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Sport Competitions

Returns a list of competitions with available odds for a given sport id.

Data Points

Sport & Category:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
country_codecompetition - categoryStringCountry code of a competition's category
ex. ENG
idcompetition - categoryGUIDUnique ID of a competition's category
ex. sr:category:1 (England, Soccer)
namecompetition - categoryStringName of a competition's category
ex. England
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
futurescompetitionBooleanSignifies futures are available for a competition when true
gendercompetitionStringGender for a competition
men, women
idcompetitionStringUnique ID for a competition
ex. sr:competition:17 (Premier League)
marketscompetitionBooleanSignifies prematch markets are available for a competition when true
namecompetitionStringName of a competition
ex. Pro A, NBA
player_propscompetitionBooleanSignifies player props are available for a competition when true
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