Global Baseball Competitor Profile provides top-level information for a given team, including the full team roster, manager, home venue, and team colors.
Update Frequency
300s Time To Live / Cache
Data Points
Category & Sport:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | competition - category | String | Country code for a competition category ex. JPN (Japan) |
id | competition - category | String | Unique category ID for a competition ex. sr:category:211 |
name | competition - category | String | Name for a competition category ex. Japan |
id | competitor_profile - sport | String | Unique sport ID for a competitor ex. sr:sport:3 |
name | competitor_profile - sport | String | Name for a competitor's sport ex. Baseball |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
abbreviation | competitor | String | Abbreviation for a competitor name ex. LAD (Los Angeles Dodgers) |
age_group | competitor | String | Age group of a competitor, when applicable ex. U23 |
country | competitor | String | Country of a competitor ex. Japan |
country_code | competitor | String | Country code of a competitor ex. JPN (Japan) |
gender | competitor | String | Gender for a competitormale , female |
id | competitor | String | Unique ID for a competitor ex. sr:competitor:3638 (Los Angeles Dodgers) |
name | competitor | String | Name for a competitor ex. Los Angeles Dodgers |
virtual | competitor | Boolean | Signifies a competitor is a virtual team whan true . Used for placeholder teams in TBD vs TBD matchups. |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
base | jerseys - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's base jersey ex. ffffff |
horizontal_stripes | jerseys - jersey | Boolean | Signifies a competitor's jersey has horizontal stripes when true |
number | jerseys - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's jersey number ex. 000080 |
shirt_type | jerseys - jersey | String | Shirt type of a competitor's jersey ex. short_sleeves |
sleeve | jerseys - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's jersey sleeves ex. ffffff |
sleeve_detail | jerseys - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's jersey sleeves detail ex. ffffff |
split | jerseys - jersey | Boolean | Signifies a competitor's jersey is split when true |
squares | jerseys - jersey | Boolean | Signifies a competitor's jersey is squares when true |
stripes | jerseys - jersey | Boolean | Signifies a competitor's jersey has stripes when true |
type | jerseys - jersey | String | Type of competitor jersey entry ex. home , away |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | manager | String | Country code of a manager ex. USA |
date_of_birth | manager | Date | Date of birth of a manager ex. 1972-05-31 |
gender | manager | String | Gender of a managermale , female |
id | manager | String | Unique ID of a manager ex. sr:player:1080188 |
name | manager | String | Name of a manager ex. Roberts, Dave |
nationality | manager | String | Nationality of a manager ex. United states |
nickname | manager | String | Nickname of a manager |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | players - player | String | Country code of a player ex. JPN (Japan) |
date_of_birth | players - player | Date | Date of birth of a player ex. 1994-07-05 |
gender | players - player | String | Gender of a playermale , female |
height | players - player | Integer | Height of a player in centimeters ex. 193 |
id | players - player | String | Unique ID of a player ex. sr:player:1373965 |
jersey_number | players - player | Integer | Jersey number of a player |
name | players - player | String | Name of a player ex. Ohtani, Shohei |
nationality | players - player | String | Nationality of a player ex. Japan |
nickname | players - player | String | Nickname of a player |
type | players - player | String | Position of a playerC , OF , P , IF , RP , DH , 2B , 1B , SP , LF , 3B , CF , RF , SS , P-OF , Unknown |
weight | players - player | Integer | Weight of a player in kilograms ex. 95 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
capacity | venue | Integer | Capacity of a competitor's home venue ex. 56000 |
changed | venue | Boolean | Signifies a venue has been changed when true |
city_name | venue | String | City name of a competitor's home venue ex. Los Angeles |
country_code | venue | String | Country code of a competitor's home venue ex. USA |
country_name | venue | String | Country name of a competitor's home venue ex. USA |
id | venue | String | Unique ID of a competitor's home venue ex. sr:venue:8117 |
map_coordinates | venue | String | Coordinates of a competitor's home venue ex. 34.0745409,-118.2408881 |
name | venue | String | Name of a competitor's home venue ex. Dodger Stadium |
reduced_capacity | venue | Boolean | Optional attribute signifying a venue has a restricted capacity when true |
reduced_capacity_max | venue | Integer | Value of a venue's restrictued capacity |
timezone | venue | String | Timezone of a competitor's home venue ex. America/Los_Angeles |