Find all updates to Odds Comparison Prematch v2
Sport Event Status
Release Date | Feeds Affected | Benefit |
01/27/2025 | Competitions Schedules Daily Sport Event Schedules Sport Event Markets | We've added a status indicator to all sport events covered in our Odds Comparison APIs. Use this new data point ( sport_event .status ) to track the live progress of games with odds available. |
<sport_event id="sr:sport_event:52631241" start_time="2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00"
start_time_confirmed="true" status="ended">
<competitor id="sr:competitor:3437" name="Orlando Magic" country="USA" country_code="USA" abbreviation="ORL" qualifier="home" rotation_number="550"/>
<competitor id="sr:competitor:3419" name="Indiana Pacers" country="USA" country_code="USA" abbreviation="IND" qualifier="away" rotation_number="549"/>
<market id="sr:market:1" name="1x2" is_live="false">
<book id="sr:book:17324" name="MGM" removed="true" external_sport_event_id="16529361" external_market_id="1202089989">
<outcome id="sr:outcome:1" type="home" odds_decimal="1.900" odds_american="-111" odds_fraction="9/10" open_odds_decimal="2.250" open_odds_american="+125" open_odds_fraction="5/4" external_outcome_id="-857694767" removed="true"/>
<outcome id="sr:outcome:3" type="away" odds_decimal="2.000" odds_american="+100" odds_fraction="1/1" open_odds_decimal="1.750" open_odds_american="-133" open_odds_fraction="3/4" external_outcome_id="-857694769" removed="true"/>
<outcome id="sr:outcome:2" type="draw" odds_decimal="15.500" odds_american="+1450" odds_fraction="29/2" open_odds_decimal="13.000" open_odds_american="+1200" open_odds_fraction="12/1" external_outcome_id="-857694768" removed="true"/>
"sport_event": {
"id": "sr:sport_event:52631241",
"start_time": "2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00",
"start_time_confirmed": true,
"status": "ended",
"competitors": [
"id": "sr:competitor:3437",
"name": "Orlando Magic",
"country": "USA",
"country_code": "USA",
"abbreviation": "ORL",
"qualifier": "home",
"rotation_number": 550
"id": "sr:competitor:3419",
"name": "Indiana Pacers",
"country": "USA",
"country_code": "USA",
"abbreviation": "IND",
"qualifier": "away",
"rotation_number": 549
"markets": [
"id": "sr:market:1",
"name": "1x2",
"is_live": false,
"books": [
"id": "sr:book:17324",
"name": "MGM",
"removed": true,
"external_sport_event_id": "16529361",
"external_market_id": "1202089989",
"outcomes": [
"id": "sr:outcome:1",
"type": "home",
"odds_decimal": "1.900",
"odds_american": "-111",
"odds_fraction": "9/10",
"open_odds_decimal": "2.250",
"open_odds_american": "+125",
"open_odds_fraction": "5/4",
"external_outcome_id": "-857694767",
"removed": true
"id": "sr:outcome:3",
"type": "away",
"odds_decimal": "2.000",
"odds_american": "+100",
"odds_fraction": "1/1",
"open_odds_decimal": "1.750",
"open_odds_american": "-133",
"open_odds_fraction": "3/4",
"external_outcome_id": "-857694769",
"removed": true
"id": "sr:outcome:2",
"type": "draw",
"odds_decimal": "15.500",
"odds_american": "+1450",
"odds_fraction": "29/2",
"open_odds_decimal": "13.000",
"open_odds_american": "+1200",
"open_odds_fraction": "12/1",
"external_outcome_id": "-857694768",
"removed": true
Past Odds Data Availability
Release Date | Feeds Affected | Benefit |
06/27/2023 | Sport Event Markets | Updated the Sport Event Markets endpoint to return odds data past 24 hours. This will allow for testing of new markets and integrations of sports that are not in an active season. |
New Schedule Endpoints
Release Date | Feeds Affected | Benefit |
03/31/2023 | Competition Schedules Daily Schedules | Added two new schedule endpoints: Daily Schedules and Competition Schedules. These will provide scheduling info – by sport or competition – for all events with odds or player props available. Identify events here and then make a call to the event level endpoints to retrieve odds. |
New 'is_live' Market Attribute
Release Date | Feeds Affected | Benefit |
11/29/2022 | Competition Sport Event Markets Daily Sport Event Markets Sport Event Markets | Added a is_live boolean attribute to all Player Props and Sport Event Markets endpoints. This will signify whether a market is currently live. |
Release Date | Feeds Affected | Benefit |
11/15/2022 | Competition Sport Event Markets Daily Sport Event Markets | Pagination was updated for the Sport Event Markets endpoints. This update improves the stability of the feeds, ensuring that all props are returned without issue. |
Gender Support
Release Date | Feeds Affected | Benefit |
04/01/2022 | Sport Competitions | Added gender to each competition in the Sport Competitions endpoint. |
Consensus Book
Release Date | Feeds Affected | Benefit |
04/01/2022 | Books | Added consensus as a valid book in the Books endpoint. |
API Release
Release Date | Feeds Affected | Benefit |
02/24/2022 | All | Initial release for Odds Comparison Prematch. |