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Deleted Stages

MotoGP Deleted Stages provides all deleted stages within a given season.


Update Frequency

300s Time To Live / Cache

Data Points


Stage may be a sport, season, event, practice, qualifying, qualifying_part, race, or sprint_race

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
descriptionstageStringName of a stage
ex. Gran Premio de la Republica Argentina 2021
disabledstageBooleanSignifies a stage has been disabled when true
idstageStringUnique ID of a stage
ex. sr:stage:552079
scheduledstagedate-timeScheduled start time of a stage
ex. 2020-09-25T08:00:00+00:00
scheduled_endstagedate-timeScheduled end time of a stage
ex. 2020-09-27T13:10:00+00:00
single_eventstageBooleanSignifies a stage is a single event when true
typestageStringStage type
sport, season, event, practice, qualifying, qualifying_part, race, lap, sprint_race
unique_stage_idstageStringUnique ID of a parent stage for an event. Can be used to synch the same event across seasons. For example, sr:stage_unique:100 will be the unique ID for all Moto2 French Grand Prix yearly events.
ex. sr:stage_unique:100
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