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MLB Standings provides detailed standings information for each MLB division.


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Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasleagueStringAlias of a league
ex. MLB
idleagueGUIDUnique ID of a league
ex. 2fa448bc-fc17-4d3d-be03-e60e080fdc26
nameleagueStringName of a league
ex. Major League Baseball
aliasdivisionStringAlias of a division
ex. C
iddivisionGUIDUnique ID of a division
ex. 95e2d773-d899-4751-b61a-b9463e5aa874
namedivisionStringName of a division
ex. Central
aliasleague - leagueStringAlias of a league
ex. NL
idleague - leagueGUIDUnique ID of a league
ex. fbe91704-36df-4e7c-864a-06d236425999
nameleague - leagueStringName of a league
ex. National League
idseasonGUIDUnique ID of a season
ex. f5aa580e-8103-4ff5-beb0-965dbe8a8cf1
typeseasonStringType of season
PRE(Spring Training), REG(Regular Season), PST(Postseason), AST(All-Star Game)
yearseasonIntegerYear of a season
aliasspring_leagueStringAlias of a Spring Training league
ex. ACL
idspring_leagueGUIDUnique ID of a Spring Training league
ex. 78496339-40df-44ae-96e8-35eaf67e47c6
namespring_leagueStringName of a Spring Training league
ex. Cactus League
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
al_lossteamIntegerNumber of losses vs. AL opponents
al_winteamIntegerNumber of wins vs. AL opponents
away_lossteamIntegerNumber of away losses
away_winteamIntegerNumber of away wins
c_lossteamIntegerNumber of losses vs. Central Division opponents (non-Interleague)
c_winteamIntegerNumber of wins vs. Central Division opponents (non-Interleague)
division_elimination_numberteamIntegerElimination number for a division
divisionrankIntegerRank number in a division
e_lossteamIntegerNumber of losses vs. East Division opponents (non-Interleague)
e_winteamIntegerNumber of wins vs. East Division opponents (non-Interleague)
elimination_numberteamIntegerElimination number for a playoff berth
games_backteamFloatGames behind the division leader
home_lossteamIntegerNumber of losses in home games
home_winteamIntegerNumber of wins in home games
last_10_lostteamIntegerNumber of losses in last 10 games
last_10_wonteamIntegerNumber of wins in last 10 games
leaguerankIntegerRank number in a league
nl_lossteamIntegerNumber of losses vs. NL opponents
nl_winteamIntegerNumber of wins vs. NL opponents
lossteamIntegerNumber of losses
streakteamStringCurrent win/loss streak
ex. L3
win_pteamDecimalWinning percentage
ex. 0.683
winteamIntegerNumber of wins
w_lossteamIntegerNumber of losses vs. West Division opponents (non-Interleague)
w_winteamIntegerNumber of wins vs. West Division opponents (non-Interleague)
wild_card_backteamFloatGames behind the final wild card berth
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbrteamStringAbbreviation of a team
ex. TB (Tampa Bay)
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. bdc11650-6f74-49c4-875e-778aeb7632d9
marketteamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Tampa Bay
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Rays
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