Provides team and player seasonal statistics for a given season.
Update Frequency
30s Time To Live / Cache
Data Points
Category & Sport:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | season - category | String | Country code for a season's category ex. ENG (England) |
id | season - category | String | Unique category ID for a season ex. sr:category:1 |
name | season - category | String | Name for a season's category ex. England (Premier League) |
id | season - sport | String | Unique sport ID for a season ex. sr:sport:1 |
name | season - sport | String | Name for a season's sport ex. Soccer |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
gender | season - competition | String | Gender for a competition ex. men |
id | season - competition | String | Unique ID for a competition ex. sr:competition:17 (Premier League) |
name | season - competition | String | Name of a competition ex. Premier League |
parent_id | season - competition | String | Unique parent ID for a competition. Typically present for group stage or playoff competitions ex. sr:competition:945 used to link competitions together, like the World Cup and the various qualifiers. |
Groups, Rounds, Seasons, & Stages:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
competition_id | season_competitor_statistics - season | String | Unique ID for the competition a season belongs to ex. sr:competition:17 (Premier League) |
disabled | season_competitor_statistics - season | Boolean | Signifies a season has been disabled when true |
end_date | season_competitor_statistics - season | Date | End date of a season ex. 2024-05-19 |
id | season_competitor_statistics - season | String | Unique ID for a season ex. sr:season:105353 (Premier League 23/24) |
name | season_competitor_statistics - season | String | Name of a season ex. Premier League 23/24 |
start_date | season_competitor_statistics - season | Date | Start date of a season ex. 2023-08-11 |
year | season_competitor_statistics - season | String | Year of a season ex. 23/24 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
abbreviation | competitor | String | Abbreviation for a competitor name ex. LIV (Liverpool FC) |
age_group | competitor | String | Age group of a competitor, when applicable ex. U23 |
country | competitor | String | Country of a competitor ex. England |
country_code | competitor | String | Country code of a competitor ex. ENG (England) |
gender | competitor | String | Gender for a competitormale , female |
id | competitor | String | Unique ID for a competitor ex. sr:competitor:44 (Liverpool FC) |
name | competitor | String | Name for a competitor ex. Liverpool FC |
virtual | competitor | Boolean | Signifies a competitor is a virtual team when true . Used for placeholder teams in TBD vs TBD matchups. |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | statistics - competitor - player | String | Unique ID of a player ex. sr:player:159665 |
name | statistics - competitor - player | String | Name of a player ex. Salah, Mohamed |
Season Stats (Player):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
assists | player - statistics | Integer | Player assists for a season |
cards_given | player - statistics | Integer | Player cards received for a season |
corner_kicks | player - statistics | Integer | Player corner kicks for a season |
goals_by_head | player - statistics | Integer | Player goals by head scored for a season |
goals_by_penalty | player - statistics | Integer | Player goals by penalty scored for a season |
goals_conceded | player - statistics | Integer | Player goals conceded for a season |
goals_scored | player - statistics | Integer | Player goals scored for a season |
matches_played | player - statistics | Integer | Number of matches played by a player for a season |
offsides | player - statistics | Integer | Player offsides for a season |
own_goals | player - statistics | Integer | Player own goals for a season |
penalties_missed | player - statistics | Integer | Player penalty shots missed for a season |
penalties_saved | player - statistics | Integer | Player penalty shots saved for a season |
red_cards | player - statistics | Integer | Player red cards for a season |
shots_blocked | player - statistics | Integer | Player shots blocked for a season |
shots_off_target | player - statistics | Integer | Player shots off target for a season |
shots_on_target | player - statistics | Integer | Player shots on target for a season |
substituted_in | player - statistics | Integer | Number of times a player is substituted in for a season |
substituted_out | player - statistics | Integer | Number of times a player is substituted out for a season |
yellow_cards | player - statistics | Integer | Player yellow cards for a season |
yellow_red_cards | player - statistics | Integer | Player red cards for a match resulting from two yellow cards |
Match Stats (Team):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
ball_posession | competitor - statistics | Integer | Percentage of team ball possession for a season. ex. 43 |
cards_given | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total cards given to a team in a season |
corner_kicks | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team corner kicks for a season |
free_kicks | competitor - statistics | Integer | Team free kicks for a season. In accordance with the rules, a free kick stat is counted for the team who executes a free kick. Direct or indirect free kicks are all counted as free kicks. |
goals_by_foot | competitor - statistics | Integer | Team goals scored by foot for a season |
goals_by_head | competitor - statistics | Integer | Team goals scored by head for a season |
goals_conceded | competitor - statistics | Integer | Team goals conceded for a season |
goals_conceded_first_half | competitor - statistics | Integer | Team goals conceded in the first half for a season |
goals_conceded_second_half | competitor - statistics | Integer | Team goals conceded in the second half for a season |
goals_scored | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team goals scored for a season |
goals_scored_first_half | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team goals scored in the first half for a season |
goals_scored_second_half | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team goals scored in the second half for a season |
matches_played | competitor - statistics | Integer | Number of matches played for a team in a season |
offsides | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team offside infringements for a season |
penalties_missed | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team penalty shots missed for a season |
red_cards | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team red cards for a season |
shots_blocked | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team shots blocked for a season |
shots_off_target | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team off-target shots for a season |
shots_on_bar | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team on-bar shots for a season |
shots_on_post | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team on-post shots for a season |
shots_on_target | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team on-target shots for a season |
shots_total | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total number of shots attributed to a team for a season |
yellow_cards | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team yellow cards for a season |
yellow_red_cards | competitor - statistics | Integer | Total team red cards for a match which resulted from two yellow cards |