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WNBA Statistics Summary

Welcome to the WNBA v7 API statistics summary page! Here you can find a quick overview of all statistics available through the API. To see the endpoints that could return the statistics above, click the arrow under each one to open a table.


Non-current version

See the current version (v8) to find the most comprehensive set of statistics available for WNBA.


Association Alias
Association Name
Conference Alias
Conference Id
Conference Name
Season End Date
Season Id
Season Start Date
Season Status
Season Type
Season Type Code
Season Type Name
Season Year
Leaders Id
League Information available in:
Daily Change LogLeague LeadersSeasons
Daily SchedulePlayer ProfileSeries Schedule
Daily TransfersRankingsSeries Statistics
Free AgentsScheduleStandings
InjuriesSeasonal StatisticsTeam Profile
League HierarchyTeams

Game & Series

Away Team Alias
Away Team Id
Away Team Market
Away Team Name
Away Team Points
Away Team Reference
Away Team Seed Number
Away Team SR Id
Broadcast – Cable
Broadcast – Channel
Broadcast – Internet
Broadcast – Locale
Broadcast – Network
Broadcast – Radio
Broadcast – Satellite
Broadcast – Type
Commissioner's Cup
Entry Mode
Home Team Alias
Home Team Id
Home Team Market
Home Team Name
Home Team Points
Home Team Reference
Home Team Seed Number
Home Team SR Id
Neutral Site
Scheduled Start Date & Time
Series – Id
Series – Participant Name
Series – Participant Record
Series – Participant Seed
Series – Round
Series – Start Date
Series – Status
Series – Title
Track on Court
Updated Timestamp
Game & Series Information available in:
Daily Change LogPlay-by-PlayPush Clock
Daily ScheduleSchedulePush Events
Game BoxscoreSeries SchedulePush Statistics
Game Summary


State / Province
Venue Information available in:
Daily ScheduleLeague HierarchySeries Schedule
Game SummaryScheduleTeam Profile


Coach – Experience
Coach – First Name
Coach – Full Name
Coach – Id
Coach – Last Name
Coach – Position
Franchise Id
Updated Timestamp
Year Founded
Team Information available in:
Daily Change LogPlay-by-PlaySeries Statistics
Game BoxscorePlayer ProfileStandings
Game SummaryRankingsTeam Profile
InjuriesSeasonal StatisticsPush Events
League HierarchySeries SchedulePush Statistics
League LeadersTeams


Abbreviated Name
Birth Date
Birth Place
Draft - Pick
Draft - Round
Draft - Team
Draft - Year
First Name
Full Name
Height (Inches)
Injuries – Comment
Injuries – Description
Injuries – Id
Injuries – Start Date
Injuries – Status
Injuries – Update Date
Jersey Number
Last Name
Primary Position
Transfers – Description
Transfers – Effective Date
Transfers – End Date
Transfers – Id
Transfers – New Team Id
Transfers – New Team Market
Transfers – New Team Name
Transfers – New Team Ref.
Transfers – Notes
Transfers – Old Team Id
Transfers – Old Team Market
Transfers – Old Team Name
Transfers – Old Team Ref.
Transfers – Transaction Code
Transfers – Transaction Type
Transfers – Start Date
Transfers – Update Date
Updated Timestamp
Weight (lbs)
Player Information available in:
Daily Change LogInjuriesSeries Statistics
Daily TransfersLeague LeadersTeam Profile
Free AgentsPlayer ProfilePush Events
Game BoxscoreSeasonal StatisticsPush Statistics
Game Summary


Away Team Game Score
Away Team Id
Away Team Market
Away Team Name
Away Team Quarter Score
Away Team Reference
Away Team SR Id
Game Official - Assignment
Game Official – Experience
Game Official – First Name
Game Official – Full Name
Game Official – Id
Game Official – Last Name
Game Official – Number
Home Team Flag
Home Team Game Score
Home Team Id
Home Team Market
Home Team Name
Home Team Quarter Score
Home Team Reference
Home Team SR Id
Lead Changes
Lineups – Active
Lineups – Ejected
Lineups – Fouled_Out
Lineups – Played
Lineups – Started
Period Id
Period Number
Period Sequence
Period Type
Quarter Lead Changes
Quarter Number
Quarter Sequence
Quarter Times Tied
Team Ldr – Ast – Full Name
Team Ldr – Ast – Id
Team Ldr – Pts – Full Name
Team Ldr – Pts – Id
Team Ldr – Reb – Full Name
Team Ldr – Reb – Id
Times Tied
Boxscore Information available in:
Game BoxscorePlay-by-PlayPush Events
Game SummaryPush ClockPush Statistics


Attribution Team Id
Attribution Team Market
Attribution Team Name
Attribution Team Reference
Attribution Team SR Id
Away Team Bonus
Away Team Game Score
Away Team Id
Away Team Market
Away Team Name
Away Team Overtime Score
Away Team Quarter Score
Away Team Reference
Away Team Remaining Timeouts
Away Team SR Id
Basket Team is Attacking
Clock Decimal
Clock Running
Event Attempt
Event Away Points
Event Clock
Event Deleted
Event Description
Event Home Points
Event Free Throw Type
Event Id
Event Insert/Update Time
Event Location – Action Area
Event Location – X Coordinate
Event Location – Y Coordinate
Event Number
Event Participants – Player Full Name
Event Participants – Player Id
Event Participants – Jersey Number
Event Participants – Player Reference
Event Participants – Player SR Id
Event Participants – Team Id
Event Participants – Team Market
Event Participants – Team Name
Event Participants – Team Reference
Event Participants – Team SR Id
Event Qualifier
Event Sequence
Event Shot Type
Event Shot Type Description
Event Turnover Type
Event Type
Event Updated
Event Wall Clock
Fieldgoal Made Flag
Fieldgoal Points
Fieldgoal Shot Distance
Fieldgoal Shot Type
Fieldgoal Shot Type Description
Fieldgoal Three Point Shot
Freethrow Free Throw Type
Freethrow Made Flag
Freethrow Points
Game Clock
Home Team Bonus
Home Team Game Score
Home Team Id
Home Team Market
Home Team Name
Home Team Overtime Score
Home Team Quarter Score
Home Team Reference
Home Team Remaining Timeouts
Home Team SR Id
Possession – Team Id
Possession – Team Market
Possession – Team Name
Possession – Team Reference
Possession – Team SR Id
Overtime Id
Overtime Number
Overtime Sequence
Quarter Id
Quarter Number
Quarter Sequence
Quarter Type
Rebound Type
Scoring Lead Changes
Scoring Times Tied
Shot Clock
Shot Type
Three Point Shots
Play-by-Play Information available in:
Play-by-PlayPush EventsPush Statistics
Push Clock

Period Stats - Team

Assists to Turnover Ratio
Bench Points
Biggest Lead
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Shots
Defensive Pts per Possession
Defensive Rating
Defensive Rebounds
Effective Field Goal Pct.
Efficiency Game Score
Fast Break Attempts
Fast Break Made
Fast Break Percentage
Fast Break Points
Field Goal Attempts
Field Goal Made
Field Goal Percentage
Flagrant Fouls
Fouls Drawn
Free Throw Attempts
Free Throw Made
Free Throw Percentage
Minutes Played
Offensive Fouls
Offensive Pts. per Possession
Offensive Rating
Offensive Rebounds
Opponent Possessions
Personal Fouls
Player Technical Fouls
Plus / Minus
Points Against
Points in the Paint
Points in the Paint Attempts
Points in the Paint Made
Points in the Paint Pct.
Points off Turnovers
Second Chance Attempts
Second Chance Made
Second Chance Percentage
Second Chance Points
Team Defensive Rebounds
Team Fouls
Team Offensive Rebounds
Team Rebounds
Team Technical Fouls
Team Turnovers
Three Point Attempts
Three Point Made
Three Point Percentage
Time Leading
Total Fouls
Total Rebounds
True Shooting Attempts
True Shooting Percentage
Two Point Attempts
Two Point Made
Two Point Percentage
Period Stats (Team) available in:
Game Summary

Period Stats - Player

Assists to Turnover Ratio
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Shots
Defensive Rating
Defensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds Pct.
Fast Break Attempts
Fast Break Made
Fast Break Percentage
Fast Break Points
Field Goal Attempts
Field Goal Made
Field Goal Percentage
Flagrant Fouls
Fouls Drawn
Free Throw Attempts
Free Throw Made
Free Throw Percentage
Minutes Played
Offensive Fouls
Offensive Rating
Offensive Rebounds
Offensive Rebounds Pct.
Personal Fouls
Points in the Paint
Points in the Paint Attempts
Points in the Paint Made
Points in the Paint Pct.
Points off Turnovers
Rebounds Percentage
Second Chance Attempts
Second Chance Made
Second Chance Percentage
Second Chance Points
Steals Percentage
Technical Fouls
Technical Fouls – Non-Unsportsmanlike
Three Point Attempts
Three Point Made
Three Point Percentage
True Shooting Attempts
True Shooting Percentage
Turnovers Percentage
Two Point Attempts
Two Point Percentage
Two Points Made
Period Stats (Player) available in:
Game Summary

Game Stats - Team

Assists to Turnover Ratio
Bench Points
Biggest Lead
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Shots
Coach Ejections
Coach Technical Fouls
Defensive Pts per Possession
Defensive Rating
Defensive Rebounds
Effective Field Goal Pct.
Efficiency Game Score
Fast Break Attempts
Fast Break Made
Fast Break Percentage
Fast Break Points
Field Goal Attempts
Field Goal Made
Field Goal Percentage
Flagrant Fouls
Foul Outs
Fouls Drawn
Free Throw Attempts
Free Throw Made
Free Throw Percentage
Minutes Played
Most Unanswered Points
Most Unans. Pts. Opp. Score
Most Unans. Pts. Own Score
Offensive Fouls
Offensive Pts. Per Possession
Offensive Rating
Offensive Rebounds
Opponent Possessions
Personal Fouls
Player Technical Fouls
Points Against
Points in the Paint
Points in the Paint Attempts
Points in the Paint Made
Points in the Paint Percentage
Points off Turnovers
Second Chance Attempts
Second Chance Made
Second Chance Percentage
Second Chance Points
Team Defensive Rebounds
Team Fouls
Team Offensive Rebounds
Team Rebounds
Team Technical Fouls
Team Turnovers
Three Point Attempts
Three Point Percentage
Three Points Made
Time Leading
Total Fouls
Total Rebounds
True Shooting Attempts
True Shooting Percentage
Two Point Attempts
Two Point Percentage
Two Points Made
Game Stats (Team) available in:
Game SummaryPush Statistics

Game Stats - Player

Assists to Turnover Ratio
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Shots
Coach Ejections
Coach Tech Fouls
Defensive Rating
Defensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds Pct.
Double Double
Effective Field Goal Pct.
Efficiency Game Score
Fast Break Attempts
Fast Break Made
Fast Break Percentage
Fast Break Points
Field Goal Attempts
Field Goal Made
Field Goal Percentage
Flagrant Fouls
Foul Outs
Fouls Drawn
Free Throw Attempts
Free Throw Made
Free Throw Percentage
Minutes Played
Offensive Fouls
Offensive Rating
Offensive Rebounds
Offensive Rebounds Pct.
Personal Fouls
Plus / Minus
Points in the Paint
Points in the Paint Attempts
Points in the Paint Made
Points in the Paint Pct.
Points off Turnovers
Rebounds Percentage
Second Chance Attempts
Second Chance Made
Second Chance Percentage
Second Chance Points
Steals Percentage
Technical Fouls
Technical Fouls – Non-Unsportsmanlike
Three Point Attempts
Three Point Made
Three Point Percentage
True Shooting Attempts
True Shooting Percentage
Triple Double
Turnovers Percentage
Two Point Attempts
Two Point Percentage
Two Points Made
Game Stats (Player) available in:
Game BoxscoreGame SummaryPush Statistics

Season Stats - Team

Assists per Game
Assists to Turnover Ratio
Bench Points
Bench Points per Game
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Coach Ejections
Coach Tech Fouls
Defensive Rebounds
Defensive Reb. per Game
Effective Field Goal Pct.
Efficiency per Game
Fast Break Attempts
Fast Break Att. per Game
Fast Break Made
Fast Break Made per Game
Fast Break Percentage
Fast Break Points
Fast Break Points per Game
Field Goal Attempts
Field Goal Att. per Game
Field Goal Made
Field Goal Made per Game
Field Goal Percentage
Flagrant Fouls
Flagrant Fouls per Game
Foul Outs
Fouls Drawn
Fouls Drawn per Game
Free Throw Attempts
Free Throw Att. per Game
Free Throw Made
Free Throw Made per Game
Free Throw Percentage
Games Played
Minutes Played
Minutes Played per Game
Offensive Fouls
Offensive Fouls per Game
Offensive Rebounds
Offensive Reb. Per Game
Personal Fouls
Personal Fouls per Game
Points Against
Points in the Paint
Points in the Paint Attempted
Pts in the Paint Att. per Game
Points in the Paint Made
Pts in Paint Made per Game
Points in the Paint Percentage
Points off Turnovers
Pts. off Turnovers per Game
Points per Game
Rebounds per Game
Second Chance Attempts
Second Chance Att per Game
Second Chance Made
2nd Chance Made per Game
Second Chance Percentage
Second Chance Points
2nd Chance Pts per Game
Steals per Game
Team Defensive Rebounds
Team Fouls
Team Offensive Rebounds
Team Technical Fouls
Technical Fouls
Technical Other
Three Point Attempts
Three Point Att. per Game
Three Point Made
Three Point Made per Game
Three Point Percentage
Total Rebounds
True Shooting Attempts
True Shooting Att. per Game
True Shooting Percentage
Turnovers per Game
Two Point Attempts
Two Point Att. per Game
Two Point Made
Two Point Made per Game
Two Point Percentage
Season Stats (Team) available in:
Seasonal StatisticsSeries Statistics

Season Stats - Player

Assists per Game
Assists to Turnover Ratio
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Coach Ejections
Coach Technical Fouls
Defensive Rebounds
Defensive Reb. per Game
Double Double
Effective Field Goal Pct.
Efficiency per Game
Fast Break Attempts
Fast Break Att. per Game
Fast Break Made
Fast Break Made per Game
Fast Break Percentage
Fast Break Points
Fast Break Points per Game
Field Goal Attempts
Field Goal Att. per Game
Field Goal Made
Field Goal Made per Game
Field Goal Percentage
Flagrant Fouls
Flagrant Fouls per Game
Foul Outs
Fouls Drawn
Fouls Drawn per Game
Free Throw Attempts
Free Throw Att. per Game
Free Throw Made
Free Throw Made per Game
Free Throw Percentage
Games Played
Games Started
Minutes Played
Minutes Played per Game
Offensive Fouls
Offensive Fouls per Game
Offensive Rebounds
Offensive Reb. per Game
Personal Fouls
Personal Fouls per Game
Points in the Paint
Points in the Paint Attempts
Pts in the Paint Att. per Game
Points in the Paint Made
Pts in Paint Made per Game
Points in the Paint per Game
Points in the Paint Percentage
Points off Turnovers
Pts off Turnovers per Game
Points per Game
Rebounds per Game
Second Chance Attempted
Second Chance Att per Game
Second Chance Made
2nd Chance Made per Game
Second Chance Percentage
Second Chance Points
2nd Chance Pts per Game
Steals per Game
Technical Fouls
Technical Fouls – Non-Unsportsmanlike
Three Point Attempts
Three Point Att. per Game
Three Point Made
Three Pt. Made per Game
Three Point Percentage
Triple Double
True Shooting Attempts
True Shooting Att. per Game
True Shooting Percentage
Turnovers per Game
Two Point Attempts
Two Point Att. per Game
Two Point Made
Two Point Made per Game
Two Point Percentage
Season Stats (Player) available in:
League LeadersSeasonal StatisticsSeries Statistics
Player Profile

Season Stats - Opponent

Assists per Game
Assist to Turnover Ratio
Bench Points
Bench Points per Game
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Coach Ejections
Coach Technical Fouls
Defensive Rebounds
Defensive Reb. per Game
Effective Field Goal Pct.
Efficiency per Game
Fast Break Attempts
Fast Break Att. per Game
Fast Break Made
Fast Break Made per Game
Fast Break Percentage
Fast Break Points
Fast Break Points per Game
Field Goal Attempts
Field Goal Att. per Game
Field Goal Made
Field Goal Made per Game
Field Goal Percentage
Flagrant Fouls
Flagrant Fouls per Game
Foul Outs
Fouls Drawn
Fouls Drawn per Game
Free Throw Attempts
Free Throw Att. per Game
Free Throw Made
Free Throw Made per Game
Free Throw Percentage
Games Played
Minutes Played
Minutes Played per Game
Offensive Fouls
Offensive Fouls per Game
Offensive Rebounds
Offensive Reb. per Game
Personal Fouls
Personal Fouls per Game
Points Against
Points in the Paint
Points in the Paint Attempts
Pts in the Paint Att. per Game
Points in the Paint Made
Pts in Paint Made per Game
Points in the Paint per Game
Points in the Paint Percentage
Points off Turnovers
Pts. off Turnovers per Game
Points Per Game
Rebounds per Game
Second Chance Attempts
Second Chance Att per Game
Second Chance Made
2nd Chance Made per Game
Second Chance Percentage
Second Chance Points
2nd Chance Pts per Game
Steals per Game
Team Defensive Rebounds
Team Fouls
Team Offensive Rebounds
Team Technical Fouls
Technical Fouls
Technical Other
Three Point Attempts
Three Point Att. per Game
Three Point Made
Three Point Made per Game
Three Point Percentage
Total Fouls
Total Rebounds
True Shooting Attempts
True Shooting Att per Game
True Shooting Percentage
Turnovers per Game
Two Point Attempts
Two Point Att. per Game
Two Point Made
Two Point Made per Game
Two Point Percentage
Season Stats (Opponent) available in:
Seasonal StatisticsSeries Statistics

League Leaders - Player

2pt Attempts
2pt Attempts per Game
2pt Percentage
2pt Made
2pt Made per Game
3pt Attempts
3pt Attempts per Game
3pt Percentage
3pt Made
3pt Made per Game
Assists per Game
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Category Name
Category Type
DEF Rebounds
DEF Rebounds per Game
FG Attempts
FG Attempts per Game
FG Percentage
FG Made
FG Made per Game
Foul Outs
FT Attempts
FT Attempts per Game
FT Percentage
FT Made
FT Made per Game
Minutes Played
Minutes Played per Game
OFF Rebounds
OFF Rebounds per Game
Personal Fouls
Personal Fouls per Game
Player Rank
Points per Game
Rebounds per Game
Stat Category
Steals per Game
Technical Fouls
Tied Flag
Turnovers per Game
League Leaders Information available in:
League Leaders


Conference Losses
Conference Rank
Conference Winning Pct
Conference Wins
Games Behind – Conference
Games Behind - League
Decided by 10 pts or More - Losses
Decided by 10 pts or More – Win Pct
Decided by 10 pts or More – Wins
Decided by 3 pts or Less - Losses
Decided by 3 pts or Less – Win Pct
Decided by 3 pts or Less – Wins
Home Losses
Home Winning Pct
Home Wins
Last 10 Games – Losses
Last 10 Games – Win Pct
Last 10 Games – Wins
Last 10 Home Games – Losses
Last 10 Home Games – Win Pct
Last 10 Home Games – Wins
Last 10 Road Games – Losses
Last 10 Road Games – Win Pct
Last 10 Road Games – Wins
Neutral – Losses
Neutral - Winning Percentage
Neutral – Wins
Overall Losses
Overall Point Differential
Overall Points Against
Overall Points For
Overall Winning Pct
Overall Wins
Overtime Losses
Overtime Win Pct
Overtime Wins
Playoff Status
Road Losses
Road Win Pct
Road Wins
Vs. Teams Above 500 - Losses
Vs. Teams Above 500 – Win Pct
Vs. Teams Above 500 – Wins
Vs. Teams Below 500 - Losses
Vs. Teams Below 500 – Win Pct
Vs. Teams Below 500 – Wins
Standings Information available in:


Event Category
Event Type
Status Type
Metadata Information available in:
Push ClockPush EventsPush Statistics