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Game Pitch Metrics

MLB Game Pitch Metrics provides detailed metrics on pitch type, velocity, and results for all pitchers in a given game.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.

Data Updates: Realtime

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbrawayStringAbbreviation of the away team
ex. MIN (Minnesota)
abbrhomeStringAbbreviation of the home team
ex. CIN (Cincinnati)
idawayGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. 29dd9a87-5bcc-4774-80c3-7f50d985068b
idhomeGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. 481dfe7e-5dab-46ab-a49f-9dcc2b6e2cfd
marketawayStringMarket name of the away team
ex. Colorado
markethomeStringMarket name of the home team
ex. Minnesota
nameawayStringTeam name of the away team
ex. Rockies
namehomeStringTeam name of the home team
ex. Twins
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. 29dd9a87-5bcc-4774-80c3-7f50d985068b
cablebroadcastStringName of the game's broadcast cable station
internetbroadcastStringName of the game's internet stream
networkbroadcastStringName of the game's broadcast network
ex. MLB Network
radiobroadcastStringName of the game's broadcast radio station
satellitebroadcastStringName of the game's broadcast satellite station
coveragegameStringCoverage level of a game
full, boxscore
double_headergameBooleanSignifies whether a game is part of a double header
day_nightgameStringSignifies a day or night game
D, N
entry_modegameStringSignifies the type of data entry
home_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. ef64da7f-cfaf-4300-87b0-9313386b977c
idgameGUIDUnique ID of the game
ex. 1b554f5e-d8b7-4268-95da-2f4191015c84
game_numbergameIntegerNumber of the game
parent_idgameGUIDStandard parent ID of a game or series. Use this ID to group events (like the World Series or All-Star Game) across seasons.
ex. 34e4cbbe-0086-4fad-bb08-840cbcfcabf0 (All-Star Game)
referencegameStringUnique MLBAM ID of a game
scheduledgamedateTimeScheduled date and time of a game
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
season_idgameGUIDUnique ID of the season a game belongs within
ex. 6a5c278f-ebce-41f9-b1ba-2160b6af04ce
season_typegameStringCode type of the season a game belongs within
ex. REG (Regular), PRE (Preseason), PST (Postseason), AST (All-Star)
season_yeargameIntegerYear of the season a game belongs within
tbdgameBooleanSignifies the game start time is to be determined. Placeholder start time is 08:00:00+00:00
split_squadgameBooleanSignifies a Spring Training split squad game
statusgameStringThe status of a game
scheduled, inprogress, complete, closed, wdelay, fdelay, odelay, canceled, unnecessary, if-necessary, postponed, suspended, maintenance
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameplayerStringFirst name of a player
ex. Markus
full_nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Mookie Betts
suffixplayerStringName suffix of a player
ex. Jr.
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
jersey_numberplayerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
last_nameplayerStringLast name of a runner
ex. Betts
positionplayerStringPosition of a player
C(Catcher), IF(Infield), OF(Outfield), P(Pitcher), DH(Designated Hitter)
preferred_nameplayerStringPreferred name of a player
ex. Mookie
primary_positionplayerStringPrimary position of a player
C(Catcher), IF(Infield), 1B(First Base), 2B(Second Base), 3B(Third Base), SS(Shortstop), OF(Outfield), LF(Left Field), CF(Centerfield), P(Pitcher), RF(Right Field), RP(Relief Pitcher), SP(Starting Pitcher), DH(Designated Hitter)
statusplayerStringStatus of a player
A(Activated), BRV(Bereavement Leave), D7(7 Day Injured List), D10(10 Day Injured List), D60(60 Day Injured List), DFA(Designated for assignment), FA(Free agent), FME(Family Medical Emergency), LV(Paid Leave), MIN(Minors), NRI(Non-roster Invite), PL(Paternity Leave), RST(Restricted), RET(Retired), SUS(Suspended), UDP(Unsigned Draft Pick), WV(Waivers), DUP(Duplicate Profile), Null(Blank)(Traded or not activated)

*Traded players temporarily have no status listed after they are traded to a new team and are either activated by the MLB club or assigned to a minor league affiliate
Player Pitching Stats (Game):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
dplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - onbaseIntegerNumber of doubles allowed
foulplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - outcomeIntegerNumber of foul balls
hplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - onbaseIntegerNumber of hits allowed
hrplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - onbaseIntegerNumber of homeruns allowed
flyballplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - in-playIntegerNumber of fly balls allowed
groundballplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - in-playIntegerNumber of ground balls allowed
linedriveplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - in-playIntegerNumber of line drives allowed
popupsplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - in-playIntegerNumber of popups allowed
splayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - onbaseIntegerNumber of singles allowed
klookplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts looking
kswingplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts swinging
klookplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes looking
kswingplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes swinging
btotalplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - outcomeIntegerTotal number of balls thrown
ktotalplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - outsIntegerTotal number of strikeouts
ktotalplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - outcomeIntegerTotal number of strikes thrown
tplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - onbaseIntegerNumber of triples allowed
swing_rateplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - swingsDecimalSwing rate percentage
ex. 60.5
strike_pctplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - swingsDecimalStrike percentage
ex. 24.4
totalplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - swingsIntegerNumber of swings induced
whiff_rateplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - overall / pitch_types - swingsDecimalSwing and miss percentage
ex. 40.4
avg_speedplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - pitch_typeDecimalAverage speed of a type of pitch
avg_speedplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - overallDecimalAverage speed of all pitches
countplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - pitch_typeIntegerNumber of pitches thrown for a type of pitch
countplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - overallIntegerNumber of pitches thrown
gbfbplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - pitch_typeDecimalOpponents ground ball/fly ball ratio for a type of pitch
ex. 2.5
gbfbplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - overallDecimalOpponents ground ball/fly ball ratio
ex. 2.5
max_speedplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - pitch_typeDecimalMaximum speed of a type of pitch
ex. 98.5
max_speedplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - overallDecimalMaximum speed of pitches thrown
ex. 92.5
min_speedplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - pitch_typeDecimalMinimum speed of a type of pitch
ex. 82.9
min_speedplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - overallDecimalMinimum speed of pitches thrown
ex. 76.9
typeplayer - statistics - pitch_metrics - pitch_types - pitch_typeStringCode for a type of pitch
FA(Fastball), SI(Sinker), CT(Cutter), CU(Curveball), SL(Slider), CH(Changeup), KN(Knuckleball), SP(Splitter), SC(Screwball), FO(Forkball), IB(Intentional Ball), PI(Pitchout), Other
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ps_gamegameIntegerGame number in a series
ps_roundgameStringName of a series
ex. ALDS
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 1000 Vin Scully Avenue
capacityvenueStringCapacity of a venue
ex. 56000
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Los Angeles
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
field_orientationvenueStringField orientation of a venue
ex. NE
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. 66a19c3d-24fe-477d-bee7-c6ef1b98352f
latlocationDecimalLatitude of a venue
ex. 34.0745409
lnglocationDecimalLongitude of a venue
ex. -118.2408881
marketvenueStringMarket of a venue
ex. Los Angeles
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Dodger Stadium
stadium_typevenueStringType of a venue
ex. outdoor
statevenueStringState of a venue
ex. CA
surfacevenueStringSurface type of a venue
ex. grass
time_zonevenueStringTime zone of a venue
ex. US/Central
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 90012
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