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Daily Schedules

Provides scheduling info for all events with props available for a given sport and date.


Update Frequency

60s Time To Live / Cache


Pagination Note

Pagination will often be required to pull all data within this feed. By default, the feed will return 1 sport event.

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbreviationsport_event - competitors - competitorStringAbbreviated name of a competitor
ex. LOS (Los Angeles Dodgers) or HAA (Haaland, Erling Braut)
age_groupsport_event - competitors - competitorStringAge group of a competitor, when applicable
ex. U23
countrysport_event - competitors - competitorStringCountry name of a competitor
ex. USA
country_codesport_event - competitors - competitorStringCountry code of a competitor
ex. USA
gendersport_event - competitors - competitorStringGender for a competitor
male, female
idsport_event - competitors - competitorStringUnique SR ID of a competitor
ex. sr:competitor:3638

Click here for more info on Sportradar IDs
namesport_event - competitors - competitorStringName of a competitor
ex. Los Angeles Dodgers or Haaland, Erling Braut
qualifiersport_event - competitors - competitorStringSignifies a competitor as the home or away team
ex. home, away
rotation_numbersport_event - competitors - competitorIntegerRotation number of a competitor bet
ex. 930
Sport Event:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idsport_eventStringUnique SR ID of a sport event
ex. sr:sport_event:47395897
replaced_bysport_eventStringAn alternative sport event ID if the sport event is postponed and played at a later date
ex. sr:sport_event:47395897
resume_timesport_eventDateAn updated timestamp if there is a delay at the start or interruption during a sport event
ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00
start_timesport_eventDateStart time of a sport event
ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00
start_time_confirmedsport_eventBooleanSignifies the start time of a sport event is confirmed when true
statussport_eventStringStatus of a sport event

ex. not_started, 2nd_half, ended, awaiting_penalties, overtime
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