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Seasonal Competitor Statistics

Provides team and player seasonal statistics for a given season.


Update Frequency

30s Time To Live / Cache

Data Points

Category & Sport:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
country_codeseason - categoryStringCountry code for a season's category
ex. ENG (England)
idseason - categoryStringUnique category ID for a season
ex. sr:category:1
nameseason - categoryStringName for a season's category
ex. England (Premier League)
idseason - sportStringUnique sport ID for a season
ex. sr:sport:1
nameseason - sportStringName for a season's sport
ex. Soccer
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
genderseason - competitionStringGender for a competition
ex. men
idseason - competitionStringUnique ID for a competition
ex. sr:competition:17 (Premier League)
nameseason - competitionStringName of a competition
ex. Premier League
parent_idseason - competitionStringUnique parent ID for a competition. Typically present for group stage or playoff competitions
ex. sr:competition:945 used to link competitions together, like the World Cup and the various qualifiers.
Groups, Rounds, Seasons, & Stages:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
competition_idseason_competitor_statistics - seasonStringUnique ID for the competition a season belongs to
ex. sr:competition:17 (Premier League)
disabledseason_competitor_statistics - seasonBooleanSignifies a season has been disabled when true
end_dateseason_competitor_statistics - seasonDateEnd date of a season
ex. 2024-05-19
idseason_competitor_statistics - seasonStringUnique ID for a season
ex. sr:season:105353 (Premier League 23/24)
nameseason_competitor_statistics - seasonStringName of a season
ex. Premier League 23/24
start_dateseason_competitor_statistics - seasonDateStart date of a season
ex. 2023-08-11
yearseason_competitor_statistics - seasonStringYear of a season
ex. 23/24
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbreviationcompetitorStringAbbreviation for a competitor name
ex. LIV (Liverpool FC)
age_groupcompetitorStringAge group of a competitor, when applicable
ex. U23
countrycompetitorStringCountry of a competitor
ex. England
country_codecompetitorStringCountry code of a competitor
ex. ENG (England)
gendercompetitorStringGender for a competitor
male, female
idcompetitorStringUnique ID for a competitor
ex. sr:competitor:44 (Liverpool FC)
namecompetitorStringName for a competitor
ex. Liverpool FC
virtualcompetitorBooleanSignifies a competitor is a virtual team when true. Used for placeholder teams in TBD vs TBD matchups.
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idstatistics - competitor - playerStringUnique ID of a player
ex. sr:player:159665
namestatistics - competitor - playerStringName of a player
ex. Salah, Mohamed
Season Stats (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer assists for a season
cards_givenplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer cards received for a season
corner_kicksplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer corner kicks for a season
goals_by_headplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer goals by head scored for a season
goals_by_penaltyplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer goals by penalty scored for a season
goals_concededplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer goals conceded for a season
goals_scoredplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer goals scored for a season
matches_playedplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of matches played by a player for a season
offsidesplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer offsides for a season
own_goalsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer own goals for a season
penalties_missedplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer penalty shots missed for a season
penalties_savedplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer penalty shots saved for a season
red_cardsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer red cards for a season
shots_blockedplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer shots blocked for a season
shots_off_targetplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer shots off target for a season
shots_on_targetplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer shots on target for a season
substituted_inplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of times a player is substituted in for a season
substituted_outplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of times a player is substituted out for a season
yellow_cardsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer yellow cards for a season
yellow_red_cardsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer red cards for a match resulting from two yellow cards
Match Stats (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ball_posessioncompetitor - statisticsIntegerPercentage of team ball possession for a season.
ex. 43
cards_givencompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal cards given to a team in a season
corner_kickscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team corner kicks for a season
free_kickscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTeam free kicks for a season. In accordance with the rules, a free kick stat is counted for the team who executes a free kick. Direct or indirect free kicks are all counted as free kicks.
goals_by_footcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTeam goals scored by foot for a season
goals_by_headcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTeam goals scored by head for a season
goals_concededcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTeam goals conceded for a season
goals_conceded_first_halfcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTeam goals conceded in the first half for a season
goals_conceded_second_halfcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTeam goals conceded in the second half for a season
goals_scoredcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team goals scored for a season
goals_scored_first_halfcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team goals scored in the first half for a season
goals_scored_second_halfcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team goals scored in the second half for a season
matches_playedcompetitor - statisticsIntegerNumber of matches played for a team in a season
offsidescompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team offside infringements for a season
penalties_missedcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team penalty shots missed for a season
red_cardscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team red cards for a season
shots_blockedcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team shots blocked for a season
shots_off_targetcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team off-target shots for a season
shots_on_barcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team on-bar shots for a season
shots_on_postcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team on-post shots for a season
shots_on_targetcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team on-target shots for a season
shots_totalcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal number of shots attributed to a team for a season
yellow_cardscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team yellow cards for a season
yellow_red_cardscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team red cards for a match which resulted from two yellow cards
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