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Global Hockey Change Log

Find all updates to the Global Ice Hockey v2 API and its documentation

Aggregate Scores

Release DateEndpointsBenefit
02/06/2023Competitor Summaries

Competitor vs Competitor

Daily Summaries

Live Summaries

Live Timelines

Live Timelines Delta

Player Summaries

Season Lineups

Season Summaries

Sport Event Lineups

Sport Event Summary

Sport Event Timeline

Push Events

Push Statistics

Live Probabilities

Sport Event Probabilities

Timeline Probabilities
Added support for aggregate scores and aggregate winners for select playoff competitions.

Data points are available at the match level under:

- aggregate_away_score
- aggregate_home_score
- aggregate_winner_id
<sport_event id="sr:sport_event:46202399" start_time="2024-01-16T16:30:00+00:00" start_time_confirmed="true">
		<sport id="sr:sport:4" name="Ice Hockey"/>
		<category id="sr:category:56" name="International"/>
		<competition id="sr:competition:494" name="Champions Hockey League" gender="men"/>
		<season id="sr:season:106507" name="Champions Hockey League 23/24" start_date="2023-08-31" end_date="2024-02-20" year="23/24" competition_id="sr:competition:494"/>
		<stage order="2" type="cup" phase="playoffs" start_date="2023-11-14" end_date="2024-02-20" year="23/24"/>
		<round name="semifinal" other_sport_event_id="sr:sport_event:46202341" cup_round_sport_event_number="2" cup_round_number_of_sport_events="2" cup_round_id="sr:cup_round:1990541"/>
			<group id="sr:cup:149249" name="Champions Hockey League 23/24, Knockout Stage"/>
	<coverage type="sport_event">
		<sport_event_properties basic_play_by_play="true" basic_player_stats="true" basic_team_stats="true" deeper_player_stats="true" deeper_team_stats="true" lineups="true" goal_scorers="true" scores="live"/>
		<competitor id="sr:competitor:3843" name="Lukko Rauma" country="Finland" country_code="FIN" abbreviation="LUK" qualifier="home" gender="male"/>
		<competitor id="sr:competitor:3903" name="Geneve-Servette HC" country="Switzerland" country_code="CHE" abbreviation="GEN" qualifier="away" gender="male"/>
	<venue id="sr:venue:5862" name="Äijänsuo Arena" capacity="5400" city_name="Rauma" country_name="Finland" map_coordinates="61.120556,21.503056" country_code="FIN" timezone="Europe/Helsinki"/>
		<ground neutral="false"/>
<sport_event_status status="closed" match_status="ended" home_score="2" away_score="3" winner_id="sr:competitor:3903" aggregate_home_score="4" aggregate_away_score="5" aggregate_winner_id="sr:competitor:3903">
		<period_score home_score="2" away_score="0" type="regular_period" number="1"/>
		<period_score home_score="0" away_score="2" type="regular_period" number="2"/>
		<period_score home_score="0" away_score="1" type="regular_period" number="3"/>

PWHL Coverage

Release DateBenefit
12/18/2023We have added coverage for the PWHL (Professional Women's Hockey League) for its inaugural 2024 season.

All PWHL events can be found within competition Id sr:competition:41857.

Active Season Indicator

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
08/28/2023Sport Events CreatedAdded a active_season attribute for newly created matches appearing in the Sport Events Created endpoint.

When marked as true this will signify that an added match is part of an active season.
    <sport_event_created id="sr:sport_event:43393169" active_season="true" created_at="2023-08-30T14:42:39+00:00"/>
    <sport_event_created id="sr:sport_event:43393167" active_season="true" created_at="2023-08-30T14:42:39+00:00"/>
    <sport_event_created id="sr:sport_event:43393165" active_season="true" created_at="2023-08-30T14:42:38+00:00"/>
    <sport_event_created id="sr:sport_event:43393163" active_season="true" created_at="2023-08-30T14:42:37+00:00"/>
    <sport_event_created id="sr:sport_event:43393029" active_season="true" created_at="2023-08-30T14:37:40+00:00"/>
    "generated_at": "2023-08-30T14:47:30+00:00",
    "sport_events_created": [
            "id": "sr:sport_event:43393169",
            "active_season": true,
            "created_at": "2023-08-30T14:42:39+00:00"
            "id": "sr:sport_event:43393167",
            "active_season": true,
            "created_at": "2023-08-30T14:42:39+00:00"
            "id": "sr:sport_event:43393165",
            "active_season": true,
            "created_at": "2023-08-30T14:42:38+00:00"
            "id": "sr:sport_event:43393163",
            "active_season": true,
            "created_at": "2023-08-30T14:42:37+00:00"

Cup Round Data

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
03/20/2023Season LinksAdded order, state, and winner_id to cup rounds in the Season Links endpoint.

These new fields can be leveraged to determine the status, order, and winner of a cup round within a season/tournament.

Age Group & Gender Additions

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
03/13/2023Competitor Profile
Competitor Summaries
Competitor vs Competitor
Daily Summaries
Live Summaries
Player Profile
Season Info
Season Lineups
Season Probabilities
Season Standings
Season Summaries
Seasonal Competitor Statistics
Sport Event Lineups
Sport Event Summary
Sport Event Timeline
Push Statistics
Live Probabilities
Season Outright Probabilities
Sport Event Probabilities
Timeline Probabilities
Added age_group and gender to competitor elements in several endpoints.

This update follows the existing format of the Soccer API, and will help to efficiently distinguish these competitor (team) characteristics.

Pagination Update to Season Probabilities

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
03/03/2023Season ProbabilitiesAdded pagination to the Season Probabilities endpoint for several APIs.

Going forward, the first 200 events will be displayed. To retrieve further events additional query string parameters will be required. For example, to load the next 200 events you will need to append &start=200 to the call and to load the next 200 add &start=400 and so on.

Category Data

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
01/20/2023Competition InfoAdded the category element to the Competition Info endpoint. This includes category id, name, and country_code. The category will be represented by the country or International to better distinguish the country designation.

Manager Data

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
12/09/2022Season Lineups
Sport Event Lineups
Added manager details for teams in the Season Lineups and Sport Event Lineups endpoints.
Manager data includes country_code, date_of_birth, id, name, and nationality.

'updated' Attributes for Push Feeds

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
11/29/2022Push EventsAdded updated and updated_time flags to the Push Events feed. This update will better display which game events have been updated.

Probability Market

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
10/26/2022Sport Event ProbabilitiesAdded a ‘Next Goal’ probability market for matches. This market provides the probability of the next goal in a match being scored by the home team, away team, or neither.

Coverage Attribute

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
08/25/2022Competitor Summaries
Competitor vs Competitor
Daily Summaries
Live Summaries
Season Lineups
Season Probabilites
Season Summaries
Sport Event Summary
Sport Event Timeline
Live Probabilities
Sport Event Probabilities
Timeline Probabilities
Added a basic_player_stats attribute to all relevant match feeds to distinguish deep and basic coverage.

'Competitor Merge Mappings' Endpoint

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
08/23/2022Competitor Merge Mappings
Player Merge Mappings
Added the Competitor Merge Mappings endpoint to a variety of APIs. This feed provides the valid Sportradar Id in cases when two competitors have been merged into one. This feed was previously present in the Soccer API.

Also added a Player Merge Mappings endpoint to the Aussie Rules Football API.

'Sport Events Created' Endpoint

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
06/29/2022Sport Events CreatedOur new Sport Events Created endpoint provides a list of all events created within the last 24 hours. Send requests to this endpoint as needed to assist in locating and storing newly created events.

Neutral Site Support

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
06/21/2022Competitor Summaries
Competitor vs Competitor
Daily Summaries
Live Summaries
Player Summaries
Season Probabilities
Season Summaries
Sport Event Lineups
Sport Event Summary
Sport Event Timeline
Push Statistics
Live Probabilities
Sport Event Probabilities
Timeline Probabilities
New attribute displays whether a match is played at a neutral venue or not.

'Season Leaders' Endpoint

Release DateFeeds AffectedUpdate
03/04/2022Season LeadersAdded a Season Leaders endpoint for seasonal leaders in goals, points, and assists.

Gender Distinction

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
12/09/2021Competition Info
Competitor Summaries
Competitor vs Competitor
Daily Summaries
Live Summaries
Player Summaries
Season Info
Season Lineups
Season Probabilities
Season Summaries
Sport Event Lineups
Sport Event Summary
Sport Event Timeline
Live Probabilities
Sport Event Probabilities
Timeline Probabilities
Added competition gender to several endpoints.

Data Points Removed

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
11/16/2021Competitor Summaries
Competitor vs Competitor
Daily Summaries
Live Summaries
Player Summaries
Season Summaries
Seasonal Competitor Statistics
Sport Event Summary
Sport Event Timeline
Push Statistics
Timeline Probabilities
Removed support for goalie wins, goalie losses and goals against average on the player and team level, for match and seasonal stats. Removed shutouts at the player level for match and seasonal stats.

Category Info Added

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
11/04/2021CompetitionsAdded category id, category name, and category country_code to the Competitions feed.

Match Time for Probability Feeds

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
09/22/2021Live Probabilities
Sport Event Probabilities
Timeline Probabilities
Added ‘match_time’, ‘remaining_time’, and ‘remaining_time_in_period’ for relevant Probability feeds.

Season Endpoints

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
09/14/2021Season Competitors
Season Links
Season Players
Added data points to support three seasonal data feeds.

Probability Package

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
04/16/2021Live Probabilities
Season Outright Probabilities
Sport Event Probabilities
Sport Event Upcoming Probabilities
Timeline Probabilities
Added data points to support the addition of the probabilities package feeds.

Mapping Endpoints

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
02/22/2021Competitor Mappings
Player Mappings
Player Merge Mappings
Season Mappings
Sport Event Mappings
Added data points to support the addition of the mapping feeds.

Points Per Game (Standings)

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
01/27/2021Season StandingsAdded Points Per Game to the Season Standings feed.

Season Info Update

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
05/16/2020Season InfoAdded the following data points: competition_status, venue_reduced_capacity, and venue_reduced_capacity_max.

Venue Data

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
05/26/2020Competitor Summaries
Competitor vs Competitor
Daily Summaries
Live Summaries
Player Summaries
Season Lineups
Season Probabilities
Season Summaries
Sport Event Lineups
Sport Event Summary
Sport Event Timeline
Added the following venue data points: changed, reduced_capacity, and reduced_capacity_max.

Group IDs Added to Standings

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
05/26/2020Season StandingsUpdated group ids in the Season Standings feed to include “sr:group:”

API Release

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
02/03/2020AllInitial Release for Global Ice Hockey v2.