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Playoff Schedule

NASCAR Playoff Schedule provides detailed schedule info for all playoff events associated with a given series.


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Series & Events:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseries - seasonGUIDUnique ID of a season
ex. 81d2010a-8a5d-4e69-b2ec-cc21c3f988ce
yearseries - seasonStringYear of a season
aliasseriesStringAbbreviation for a NASCAR series
ex. CUP or TRUCK
idseriesGUIDUnique ID of a series
ex. 3e32047e-4ff3-4e35-a607-1546a2c32214
nameseriesStringName of a NASCAR series
ex. NASCAR Cup Series or NASCAR Camping World Truck Series
driver_limitseries - season - playoff_roundIntegerMaximum number of drivers in a playoff round
idseries - season - playoff_roundGUIDUnique ID of a playoff round
ex. acfdf48f-6dd7-4cb3-b134-926838eb1fd4
nameseries - season - playoff_roundStringName of a playoff round
ex. round_of_16 or championship
statusseries - season - playoff_roundStringStatus of a playoff round
ex. rescheduled, inprogress, complete
idseries - season - playoff_round - eventGUIDUnique ID of an event within a playoff round
ex. daad37bb-f97f-4906-b3c3-96a05e211390
nameseries - season - playoff_round - eventStringName of an event within a playoff round
ex. NASCAR Cup Series at Bristol
start_dateseries - season - playoff_round - eventDateStart date of an event within a playoff round
ex. 2022-09-04
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
start_timeevent - racedateTimeOriginal TV broadcast start time of a race
ex. 2022-09-04T22:00:00+00:00
end_timeevent - racedateTimeOriginal TV broadcast end time of a race
ex. 2022-09-05T02:00:00+00:00
award_poleevent - raceBooleanSignifies a race provides a pole award for the first driver
chase_raceevent - raceBooleanSignifies a race is part of the playoffs
distanceevent - raceIntegerDistance of a race in miles
heat_raceevent - raceBooleanSignifies a race is a heat race
idevent - raceGUIDUnique ID of a race
ex. 24ba9219-ebe8-4e1f-a21c-71edfd9aaf44
lapsevent - raceIntegerNumber of laps in a race
nameevent - raceStringName of a playoff race
ex. Cook Out Southern 500
numberevent - raceIntegerRace number within a season
parent_idraceGUIDUnique ID that links events together across seasons (e.g. Daytona 500)
ex. de3f49e0-9393-4d7e-b5a5-3cf5b94a9f38
scheduledevent - racedateTimeScheduled date and time of a race
ex. 2022-02-20T19:30:00+00:00
statusevent - raceStringRace status
scheduled, created, initialized, practice, qualifying, prerace, inprogress, complete, closed, delayed, canceled, rescheduled, maintenance, warmup, time-tbd
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressevent - trackStringAddress of a track
ex. 1301 Harry Byrd Hwy
backstretchevent - trackIntegerBackstretch length of a track in feet
bankingevent - trackStringBanking information of a track
ex. Turns:23-25;Backstretch:6;Frontstretch:6
cityevent - trackStringCity of a track
ex. Darlington
completedevent - trackIntegerYear the building of a track was completed
countryevent - trackStringCountry of a track
ex. USA
distanceevent - trackFloatDistance of track in miles
frontstretchevent - trackIntegerFrontstretch length of a track in feet
idevent - trackGUIDUnique ID of a track
ex. aab526c7-4279-4693-9cb1-90e3c7b974fc
lattrackDecimalLatitude of a track
ex. 29.192994
lngtrackDecimalLongitude of a track
ex. -81.067
marketevent - trackStringMarket of a track
ex. Darlington or Las Vegas
nameevent - trackStringName of a track
ex. Darlington Raceway
ownerevent - trackStringOwner of a track
ex. International Speedway Corp.
shapeevent - trackStringShape of a track
ex. Oval or D-Shaped Oval
stateevent - trackStringState of a track
ex. South Carolina
surfaceevent - trackStringSurface of a track
ex. Paved
track_typeevent - trackStringType of track
ex. Superspeedway
zipevent - trackStringZip code of a track
ex. 29532
Prior Winner:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_namerace - prior_winnerStringFirst name of a prior winner
ex. Denny
full_namerace - prior_winnerStringFull name of a prior winner
ex. Denny Hamlin
idrace - prior_winnerGUIDUnique ID of a prior winner
ex. cb9d6f49-0044-4305-be9a-22d428e52c95
last_namerace - prior_winnerStringLast name of a prior winner
ex. Hamlin
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
cablerace - broadcastStringName of an race's broadcast cable station
internetrace - broadcastStringName of a race's internet stream
networkrace - broadcastStringName of a race's broadcast network
ex. USA
radiorace - broadcastStringName of the race's broadcast radio station
ex. MRN
satelliterace - broadcastStringName of the race's broadcast satellite station
ex. 242
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