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Tournament Schedule

NCAAFB Tournament Schedule provides the date, time, location, and other event details for every matchup taking place in a given tournament.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: 2 seconds

Data Updates: Schedule info is updated in realtime as changes are made.

The initial playoff schedule (with TBD matchups) will be available shortly after the regular season schedule is released.

Teams will advance to the next round on a 2-minute timer after the previous game moves to complete status.

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasawayStringAway team alias
ex. TCU (Texas Christian University)
idawayGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. a09e634d-39a8-4aa8-81a4-7337580a31f4
marketawayStringAway team market name
ex. TCU
nameawayStringAway team name
ex. Horned Frogs
conference_gamegameBooleanSignifies an in-Conference matchup
ex. (SEC vs. SEC)
coveragegameStringCoverage level of a game
full, extended_boxscore
durationgameStringDuration of a game
ex. 2:52
entry_modegameStringType of data entry for the game
LDE (Live Data Entry)
game_typegameStringType of game
regular, conference_championship, bowl, playoff
aliashomeStringHome team alias
ex. UGA (University of Georgia)
idhomeGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. 2eef738d-c637-4b12-b8df-4b79efcce71e
markethomeStringHome team market name
ex. Georgia
namehomeStringHome team name
ex. Bulldogs
idgameGUIDUnique ID of a game
ex. c9686716-f48a-4667-996d-97639429d8c3
neutral_sitegameBooleanSignifies a game is held at a neutral site
parent_idgameGUIDParent ID of a game
ex. 9c77e6a1-d2c6-483a-a01e-150797e94e7e
playoff_game_typegameStringName of a playoff game type

See our FAQ for a list of valid playoff game types
parent_idgameGUIDStandard parent ID of a game. Use this ID to group events (like bowl games) across seasons.
scheduledgameDate/TimeScheduled date and time of a game
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
statusgameStringGame status
scheduled, created, inprogress, halftime, complete, closed, cancelled, postponed, delayed, suspended, flex-schedule, time-tbd

See our NCAAFB FAQ for game status descriptions
titlegameStringGame title
ex. CFP National Championship
awaytime_zonesStringTime zone of the away team
ex. US/Pacific
hometime_zonesStringTime zone of the home team
ex. US/Eastern
venuetime_zonesStringTime zone of the venue
ex. US/Eastern
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasleagueStringAlias of a league
idleagueGUIDUnique ID of a league
ex. 26c1246a-2fc3-4b7e-8999-1685d3ab4676
nameleagueStringName of a league
ex. NCAA Football
Game (Previous Round):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
namegame - awayStringAway team full name. Team name will populate after the source game has ended. Prior to this, the field will populate the source game title.
ex. Hawkeyes or Orange Bowl - Semifinal (win) (team unknown)
aliasgame - awayStringAway team alias. Team alias will populate after the source game has ended. Prior to this, the field will populate the source game title.
ex. IOW or Orange Bowl - Semifinal (win) (team unknown)
namegame - homeStringHome team full name. Team name will populate after the source game has ended. Prior to this, the field will populate the source game title.
ex. Hawkeyes or Orange Bowl - Semifinal (win) (team unknown)
aliasgame - homeStringHome team alias. Team alias will populate after the source game has ended. Prior to this, the field will populate the source game title.
ex. IOW or Orange Bowl - Semifinal (win) (team unknown)
coveragegame - away / home - sourceStringCoverage level of a previous (source) playoff matchup
full, extended_boxscore
idgame - away / home - sourceGUIDUnique game ID of the of a previous (source) playoff matchup
ex. 11845229-fffb-4fb1-bab6-ec276fb56447
game_typegame - away / home - sourceStringType of game of a previous (source) playoff matchup
regular, conference_championship, bowl, playoff
outcomegame - away / home - sourceStringOutcome of a previous (source) playoff matchup
ex. win
scheduledgame - away / home - sourcedateTimeScheduled date and time of a previous (source) playoff matchup
ex. 2023-03-21T23:00:00+00:00
statusgame - away / home - sourceStringGame status of a previous (source) playoff matchup
ex. closed
titlegame - away / home - sourceStringGame title of a previous (source) playoff matchup
ex. CFP National Championship
Bracket & Round:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idroundGUIDUnique ID of a round
ex. 9d9f0022-5125-40b0-a5c0-5e97b3d122c5
sequenceroundStringSequential number of a round
nameroundStringName of a round
ex. Semifinals or National Championship
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
statustournament-scheduleStringStatus of a tournament
ex. scheduled, inprogress, closed
idtournament-scheduleGUIDUnique ID of a tournament
ex. 77b49a1b-e3a0-4833-9ab0-799367dd97b1
locationtournament-scheduleStringLocation of a tournament
ex. Atlanta, GA, USA
nametournament-scheduleStringName of a tournament
ex. College Football Playoff
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 886 Stadium Drive
capacityvenueIntegerCapacity of a venue
ex. 69250
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Iowa City
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. 967ef86b-d0de-49b7-8984-61f95104d30d
latvenue - locationDecimalLatitude of a venue
ex. 41.6587
lngvenue - locationDecimalLongitude of a venue
ex. -91.5511
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Kinnick Stadium
roof_typevenueStringRoof type of a venue
outdoor, dome, retractable_dome
statevenueStringState of a venue
ex. IA
surfacevenueStringSurface type of a venue
turf, artificial, outdoor
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 52242
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