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Game Play-by-Play

MLB Game Play-by-Play provides detailed, real-time information on every pitch and game event.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.

Data Updates: Realtime

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attendancegameIntegerAttendance of a game
abbrawayStringAbbreviation of the away team
ex. MIN (Minnesota)
durationgameStringDuration of a game in hours and minutes
ex. 3:18
delay_durationgameStringDuration of a game delay in hours and minutes
ex. 0:18
errorsawayIntegerNumber of errors for the away team
errorsaway-inningIntegerNumber of errors for the away team in an inning
hitsawayIntegerNumber of hits for the away team
hitsaway-inningIntegerNumber of hits for the away team in an inning
idawayGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. 29dd9a87-5bcc-4774-80c3-7f50d985068b
marketawayStringMarket name of the away team
ex. Colorado
nameawayStringTeam name of the away team
ex. Rockies
runsawayIntegerNumber of runs for the away team in the game
runsaway-inningIntegerNumber of runs for the away team in an inning
abbrhomeStringAbbreviation of the home team
ex. CLE (Cleveland)
errorshomeIntegerNumber of errors for the home team
errorshome-inningIntegerNumber of errors for the home team in an inning
hitshomeIntegerNumber of hits for the home team
hitshome-inningIntegerNumber of hits for the home team in an inning
idhomeGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. 29dd9a87-5bcc-4774-80c3-7f50d985068b
markethomeStringMarket name of the home team
ex. Cleveland
namehomeStringTeam name of the home team
ex. Guardians
runshomeIntegerNumber of runs for the home team in the game
runshome-inningIntegerNumber of runs for the home team in an inning
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. 29dd9a87-5bcc-4774-80c3-7f50d985068b
coveragegameStringCoverage level of a game
full, boxscore
double_headergameBooleanSignifies whether a game is part of a double header
day_nightgameStringSignifies a day or night game
D, N
entry_modegameStringSignifies the type of data entry
home_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. ef64da7f-cfaf-4300-87b0-9313386b977c
idgameGUIDUnique ID of the game
ex. 1b554f5e-d8b7-4268-95da-2f4191015c84
game_numbergameIntegerNumber of the game
parent_idgameGUIDStandard parent ID of a game or series. Use this ID to group events (like the World Series or All-Star Game) across seasons.
ex. 34e4cbbe-0086-4fad-bb08-840cbcfcabf0 (All-Star Game)
referencegameStringUnique MLBAM ID of a game
scheduledgamedateTimeScheduled date and time of a game
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
tbdgameBooleanSignifies the game start time is to be determined. Placeholder start time is 08:00:00+00:00
season_idgameGUIDUnique ID of the season a game belongs within
ex. 6a5c278f-ebce-41f9-b1ba-2160b6af04ce
season_typegameStringCode type of the season a game belongs within
ex. REG (Regular), PRE (Preseason), PST (Postseason), AST (All-Star)
season_yeargameIntegerYear of the season a game belongs within
split_squadgameBooleanSignifies a Spring Training split squad game
statusgameStringThe status of a game
scheduled, inprogress, complete, closed, wdelay, fdelay, odelay, canceled, unnecessary, if-necessary, postponed, suspended, maintenance
ideventGUIDUnique ID of a deleted event
ex. 5e3a0b5d-72fa-40e5-8f9d-a10e6a46a831
awaygame-time_zonesStringTime zone of the away team
ex. US/Pacific
homegame-time_zonesStringTime zone of the home team
ex. US/Eastern
venuegame-time_zonesStringTime zone of the venue
ex. US/Eastern
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
channelbroadcasts - broadcastStringName of a game's broadcast channel
ex. 213
localebroadcasts - broadcastStringSignifies the locale of a broadcast
ex. Home, Away, National
networkbroadcasts - broadcastStringName of a game's broadcast network
ex. MLB Network, NBCS-BA, ESPN
typebroadcasts - broadcastStringType of broadcast
ex. TV, Internet
Mound Visits & Reviews:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
remainingmound_visits - homeIntegerNumber of mound visits remaining for the home team
usedmound_visits - homeIntegerNumber of used mound visits for the home team
remainingmound_visits - awayIntegerNumber of mound visits remaining for the away team
usedmound_visits - awayIntegerNumber of used mound visits for the away team
remainingreviews - homeIntegerNumber of remaining reviews for the home team
usedreviews - homeIntegerNumber of used reviews for the home team
remainingreviews - awayIntegerNumber of remaining reviews for the away team
usedreviews - awayIntegerNumber of used reviews for the away team
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
cloud_covercurrent_conditionsIntegerCurrent cloud cover of a game in percentage
conditioncurrent_conditionsStringCurrent weather condition of a game
dew_point_fcurrent_conditionsIntegerCurrent dew point number of a game
humiditycurrent_conditionsIntegerCurrent humidity number of a game
obs_timecurrent_conditionsdateTimeTimestamp of the current weather observation
ex. 2020-02-24T20:24:34.000Z
current_temperature_fcurrent_conditionsIntegerCurrent temperature of a game in Fahrenheit
directionwindStringDirection of wind in the game
speed_mphwindIntegerWind speed in the game in miles per hour
cloud_coverforecastedIntegerForcasted cloud cover of a game in percentage
conditionforecastedStringForecasted weather condition of a game
dew_point_fforecastedIntegerForecasted dew point number of a game
humidityforecastedIntegerForecasted humidity number of a game
obs_timeforecasteddateTimeTimestamp of the forecasted weather observation
ex. 2020-02-24T20:24:34.000Z
current_temperature_fforecastedIntegerForecasted temperature of a game in Fahrenheit
directionwindStringForecasted direction of wind in the game
speed_mphwindIntegerForecasted wind speed in a game in miles per hour
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
orderlineupIntegerBatting order number in the lineup for a player (0-9). 0 is used for the pitcher
descriptionlineupStringText description of a lineup change
ex. Albert Pujols pinch-hitting for Corey Dickerson.
positionlineupIntegerPosition number for a player (1-10). 10 is used for the designated hitter
idlineupGUIDUnique ID of a lineup entry
ex. 616d0907-26f1-4adf-875f-c0928d6d1b22
first_namelineupStringFirst name of a player
ex. Markus
full_namelineupStringFull name of a player
ex. Mookie Betts
suffixlineupStringName suffix of a player
ex. Jr.
player_idlineupGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 084d2514-9ffb-414e-ae16-3bc690aaad51
jersey_numberlineupIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
last_namelineupStringLast name of a player
ex. Betts
preferred_namelineupStringPreferred name of a player
ex. Mookie
team_idlineupGUIDUnique ID of a player's team
ex. ef64da7f-cfaf-4300-87b0-9313386b977c
Play-By-Play - At Bat:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_namehitterStringFirst name of a hitter
ex. Markus
full_namehitterStringFull name of a hitter
ex. Mookie Betts
suffixhitterStringName suffix of a hitter
ex. Jr.
hitter_handat_batStringHandedness of a hitter
hitter_idat_batGUIDUnique ID of a hitter
ex. 084d2514-9ffb-414e-ae16-3bc690aaad51
jersey_numberhitterIntegerNumber of a hitter's jersey
last_namehitterStringLast name of a hitter
ex. Betts
preferred_namehitterStringPreferred name of a player
ex. Mookie
idat_batGUIDUnique ID of an at bat entry
ex. c1e69331-8909-4f1c-b132-5b33079355b4
first_namepitcherStringFirst name of a pitcher
ex. Adam
full_namepitcherStringFull name of a pitcher
ex. Adam Wainwright
suffixpitcherStringName suffix of a pitcher
ex. Jr.
pitcher_handat_batStringHandedness of a pitcher
pitcher_idat_batGUIDUnique ID of a pitcher
ex. 084d2514-9ffb-414e-ae16-3bc690aaad51
jersey_numberpitcherIntegerNumber of a pitcher's jersey
last_namepitcherStringLast name of a pitcher
ex. Wainwright
preferred_namepitcherStringPreferred name of a pitcher
ex. Adam
description-StringText description of a play
ex. Will Smith singles to center field. Freddie Freeman to third.
sequence_numberat_batIntegerSequence number of an event within a game
Play-By-Play - Base Runner:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ending_baserunnerIntegerRunner's base at the end of a play
first_namerunnerStringFirst name of a runner
ex. Markus
full_namerunnerStringFull name of a runner
ex. Mookie Betts
suffixrunnerStringName suffix of a runner
ex. Jr.
jersey_numberrunnerIntegerNumber of a runner's jersey
last_namerunnerStringLast name of a runner
ex. Betts
outrunnerBooleanSignifies the runner was out on a play
outcome_idrunnerStringID of a runner outcome on a play. Check our FAQ for a list of valid outcomes and their definitions
description-StringText description of a runner outcome
ex. Will Smith to third. or Freddie Freeman scores.
idrunnerGUIDUnique ID of a player of a runner
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
preferred_namerunnerStringPreferred name of a runner
ex. Mookie
starting_baserunnerIntegerRunner's base at the start of a play
created_atrunner_placeddateTimeTimestamp of a runner placed at 2nd base to start an inning
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
idrunner_placedGUIDUnique ID of a runner placed at 2nd base to start an inning
officialrunner_placedBooleanSignifies whether the API is ingesting data directly from the league at the time of the event.

For true, entry_mode=Ingest. For false, entry_mode=LDE.
sequence_numberrunner_placedIntegerSequential number of a runner placed event in a game
statusrunner_placedStringStatus of a runner placed event. Can be utilized to determine if a play is or was under review
official, overturned, under review, upheld
updated_atrunner_placeddateTimeTimestamp of a runner placed event
ex. 2022-09-25T20:25:14+00:00
Play-By-Play - Hitter:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_namehitterStringFirst name of a hitter
ex. Markus
full_namehitterStringFull name of a hitter
ex. Mookie Betts
suffixhitterStringName suffix of a hitter
ex. Jr.
hitter_handpitcherStringHandedness of a hitter
idhitterGUIDUnique ID of a player of a hitter
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
jersey_numberhitterIntegerNumber of a hitter's jersey
last_namehitterStringLast name of a hitter
ex. Betts
preferred_namehitterStringPreferred name of a hitter
ex. Mookie
Play-By-Play - Count:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ballscountIntegerNumber of balls in an at bat
outscountIntegerNumber of outs in an at bat
pitch_countcountIntegerNumber of pitches in an at bat
strikescountIntegerNumber of strikes in an at bat
Play-By-Play - Errors:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameerrorStringFirst name of a player committing an error
ex. Gavin
full_nameerrorStringFull name of a player committing an error
ex. Gavin Lux
suffixerrorStringName suffix of a player committing an error
ex. Jr.
iderrorGUIDUnique ID of a player of a player committing an error
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
jersey_numbererrorIntegerJersey number a player committing an error
last_nameerrorStringLast name of a player committing an error
ex. Lux
preferred_nameerrorStringPreferred name of a player committing an error
ex. Gavin
typeerrorStringType of fielding error
fielding, throwing, interference
Play-By-Play - Fielding:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameassistStringFirst name of a player recording an assist
ex. Gavin
full_nameassistStringFull name of a player recording an assist
ex. Gavin Lux
suffixassistStringName suffix of a player recording an assist
ex. Jr.
idassistGUIDUnique ID of a player of a player recording an assist
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
jersey_numberassistIntegerJersey number a player recording an assist
last_nameassistStringLast name of a player recording an assist
ex. Lux
preferred_nameassistStringPreferred name of a player recording an assist
ex. Gavin
sequenceassistIntegerSequential number of an assist
first_nameputoutStringFirst name of a player recording a putout
ex. Byron
full_nameputoutStringFull name of a player recording a putout
ex. Byron Buxton
suffixputoutStringName suffix of a player recording a putout
ex. Jr.
idputoutGUIDUnique ID of a player of a player recording a putout
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
jersey_numberputoutIntegerJersey number a player recording a putout
last_nameputoutStringLast name of a player recording a putout
ex. Buxton
preferred_nameputoutStringPreferred name of a player recording a putout
ex. Gavin
sequenceputoutIntegerSequential number of a putout
Play-By-Play - Hit Data:

Please note that attributes within mlb_hit_data may not be present for every event

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
coord_xcoordinatesDecimalX coordinate marked by operator of where the ball was fielded
coord_ycoordinatesDecimalY coordinate marked by operator of where the ball was fielded
hardnessmlb_hit_dataStringAmount of hard contact on a hit
soft, medium, hard
launch_anglemlb_hit_dataDecimalVertical angle relative to the horizon at which a hit was launched

Available with Statcast only
launch_speedmlb_hit_dataDecimalMeasured speed of a hit ball

Available with Statcast only
locationmlb_hit_dataIntegerPositional number (1-9) of the player nearest to a hit ball location. Please see our FAQ for fielding position numbers and definitions

Available with Statcast only
total_distancemlb_hit_dataIntegerTotal distance a hit ball traveled (in feet)

Available with Statcast only
trajectorymlb_hit_dataStringTrajectory of a batted ball into the field of play
bunt_grounder, bunt_line_drive, bunt_popup, fly_ball, gound_ball, line_drive, popup
hit_locationpitchIntegerNumber code of hit ball location (1-35). Please see our FAQ for a diagram of our field and its corresponding hit location zones
hit_typepitchStringType of hit
GB(Ground ball), FB(Fly ball), LD(Line drive), PU(Popup)
Play-By-Play - Inning:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
typeinning_halfStringIndicates top or bottom inning half
T, B
numberinningIntegerNumber of an inning
sequenceinningIntegerSequential number of an inning
Play-By-Play - Pitch:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idpitchGUIDUnique ID of a pitch
ex. 37d94861-7ce4-4547-802c-f97f93e434b4
pitch_xpitcherIntegerNumber as a percentage distance from the center of the strike zone, in positive or negative values from approximately -300% to positive 300%
ex. 70
pitch_ypitcherIntegerNumber as a percentage distance from the center of the strike zone, in positive or negative values from approximately -200% to positive 200%
ex. -95
created_atpitchdateTimeTimestamp of a thrown pitch
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
pitch_countpitcherIntegerNumber of pitches for a pitcher in a game
officialpitchBooleanSignifies whether the API is ingesting data directly from the league at the time of the event.

For true, entry_mode=Ingest. For false, entry_mode=LDE.
outcome_idpitchStringID of a pitch outcome on a play. Check our FAQ for a list of valid outcomes and their definitions
referencepitchStringUnique MLBAM ID of a pitch

Available with Statcast only
sequence_numberpitchIntegerSequential number of a pitch in a game
pitch_speedpitcherStringSpeed of a pitch in MPH
ex. 92.0
pitch_typepitcherStringCode for a type of pitch
FA(Fastball), SI(Sinker), CT(Cutter), CU(Curveball), SL(Slider), CH(Changeup), KN(Knuckleball), SP(Splitter), SC(Screwball), FO(Forkball), IB(Intentional Ball), PI(Pitchout), Other
pitch_zonepitcherIntegerNumber corresponding to the pitch strike zone (1-13)
See our FAQ for more detail and a graphic representation
statuspitchStringStatus of a pitch. Can be utilized to determine if a play is or was under review
official, overturned, under review, upheld
updated_atpitchdateTimeTimestamp of a pitch update
ex. 2022-09-25T20:25:14+00:00
end_timewall_clockdateTimeTimestamp of an event end time
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
start_timewall_clockdateTimeTimestamp of an event start time
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
Play-By-Play - Pitcher:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_namepitcherStringFirst name of a pitcher
ex. Clayton
full_namepitcherStringFull name of a pitcher
ex. Clayton Kershaw
suffixpitcherStringName suffix of a pitcher
ex. Jr.
pitcher_handpitcherStringHandedness of a pitcher
idpitcherGUIDUnique ID of a player of a pitcher
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
jersey_numberpitcherIntegerNumber of a pitcher's jersey
last_namepitcherStringLast name of a pitcher
ex. Kershaw
preferred_namepitcherStringPreferred name of a pitcher
ex. Clayton
Play-By-Play - Play Flags:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
is_ab_overflagsBooleanIndicates an at bat has ended on a pitch
is_buntflagsBooleanIndicates a bunt play
is_double_playflagsBooleanIndicates a double play
is_passed_ballflagsBooleanIndicates a passed ball
is_hitflagsBooleanIndicates a hit
is_triple_playflagsBooleanIndicates a triple play
is_wild_pitchflagsBooleanIndicates a wild pitch
Play-By-Play - Score:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_team_runsat_bat - scoreIntegerAway team runs for an at bat
home_team_runsat_bat - scoreIntegerHome team runs for an at bat
away_team_runspitch / steal - scoreIntegerAway team runs for an event
home_team_runspitch / steal - scoreIntegerHome team runs for an event
Play-By-Play - Steal:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
created_atstealdateTimeTimestamp of a steal attempt
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
idstealGUIDUnique ID of a steal attempt
ex. bebe4b5d-970a-40f4-bfa5-05a9a38eac4a
officialstealBooleanSignifies whether the API is ingesting data directly from the league at the time of the event.

For true, entry_mode=Ingest. For false, entry_mode=LDE.
sequence_numberstealIntegerSequence number of an event within a game
statusstealStringStatus of a pitch/play. Can be utilized to determine if a play is or was under review
official, overturned, under review, upheld
updated_atstealdateTimeTimestamp of a steal attempt update
ex. 2022-09-25T20:25:14+00:00
Play-By-Play - Warming Up:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_namewarming_upStringFirst name of a pitcher warming up in the bullpen
ex. Brusdar
full_namewarming_upStringFull name of a pitcher warming up in the bullpen
ex. Brusdar Graterol
suffixwarming_upStringName suffix of a pitcher warming up in the bullpen
ex. Jr.
idwarming_upGUIDUnique ID of a warming up event
ex. ea1a2111-44cc-4996-babb-9439465e6760
player_idwarming_upGUIDUnique ID of a player of a pitcher warming up in the bullpen
ex. 43862b88-c119-4625-b138-f3c5ea1b8b06
jersey_numberwarming_upIntegerNumber of a pitcher's jersey
last_namewarming_upStringLast name of a pitcher warming up in the bullpen
ex. Graterol
preferred_namewarming_upStringPreferred name of a pitcher warming up in the bullpen
ex. Brusdar
team_idwarming_upGUIDUnique team ID of a pitcher warming up in the bullpen
ex. 75729d34-bca7-4a0f-b3df-6f26c6ad3719
Play-By-Play - Pitch Data:

Please note that attributes within mlb_pitch_data may not be present for every event

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
break_anglebreaksDecimalDegrees clockwise (batter’s view) that the plane ofthe pitch deviates from the vertical

Available with Statcast only
break_lengthbreaksDecimalMax distance (in inches) that the pitch separates from the straight line between pitch start and pitch end

Available with Statcast only
break_ybreaksDecimalDistance (in feet) from home plate where the break is greatest

Available with Statcast only
spin_directionbreaksDecimalThe axis of rotation for the ball at release given as an angle that reflects how the spin will influence the ball trajectory. Pure back-spin is 180 degrees, pure side-spin that puts the ball to the 1b side is 90 degrees, pure-side spin that pulls the ball to the 3b side is 270 degrees, and pure top-spin is 0 or 360 degrees

Available with Statcast only
spin_ratebreaksDecimalRate of spin on the ball (in RPMs) after it was released by pitcher.

Available with Statcast only
codemlb_pitch_dataStringTwo-letter code for a type of pitch.

See FAQ for pitch code descriptions
a_xcoordinatesDecimalBall acceleration on the x axis

Available with Statcast only
a_ycoordinatesDecimalBall acceleration on the y axis

Available with Statcast only
a_zcoordinatesDecimalBall acceleration on the z axis

Available with Statcast only
p_xcoordinatesDecimalHorizontal position in feet of the ball as it crosses the front axis of home plate

Available with Statcast only
p_zcoordinatesDecimalVertical position in feet above home plate of the ball as it crosses the front axis of home plate

Available with Statcast only
pfx_xcoordinatesDecimalHorizontal movement of the ball in inches

Available with Statcast only
pfx_zcoordinatesDecimalVertical movement of the ball in inches

Available with Statcast only
v_x0coordinatesDecimalVelocity of the ball from the x axis

Available with Statcast only
v_y0coordinatesDecimalVelocity of the ball from the y axis; this is negative because 0,0,0 is behind the batter and the ball travels from pitcher mound towards 0,0,0

Available with Statcast only
v_z0coordinatesDecimalVelocity of the ball from the z axis

Available with Statcast only
xcoordinatesDecimalX coordinate where a pitch crossed the front of home plate
x0coordinatesDecimalCoordinate location of the ball at the point it was released from the pitchers hand on the x axis (time = 0)

Available with Statcast only
ycoordinatesDecimalY coordinate where a pitch crossed the front of home plate
y0coordinatesDecimalCoordinate location of the ball at the point it was released from the pitchers hand on the y axis (time = 0)

Available with Statcast only
z0coordinatesDecimalCoordinate location of the ball at the point it was released from the pitchers hand on the z axis (time = 0)

Available with Statcast only
descriptionmlb_pitch_dataStringText description of a pitch
ex. Curveball
end_speedmlb_pitch_dataDecimalSpeed in MPH of the ball as it crosses the front edge of home plate (0,0 in the x axis)

Available with Statcast only
extensionmlb_pitch_dataDecimalMeasure of the true release point from pitching rubber - distance in feet closer to home plate than the 60.5 ft from pitching rubber to home

Available with Statcast only
plate_timemlb_pitch_dataDecimalTime from pitchers release until the ball is projected to reach the back tip of home plate or struck by the bat

Available with Statcast only
start_speedmlb_pitch_dataDecimalSpeed in MPH of the ball at 50 feet in front of homeplate
strike_zone_bottommlb_pitch_dataDecimalDistance in feet from ground to bottom of batter strike zone
ex. 1.7
strike_zone_topmlb_pitch_dataDecimalDistance in feet from ground to top of batter strike zone
ex. 3.56
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 1000 Vin Scully Avenue
capacityvenueStringCapacity of a venue
ex. 56000
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Los Angeles
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
field_orientationvenueStringField orientation of a venue
ex. NE
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. 66a19c3d-24fe-477d-bee7-c6ef1b98352f
latlocationDecimalLatitude of a venue
ex. 34.0745409
lnglocationDecimalLongitude of a venue
ex. -118.2408881
marketvenueStringMarket of a venue
ex. Los Angeles
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. Dodger Stadium
stadium_typevenueStringType of a venue
ex. outdoor
statevenueStringState of a venue
ex. CA
surfacevenueStringSurface type of a venue
ex. grass
time_zonevenueStringTime zone of a venue
ex. US/Central
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 90012
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