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Daily Transactions

NFL Daily Transactions provides information for all transactions added or edited during the league-defined day.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: 300 seconds

Data Updates: Updates are made in realtime as transactions are entered

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameplayerStringFirst name of a player
ex. Patrick
nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Patrick Mahomes
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 11cad59d-90dd-449c-a839-dddaba4fe16c
jerseyplayerIntegerJersey number of a player
last_nameplayerStringLast name of a player
ex. Mahomes
positionplayerStringPosition of a player

See our FAQ for a list of valid positions
sr_idplayerGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a player
ex. sr:player:1129537
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
start_timetransactionsdateTimeStart time of the daily transaction log
ex. 2022-09-17T04:00:00Z
end_timetransactionsdateTimeEnd time of the daily transaction log
ex. 2022-09-18T03:59:59Z
aliastransaction - from_teamStringAlias of a player's team to start a transaction
ex. DET
idtransaction - from_teamGUIDUnique ID of a player's team to start a transaction
ex. c5a59daa-53a7-4de0-851f-fb12be893e9e
markettransaction - from_teamStringMarket of a player's team to start a transaction
ex. Detroit
nametransaction - from_teamStringName of a player's team to start a transaction
ex. Lions
sr_idtransaction - from_teamGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a player's team to start a transaction
ex. sr:competitor:4419
aliastransaction - to_teamStringAlias of a player's team to end a transaction
ex. DET
idtransaction - to_teamGUIDUnique ID of a player's team to end a transaction
ex. c5a59daa-53a7-4de0-851f-fb12be893e9e
markettransaction - to_teamStringMarket of a player's team to end a transaction
ex. Detroit
nametransaction - to_teamStringName of a player's team to end a transaction
ex. Lions
sr_idtransaction - to_teamGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a player's team to end a transaction
ex. sr:competitor:4419
idtransaction - trades - tradeGUIDUnique ID of a trade
ex. 5cdd385b-f1e4-4b39-bfe7-0a255909f649
trade_datetransaction - trades - tradedateTimeDate of a trade
ex. 2022-06-18 00:00:00 UTC
transaction_codetransactionStringCode of a transaction

See our FAQ to find a complete list of all valid transaction codes and types
desctransactionStringText description of a transaction
ex. The Philadelphia Eagles waived RB Kennedy Brooks.
effective_datetransactionStringEffective date of a transaction
ex. 2022-07-05
idtransactionGUIDUnique ID of a transaction
ex. 94e1a2c0-28aa-11ed-af92-49b45a93df41
last_modifiedtransactionStringTimestamp of a change to a transaction
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
status_beforetransactionStringStatus of a player before a transaction
ACT(Active), DUP(Duplicate Profile), EXE(Exempt), IR(Injured Reserve), IRD(Injured Reserve - Designated for Return), NON(Non-football related injured reserve), NWT(Not with team), PRA(Practice Squad), PUP(Physically unable to perform), RET(Retired), SUS(Suspended), UDF(Unsigned draft pick)
status_aftertransactionStringStatus of a player after a transaction
ACT(Active), DUP(Duplicate Profile), EXE(Exempt), IR(Injured Reserve), IRD(Injured Reserve - Designated for Return), NON(Non-football related injured reserve), NWT(Not with team), PRA(Practice Squad), PUP(Physically unable to perform), RET(Retired), SUS(Suspended), UDF(Unsigned draft pick)
transaction_typetransactionStringType of a transaction

See our FAQ to find a complete list of all valid transaction codes and types
transaction_yeartransactionStringYear of a transaction
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