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Series Summary

MLB Series Summary provides team and player statistics for a given postseason series.


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TTL / Cache: 120 seconds

Data Updates: As Necessary

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseasonGUIDUnique ID of a season
ex. f5aa580e-8103-4ff5-beb0-965dbe8a8cf1
typeseasonStringType of season
PRE(Spring Training), REG(Regular Season), PST(Postseason), AST(All-Star Game)
yearseasonIntegerYear of a season
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameplayerStringFirst name of a player
ex. Markus
full_nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Mookie Betts
suffixplayerStringName suffix of a player
ex. Jr.
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
jersey_numberplayerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
last_nameplayerStringLast name of a runner
ex. Betts
positionplayerStringPosition of a player
C(Catcher), IF(Infield), OF(Outfield), P(Pitcher), DH(Designated Hitter)
preferred_nameplayerStringPreferred name of a player
ex. Mookie
primary_positionplayerStringPrimary position of a player
C(Catcher), IF(Infield), 1B(First Base), 2B(Second Base), 3B(Third Base), SS(Shortstop), OF(Outfield), LF(Left Field), CF(Centerfield), P(Pitcher), RF(Right Field), RP(Relief Pitcher), SP(Starting Pitcher), DH(Designated Hitter)
statusplayerStringStatus of a player
A(Activated), BRV(Bereavement Leave), D7(7 Day Injured List), D10(10 Day Injured List), D60(60 Day Injured List), DFA(Designated for assignment), FA(Free agent), FME(Family Medical Emergency), LV(Paid Leave), MIN(Minors), NRI(Non-roster Invite), PL(Paternity Leave), RST(Restricted), RET(Retired), SUS(Suspended), UDP(Unsigned Draft Pick), WV(Waivers), DUP(Duplicate Profile), Null(Blank)(Traded or not activated)

*Traded players temporarily have no status listed after they are traded to a new team and are either activated by the MLB club or assigned to a minor league affiliate
Player Baserunning Stats (Series):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
caughtplayer - hitting - overall - stealIntegerNumber of times caught stealing
pctplayer - hitting - overall - stealDecimalCaught stealing percentage
ex. 0.5
pickoffplayer - hitting - overall - stealDecimalNumber of times picked off
stolenplayer - hitting - overall - stealIntegerNumber of stolen bases
Player Fielding Stats (Series):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aplayer - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of assists
outfieldplayer - fielding - overall - assistsIntegerNumber of outfield assists
totalplayer - fielding - overall - assistsIntegerNumber of total assists
completeplayer - fielding - overall - gamesIntegerNumber of complete games played
dpplayer - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of double plays turned
errorplayer - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of errors committed
player - fieldingplayer - fielding - overall - errorsIntegerNumber of fielding errors committed
interferenceplayer - fielding - overall - errorsIntegerNumber of interference errors committed
throwingplayer - fielding - overall - errorsIntegerNumber of throwing errors committed
totalplayer - fielding - overall - errorsIntegerTotal number of errors committed
fpctplayer - fielding - overallDecimalFielding percentage
ex. 0.969
finishplayer - fielding - overall - gamesIntegerNumber of games finished
playplayer - fielding - overall - gamesIntegerNumber of games played
startplayer - fielding - overall - gamesIntegerNumber of games started
inn_1player - fielding - overallIntegerTotal number of outs while in the field
inn_2player - fielding - overallDecimalTotal number of innings in the field
ex. 7.2 (7 2/3 innings)
pbplayer - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of passed balls
poplayer - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of putouts
rfplayer - fielding - overallDecimalRange factor at a position. Determined by dividing the sum of a fielder's putouts and assists by their total number of defensive games played
outfieldplayer - fielding - overall - stealIntegerNumber of outfield assists
caughtplayer - fielding - overall - stealIntegerNumber of runners caught stealing
pctplayer - fielding - overall - stealDecimalCaught stealing percentage
ex. 0.5
pickoffplayer - fielding - overall - stealIntegerNumber of successful pickoffs
stolenplayer - fielding - overall - stealIntegerNumber of stolen bases allowed
tcplayer - fielding - overallIntegerTotal number of fielding chances
tpplayer - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of triple plays turned
c_wpplayer - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of wild pitches while catching
Player Hitting Stats (Series):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at bats
abhrplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalAt bats per homerun
abkplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalAt bats per strikeout
ab_rispplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at bats with runners in scoring position
ballplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of at balls seen
bipplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at balls hit in play
avgplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalBatting average
ex. .333
babipplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerBABIP (Batting average on balls in play)
ex. 0.333
completeplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - gamesIntegerNumber of complete games played
cycleplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of cycles (player hits a single, double, triple, and homerun)
dirtballplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of dirtballs seen
dplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of doubles
xbhplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of extra base hits
fcplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of hits into fielder's choice
flyballplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at flyballs
foplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of fly outs
fidpplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of fly outs into double plays
foulplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of foul balls
finishplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - gamesIntegerNumber of games finished
playplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - gamesIntegerNumber of games played
startplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - gamesIntegerNumber of games started
groundballplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at groundballs
gofoplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalGround out/fly out ratio
ex. 2.0
goplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of groundouts
gidpplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of grounded into double plays
hbpplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of hit by pitches
hplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of hits
hit_rispplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of hits with runners in scoring position
hrplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of homeruns
iballplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of intentional balls taken
ibbplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of intentional walks
isoplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalIsolated power
linedriveplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at line drives
loplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of lineouts
lidpplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of lineouts into double plays
opsplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalOPS (On Base Percentage + Slugging Percentage)
ex. 0.833
obpplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalOn Base Percentage
pickoffplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - stealIntegerNumber of times picked off
pitch_countplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of pitches seen
applayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of plate appearances
popupplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of popups
poplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of putouts
roeplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of times reached on error
lobplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of players left on base
lob_risp_2outplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of players left on base with two outs and runners in scoring position
rbiplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of RBI (Runs Batted In)
sacflyplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of sacrifice flies
sachitplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of sacrifice hits
secaplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalSecondary average
ex. 0.333
splayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of singles
slgplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalSlugging Percentage
ex. 0.333
klookplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts looking
kswingplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts swinging
klookplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes looking
kswingplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes swinging
team_lobplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of players left on base at the end of an inning
btotalplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - pitchesIntegerNumber of balls seen
tbplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of total bases
totalplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - runsIntegerNumber of total runs scored
ktotalplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of total strikeouts
ktotalplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes seen (not including balls in play)
ktotalplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - pitchesIntegerNumber of strikes seen (including balls in play)
tplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of triples
rbi_2outplayer - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of 2-out RBI
bbplayer - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of walks
bbpaplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalWalks per plate appearance
ex. 0.25
bbkplayer - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalWalks per strikeout
ex. 0.2
Player Pitching Stats (Series):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
bkplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of balks
ballplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of balls thrown
bfplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of batters faced
bf_ipplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalBatters faced per inning pitched
ex. 3.5
bf_startplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalBatters faced per start
ex. 16.0
bqrplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of bequeathed runners
bqraplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of bequeathed runners allowed to score
blown_saveplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of blown saves
completeplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of complete games
dirtballplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of dirtballs thrown
dplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of doubles allowed
eraplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalERA (Earned Run Average)
ex. 4.5
earnedplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of earned runs allowed
fcplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of fielder's choices allowed
fipplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalFIP (Fielding Independent Pitching)
ex. 4.5
foplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of fly outs
fidpplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of fly outs into double plays
foulplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of foul balls
finishplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of games finished
playplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of games played
startplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of games started
gofoplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalGround out/fly out ratio
ex. 2.0
goplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of groundouts
gidpplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of grounded into double plays
hbpplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of hit batters
hplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of hits allowed
h9player - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseDecimalHits allowed per nine innings
ex. 1.5
holdplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of holds
hrplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of homeruns allowed
hr9player - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseDecimalHomeruns allowed per nine innings
ex. 4.5
irplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of inherited runners
iraplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of inherited runners allowed to score
ip_1player - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerTotal number of outs recorded
ip_2player - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalTotal number of innings pitched
ex. 7.2 (7 2/3 innings)
iballplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of intentional balls thrown
ibbplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of intentional walks
loplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of lineouts
lidpplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of lineouts into double plays
lossplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of losses
oabplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of opponent at bats
obaplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents batting average
ex. 0.167
babipplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents BABIP (Batting average on balls in play)
ex. 0.333
flyballplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - in-playIntegerNumber of fly balls allowed
gbfbplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents ground ball/fly ball ratio
ex. 2.5
groundballplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - in-playIntegerNumber of ground balls allowed
linedriveplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - in-playIntegerNumber of line drives allowed
obpplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents On Base Percentage
popupsplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - in-playIntegerNumber of popups allowed
lobplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of runners left on base
slgplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents Slugging Percentage
ex. 0.357
pickoffplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - stealIntegerNumber of successful pickoffs
pitch_countplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of pitches thrown
per_bfplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesDecimalNumber of pitches per batter faced
ex. - 3.813
per_ipplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesDecimalNumber of pitches per inning pitched
ex. - 15.25
per_startplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesDecimalNumber of pitches per start
ex. - 61.0
poplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of popouts
qstartplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of quality starts (6 innings pitched & 3 or less earned runs allowed)
roeplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of times allowed to reached on error
caughtplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - stealIntegerNumber of times caught stealing
sacflyplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of sacrifice flies
sachitplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of sacrifice hits
svoplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of save opportunities
saveplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of saves
shutoutplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of shutouts
splayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of singles allowed
stolenplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - stealIntegerNumber of stolen bases allowed
klookplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts looking
k9player - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalStrikeouts per nine innings
ex. 6.75
kbbplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalStrikeouts per walk ratio
ex. 1.5
kswingplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts swinging
klookplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes looking
kswingplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes swinging
btotalplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesIntegerTotal number of balls thrown
tbplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of total bases allowed
countplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesIntegerTotal number of pitches thrown
totalplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerTotal number of runs allowed
ktotalplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerTotal number of strikeouts
ktotalplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerTotal number of strikes thrown
ktotalplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesIntegerTotal number of strikes thrown
tplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of triples allowed
unearnedplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of unearned runs allowed
bbplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of walks allowed
whipplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalWHIP (Walks + Hits Per Inning Pitched)
ex. 4.75
wpplayer - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of wild pitches thrown
winplayer - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of wins
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
best_ofseriesIntegerNumber of games in a series
idseriesGUIDUnique ID of a series
ex. 05c860de-4ad4-4e21-8d24-d669cb7a498c
roundseriesStringAbbreviated name of a series
ex. WS or ALDS2
start_dateseriesDateStart date of a series
ex. 2022-10-26
statusseriesStringStatus of a series
ex. scheduled
titleseriesStringTitle of a series
ex. NL Wildcard - TBD vs STL or World Series - ATL vs HOU
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbrteamStringAbbreviation of a team
ex. TB (Tampa Bay)
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. bdc11650-6f74-49c4-875e-778aeb7632d9
marketteamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Tampa Bay
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Rays
seedteamIntegerSeed number for a team
Team Baserunning Stats (Series):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
caughtteam - statistics - hitting - stealIntegerNumber of times caught stealing
pctteam - statistics - hitting - stealDecimalCaught stealing percentage
ex. 0.5
pickoffteam - statistics - hitting - stealDecimalNumber of times picked off
stolenteam - statistics - hitting - stealIntegerNumber of stolen bases
Team Fielding Stats (Series):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ateam - statistics - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of assists
outfieldteam - statistics - fielding - assistsIntegerNumber of outfield assists
totalteam - statistics - fielding - assistsIntegerNumber of total assists
dpteam - statistics - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of double plays turned
errorteam - statistics - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of errors committed
fieldingteam - statistics - fielding - errorsIntegerNumber of fielding errors committed
interferenceteam - statistics - fielding - errorsIntegerNumber of interference errors committed
throwingteam - statistics - fielding - errorsIntegerNumber of throwing errors committed
totalteam - statistics - fielding - errorsIntegerTotal number of errors committed
fpctteam - statistics - fielding - overallDecimalFielding percentage
ex. 0.969
pbteam - statistics - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of passed balls
poteam - statistics - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of putouts
caughtteam - statistics - fielding - stealIntegerNumber of runners caught stealing
pctteam - statistics - fielding - stealDecimalCaught stealing percentage
ex. 0.5
pickoffteam - statistics - fielding - stealIntegerNumber of successful pickoffs
stolenteam - statistics - fielding - stealIntegerNumber of stolen bases allowed
tcteam - statistics - fielding - overallIntegerTotal number of fielding chances
tpteam - statistics - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of triple plays turned
c_wpteam - statistics - fielding - overallIntegerNumber of wild pitches while catching
Team Hitting Stats (Series):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at bats
abhrteam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalAt bats per homerun
abkteam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalAt bats per strikeout
ab_rispteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at bats with runners in scoring position
ballteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of at balls seen
bipteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at balls hit in play
avgteam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalBatting average
ex. .333
babipteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerBABIP (Batting average on balls in play)
ex. 0.333
cycleteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of cycles (player hits a single, double, triple, and homerun)
dirtballteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of dirtballs seen
dteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of doubles
xbhteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of extra base hits
fcteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of hits into fielder's choice
flyballteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at flyballs
foteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of fly outs
fidpteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of fly outs into double plays
foulteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of foul balls
groundballteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at groundballs
gofoteam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalGround out/fly out ratio
ex. 2.0
goteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of groundouts
gidpteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of grounded into double plays
hbpteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of hit by pitches
hteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of hits
hit_rispteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of hits with runners in scoring position
hrteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of homeruns
iballteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of intentional balls taken
ibbteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of intentional walks
isoteam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalIsolated power
linedriveteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of at line drives
loteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of lineouts
lidpteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of lineouts into double plays
opsteam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalOPS (On Base Percentage + Slugging Percentage)
ex. 0.833
obpteam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalOn Base Percentage
pickoffteam - statistics - hitting - overall - stealIntegerNumber of times picked off
pitch_countteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of pitches seen
apteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of plate appearances
popupteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of popups
poteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of putouts
roeteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of times reached on error
lobteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of players left on base
lob_risp_2outteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of players left on base with two outs and runners in scoring position
rbiteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of RBI (Runs Batted In)
sacflyteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of sacrifice flies
sachitteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of sacrifice hits
secateam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalSecondary average
ex. 0.333
steam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of singles
slgteam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalSlugging Percentage
ex. 0.333
klookteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts looking
kswingteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts swinging
klookteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes looking
kswingteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes swinging
team_lobteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of players left on base at the end of an inning
btotalteam - statistics - hitting - overall - pitchesIntegerNumber of balls seen
tbteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of total bases
totalteam - statistics - hitting - overall - runsIntegerNumber of total runs scored
ktotalteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outsIntegerNumber of total strikeouts
ktotalteam - statistics - hitting - overall - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes seen (not including balls in play)
ktotalteam - statistics - hitting - overall - pitchesIntegerNumber of strikes seen (including balls in play)
tteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of triples
rbi_2outteam - statistics - hitting - overallIntegerNumber of 2-out RBI
bbteam - statistics - hitting - overall - onbaseIntegerNumber of walks
bbpateam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalWalks per plate appearance
ex. 0.25
bbkteam - statistics - hitting - overallDecimalWalks per strikeout
ex. 0.2
Team Pitching Stats (Series):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
bkteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of balks
ballteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of balls thrown
bfteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of batters faced
bf_ipteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalBatters faced per inning pitched
ex. 3.5
bf_startteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalBatters faced per start
ex. 16.0
bqrteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of bequeathed runners
bqrateam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of bequeathed runners allowed to score
blown_saveteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of blown saves
completeteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of complete games
dirtballteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of dirtballs thrown
dteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of doubles allowed
erateam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalERA (Earned Run Average)
ex. 4.5
earnedteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of earned runs allowed
fcteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of fielder's choices allowed
fipteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalFIP (Fielding Independent Pitching)
ex. 4.5
foteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of fly outs
fidpteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of fly outs into double plays
foulteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of foul balls
gofoteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalGround out/fly out ratio
ex. 2.0
goteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of groundouts
gidpteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of grounded into double plays
hbpteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of hit batters
hteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of hits allowed
h9team - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseDecimalHits allowed per nine innings
ex. 1.5
holdteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of holds
hrteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of homeruns allowed
hr9team - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseDecimalHomeruns allowed per nine innings
ex. 4.5
irteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of inherited runners
irateam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of inherited runners allowed to score
ip_1team - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerTotal number of outs recorded
ip_2team - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalTotal number of innings pitched
ex. 10.0 (10 innings)
iballteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of intentional balls thrown
ibbteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of intentional walks
loteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of lineouts
lidpteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of lineouts into double plays
lossteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of losses
oabteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of opponent at bats
obateam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents batting average
ex. 0.167
babipteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents BABIP (Batting average on balls in play)
ex. 0.333
flyballteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - in-playIntegerNumber of fly balls allowed
gbfbteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents ground ball/fly ball ratio
ex. 2.5
groundballteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - in-playIntegerNumber of ground balls allowed
linedriveteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - in-playIntegerNumber of line drives allowed
obpteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents On Base Percentage
popupsteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - in-playIntegerNumber of popups allowed
lobteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of runners left on base
slgteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalOpponents Slugging Percentage
ex. 0.357
pickoffteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - stealIntegerNumber of successful pickoffs
pitch_countteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of pitches thrown
per_bfteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesDecimalNumber of pitches per batter faced
ex. - 3.813
per_ipteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesDecimalNumber of pitches per inning pitched
ex. - 15.25
per_startteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesDecimalNumber of pitches per start
ex. - 61.0
poteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of popouts
qstartteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of quality starts (6 innings pitched & 3 or less earned runs allowed)
roeteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of times allowed to reached on error
caughtteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - stealIntegerNumber of times caught stealing
sacflyteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of sacrifice flies
sachitteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of sacrifice hits
svoteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of save opportunities
saveteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of saves
shutoutteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of shutouts
steam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of singles allowed
stolenteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - stealIntegerNumber of stolen bases allowed
klookteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts looking
k9team - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalStrikeouts per nine innings
ex. 6.75
kbbteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalStrikeouts per walk ratio
ex. 1.5
kswingteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerNumber of strikeouts swinging
klookteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes looking
kswingteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerNumber of strikes swinging
btotalteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesIntegerTotal number of balls thrown
tbteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of total bases allowed
countteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesIntegerTotal number of pitches thrown
totalteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerTotal number of runs allowed
ktotalteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - outsIntegerTotal number of strikeouts
ktotalteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - outcomeIntegerTotal number of strikes thrown
ktotalteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - pitchesIntegerTotal number of strikes thrown
tteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of triples allowed
unearnedteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpen - runsIntegerNumber of unearned runs allowed
bbteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - onbaseIntegerNumber of walks allowed
whipteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenDecimalWHIP (Walks + Hits Per Inning Pitched)
ex. 4.75
wpteam - statistics - pitching - overall / starters / bullpenIntegerNumber of wild pitches thrown
winteam - statistics - hitting - overall / starters / bullpen - gamesIntegerNumber of wins
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