Future Odds Table
us.betting.season.futureOddsTable provides an outright odds table with specific bookmakers, as well as a consensus average betting line.
For the widget to render you must provide a valid uniqueTournamentId
. All other properties are optional.
Name | Type | Argument | Default | Description |
uniqueTournamentId |
number | required | Unique Tournament ID | |
outrightId |
number | optional | Outright ID | |
competitorId |
number | optional | Competitor ID | |
filter |
string | optional | Determines the entity by which outrights are grouped and filtered. It reflects the values in the dropdown. Valid values are: futures , competitors and competitorTypes . |
oddsTypeOverride |
string | optional | Overrides the default oddsType. Valid values are: us (money line), eu (decimal) and uk (fractional). |
sanitizeOdds |
boolean | optional | true | If true filters out indeterminate odds. |
addWordOddsToOutrightNaming |
boolean | optional | If true includes the word "ODDS" in the title of each outright. |
disableAvgColumn |
boolean | optional | If true hides the average column in the table. |
disableHeader |
boolean | optional | If true hides the header. |
disableTournamentDropdown |
boolean | optional | If true hides the tournament dropdown. |
disableFeatureDropdown |
boolean | optional | If true disables the feature dropdown. Applicable to the futures layout. |
disableCompetitorTypeDropdown |
boolean | optional | If true disables the competitor type dropdown. Applicable to the competitors and competitorsType layout. |
disableCompetitorDropdown |
boolean | optional | If true disables the competitor dropdown. Applicable to the competitors layout. |
disableSorting |
boolean | optional | If true disables the table sorting. Single-row tables have sorting turned off by default. |
enableTeamColors |
boolean | optional | Enables team colors. | |
border |
boolean | optional | If true draws a border around the widget. |
onItemClick |
function | optional | Function/event handler. Emits uniqueTeamId on team click or touch and matchId on widget click or touch. |
<div class="sr-widget" data-sr-widget="us.betting.season.futureOddsTable" data-sr-unique-tournament-id="109"></div>
<script type="application/javascript" src="https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/YOUR_CLIENT_ALIAS/widgetloader" data-sr-language="en_us" async></script>
(function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
)})(window,document,"script","https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/YOUR_CLIENT_ALIAS/widgetloader","SIR", {
language: 'en_us'
SIR('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'us.betting.season.futureOddsTable', {uniqueTournamentId: 109});
<div id="sr-widget"></div>
(function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
)})(window,document,"script","https://widgets.media.sportradar.com/YOUR_CLIENT_ALIAS/widgetloader","SIR", {
language: 'en_us'
SIR('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'us.betting.season.futureOddsTable', {uniqueTournamentId: 109, onItemClick: function(type, obj){alert(JSON.stringify(obj));}});
<div id="sr-widget"></div>
Updated about 2 years ago