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Competitor Profile

Formula E Competitor Profile provides detailed driver information including debut date, first points, first pole, and first victory.


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300s Time To Live / Cache

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbreviationcompetitorStringAbbreviation for a competitor name
ex. BUE (Buemi, Sebastien)
country_codecompetitorStringCountry code of a competitor
ex. CHE (Switzerland)
gendercompetitorStringGender for a competitor
male, female
idcompetitorStringUnique ID for a competitor
ex. sr:competitor:34522
namecompetitorStringName for a competitor
ex. Buemi, Sebastien
nationalitycompetitorStringNationality of a competitor
ex. Switzerland
Competitor Info:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
countryinfoStringCountry of a competitorAttribute is not currently supported
country_of_residenceinfoStringCountry of residence of a competitor
ex. Switzerland
country_of_residence_idinfoStringUnique ID for a country of residence of a competitor
ex. sr:country:206
country_code_of_residenceinfoStringCountry code of residence of a competitor
ex. CHE (Switzerland)
date_of_birthinfoDateDate of birth of a competitor
ex. 1988-10-31
debutinfoDateDebut date of a competitor
ex. 2009-03-27
first_pointsinfoStringDate of a competitor's first points received
ex. 2009-03-29
first_poleinfoStringDate of a competitor's first pole
ex. 2019-03-31
first_victoryinfoStringDate of a competitor's first victory
ex. 2019-03-31
heightinfoIntegerHeight of a competitor in centimeters
ex. 176
place_of_birthinfoStringPlace of birth of a competitor
ex. Aigle
place_of_birth_idinfoStringUnique ID for a place of birth of a competitor
ex. sr:city:629
salaryinfoStringSalary of a competitorAttribute is not currently supported
url_officialinfoStringOfficial website of a competitor
vehicle_nicknameinfoStringNickname of a competitor's car
ex. Toro Rosso
wcs_woninfoIntegerNumber of Drivers' Championship titles for a competitor
weightinfoIntegerWeight of a competitor in kilograms
ex. 66
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbreviationteams - teamStringAbbreviation for a team name
ex. ENV (Envision Racing)
country_codeteams - teamStringCountry code of a team
ex. GBR (Great Britain)
genderteams - teamStringGender for a team
male, female
idteams - teamStringUnique ID for a team
ex. sr:competitor:422439
nameteams - teamStringName for a team
ex. Envision Racing
nationalityteams - teamStringNationality of a team
ex. Great Britain
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