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MLB Glossary provides full text descriptions for pitch ids, player status ids, outcome ids, and game status ids.

Data Points

Pitch Types:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idpitch_types-pitchStringCode of a type of pitch
ex. FA
typepitch_types-pitchStringName of a type of pitch
ex. Fastball
Player Statuses:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idplayer_statuses-statusStringCode of a player status
ex. A
typeplayer_statuses-statusStringName of a player status
ex. activated
Pitch Outcomes:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idpitch_outcome-outcomeStringCode of a pitch outcome
ex. aHR
descpitch_outcome-outcomeStringDescription of a pitch outcome
ex. Homerun
Game Status:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idgame_status-statusStringCode of a game status
ex. closed
descgame_status-statusStringDescription of a game status
ex. The game has passed review and MLB has officially closed the game
labelgame_status-statusStringLabel description of a game status
ex. Closed
Runner Outcomes:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idrunner_outcomes-outcomeStringCode of a runner outcome
ex. ERN
descrunner_outcomes-outcomeStringDescription of a runner outcome
ex. Earned Run/RBI
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idpost_season-gameStringCode of a postseason series
ex. NLCS-1
-post_season-gameStringDescription of a postseason series
ex. NL Championship Series - Game 1
Player Positions:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idplayer_positions-positionStringNumber of a player position
ex. 1
descplayer_positions-positionStringDescription of a player position
ex. Pitcher
labelplayer_positions-positionStringAbbreviation of a player position
ex. P
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