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Free Agents

MLB Free Agents provides a list of all current free agents in the league.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: 300 seconds

Data Updates: Updates are made in realtime as changes are made to rosters or player profiles.

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseasonGUIDUnique ID of a season
ex. f5aa580e-8103-4ff5-beb0-965dbe8a8cf1
typeseasonStringType of season
PRE(Spring Training), REG(Regular Season), PST(Postseason), AST(All-Star Game)
yearseasonIntegerYear of a season
Free Agent:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
bat_handfree_agentStringHandedness of a hitter
first_namefree_agentStringFirst name of a player
ex. Markus
full_namefree_agentStringFull name of a player
ex. Mookie Betts
heightfree_agentIntegerPlayer height in inches
idfree_agentGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
last_namefree_agentStringLast name of a player
ex. Betts
mlbam_idfree_agentIntegerUnique MLBAM ID of a player
ex. 477132
preferred_namefree_agentStringPreferred name of a player
ex. Mookie
positionfree_agentStringPosition of a player
C(Catcher), IF(Infield), OF(Outfield), P(Pitcher), DH(Designated Hitter)
statusfree_agentStringStatus of a player
A(Activated), BRV(Bereavement Leave), D7(7 Day Injured List), D10(10 Day Injured List), D60(60 Day Injured List), DFA(Designated for assignment), FA(Free agent), FME(Family Medical Emergency), LV(Paid Leave), MIN(Minors), NRI(Non-roster Invite), PL(Paternity Leave), RST(Restricted), RET(Retired), SUS(Suspended), UDP(Unsigned Draft Pick), WV(Waivers), DUP(Duplicate Profile), Null(Blank)(Traded or not activated)

*Traded players temporarily have no status listed after they are traded to a new team and are either activated by the MLB club or assigned to a minor league affiliate
throw_handfree_agentStringThrowing hand of a player
ex. L, R
weightfree_agentIntegerPlayer weight in lbs.
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