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Team Profile

F1 Team Profile provides detailed team information including car details, engine type, debut date, first points, first pole, first victory, and relevant staff information.


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Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
country_codecompetitors - competitorStringCountry code of a team
ex. IOT (British Indian Ocean Territory)
gendercompetitors - competitorStringGender for a competitor
male, female
idcompetitors - competitorStringUnique ID for a competitor
ex. sr:competitor:495898
namecompetitors - competitorStringName for a competitor
ex. Norris, Lando
nationalitycompetitors - competitorStringNationality of a team
ex. British Indian Ocean Territory
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idcompetitor - teamStringUnique ID for a team
ex. sr:competitor:4514
namecompetitor - teamStringName for a team
ex. McLaren
gendercompetitor - teamStringGender for a team
male, female
nationalitycompetitor - teamStringNationality of a team
ex. Great Britain
country_codecompetitor - teamStringCountry code of a team
ex. GBR (Great Britain)
Team Info:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
car_nicknameinfoStringNickname of a team's car
ex. McLaren
url_officialinfoStringOfficial website of a team
countryinfoStringCountry of a team
ex. England
country_of_residenceinfoStringCountry of residence of a team
ex. England
country_of_residence_idinfoStringUnique ID of a team's country of residence
ex. sr:country:240 (England)
country_code_of_residenceinfoStringCountry of residence of a team
ex. ENG (England)
debutinfoDateDebut date of a team
ex. 1966-05-22
first_pointsinfoStringDate of a team's first points received
ex. 1966-07-16
first_poleinfoStringDate of a team's first pole
ex. 1972-09-24
first_victoryinfoStringDate of a team's first victory
ex. 1968-06-09
foundation_yearinfoStringYear a team was founded
ex. 1966
locationinfoStringLocation of a team's headquarters
ex. McLaren Techology Centre, Surrey GU21 5JY
car_nameinfoStringName of a team's car
ex. McLaren MCL 38
car_construction_yearinfoStringYear of a team's car construction
ex. 2024
car_tyresinfoStringType of car tyres for a team
ex. Pirelli
car_chassisinfoStringType of car chassis for a team
ex. MCL38
car_engine_sizeinfoStringCar engine size for a team
ex. 1600
car_fuel_typeinfoStringCar fuel type for a team
ex. BP
presidentinfoStringTeam president
ex. Andrea Stella
sports_directorinfoStringTeam sports director
ex. Randeep Singh
technical_directorinfoStringTeam technical director
ex. Neil Houldey
chief_engineerinfoStringTeam technical director
ex. Adrian Newey
back_wing_colorinfoStringBack wing hexidecimal color of a team's car
ex. 0xff0000
middle_back_sides_colorinfoStringMiddle back sides hexidecimal color of a team's car
ex. 0xff0000
middle_back_center_colorinfoStringMiddle back center hexidecimal color of a team's car
ex. eef202
middle_sides_colorinfoStringMiddle sides hexidecimal color of a team's car
ex. 0000FF
front_colorinfoStringFront hexidecimal color of a team's car
ex. 0000FF
front_wing_colorinfoStringFront wing hexidecimal color of a team's car
ex. 0xff0000
car_engine_nameinfoStringCar engine name for a team
ex. Mercedes M15 E Performance
f1_licenseinfoStringUnique ID or reference number assigned to a team's license by the FIA
ex. 225
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