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Live Summaries

Provides match information for all currently live matches including team scoring, player and team match statistics. This feed updates in real time as matches are played. Matches appear a few minutes before kick-off and disappear a few minutes after the match reaches “ended” status.


Update Frequency

1s Time To Live / Cache

Data Points

Category & Sport:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
country_codesport_event_context - categoryStringCountry code for a sport event's category
ex. ENG (England)
idsport_event_context - categoryStringUnique category ID for a sport event
ex. sr:category:1
namesport_event_context - categoryStringName for a sport event's category
ex. England (Premier League)
idsport_event_context - sportStringUnique sport ID for a sport event
ex. sr:sport:1
namesport_event_context - sportStringName for a sport event's sport
ex. Soccer
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
gendersport_event_context - competitionStringGender for a competition
ex. men
idsport_event_context - competitionStringUnique ID for a competition
ex. sr:competition:17 (Premier League)
namesport_event_context - competitionStringName of a competition
ex. Premier League
parent_idsport_event_context - competitionStringUnique parent ID for a competition. Typically present for group stage or playoff competitions
ex. sr:competition:945 used to link competitions together, like the World Cup and the various qualifiers.
Groups, Rounds, Seasons, & Stages:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idsport_event_context - groups - groupStringUnique ID for a sport event's group
ex. sr:league:80253 (UEFA Euro 2024, Group D)
namesport_event_context - groups - groupStringName of a sport event's group
ex. UEFA Euro 2024, Group D
group_namesport_event_context - groups - groupStringAbbreviated name of a sport event's group
ex. D
competition_sport_event_numbersport_event_context - roundIntegerSport event number within a competition. Used for competitions that have fixed match numbers (World Cup)
cup_round_idsport_event_context - roundStringUnique ID for a sport event's cup round
ex. sr:cup_round:1988995
cup_round_number_of_sport_eventssport_event_context - roundIntegerNumber of events in a sport event's round
cup_round_sport_event_numbersport_event_context - roundIntegerNumber within the cup_round of a match ID. For example, 1st leg of 2
namesport_event_context - roundStringName of a sport event's round
ex. round_3 or round_of_16
numbersport_event_context - roundIntegerNumber of a sport event's round
other_sport_event_idsport_event_context - roundStringA linked sport event ID, typically in a two-legged tie
ex. sr:sport_event:47395897
competition_idsport_event_context - seasonStringUnique ID for the competition a sport event belongs to
ex. sr:competition:17 (Premier League)
disabledsport_event_context - seasonBooleanSignifies a season has been disabled when true
end_datesport_event_context - seasonDateEnd date of a sport event's season
ex. 2024-05-19
idsport_event_context - seasonStringUnique ID for a sport event's season
ex. sr:season:105353 (Premier League 23/24)
namesport_event_context - seasonStringName of a sport event's season
ex. Premier League 23/24
start_datesport_event_context - seasonDateStart date of a sport event's season
ex. 2023-08-11
yearsport_event_context - seasonStringYear of a sport event's season
ex. 23/24
end_datesport_event_context - stageDateEnd date of a sport event's stage
ex. 2024-05-19
ordersport_event_context - stageIntegerOrder of a stage within a season
phasesport_event_context - stageStringName of a sport event's stage
ex. regular season, preliminary_round, qualification
start_datesport_event_context - stageDateStart date of a sport event's stage
ex. 2023-08-11
typesport_event_context - stageStringType of a sport event's stage
cup, league
yearsport_event_context - stageStringYear of a sport event's stage
ex. 23/24
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbreviationcompetitors - competitorStringAbbreviation for a competitor name
ex. LIV (Liverpool FC)
age_groupcompetitors - competitorStringAge group of a competitor, when applicable
ex. U23
countrycompetitors - competitorStringCountry of a competitor
ex. England
country_codecompetitors - competitorStringCountry code of a competitor
ex. ENG (England)
gendercompetitors - competitorStringGender for a competitor
male, female
idcompetitors - competitorStringUnique ID for a competitor
ex. sr:competitor:44 (Liverpool FC)
namecompetitors - competitorStringName for a competitor
ex. Liverpool FC
qualifiercompetitors - competitorStringDesignation of a competitor for a sport event
home, away
virtualcompetitors - competitorBooleanSignifies a competitor is a virtual team when true. Used for placeholder teams in TBD vs TBD matchups.
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idstatistics - competitor - playerStringUnique ID of a player
ex. sr:player:159665
namestatistics - competitor - playerStringName of a player
ex. Salah, Mohamed
namestatistics - competitor - playerBooleanSignifies a player is in the starting lineup for a sport event when true
Sport Event:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
countsport_event_conditions - attendanceIntegerAttendance for a sport event
ex. 25078
neutralsport_event_conditions - groundBooleanSignifies a neutral ground sport event when true
confirmedsport_event_conditions - lineupsBooleanSignifies lineups for a sport event have been confirmed when true
idsport_eventStringUnique ID of a sport event
ex. sr:sport_event:47395897
replaced_bysport_eventStringAn alternative sport event ID if the match is postponed and played at a later date
ex. sr:sport_event:47395897
resume_timesport_eventDateAn updated timestamp if there is a delay at the start or interruption during a match
ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00
start_timesport_eventDateStart time of a sport event
ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00
start_time_confirmedsport_eventBooleanSignifies the start time of a sport event is confirmed when true
overall_conditionssport_event_conditions - weatherStringWeather conditions for a sport event
good, medium, bad, indoor, extreme
pitch_conditionssport_event_conditions - weatherStringPitch conditions for a sport event
good, medium, bad
Sport Event - Channel:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
countrysport_event - channels - channelStringCountry of a broadcast channel
ex. United States
country_codesport_event - channels - channelStringCountry code of a broadcast channel
ex. USA
namesport_event - channels - channelStringName of a broadcast channel
ex. Fox Soccer Plus
urlsport_event - channels - channelStringURL of a broadcast channel
Sport Event - Referee:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idsport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringUnique ID for a referee
ex. sr:referee:229470
namesport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringName of a referee
ex. Brooks, John
nationalitysport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringNationality of a referee
ex. England
country_codesport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringCountry code of a referee
ex. ENG
typesport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringType of a referee
ex. first_assistant_referee, second_assistant_referee, fourth_official, video_assistant_referee, first_additional_assistant, second_additional_assistant, main_referee
Sport Event - Coverage Properties:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
typesport_event - coverageStringType of coverage
sport_event, group, competition
ballspottingsport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies ballspotting is available for a sport event when true
basic_play_by_playsport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies basic play-by-play is available for a sport event when true
basic_player_statssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies basic player stats is available for a sport event when true
basic_team_statssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies basic team stats is available for a sport event when true
commentarysport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies commentary is available for a sport event when true
deeper_play_by_playsport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies deeper play-by-play is available for a sport event when true
deeper_player_statssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies deeper player stats is available for a sport event when true
deeper_team_statssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies deeper team stats is available for a sport event when true
extended_player_statssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies extended player stats is available for a sport event when true
extended_team_statssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies extended team stats is available for a sport event when true
formationssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies team formations are available for a sport event when true
fun_factssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies fun facts are available for a sport event when true
game_clocksport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies the game glock is available for a sport event when true
goal_scorerssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies goal scorers are available for a sport event when true
goal_scorers_livesport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies goal scorers are available live for a sport event when true
lineupssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies goal lineups are available for a sport event when true
lineups_availabilitysport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesStringDescribes the availability of lineups as pre-match or post-match
pre, post
probabilitiessport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies probabilities are available for a sport event when true
scoressport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesStringDescribes the availability of scores as live or post-match
live, post
venuesport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies venue info is available for a sport event when true
Sport Event Situation:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
playedsport_event_status - clockStringMatch clock time in minutes
stoppage_time_playedsport_event_status - clockStringStoppage time played in minutes
stoppage_time_announcedsport_event_status - clockStringStoppage time announced in minutes
statussport_event_status - match_situationStringCurrent situtation status of a match
safe, dangerous, attack
qualifiersport_event_status - match_situationStringDefines the team in the current situation status
home, away
updated_atsport_event_status - match_situationDate-TimeTimestamp of the most recent match situation update
ex. 2024-04-14T14:57:28+00:00
away_scoresport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerAway team period score
home_scoresport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerHome team period score
numbersport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerPeriod number
typesport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreStringPeriod type
regular_period, overtime, penalties, pause, awaiting_extra, extra_time_halftime, interrupted
Sport Event Status:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aggregate_away_scoresport_event_statusIntegerAggregate score (of multiple sport events) for the away team
aggregate_home_scoresport_event_statusIntegerAggregate score (of multiple sport events) for the home team
aggregate_winner_idsport_event_statusStringUnique ID of the aggregate score winner
ex. sr:competitor:44
away_normaltime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the away team in normal time
away_overtime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the away team in overtime
away_scoresport_event_statusIntegerTotal score for the away team in the match
home_normaltime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the home team in normal time
home_overtime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the home team in overtime
home_scoresport_event_statusIntegerTotal score for the home team in the match
decided_by_fedsport_event_statusBooleanSignifies a match result was decided by the federation when true. For example, incomplete due to crowd disruption
match_statussport_event_statusStringStatus within a match. Provides more detail on the state of a match when live than status
ex. not_started, 2nd_half, ended, awaiting_penalties

See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions.
match_tiesport_event_statusBooleanSignifies a match ended in a tie when true
scount_abandonedsport_event_statusBooleanSignifies a match was abandoned by a scout when true
statussport_event_statusStringStatus of a match
ex. not_started, 2nd_half, ended, awaiting_penalties

See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions.
winner_idsport_event_statusStringUnique ID of the match winner
ex. sr:competitor:44
Ball Location:

Visit our FAQ for additional information on ball location data.

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ordersport_event_status - ball_locations - ball_locationIntegerSequential order of a ball location event. The most recent location is 4 and the oldest location is 1.
qualifiersport_event_status - ball_locations - ball_locationStringDesignation of a competitor for a ball location entry
home, away
xsport_event_status - ball_locations - ball_locationStringHorizontal X coordinate of the pitch. x is a number between 0 and 100. The reference point 0 is at the home team’s goal.
ysport_event_status - ball_locations - ball_locationStringVertical Y coordinate of the pitch. y is a number between 0 and 100. The reference point 0 is on the top of the pitch where the home team’s goal is on the left hand side.
Match Stats (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer assists for a match
corner_kicksplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer corner kicks for a match
goals_scoredplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer goals scored for a match
offsidesplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer offsides for a match
own_goalsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer own goals for a match
penalties_missedplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer penalty shots missed for a match
red_cardsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer red cards for a match
shots_blockedplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer shots blocked for a match
shots_off_targetplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer shots off target for a match
substituted_inplayer - statisticsIntegerSignifies a player was substituted in during a match when 1
substituted_outplayer - statisticsIntegerSignifies a player was substituted out during a match when 1
yellow_cardsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer yellow cards for a match
yellow_red_cardsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer red cards for a match resulting from two yellow cards
Match Stats (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
ball_posessioncompetitor - statisticsIntegerPercentage of team ball possession for a match.
ex. 43
cards_givencompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal cards given to a team in a match
corner_kickscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team corner kicks for a match
foulscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal number of fouls awarded against a team (including those which draw cards)
free_kickscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTeam free kicks for a match. In accordance with the rules, a free kick stat counted for the team who executes a free kick. Direct or indirect free kicks are all counted as free kicks.
goal_kickscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTeam goal kicks for a match. Total number of kicks awarded to the team as a result of the ball traveling out of bounds over the goal line of the defending team.
injuriescompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team injuries for a match
offsidescompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team offside infringements for a match
penalties_missedcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team penalty shots missed for a match
red_cardscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team red cards for a match
shots_blockedcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team shots blocked for a match
shots_off_targetcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team off-target shots for a match
shots_on_targetcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team on-target shots for a match
shots_savedcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal number of goal keeper saves attributed to a team for a match
shots_totalcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal number of shots attributed to a team for a match
substitutionscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal number player subsitutions in a match
throw_inscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal number of throw-in events for a team during a match
yellow_cardscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team yellow cards for a match
yellow_red_cardscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team red cards for a match which resulted from two yellow cards
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
capacityvenueIntegerCapacity of a competitor's home venue
ex. 60000
changedvenueBooleanSignifies a venue has been changed when true
city_namevenueStringCity name of a competitor's home venue
ex. Liverpool
country_codevenueStringCountry code of a competitor's home venue
ex. ENG (England)
country_namevenueStringCountry name of a competitor's home venue
ex. England
idvenueStringUnique ID of a competitor's home venue
ex. sr:venue:579
map_coordinatesvenueStringCoordinates of a competitor's home venue
ex. 53.430622,-2.960919
namevenueStringName of a competitor's home venue
ex. Anfield
reduced_capacityvenueBooleanOptional attribute signifying a venue has a restricted capacity when true
reduced_capacity_maxvenueIntegerValue of a venue's restricted capacity
timezonevenueStringTimezone of a competitor's home venue
ex. Europe/London
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