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NCAAMH Rankings provides a list by week of USCHO and USA Today/USA Hockey rankings, including those teams not ranked but receiving votes.


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2s Time To Live / Cache

Data Points


The following polls are covered: USCHO and USA Today/USA Hockey

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliaspollStringAlias of a poll
idpollGUIDUnique ID of a poll
ex. a475464f-7e0f-4ef9-b1c4-61ac6cb08cb8
namepollStringName of a poll
ex. Division 1 Men's Poll
effective_timepollDate/TimeTimestamp of the creation of the weekly ranking (poll) record
ex. 2022-11-28T19:15:00+00:00
seasonpollIntegerYear of the polled season
weekpollIntegerWeek of the polled season
yearpollIntegerYear of the polled week and season
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
prev_rankpoll - rankings - teamIntegerTeam rank for the previous week
lossespoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of overall team losses
winspoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of overall team wins
tiespoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of overall team ties
rankpoll - rankings - teamIntegerTeam rank for the week polled
pointspoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of team rank points for the week polled
fp_votespoll - rankings - teamIntegerNumber of first place votes for a team for the week polled
votespoll - canditates - teamIntegerNumber of votes for a team outside of the top 25 for the week polled
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. bfe11448-71a4-4757-8586-d6dec6bc271b
marketteamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Minnesota
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Golden Gophers
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