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Stage Probabilities

IndyCar Stage Probabilities provides the outrights for each driver for a given race.


Update Frequency

300s Time To Live / Cache

Data Points

Category & Sport:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idstage - categoryStringUnique category ID for a season
ex. sr:category:453 (Indycar)
namestage - categoryStringName for a season's category
ex. Indycar
idstage - sportStringUnique sport ID for a season
ex. sr:sport:129
namestage - sportStringName for a season's sport
ex. Indy Racing
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
country_codeoutcome - competitorStringCountry code of a competitor
ex. SWE (Sweden)
genderoutcome - competitorStringGender for a competitor
male, female
idoutcome - competitorStringUnique ID for a competitor
ex. sr:competitor:136140
nameoutcome - competitorStringName for a competitor
ex. Ericsson, Marcus
nationalityoutcome - competitorStringNationality of a competitor
ex. Sweden

Stage may be a sport, season, event, practice, qualifying, qualifying_part, race, lap, or sprint_race

Parent stages appear within the parents element; child stages appear within the stages element

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
descriptionstageStringName of a stage
ex. Indycar 2024
idstageStringUnique ID of a stage
ex. sr:stage:1122936
scheduledstagedate-timeScheduled start time of a stage
ex. 2024-02-29T11:30:00+00:00
scheduled_endstagedate-timeScheduled end time of a stage
ex. 2024-12-08T15:00:00+00:00
single_eventstageBooleanSignifies a stage is a single event when true
typestageStringStage type.
sport, season, event, practice, qualifying, qualifying_part, race, lap, sprint_race
Stage Probabilities:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
descriptionmarkets - marketStringName of a probability market
ex. Indycar Drivers Championship 2024 - Winner
namemarkets - marketStringType of a probability market
typemarkets - marketStringCompetitor type of a probability market
team, competitor
idmarkets - outcomes - outcomeStringUnique competitor or team ID of a market outcome
ex. sr:competitor:13966509
namemarkets - outcomes - outcomeStringName of a competitor or team for a market outcome
ex. Palou, Alex
probabilitymarkets - outcomes - outcomeFloatProbability of the market outcome (outright) in percentage
ex. 55.79
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