries |
sp_tackles | defense | Integer | Number of special teams tackles |
tackles | defense | Integer | Number of defensive tackles *Does not include misc. or special teams tackles |
tloss | defense | Integer | Number of tackles for a loss |
tloss_yards | defense | Integer | Number of tackles for a loss yardage |
Game Statistics - Extra Points (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | extra_points | Integer | Number of attempted extra points |
blocked | extra_points | Integer | Number of blocked extra points |
made | extra_points | Integer | Number of made extra points |
missed | extra_points | Integer | Number of missed extra points |
pct | extra_points | Decimal | Extra point percentage ex. 75.0 |
Game Statistics - Field Goals (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals |
attempts_19 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals between 1-19 yards |
attempts_29 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals between 20-29 yards |
attempts_39 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals between 30-39 yards |
attempts_49 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals between 40-49 yards |
attempts_50 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals of 50 yards or more |
avg_yards | field_goals | Decimal | Average number of yards on attempted field goals ex. 38.5 |
blocked | field_goals | Integer | Number of blocked field goals |
longest | field_goals | Integer | Number of yards of longest made field goal |
made | field_goals - player | Integer | Number of made field goals |
made_19 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals between 1-19 yards |
made_29 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals between 20-29 yards |
made_39 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals between 30-39 yards |
made_49 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals between 40-49 yards |
made_50 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals of 50 yards or more |
missed | field_goals | Integer | Number of missed field goals |
pct | field_goals | Decimal | Field goal percentage ex. 75.0 |
yards | field_goals | Integer | Number of total yards on successful field goals |
Game Statistics - Fumbles (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
ez_rec_tds | fumbles | Integer | Number of end zone fumble recovery touchdowns |
forced_fumbles | fumbles | Integer | Number of forced fumbles |
fumbles | fumbles | Integer | Number of fumbles |
lost_fumbles | fumbles | Integer | Number of lost fumbles |
opp_rec | fumbles | Integer | Number of opponent fumble recoveries |
opp_rec_tds | fumbles | Integer | Number of opponent fumble recovery touchdowns |
opp_rec_yards | fumbles | Integer | Number of opponent fumble recovery yards |
out_of_bounds | fumbles | Integer | Number of opponent fumbles out of bounds |
own_rec | fumbles | Integer | Number of own fumble recoveries |
own_rec_tds | fumbles | Integer | Number of own fumble recovery touchdowns |
own_rec_yards | fumbles | Integer | Number of own fumble recovery yards |
Game Statistics - Interception Returns (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
avg_yards | int_returns | Decimal | Average number of yards on interception returns ex. 38.5 |
longest | int_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest interception return |
longest_touchdown | int_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest interception return for a touchdown |
returns | int_returns | Integer | Number of interception returns |
touchdowns | int_return | Integer | Number of interception return touchdowns |
yards | int_returns | Integer | Number of total interception return yards |
Game Statistics - Kick Returns (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
avg_yards | kick_returns | Decimal | Average number of yards on kick returns ex. 19.5 |
faircatches | kick_returns | Integer | Number of fair catches on kick returns |
longest | kick_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest kick return |
longest_touchdown | kick_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest kick return for a touchdown |
returns | kick_returns | Integer | Number of kick returns |
touchdowns | kick_returns | Integer | Number of kick return touchdowns |
yards | kick_returns | Integer | Number of total kick return yards |
Game Statistics - Kickoffs (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
endzone | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoffs into the endzone |
inside_20 | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoffs inside the 20 yardline |
kickoffs | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoffs |
onside_attempts | kickoffs | Integer | Number of onside kickoff attempts |
onside_successes | kickoffs | Integer | Number of onside kickoff successes |
out_of_bounds | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoffs out of bounds |
return_yards | kickoffs | Integer | Number of total return yards on kickoffs |
total_endzone | kickoffs | Integer | Number of total kickoffs into the endzone (touchbacks + endzone kicks) |
touchbacks | kickoffs | Integer | Number of touchbacks |
yards | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoff yards |
Game Statistics - Passing (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
air_yards | passing | Integer | Number of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point) |
attempts | passing | Integer | Number of pass attempts |
avg_yards | passing | Decimal | Average yards per pass attempt ex. 7.22 |
cmp_pct | passing | Decimal | Completion percentage ex. 78.049 |
completions | passing | Integer | Number of pass completions |
first_downs | passing | Integer | Number of first downs |
interceptions | passing | Integer | Number of interceptions thrown |
int_touchdowns | passing | Integer | Number of interceptions thrown returned for touchdowns |
longest | passing | Integer | Number of yards of longest completed pass |
longest_touchdown | passing | Integer | Number of yards of longest pass for a touchdown |
rating | passing | Decimal | Passer rating ex. 94.7 |
redzone_attempts | passing | Integer | Number of pass attempts in the red zone |
sack_yards | passing | Integer | Number of sack yards |
sacks | passing | Integer | Number of sacks |
touchdowns | passing | Integer | Number of passing touchdowns |
yards | passing | Integer | Number of passing yards |
Game Statistics - Penalties (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
first_downs | penalties | Integer | Number of penalties resulting in a first down |
penalties | penalties | Integer | Number of penalties |
yards | penalties | Integer | Number of penalty yardage |
Game Statistics - Punt Returns (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
avg_yards | punt_returns | Decimal | Average number of yards on punt returns ex. 19.5 |
faircatches | punt_returns | Integer | Number of fair catches on punt returns |
longest | punt_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest punt return |
longest_touchdown | punt_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest punt return for a touchdown |
returns | punt_returns | Integer | Number of punt returns |
touchdowns | punt_returns | Integer | Number of punt return touchdowns |
yards | punt_returns | Integer | Number of total punt return yards |
Game Statistics - Punts (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | punts | Integer | Number of punt attempts |
avg_net_yards | punts | Decimal | Average net yards on punts ex. 28.75 |
avg_yards | punts | Decimal | Average yards on punts ex. 43.75 |
blocked | punts | Integer | Number of punts blocked |
inside_20 | punts | Integer | Number of punts inside the 20 yardline |
longest | punts | Integer | Number of yards of longest punt |
net_yards | punts | Integer | Number of total net punt yards |
return_yards | punts | Integer | Number of total return punt yards |
out_of_bounds | punts | Integer | Number of punts out of bounds |
return_yards | punts | Integer | Number of total return yards on punts |
touchbacks | punts | Integer | Number of touchbacks |
yards | punts | Integer | Number of punt yards |
Game Statistics - Receiving (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
air_yards | receiving | Integer | Number of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point) |
avg_yards | receiving | Decimal | Average yards per reception ex. 7.22 |
first_downs | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving first downs |
longest | receiving | Integer | Number of yards of longest reception |
longest_touchdown | receiving | Integer | Number of yards of longest receiving touchdown |
receptions | receiving | Integer | Number of receptions |
redzone_targets | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving red zone targets |
targets | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving targets |
touchdowns | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving touchdowns |
yards | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving yards |
yards_after_catch | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving yards after the catch |
Game Statistics - Rushing (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing attempts |
avg_yards | rushing | Decimal | Average yards per rush ex. 3.22 |
first_downs | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing first downs |
longest | rushing | Integer | Number of yards of longest rush |
longest_touchdown | rushing | Integer | Number of yards of longest rushing touchdown |
redzone_attempts | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing red zone attempts |
lateral | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing laterals |
tlost | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing tackles for a loss |
tlost_yards | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing tackles for a loss yardage |
touchdowns | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing touchdowns |
yards | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing yards |
Game Statistics - Special Conversions (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | special_conversions | Integer | Number of special conversion attempts |
successes | special_conversions | Integer | Number of successful special conversions |
points | special_conversions | Integer | Number of points for a successful conversions |
category | special_conversions | String | Type of special conversion attemptpass , receive , rush , defense |
Game Statistics - Conversions (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
def_conv_attempts | extra_points | Integer | Number of defensive two-point conversion attempts |
def_conv_successes | extra_points | Integer | Number of successful defensive two-point conversions |
pass_conv_attempts | extra_points | Integer | Number of two-point conversion passing attempts |
pass_conv_successes | extra_points | Integer | Number of successful passing two-point conversions |
rush_conv_attempts | extra_points | Integer | Number of two-point conversion rushing attempts |
rush_conv_successes | extra_points | Integer | Number of successful rushing two-point conversions |
Game Statistics - Defense (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
assists | defense | Integer | Number of defensive assisted tackles *Does not include misc. or special teams tackles |
combined | defense | Integer | Number of combined (assists + tackles ) defensive tackles*Does not include misc. or special teams tackles |
forced_fumbles | defense | Integer | Number of forced fumbles |
fourth_down_stops | defense | Integer | Number of fourth down stops |
fumble_recoveries | defense | Integer | Number of fumble recoveries |
interceptions | defense | Integer | Number of interceptions |
misc_assists | defense | Integer | Number of miscellaneous assisted tackles. Ex: An assisted tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return |
misc_forced_fumbles | defense | Integer | Number of miscellaneous forced fumbles. Ex: A forced fumble by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return |
misc_fumble_recoveries | defense | Integer | Number of miscellaneous fumble recoveries. Ex: A fumble recovery by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return |
misc_tackles | defense | Integer | Number of miscellaneous tackles. Ex: A solo tackle by an offensive player on a defensive interception or fumble return |
missed_tackles | defense | Integer | Number of missed tackles |
passes_defended | defense | Integer | Number of passes defended |
qb_hits | defense | Integer | Number of hits on the quarterback |
sack_yards | defense | Integer | Number of sack yards |
sacks | defense | Integer | Number of sacks |
safeties | defense | Integer | Number of safeties |
sp_assists | defense | Integer | Number of special teams assisted tackles |
sp_blocks | defense | Integer | Number of blocked kicks/punts |
sp_forced_fumbles | defense | Integer | Number of special teams forced fumbles |
sp_fumble_recoveries | defense | Integer | Number of special teams fumble recoveries |
sp_tackles | defense | Integer | Number of special teams tackles |
tackles | defense | Integer | Number of defensive tackles *Does not include misc. or special teams tackles |
three_and_outs_forced | defense | Integer | Number of three and outs forced |
tloss | defense | Integer | Number of tackles for a loss |
tloss_yards | defense | Integer | Number of tackles for a loss yardage |
Game Statistics - Efficiency (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | efficiency - thirddown | Integer | Number of third down attempts |
successes | efficiency - thirddown | Integer | Number of third down successes |
pct | efficiency - thirddown | Decimal | Third down conversion percentage ex. 61.538 |
attempts | efficiency - fourthdown | Integer | Number of fourth down attempts |
successes | efficiency - fourthdown | Integer | Number of fourth down successes |
pct | efficiency - fourthdown | Decimal | Fourth down conversion percentage ex. 50.0 |
attempts | efficiency - goaltogo | Integer | Number of goal-to-go attempts |
successes | efficiency - goaltogo | Integer | Number of goal-to-go successes |
pct | efficiency - goaltogo | Decimal | Goal-to-go conversion percentage ex. 100.0 |
attempts | efficiency - onside_scrimmage | Integer | Number of onside scrimmage attempts |
successes | efficiency - onside_scrimmage | Integer | Number of onside scrimmage successes |
pct | efficiency - onside_scrimmage | Decimal | Onside scrimmage conversion percentage ex. 50.0 |
attempts | efficiency - redzone | Integer | Number of red zone attempts |
successes | efficiency - redzone | Integer | Number of red zone successes |
pct | efficiency - redzone | Decimal | Red zone conversion percentage ex. 80.0 |
Game Statistics - Extra Points (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
kick_attempts | extra_points | Integer | Number of attempted extra points |
kick_blocked | extra_points | Integer | Number of blocked extra points |
kick_made | extra_points | Integer | Number of made extra points |
missed | extra_points | Integer | Number of missed extra points |
Game Statistics - Field Goals (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals |
attempts_19 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals between 1-19 yards |
attempts_29 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals between 20-29 yards |
attempts_39 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals between 30-39 yards |
attempts_49 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals between 40-49 yards |
attempts_50 | field_goals | Integer | Number of attempted field goals of 50 yards or more |
avg_yards | field_goals | Decimal | Average number of yards on attempted field goals ex. 38.5 |
blocked | field_goals | Integer | Number of blocked field goals |
longest | field_goals | Integer | Number of yards of longest made field goal |
made | field_goals | Integer | Number of made field goals |
made_19 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals between 1-19 yards |
made_29 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals between 20-29 yards |
made_39 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals between 30-39 yards |
made_49 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals between 40-49 yards |
made_50 | field_goals | Integer | Number of successful field goals of 50 yards or more |
missed | field_goals | Integer | Number of missed field goals |
yards | field_goals | Integer | Number of total yards on successful field goals |
Game Statistics - First Downs (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
pass | first_downs | Integer | Number of passing first downs |
penalty | first_downs | Integer | Number of first downs due to penalty |
rush | first_downs | Integer | Number of rushing first downs |
total | first_downs | Integer | Number of total first downs |
Game Statistics - Fumbles (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
ez_rec_tds | fumbles | Integer | Number of end zone fumble recovery touchdowns |
forced_fumbles | fumbles | Integer | Number of forced fumbles |
fumbles | fumbles | Integer | Number of fumbles |
lost_fumbles | fumbles | Integer | Number of lost fumbles |
opp_rec | fumbles | Integer | Number of opponent fumble recoveries |
opp_rec_tds | fumbles | Integer | Number of opponent fumble recovery touchdowns |
opp_rec_yards | fumbles | Integer | Number of opponent fumble recovery yards |
out_of_bounds | fumbles | Integer | Number of opponent fumbles out of bounds |
own_rec | fumbles | Integer | Number of own fumble recoveries |
own_rec_tds | fumbles | Integer | Number of own fumble recovery touchdowns |
own_rec_yards | fumbles | Integer | Number of own fumble recovery yards |
Game Statistics - Interception Returns (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
avg_yards | int_returns | Decimal | Average number of yards on interception returns ex. 38.5 |
longest | int_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest interception return |
longest_touchdown | int_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest interception return for a touchdown |
returns | int_returns | Integer | Number of interception returns |
touchdowns | int_returns | Integer | Number of interception return touchdowns |
yards | int_returns | Integer | Number of total interception return yards |
interceptions | interceptions | Integer | Number of interceptions |
return_yards | interceptions | Integer | Number of interception return yards |
returned | interceptions | Integer | Number of interceptions returned |
Game Statistics - Kick Returns (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
avg_yards | kick_returns | Decimal | Average number of yards on kick returns ex. 19.5 |
faircatches | kick_returns | Integer | Number of fair catches on kick returns |
longest | kick_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest kick return |
longest_touchdown | kick_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest kick return for a touchdown |
returns | kick_returns | Integer | Number of kick returns |
touchdowns | kick_returns | Integer | Number of kick return touchdowns |
yards | kick_returns | Integer | Number of total kick return yards |
Game Statistics - Kickoffs (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
endzone | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoffs into the endzone |
inside_20 | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoffs inside the 20 yardline |
kickoffs | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoffs |
out_of_bounds | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoffs out of bounds |
return_yards | kickoffs | Integer | Number of total return yards on kickoffs |
total_endzone | kickoffs | Integer | Number of total kickoffs into the endzone (touchbacks + endzone kicks) |
touchbacks | kickoffs | Integer | Number of touchbacks |
yards | kickoffs | Integer | Number of kickoff yards |
Game Statistics - Miscellaneous Returns (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
blk_fg_touchdowns | misc_returns | Integer | Number of blocked field goals returned for touchdowns |
blk_punt_touchdowns | misc_returns | Integer | Number of blocked punts returned for touchdowns |
ez_rec_touchdowns | misc_returns | Integer | Number of end zone recovery touchdowns |
fg_touchdowns | misc_returns | Integer | Number of field goal attempts returned for touchdowns |
returns | misc_returns | Integer | Number of miscellaneous returns |
touchdowns | misc_returns | Integer | Number of miscellaneous returns for touchdowns |
yards | misc_returns | Integer | Number of miscellaneous return yardage |
Game Statistics - Passing (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
air_yards | passing | Integer | Number of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point) |
attempts | passing | Integer | Number of pass attempts |
avg_yards | passing | Decimal | Average yards per pass attempt ex. 7.22 |
cmp_pct | passing | Decimal | Completion percentage ex. 78.049 |
completions | passing | Integer | Number of pass completions |
first_downs | passing | Integer | Number of first downs |
interceptions | passing | Integer | Number of interceptions thrown |
int_touchdowns | passing | Integer | Number of interceptions thrown returned for touchdowns |
longest | passing | Integer | Number of yards of longest completed pass |
longest_touchdown | passing | Integer | Number of yards of longest pass for a touchdown |
net_yards | passing | Integer | Number of net yards passing |
rating | passing | Decimal | Passer rating ex. 94.7 |
redzone_attempts | passing | Integer | Number of pass attempts in the red zone |
sack_yards | passing | Integer | Number of sack yards |
sacks | passing | Integer | Number of sacks |
touchdowns | passing | Integer | Number of passing touchdowns |
yards | passing | Integer | Number of passing yards |
Game Statistics - Penalties (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
first_downs | penalties | Integer | Number of penalties resulting in a first down |
penalties | penalties | Integer | Number of penalties |
yards | penalties | Integer | Number of penalty yardage |
Game Statistics - Punt Returns (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
avg_yards | punt_returns | Decimal | Average number of yards on punt returns ex. 19.5 |
faircatches | punt_returns | Integer | Number of fair catches on punt returns |
longest | punt_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest punt return |
longest_touchdown | punt_returns | Integer | Number of yards of longest punt return for a touchdown |
returns | punt_returns | Integer | Number of punt returns |
touchdowns | punt_returns | Integer | Number of punt return touchdowns |
yards | punt_returns | Integer | Number of total punt return yards |
Game Statistics - Punts (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | punts | Integer | Number of punt attempts |
avg_net_yards | punts | Decimal | Average net yards on punts ex. 28.75 |
avg_yards | punts | Decimal | Average yards on punts ex. 43.75 |
blocked | punts | Integer | Number of punts blocked |
inside_20 | punts | Integer | Number of punts inside the 20 yardline |
longest | punts | Integer | Number of yards of longest punt |
net_yards | punts | Integer | Number of total net punt yards |
return_yards | punts | Integer | Number of total return punt yards |
out_of_bounds | punts | Integer | Number of punts out of bounds |
return_yards | punts | Integer | Number of total return yards on punts |
touchbacks | punts | Integer | Number of touchbacks |
yards | punts | Integer | Number of punt yards |
Game Statistics - Receiving (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
air_yards | receiving | Integer | Number of air yards (the amount of yards the ball traveled in the air on a passing play, from line of scrimmage to contact point) |
avg_yards | receiving | Decimal | Average yards per reception ex. 7.22 |
first_downs | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving first downs |
longest | receiving | Integer | Number of yards of longest reception |
longest_touchdown | receiving | Integer | Number of yards of longest receiving touchdown |
receptions | receiving | Integer | Number of receptions |
redzone_targets | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving red zone targets |
targets | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving targets |
touchdowns | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving touchdowns |
yards | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving yards |
yards_after_catch | receiving | Integer | Number of receiving yards after the catch |
Game Statistics - Rushing (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
attempts | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing attempts |
avg_yards | rushing | Decimal | Average yards per rush ex. 3.22 |
first_downs | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing first downs |
longest | rushing | Integer | Number of yards of longest rush |
longest_touchdown | rushing | Integer | Number of yards of longest rushing touchdown |
redzone_attempts | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing red zone attempts |
tlost | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing tackles for a loss |
tlost_yards | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing tackles for a loss yardage |
touchdowns | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing touchdowns |
yards | rushing | Integer | Number of rushing yards |
Game Statistics - Special Conversions (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
defense_one_point_attempts | special_conversions | Integer | Number of one-point defensive conversion attempts |
defense_one_point_successes | special_conversions | Integer | Number of successful one-point defensive conversions |
pass_one_point_attempts | special_conversions | Integer | Number of one-point passing conversion attempts |
pass_one_point_successes | special_conversions | Integer | Number of successful one-point passing conversions |
rush_one_point_attempts | special_conversions | Integer | Number of one-point rushing conversion attempts |
rush_one_point_successes | special_conversions | Integer | Number of successful one-point rushing conversions |
defense_three_point_attempts | special_conversions | Integer | Number of three-point defensive conversion attempts |
defense_three_point_successes | special_conversions | Integer | Number of successful three-point defensive conversions |
pass_three_point_attempts | special_conversions | Integer | Number of three-point passing conversion attempts |
pass_three_point_successes | special_conversions | Integer | Number of successful three-point passing conversions |
rush_three_point_attempts | special_conversions | Integer | Number of three-point rushing conversion attempts |
rush_three_point_successes | special_conversions | Integer | Number of successful three-point rushing conversions |
Game Statistics - Touchdowns (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
fumble_return | touchdowns | Integer | Number of fumble return touchdowns |
int_return | touchdowns | Integer | Number of interception return touchdowns |
kick_return | touchdowns | Integer | Number of kick return touchdowns |
other | touchdowns | Integer | Number of touchdowns outside of other categories. Common examples are blocked kicks or punts returned for scores. |
pass | touchdowns | Integer | Number of passing touchdowns |
punt_return | touchdowns | Integer | Number of punt return touchdowns |
rush | touchdowns | Integer | Number of rushing touchdowns |
total | touchdowns | Integer | Number of total touchdowns |
total_return | touchdowns | Integer | Number of total return touchdowns |
Game Statistics - Team Summary:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
avg_gain | summary | Decimal | Average yards per play ex. 7.6 |
fumbles | summary | Integer | Number of fumbles |
lost_fumbles | summary | Integer | Number of fumbles lost |
penalties | summary | Integer | Number of penalties |
penalty_yards | summary | Integer | Number of penalty yards |
play_count | summary | Integer | Number of offensive plays |
possession_time | summary | Integer | Time of possession ex. 36:38 |
return_yards | summary | Integer | Number of return yards |
rush_plays | summary | Integer | Number of rushing plays |
safeties | summary | Integer | Number of safeties |
total_yards | summary | Integer | Number of total yards |
turnovers | summary | Integer | Number of turnovers |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | summary - season | GUID | Unique season ID ex. 234f28d6-b9d7-4881-a890-30b451c13aec |
name | summary - season | String | Name of the seasonPRE , REG , PST |
type | summary - season | String | Type of the seasonPRE , REG , PST |
year | summary - season | Integer | Year of the season |
id | summary - week | GUID | Unique week ID ex. eb5f5b92-6a4e-42a7-b590-3f0ce7cc4736 |
sequence | summary - week | Integer | Week sequence number |
title | summary - week | String | Week title |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
league | metadata | String | Alias of a league ex. ufl |
locale | metadata | String | Language code ex. en (English) |
match | metadata | GUID | Unique ID(s) of a game ex. sd:match:932eea38-0d94-4db5-b861-69b1a0ca47dc,sr:match:32567857 |
operation | metadata | String | Operation of an updateupdate , delete |
participant | metadata | GUID | Unique ID(s) of a team or player ex. sd:team:c8797380-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29,sr:competitor:882423 |
status | game | String | Game status scheduled , created , inprogress , halftime , complete , closed , cancelled , delayed , suspended , postponed , time-tbd See our UFL FAQ for game status descriptions |
version | metadata | String | Version of the API ex. v6 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
name | player | String | Full name of a player ex. Deon Cain |
id | player | GUID | Unique ID of a player ex. f99a57a0-bdb7-11ed-a9cf-659b88c64826 |
jersey | player | Integer | Jersey number of a player |
position | player | String | Position of a player See our FAQ for a list of valid positions |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
losses | home / away - record | Integer | Number of team losses year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome |
ties | home / away - record | Integer | Number of team ties year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome |
wins | home / away - record | Integer | Number of team wins year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
alias | team | String | Team alias ex. SA |
id | team | GUID | Unique ID of a team ex. c8797380-9677-11ec-9193-6b32ce92fd29 |
market | team | String | Team market name ex. San Antonio |
name | team | String | Team name ex. Brahmas |
sr_id | team | String | Unique Sportradar ID of a team ex. sr:competitor:882423 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
address | summary - venue | String | Address of a venue ex. 1020 24th St N |
capacity | summary - venue | Integer | Capacity of a venue ex. 47100 |
city | summary - venue | String | City of a venue ex. Birmingham |
country | summary - venue | String | Country of a venue ex. USA |
id | summary - venue | GUID | Unique ID of a venue ex. b1f3fd20-90f4-11ec-bf38-efe8ff3d0b79 |
lat | venue - location | Decimal | Latitude of a venue ex. 41.6587 |
lng | venue - location | Decimal | Longitude of a venue ex. -91.5511 |
name | summary - venue | String | Name of a venue ex. Protective Stadium |
roof_type | summary - venue | String | Roof type of a venueoutdoor , dome , retractable_dome |
sr_id | summary - venue | String | Unique Sportradar venue ID ex. sr:venue:58724 |
state | summary - venue | String | State of a venue ex. AL |
surface | summary - venue | String | Surface type of a venueturf , artificial |
zip | summary - venue | Integer | ZIP code of a venue ex. 35203 |