Curling Daily Summaries provides game schedules for a given day, including scoring information.
Update Frequency
300s Time To Live / Cache
Data Points
Category & Sport:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | sport_event_context - category | String | Country code for a sport event's category ex. NOR |
id | sport_event_context - category | String | Unique category ID for a sport event ex. sr:category:137 (Norway) |
name | sport_event_context - category | String | Name for a sport event's category ex. Norway |
id | sport_event_context - sport | String | Unique sport ID for a sport event ex. sr:sport:28 |
name | sport_event_context - sport | String | Name for a sport event's sport ex. Curling |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
gender | sport_event_context - competition | String | Gender for a competition ex. men , women |
id | sport_event_context - competition | String | Unique ID for a competition ex. sr:competition:635 (World Championship) |
name | sport_event_context - competition | String | Name of a competition ex. World Championship |
parent_id | sport_event_context - competition | String | Unique parent ID for a competition |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | sport_event_context - groups - group | String | Unique ID for a sport event's group ex. sr:league:81057 (World Championship 2024, Round Robin) |
name | sport_event_context - groups - group | String | Name of a sport event's group ex. World Championship 2024, Round Robin |
group_name | sport_event_context - groups - group | String | Abbreviated name of a sport event's group |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
name | sport_event_context - round | String | Name of a match's round ex. quarterfinal or final |
number | sport_event_context - round | Integer | Number of a match's round |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
competition_id | sport_event_context - season | String | Unique ID for the competition a season belongs to ex. sr:competition:635 (World Championship) |
disabled | sport_event_context - season | Boolean | Signifies a season has been disabled when true |
end_date | sport_event_context - season | Date | End date of a season ex. 2025-07-13 |
id | season | String | Unique ID for a season ex. sr:season:101733 (World Championship 2023) |
name | sport_event_context - season | String | Name of a season ex. World Championship 2023 |
start_date | sport_event_context - season | Date | Start date of a season ex. 2025-06-23 |
year | sport_event_context - season | String | Year of a season ex. 24/25 or 2024 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
end_date | sport_event_context - stage | Date | End date of a sport event's stage ex. 2024-07-14 |
order | sport_event_context - stage | Integer | Order of a stage within a season |
phase | Name of a sport event's stage ex. playoffs , regular season See the enum_phase entry in our Curling OpenAPI spec for a complete list of valid phase enum values | ||
start_date | sport_event_context - stage | Date | Start date of a sport event's stage ex. 2024-06-24 |
type | sport_event_context - stage | String | Type of a match's stagecup , league |
year | sport_event_context - stage | String | Year of a match's stage ex. 23/24 or 2024 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
abbreviation | competitor | String | Abbreviation for a competitor name ex. NOR |
country | competitor | String | Country of a competitor ex. Norway |
country_code | competitor | String | Country code of a competitor ex. NOR |
id | competitor | String | Unique ID for a competitor ex. sr:competitor:5704 |
name | competitor | String | Name for a competitor ex. Norway |
qualifier | competitors - competitor | String | Designation of a competitor for a matchhome , away |
virtual | competitors - competitor | Boolean | Signifies a competitor is virtual when true . Used for placeholder players/teams in TBD vs TBD matchups. |
Coverage Properties:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
live | sport_event - coverage | String | Signifies a sport event is covered live when true |
Sport Event:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | sport_event | String | Unique ID of a match ex. sr:sport_event:38466211 |
replaced_by | sport_event | String | An alternative sport event ID if the match is postponed and played at a later date ex. sr:sport_event:51847153 |
start_time | sport_event | Date | Start time of a match ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00 |
start_time_confirmed | sport_event | Boolean | Signifies the start time of a match is confirmed when true |
Sport Event Status:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
away_score | sport_event_status | Integer | Total score for the away competitor in a match |
home_score | sport_event_status | Integer | Total score for the home competitor in a match |
match_status | sport_event_status | String | Status within a match (sport event). Provides more detail on the state of a match when live than status ex. not_started , 1st_period , cancelled , ended See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions. |
scount_abandoned | sport_event_status | Boolean | Signifies a match was abandoned by a scout when true |
status | sport_event_status | String | Status of a sport event ex. not_started , live , ended , closed See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions. |
winner_id | sport_event_status | String | Unique ID of the match winner ex. sr:competitor:5704 |