Provides detailed roster information for a given match. Starting players, substitutions, formation type, and channel availability are included if supported by coverage level.
Update Frequency
1s Time To Live / Cache
Data Points
Category & Sport:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | sport_event_context - category | String | Country code for a sport event's category ex. ENG (England) |
id | sport_event_context - category | String | Unique category ID for a sport event ex. sr:category:1 |
name | sport_event_context - category | String | Name for a sport event's category ex. England (Premier League) |
id | sport_event_context - sport | String | Unique sport ID for a sport event ex. sr:sport:1 |
name | sport_event_context - sport | String | Name for a sport event's sport ex. Soccer |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
gender | sport_event_context - competition | String | Gender for a competition ex. men |
id | sport_event_context - competition | String | Unique ID for a competition ex. sr:competition:17 (Premier League) |
name | sport_event_context - competition | String | Name of a competition ex. Premier League |
parent_id | sport_event_context - competition | String | Unique parent ID for a competition. Typically present for group stage or playoff competitions ex. sr:competition:945 used to link competitions together, like the World Cup and the various qualifiers. |
Groups, Rounds, Seasons, & Stages:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | sport_event_context - groups - group | String | Unique ID for a sport event's group ex. sr:league:80253 (UEFA Euro 2024, Group D) |
name | sport_event_context - groups - group | String | Name of a sport event's group ex. UEFA Euro 2024, Group D |
group_name | sport_event_context - groups - group | String | Abbreviated name of a sport event's group ex. D |
competition_sport_event_number | sport_event_context - round | Integer | Sport event number within a competition. Used for competitions that have fixed match numbers (World Cup) |
cup_round_id | sport_event_context - round | String | Unique ID for a sport event's cup round ex. sr:cup_round:1988995 |
cup_round_number_of_sport_events | sport_event_context - round | Integer | Number of events in a sport event's round |
cup_round_sport_event_number | sport_event_context - round | Integer | Number within the cup_round of a match ID. For example, 1st leg of 2 |
name | sport_event_context - round | String | Name of a sport event's round ex. round_3 or round_of_16 |
number | sport_event_context - round | Integer | Number of a sport event's round |
other_sport_event_id | sport_event_context - round | String | A linked sport event ID, typically in a two-legged tie ex. sr:sport_event:47395897 |
competition_id | sport_event_context - season | String | Unique ID for the competition a sport event belongs to ex. sr:competition:17 (Premier League) |
disabled | sport_event_context - season | Boolean | Signifies a season has been disabled when true |
end_date | sport_event_context - season | Date | End date of a sport event's season ex. 2024-05-19 |
id | sport_event_context - season | String | Unique ID for a sport event's season ex. sr:season:105353 (Premier League 23/24) |
name | sport_event_context - season | String | Name of a sport event's season ex. Premier League 23/24 |
start_date | sport_event_context - season | Date | Start date of a sport event's season ex. 2023-08-11 |
year | sport_event_context - season | String | Year of a sport event's season ex. 23/24 |
end_date | sport_event_context - stage | Date | End date of a sport event's stage ex. 2024-05-19 |
order | sport_event_context - stage | Integer | Order of a stage within a season |
phase | sport_event_context - stage | String | Name of a sport event's stage ex. regular season , preliminary_round , qualification |
start_date | sport_event_context - stage | Date | Start date of a sport event's stage ex. 2023-08-11 |
type | sport_event_context - stage | String | Type of a sport event's stagecup , league |
year | sport_event_context - stage | String | Year of a sport event's stage ex. 23/24 |
Competitor information appears in the
node under bothsport_event
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
abbreviation | competitor | String | Abbreviation for a competitor name ex. LIV (Liverpool FC) |
age_group | competitor | String | Age group of a competitor, when applicable ex. U23 |
country | competitor | String | Country of a competitor ex. England |
country_code | competitor | String | Country code of a competitor ex. ENG (England) |
gender | competitor | String | Gender for a competitormale , female |
id | competitor | String | Unique ID for a competitor ex. sr:competitor:44 (Liverpool FC) |
name | competitor | String | Name for a competitor ex. Liverpool FC |
qualifier | competitor | String | Designation of a competitor for a seasonhome , away |
virtual | competitor | Boolean | Signifies a competitor is a virtual team whan true . Used for placeholder teams in TBD vs TBD matchups. |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
base | competitor - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's base jersey ex. e41e2c |
horizontal_stripes | competitor - jersey | Boolean | Signifies a competitor's jersey has horizontal stripes when true |
horizontal_stripes_color | competitor - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's horizontal jersey stripes ex. e41e2c |
number | competitor - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's jersey number ex. ffffff |
shirt_type | competitor - jersey | String | Shirt type of a competitor's jersey ex. short_sleeves |
sleeve | competitor - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's jersey sleeves ex. e41e2c |
sleeve_detail | competitor - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's jersey sleeves detail ex. ffffff |
split | competitor - jersey | Boolean | Signifies a competitor's jersey is split when true |
split_color | competitor - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's jersey split ex. ffffff |
squares | competitor - jersey | Boolean | Signifies a competitor's jersey is squares when true |
squares_color | competitor - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's jersey squares ex. ffffff |
stripes | competitor - jersey | Boolean | Signifies a competitor's jersey has stripes when true |
stripes_color | competitor - jersey | String | RGB color code of a competitor's jersey stripes ex. ffffff |
type | competitor - jersey | String | Type of competitor jersey entry ex. home , away , goalkeeper , third |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | competitor - manager | String | Country code of a manager ex. ENG (England) |
date_of_birth | competitor - manager | Date | Date of birth of a manager ex. 1967-06-16 |
gender | competitor - manager | String | Gender of a managermale , female |
id | competitor - manager | String | Unique ID of a manager ex. sr:player:52829 |
name | competitor - manager | String | Name of a manager ex. Klopp, Jurgen |
nationality | competitor - manager | String | Nationality of a manager ex. Germany |
nickname | competitor - manager | String | Nickname of a manager |
preferred_foot | competitor - manager | String | Preferred foot of a managerleft , right |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | player | String | Country code of a player ex. EGY (Egypt) |
date_of_birth | player | Date | Date of birth of a player ex. 1992-06-15 |
gender | player | String | Gender of a playermale , female |
height | player | Integer | Height of a player in centimeters ex. 175 |
id | player | String | Unique ID of a player ex. sr:player:159665 |
jersey_number | player | Integer | Jersey number of a player |
name | player | String | Name of a player ex. Salah, Mohamed |
nationality | player | String | Nationality of a player ex. Egypt |
nickname | player | String | Nickname of a player |
place_of_birth | player | String | Place of birth of a player ex. Basyoun, El Gharbia |
played | player | Boolean | Signifies a player appeared in a match when true |
preferred_foot | player | String | Preferred foot of a playerleft , right |
starter | player | Boolean | Signifies a player is in the starting lineup of a match when true |
type | player | String | Position of a playergoalkeeper , defender , midfielder , forward |
weight | player | Integer | Weight of a player in kilograms ex. 71 |
Sport Event:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
count | sport_event_conditions - attendance | Integer | Attendance for a sport event ex. 25078 |
neutral | sport_event_conditions - ground | Boolean | Signifies a neutral ground sport event when true |
confirmed | sport_event_conditions - lineups | Boolean | Signifies lineups for a sport event have been confirmed when true |
id | sport_event | String | Unique ID of a sport event ex. sr:sport_event:47395897 |
replaced_by | sport_event | String | An alternative sport event ID if the match is postponed and played at a later date ex. sr:sport_event:47395897 |
resume_time | sport_event | Date | An updated timestamp if there is a delay at the start or interruption during a match ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00 |
start_time | sport_event | Date | Start time of a sport event ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00 |
start_time_confirmed | sport_event | Boolean | Signifies the start time of a sport event is confirmed when true |
overall_conditions | sport_event_conditions - weather | String | Weather conditions for a sport eventgood , medium , bad , indoor , extreme |
pitch_conditions | sport_event_conditions - weather | String | Pitch conditions for a sport eventgood , medium , bad |
Sport Event - Channel:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country | sport_event - channels - channel | String | Country of a broadcast channel ex. United States |
country_code | sport_event - channels - channel | String | Country code of a broadcast channel ex. USA |
name | sport_event - channels - channel | String | Name of a broadcast channel ex. Fox Soccer Plus |
url | sport_event - channels - channel | String | URL of a broadcast channel |
Sport Event - Referee:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | sport_event_conditions - referees - referee | String | Unique ID for a referee ex. sr:referee:229470 |
name | sport_event_conditions - referees - referee | String | Name of a referee ex. Brooks, John |
nationality | sport_event_conditions - referees - referee | String | Nationality of a referee ex. England |
country_code | sport_event_conditions - referees - referee | String | Country code of a referee ex. ENG |
type | sport_event_conditions - referees - referee | String | Type of a referee ex. first_assistant_referee , second_assistant_referee , fourth_official , video_assistant_referee , first_additional_assistant , second_additional_assistant , main_referee |
Sport Event - Coverage Properties:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
type | sport_event - coverage | String | Type of coveragesport_event , group , competition |
ballspotting | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies ballspotting is available for a sport event when true |
basic_play_by_play | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies basic play-by-play is available for a sport event when true |
basic_player_stats | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies basic player stats is available for a sport event when true |
basic_team_stats | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies basic team stats is available for a sport event when true |
commentary | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies commentary is available for a sport event when true |
deeper_play_by_play | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies deeper play-by-play is available for a sport event when true |
deeper_player_stats | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies deeper player stats is available for a sport event when true |
deeper_team_stats | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies deeper team stats is available for a sport event when true |
extended_player_stats | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies extended player stats is available for a sport event when true |
extended_team_stats | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies extended team stats is available for a sport event when true |
fun_facts | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies fun facts are available for a sport event when true |
game_clock | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies the game glock is available for a sport event when true |
goal_scorers | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies goal scorers are available for a sport event when true |
goal_scorers_live | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies goal scorers are available live for a sport event when true |
lineups | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies goal lineups are available for a sport event when true |
lineups_availability | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | String | Describes the availability of lineups as pre-match or post-matchpre , post |
probabilities | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies probabilities are available for a sport event when true |
scores | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | String | Describes the availability of scores as live or post-matchlive , post |
venue | sport_event - coverage - sport_event_properties | Boolean | Signifies venue info is available for a sport event when true |
Sport Event Situation:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
played | sport_event_status - clock | String | Match clock time in minutes90:00 |
stoppage_time_played | sport_event_status - clock | String | Stoppage time played in minutes5:49 |
stoppage_time_announced | sport_event_status - clock | String | Stoppage time announced in minutes5:00 |
status | sport_event_status - match_situation | String | Current situtation status of a matchsafe , dangerous , attack |
qualifier | sport_event_status - match_situation | String | Defines the team in the current situation statushome , away |
updated_at | sport_event_status - match_situation | Date-Time | Timestamp of the most recent match situation update ex. 2024-04-14T14:57:28+00:00 |
away_score | sport_event_status - period_scores - period_score | Integer | Away team period score |
home_score | sport_event_status - period_scores - period_score | Integer | Home team period score |
number | sport_event_status - period_scores - period_score | Integer | Period number |
type | sport_event_status - period_scores - period_score | String | Period typeregular_period , overtime , penalties , pause , awaiting_extra , extra_time_halftime , interrupted |
Sport Event Status:
| aggregate_away_score
| sport_event_status
| Integer | Aggregate score (of multiple sport events) for the away team |
| aggregate_home_score
| sport_event_status
| Integer | Aggregate score (of multiple sport events) for the home team |
| aggregate_winner_id
| sport_event_status
| String | Unique ID of the aggregate score winner
ex. sr:competitor:44
| away_normaltime_score
| sport_event_status
| Integer | Score for the away team in normal time |
| away_overtime_score
| sport_event_status
| Integer | Score for the away team in overtime |
| away_score
| sport_event_status
| Integer | Total score for the away team in the match |
| home_normaltime_score
| sport_event_status
| Integer | Score for the home team in normal time |
| home_overtime_score
| sport_event_status
| Integer | Score for the home team in overtime |
| home_score
| sport_event_status
| Integer | Total score for the home team in the match |
| decided_by_fed
| sport_event_status
| Boolean | Signifies a match result was decided by the federation when true
. For example, incomplete due to crowd disruption |
| match_status
| sport_event_status
| String | Status within a match. Provides more detail on the state of a match when live than status
ex. not_started
, 2nd_half
, ended
, awaiting_penalties
See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions. |
| match_tie
| sport_event_status
| Boolean | Signifies a match ended in a tie when true
| scount_abandoned
| sport_event_status
| Boolean | Signifies a match was abandoned by a scout when true
| status
| sport_event_status
| String | Status of a match
ex. not_started
, 2nd_half
, ended
, awaiting_penalties
See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions. |
| winner_id
| sport_event_status
| String | Unique ID of the match winner
ex. sr:competitor:44
Ball Location:
Visit our FAQ for additional information on ball location data.
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
order | sport_event_status - ball_locations - ball_location | Integer | Sequential order of a ball location event. The most recent location is 4 and the oldest location is 1 . |
qualifier | sport_event_status - ball_locations - ball_location | String | Designation of a competitor for a ball location entryhome , away |
x | sport_event_status - ball_locations - ball_location | String | Horizontal X coordinate of the pitch. x is a number between 0 and 100 . The reference point 0 is at the home team’s goal. |
y | sport_event_status - ball_locations - ball_location | String | Vertical Y coordinate of the pitch. y is a number between 0 and 100 . The reference point 0 is on the top of the pitch where the home team’s goal is on the left hand side. |
Match Lineups:
See our FAQ for more information on lineups.
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
order | player | Integer | Lineup position number for a player. See our FAQ for detailed information on order numbers |
position | player | Integer | Lineup position description (player tactical position) of a player for a matchgoalkeeper , right_back , central_defender , left_back , right_winger , central_midfielder , left_winger , striker , fullback |
type | formation | String | Team lineup formation for a match ex. 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
capacity | venue | Integer | Capacity of a competitor's home venue ex. 60000 |
changed | venue | Boolean | Signifies a venue has been changed when true |
city_name | venue | String | City name of a competitor's home venue ex. Liverpool |
country_code | venue | String | Country code of a competitor's home venue ex. ENG (England) |
country_name | venue | String | Country name of a competitor's home venue ex. England |
id | venue | String | Unique ID of a competitor's home venue ex. sr:venue:579 |
map_coordinates | venue | String | Coordinates of a competitor's home venue ex. 53.430622,-2.960919 |
name | venue | String | Name of a competitor's home venue ex. Anfield |
reduced_capacity | venue | Boolean | Optional attribute signifying a venue has a restricted capacity when true |
reduced_capacity_max | venue | Integer | Value of a venue's restricted capacity |
timezone | venue | String | Timezone of a competitor's home venue ex. Europe/London |