Global Baseball Season Links provides information about linked cup rounds for a given season.
Use this feed to compile full advancement brackets for relevant seasons/tournaments. Links between all matches and rounds are available when competitors (TBD vs. TBD) are not yet known.
Update Frequency
300s Time To Live / Cache
Data Points
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
end_date | season_stages_groups_cup_rounds - stage | Date | End date of a season's stage ex. 2024-05-19 |
order | season_stages_groups_cup_rounds - stage | Integer | Order of a stage within a season |
phase | season_stages_groups_cup_rounds - stage | String | Name of a season's stage ex. regular season , conference , playoffs See the enum_phase entry in our Global Baseball OpenAPI spec for a complete list of valid phase enum values |
start_date | season_stages_groups_cup_rounds - stage | Date | Start date of a season's stage ex. 2023-08-11 |
type | season_stages_groups_cup_rounds - stage | String | Type of a season's stagecup , league |
year | season_stages_groups_cup_rounds - stage | String | Year of a season's stage ex. 23/24 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | stages - groups - group | String | Unique ID for a stage or season's group ex. sr:cup:140825 (World Baseball Classic 2023, Playoffs) |
group_name | stages - groups - group | String | Abbreviated name of a sport event's group ex. World Baseball Classic 2023, Playoffs |
order | stages - groups - group | Integer | Order of the cup_round within the stage |
Cup Rounds:
Cup round info may reside within
. Linked cup round info signifiesparent
rounds associated with the parentcup_round
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | stages - groups - cup_rounds - cup_round | String | Unique ID for a stage or season's cup round ex. sr:cup_round:1586373 |
name | stages - groups - cup_rounds - cup_round | String | Name of a stage or season's cup round ex. quarterfinal or final |
order | stages - groups - cup_rounds - cup_round | Integer | Order number for a game in a stage or season's cup round |
state | stages - groups - cup_rounds - cup_round | String | State/status of a game in a stage or season's cup round ex. ended , decided , unstarted , cancelled , winner |
type | stages - groups - cup_rounds - cup_round | String | Type of a stage or season's cup round ex. parent or child |
winner_id | stages - groups - cup_rounds - cup_round | String | Unique ID for the winner of a stage or season's cup round ex. sr:competitor:34416 |
Sport Event:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | cup_rounds - sport_events - sport_event | String | Unique ID of a sport event ex. sr:sport_event:38626129 |
order | cup_rounds - sport_events - sport_event | Integer | Order of the sport_event within the cup_round |
start_time | cup_rounds - sport_events - sport_event | Date | Start time of a sport event ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00 |
start_time_confirmed | cup_rounds - sport_events - sport_event | Boolean | Signifies the start time of a sport event is confirmed when true |