MLB Glossary provides full text descriptions for pitch ids, player status ids, outcome ids, and game status ids.
Data Points
Pitch Types:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | pitch_types -pitch | String | Code of a type of pitch ex. FA |
type | pitch_types -pitch | String | Name of a type of pitch ex. Fastball |
Player Statuses:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | player_statuses -status | String | Code of a player status ex. A |
type | player_statuses -status | String | Name of a player status ex. activated |
Pitch Outcomes:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | pitch_outcome -outcome | String | Code of a pitch outcome ex. aHR |
desc | pitch_outcome -outcome | String | Description of a pitch outcome ex. Homerun |
Game Status:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | game_status -status | String | Code of a game status ex. closed |
desc | game_status -status | String | Description of a game status ex. The game has passed review and MLB has officially closed the game |
label | game_status -status | String | Label description of a game status ex. Closed |
Runner Outcomes:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | runner_outcomes -outcome | String | Code of a runner outcome ex. ERN |
desc | runner_outcomes -outcome | String | Description of a runner outcome ex. Earned Run/RBI |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | post_season -game | String | Code of a postseason series ex. NLCS-1 |
- | post_season -game | String | Description of a postseason series ex. NL Championship Series - Game 1 |
Player Positions:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | player_positions -position | String | Number of a player position ex. 1 |
desc | player_positions -position | String | Description of a player position ex. Pitcher |
label | player_positions -position | String | Abbreviation of a player position ex. P |