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Depth Charts

NHL Depth Charts provides a positional depth chart for a given team, including player position information.


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Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasleagueStringAlias of a league
ex. NHL
idleagueGUIDUnique ID of a league
ex. fd560107-a85b-4388-ab0d-655ad022aff7
nameleagueStringName of a league
ex. NHL
aliasconferenceStringAlias of a conference
idconferenceGUIDUnique ID of a conference
ex. 64901512-9ca9-4bea-aa80-16dbcbdae230
nameconferenceStringName of a conference
aliasdivisionStringAlias of a division
iddivisionGUIDUnique ID of a division
ex. 5e868c4d-c6a3-4901-bc3c-3b7a4509e402
namedivisionStringName of a division
ex. Central
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
descpositionStringText description of a depth chart position
ex. Left Wing, Center, Right Wing, Left Defense, Right Defense, Goalie, First Power Play Unit, Second Power Play Unit
idpositionGUIDUnique ID of a position
ex. 010c8349-dce3-4e7d-9988-493eb78ca6ed
namepositionStringAbbreviated description of a depth chart position
LW, C, RW, LD, RD, G, PP1, PP2
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbr_nameplayerStringAbbreviated name of a player
ex. S.Crosby
handednessplayerStringDominant hand of a player
ex. L, R
experienceplayerStringNumber of years played in the NHL
full_nameplayerStringFull name of a player
ex. Sidney Crosby
idplayerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 433de553-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44
jersey_numberplayerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
positionplayerStringPosition of a player
NA, D, F, F-D, G
primary_positionplayerStringPrimary position of a player
NA, C, D, G, LW, RW
referenceplayerStringLeague reference ID of a player
ex. 8471675
sr_idplayerGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a player
ex. sr:player:31007
statusplayerStringStatus of a player
ACT (Active), DUP (Duplicate), FA (Free Agent), IR (Injured reserve), M-LEAGUE (Sent to minor league team), NWT (Not with team), RET (Retired), SUS (Suspended), UDP (Unsigned Draft Pick)
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasteamStringAbbreviation of a team
ex. MIN (Minnesota)
idteamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. bdc11650-6f74-49c4-875e-778aeb7632d9
marketteamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Minnesota
nameteamStringTeam name
ex. Wild
referenceteamStringLeague reference ID of a team
ex. 30
sr_idteamGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a team
ex. sr:team:3689
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
experiencecoachStringNumber of years coached in the NHL
first_namecoachStringFirst name of a coach
ex. Dean
full_namecoachStringFull name of a coach
ex. Dean Evason
idcoachGUIDUnique ID of a coach
ex. 82482f14-45c3-42c3-adab-1f9592a68dcd
last_namecoachStringLast name of a coach
ex. Evason
positioncoachStringPosition of a coach
ex. Head Coach
referencecoachStringLeague reference ID of a coach
ex. 8471675
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a venue
ex. 2500 Victory Avenue
capacityvenueStringCapacity of a venue
ex. 18532
cityvenueStringCity of a venue
ex. Dallas
countryvenueStringCountry of a venue
ex. USA
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a venue
ex. adbd1acb-a053-4944-ba15-383eda91c12e
latvenue - locationDecimalLatitude of a venue
ex. 44.94478
lngvenue - locationDecimalLongitude of a venue
ex. -93.10118
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. American Airlines Center
sr_idvenueGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a venue
ex. sr:venue:5988
statevenueStringState or province of a venue
ex. TX
time_zonevenueStringTime zone of the venue
ex. US/Central
zipvenueIntegerZIP code of a venue
ex. 75219
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