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Statistics Summary

A quick overview of all statistics available through the Odds Comparison Player Props v2 API.

Click the arrow under each table to view endpoints that could return the statistics above.

Category & Sport

Category Country Code
Category Id
Category Name
Sport Id
Sport Name
Sport Type
Category & Sport Information available in:

Competitor & Player

Competitor Abbreviation
Competitor Age Group
Competitor Country
Competitor Country Code
Competitor Gender
Competitor Id
Competitor Name
Competitor Qualifier
Competitor Rotation Number
Competitor Virtual
Player Id
Player Name
Competitor & Player Information available in:


Competition Futures
Competition Gender
Competition Id
Competition Markets
Competition Name
Competition Player Props
Stage Description
Stage Id
Stage Scheduled
Stage Scheduled End
Competition Information available in:

Sport Event

Sport Event Id
Sport Event Replaced By
Sport Event Resume Time
Sport Event Start Time
Sport Event Start Time Confirmed
Sport Event Information available in:

Market & Book

Book External Market Id
Book External Sport Event Id
Book Id
Book Name
Book Removed
Market Id
Market Is Live
Market Name
Market & Book Information available in:


External Outcome Id
Field Id
Odds American
Odds Decimal
Odds Fraction
Open Odds American
Open Odds Decimal
Open Odds Fraction
Open Spread
Player Id
Player Name
Open Total
Outcome Information available in:

Change Log

Change Id
Change Type
Props Odds Change
Status From
Status To
Change Log Information available in:


External IdId
Mapping Information available in: