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Game Boxscore

NHL Game Boxscore provides top-level team scores by quarter and full statistics for team leaders in assists, goals, and points.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.

Data Updates: Realtime

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idseasonGUIDUnique ID of a game's season
ex. 5d08ca09-ec49-4559-9c0f-257c0158e57f
typeseasonStringSeason type for a game
REG (Regular Season), PST (Postseason), PRE (Preseason)
yearseasonIntegerYear of a game's season
2022 = 2022-23 Season
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
end_timegamedateTimeTimestamp of the end of a game
ex. 2022-12-06T06:09:52+00:00
start_timegamedateTimeTimestamp of the start of a game
ex. 2022-12-06T03:38:31+00:00
attendancegameIntegerAttendance of a game
ex. 18420
pointsteamIntegerTotal points for a team
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 4415b0a7-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44
marketteamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Vancouver
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Canucks
referenceteamStringLeague reference ID of a team
ex. 23
sr_idteamGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a team
ex. sr:team:3692
hometeamBooleanSignifies the home team when true
strengthteamStringCurrent strength of a team
even, shorthanded, powerplay
total_game_durationgameStringDuration of a game (in game time)
ex. 60:13
clockgameStringClock value of the game
ex. 5:37
periodgameIntegerCurrent period of a game
numberteam - scoring - periodIntegerPeriod number
pointsteam - scoring - periodIntegerTeam points in a period
sequenceteam - scoring - periodIntegerPeriod sequence number
numberteam - scoring - overtimeIntegerOvertime number
pointsteam - scoring - overtimeIntegerTeam points in overtime
sequenceteam - scoring - overtimeIntegerPeriod sequence number (The first overtime sequence would be 4)
idplayer - periods - periodGUIDUnique ID of a period
ex. 84d1303d-6493-4db9-a827-b4a83bdc656a
typeplayer - periods - periodStringType of period
ex. REG, OT
numberteam - scoring - shootoutIntegerShootout number
pointsteam - scoring - shootoutIntegerTeam points in shootout
sequenceteam - scoring - shootoutIntegerShootout sequence number (The first shootout sequence after overtime would be 5)
Team Leaders: >Note: Leaders appear under each team for points, goals, and assists.
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameplayerStringFirst name of a player
ex. Sidney
full_nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Sidney Crosby
handednessplayerStringDominant hand of a player
ex. L, R
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 433de553-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44
jersey_numberplayerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
last_nameplayerStringLast name of a player
ex. Crosby
playedplayerBooleanSignifies a player appeared in a game
positionplayerStringPosition of a player
NA, D, F, F-D, G
primary_positionplayerStringPrimary position of a player
NA, C, D, G, LW, RW
referenceplayerStringLeague reference ID of a player
ex. 8471675
sr_idplayerGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a player
ex. sr:player:31007
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. 4416091c-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44
coveragegameStringCoverage level of a game
full, boxscore
entry_modegameStringType of data entry for the game
INGEST(Ingested data from the league), LDE(Sportradar live data entry)
home_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. 44157522-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44
idgameGUIDUnique ID of a game
ex. 10b9ce0f-fd31-4d1f-828b-4f20d628f14f
parent_idgameGUIDStandard parent ID of a game. Use this ID to group events (like the Stanley Cup) across seasons.
referencegameStringLeague reference ID of a game
ex. 20393
scheduledgamedateTimeScheduled date and time of a game
ex. 2022-12-04T20:00:00Z
sr_idgameGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a game
ex. sr:match:34542743
statusgameStringThe status of a game
scheduled, created, inprogress, complete, closed, cancelled, delayed, postponed, time-tbd, if-necessary, unnecessary

Please see our FAQ section for a list of game status definitions
channelbroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast channel
ex. 215
localebroadcastStringSignifies the locale of a broadcast
ex. Home, Away, National, International
networkbroadcastStringName of a game's broadcast network
ex. NHL Network
typebroadcastStringType of broadcast
ex. TV
urlbroadcastStringWebsite URL of a game
awaygame - time_zonesStringTime zone of the away team
ex. US/Pacific
homegame - time_zonesStringTime zone of the home team
ex. US/Eastern
venuegame - time_zonesStringTime zone of the venue
ex. US/Eastern
titlegameStringTitle of a game
ex. Game 3
Team Records:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
lossesteam - recordIntegerNumber of team losses year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome
overtime_lossesteam - recordIntegerNumber of team overtime losses year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome
winsteam - recordIntegerNumber of team wins year-to-date before the game. Record is updated post-game based on the game outcome
Game Statistics (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of assists
avgplayer - time_on_iceStringAverage time on ice in seconds
ex. 00:44
blocked_attplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of blocked attempts (i.e. player's shot was blocked)
blocked_shotsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of blocked shots (i.e. player blocked a shot)
emptynet_goalsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of empty net goals
assistsplayer - statistics - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength assists
faceoff_win_pctplayer - statistics - evenstrengthDecimalEven strength faceoff win percentage
faceoffsplayer - statistics - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength faceoffs
faceoffs_lostplayer - statistics - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength faceoffs lost
faceoffs_wonplayer - statistics - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength faceoffs won
goalsplayer - statistics - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength goals
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength missed shots
shotsplayer - statistics - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength shots on goal
evenstrengthplayer - time_on_iceStringEven strength time on ice in seconds
ex. 13:21
faceoff_win_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalFaceoff win percentage
ex. 46.7
faceoffsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of faceoffs
faceoffs_lostplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of faceoffs lost
faceoffs_wonplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of faceoffs won
winning_goalplayer - statisticsBooleanSignifies the player made the winning goal in a game
first_starplayer - statisticsIntegerSignifies the player received the first star for a game when 1
second_starplayer - statisticsIntegerSignifies the player received the second star for a game when 1
third_starplayer - statisticsIntegerSignifies the player received the third star for a game when 1
giveawaysplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of giveaways
goalsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of goals
hitsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of hits
missed_shotsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of missed_shots
overtime_assistsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of overtime assists
overtime_goalsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of overtime goals
overtime_shotsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of overtime shots
overtimeplayer - time_on_iceStringOvertime time on ice in seconds
ex. 00:13
penaltiesplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of penalties
penalties_majorplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of major penalties
penalties_matchplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of match penalties
penalties_minorplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of minor penalties
penalties_misconductplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of misconduct penalties
goalsplayer - statistics - penaltyIntegerNumber of penalty goals
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - penaltyIntegerNumber of penalty missed shots
shotsplayer - statistics - penaltyIntegerNumber of penalty shots on goal
penalty_minutesplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of penalty minutes
plus_minusplayer - statisticsIntegerPlus/Minus (Team scoring while a player is on the rink)
ex. -1 or 2
pointsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of points
assistsplayer - statistics - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play assists
faceoff_win_pctplayer - statistics - powerplayDecimalPower play faceoff win percentage
faceoffsplayer - statistics - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play faceoffs
faceoffs_lostplayer - statistics - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play faceoffs lost
faceoffs_wonplayer - statistics - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play faceoffs won
goalsplayer - statistics - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play goals
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play missed shots
shotsplayer - statistics - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play shots on goal
powerplayplayer - time_on_iceStringPower play time on ice in seconds
ex. 1:31
shiftsplayer - time_on_iceIntegerNumber of shifts
shooting_pctplayer - statisticsDecimalShooting percentage
ex. 80.0
goalsplayer - statistics - shootoutIntegerNumber of shootout goals
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - shootoutIntegerNumber of shootout missed shots
shotsplayer - statistics - shootoutIntegerNumber of shootout shots on goal
assistsplayer - statistics - shorthandedIntegerNumber of power play assists
faceoff_win_pctplayer - statistics - shorthandedDecimalShort handed faceoff win percentage
faceoffsplayer - statistics - shorthandedIntegerNumber of short handed faceoffs
faceoffs_lostplayer - statistics - shorthandedIntegerNumber of short handed faceoffs lost
faceoffs_wonplayer - statistics - shorthandedIntegerNumber of short handed faceoffs won
goalsplayer - statistics - shorthandedIntegerNumber of power short handed
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - shorthandedIntegerNumber of short handed missed shots
shotsplayer - statistics - shorthandedIntegerNumber of short handed shots on goal
shorthandedplayer - time_on_iceStringShort handed time on ice in seconds
ex. 00:32
shotsplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of shots on goal
takeawaysplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of takeaways
totalplayer - time_on_iceStringTotal time on ice in seconds
ex. 19:13
Period Statistics (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of assists
blocked_attplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of blocked attempts (i.e. player's shot was blocked)
blocked_shotsplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of blocked shots (i.e. player blocked a shot)
assistsplayer - statistics - period - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength assists
goalsplayer - statistics - period - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength goals
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - period - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength missed shots
shotsplayer - statistics - period - evenstrengthIntegerNumber of even strength shots on goal
faceoff_win_pctplayer - statistics - periodDecimalFaceoff win percentage
ex. 46.7
faceoffsplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of faceoffs
faceoffs_lostplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of faceoffs lost
faceoffs_wonplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of faceoffs won
giveawaysplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of giveaways
goalsplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of goals
hitsplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of hits
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of missed_shots
penaltiesplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of penalties
goalsplayer - statistics - period - penaltyIntegerNumber of penalty goals
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - period - penaltyIntegerNumber of penalty missed shots
shotsplayer - statistics - period - penaltyIntegerNumber of penalty shots on goal
penalty_minutesplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of penalty minutes
pointsplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of points
assistsplayer - statistics - period - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play assists
goalsplayer - statistics - period - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play goals
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - period - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play missed shots
shotsplayer - statistics - period - powerplayIntegerNumber of power play shots on goal
shiftsplayer - time_on_iceIntegerNumber of shifts
shooting_pctplayer - statistics - periodDecimalShooting percentage
ex. 80.0
assistsplayer - statistics - period - shorthandedIntegerNumber of power play assists
goalsplayer - statistics - period - shorthandedIntegerNumber of power short handed
missed_shotsplayer - statistics - period - shorthandedIntegerNumber of short handed missed shots
shotsplayer - statistics - period - shorthandedIntegerNumber of short handed shots on goal
shotsplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of shots on goal
takeawaysplayer - statistics - periodIntegerNumber of takeaways
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
first_nameplayerStringFirst name of a player
ex. Sidney
full_nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Sidney Crosby
handednessplayerStringDominant hand of a player
ex. L, R
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 433de553-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44
jersey_numberplayerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
last_nameplayerStringLast name of a player
ex. Crosby
name_suffixplayerStringSuffix of a player
ex. Jr.
positionplayerStringPosition of a player
NA, D, F, F-D, G
primary_positionplayerStringPrimary position of a player
NA, C, D, G, LW, RW
referenceplayerStringLeague reference ID of a player
ex. 8471675
sr_idplayerGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a player
ex. sr:player:31007
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assignmentofficialIntegerOfficial assignment
ex. Linesman or Referee
experienceofficialStringNumber of years officiated in the NHL
first_nameofficialStringFirst name of an official
ex. Brian
full_nameofficialStringFull name of an official
ex. Brian Pochmara
idofficialGUIDUnique ID of an official
ex. 72fae8f3-6e07-45ba-a0fd-31d51d1ed90b
last_nameofficialStringLast name of an official
ex. Pochmara
numberofficialIntegerNumber of an official's jersey
referenceofficialStringNHL ID of an official
Stars of the Game:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
sequencestars - starIntegerStar number
1, 2, 3
full_namestars - playerStringFull name of a player
ex. Sidney Crosby
idstars - playerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 433de553-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44
jersey_numberstars - playerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
positionstars - playerStringPosition of a player
NA, D, F, F-D, G
referencestars - playerStringLeague reference ID of a player
ex. 8471675
sr_idstars - playerGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a player
ex. sr:player:31007
idstars - teamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. bdc11650-6f74-49c4-875e-778aeb7632d9
marketstars - teamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Minnesota
namestars - teamStringTeam name
ex. Wild
referencestars - teamStringLeague reference ID of a team
ex. 30
sr_idstars - teamGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a team
ex. sr:team:3689
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