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Provides information for a given tournament by year, including location, course layout and tournament field.


Update Frequency

This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idcourseGUIDUnique ID of a course
ex. 7e9462a5-66ea-4205-b37a-81884e3653cf
namecourseStringName of a course
ex. Augusta National
parcourseIntegerPar for a course
ex. 72
yardagecourseIntegerTotal yardage of a course
ex. 7510
numbercourse - holes - holeIntegerHole number (1-18)
parcourse - holes - holeIntegerPar for a hole
ex. 5
yardagecourse - holes - holeIntegerTotal yardage of a hole
ex. 570
cityvenueStringCity of a course
ex. Augusta
countryvenueStringCountry of a course
ex. USA
idvenueGUIDUnique ID of a course
ex. d555598a-aed0-44fe-b659-4250264c7820
latitudevenueStringLatitude of a course
ex. 33.50227066932358
longitudevenueStringLongitude of a course
ex. -82.02260614770309
namevenueStringName of a course
ex. Augusta National Golf Club
statevenueStringState or province of a course
ex. GA
zipcodevenueIntegerZIP code of a course
ex. 30904
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbr_namefield / team - playerStringAbbreviated name of a player
ex. R.McIlroy
amateurplayerBooleanSignifies a player is in amateur status when true
captains_pickteam - playerBooleanSignifies a player is a Captain's Pick (Ryder Cup)
countryfield / team - playerStringCountry of a player
first_namefield / team - playerStringFirst name of a player
ex. Rory
idfield / team - playerGUIDUnique player ID
ex. da226913-b804-48de-adbf-96e956eb75ac
last_namefield / team - playerStringLast name of a player
ex. McIlroy
roleteam - playerIntegerRole of a player
player, captain, vice-captain, assistant
seedfield / team - playerIntegerSeed number of a player
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasteams - teamStringAlias of a team
ex. EUR
idteams - teamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 450b30b7-c73c-4164-8439-6656c89c0e58
nameteams - teamStringName of a team
ex. Europe or P.Cantlay/X.Schauffele
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
formatroundGUIDFormat of a round
fourball, foursomes, singles
idroundGUIDUnique ID of a round
ex. 56983b8a-92e6-40b1-8c53-1b38857d712b
numberroundGUIDNumber of a round
statusroundGUIDStatus of a round
scheduled, inprogress, delayed, suspended, cancelled, complete, closed, reopened
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
cableround - broadcastStringName of an round's broadcast cable station
end_atround - broadcastdateTimeEnd time of a broadcast
ex. 2022-04-07T23:30:00+00:00
internetround - broadcastStringName of a round's internet stream
networkround - broadcastStringName of a round's broadcast network
ex. ESPN
radioround - broadcastStringName of the round's broadcast radio station
satelliteround - broadcastStringName of the round's broadcast satellite station
ex. 206
start_atround - broadcastdateTimeStart time of a broadcast
ex. 2022-04-07T19:00:00+00:00
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
tempround - weatherStringTemperature of a round in Fahrenheit
conditionround - weatherStringForecasted weather condition of a round
ex. Partly cloudy
directionround - weather - windStringDirection of wind in the round
ex. W
speedround - weather - windStringWind speed in the round in miles per hour
ex. 12
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idbrackets - bracketGUIDUnique ID of a bracket grouping
ex. 64208c73-d620-426c-b0b6-88d4b6d0d499
namebrackets - bracketStringName of a bracket grouping
ex. Group 11
course_timezonetournamentStringTimezone of a course
ex. America/New_York
coveragetournamentStringCoverage of a tournament. Click *here for a complete breakdown of our tour coverage.
ex. full
cut_roundtournamentIntegerRound number in which the cut is made
cutlinetournamentIntegerCut line for a tournament (score a player must shoot to remain in the tournament)
ex. -2
currencytournamentStringPrize money currency type of a tournament
ex. USD
end_datetournamentdateTimeEnd date of a tournament
ex. 2022-11-20
event_typetournamentdateTimeScoring type of a tournament
stroke, match, cup, team, mix
pointstournamentIntegerTotal number of FedEX Cup points for a tournament
idtournamentGUIDUnique ID of a tournament
ex. 42b7bbc2-858a-4c0d-85dc-b30179bb5e9a
nametournamentStringName of a tournament
ex. Wells Fargo Championship
projected_cutlinetournamentIntegerProjected cut line for an in progress tournament (score a player must shoot to remain in the tournament)
ex. -2
pursetournamentFloatTotal prize money for a tournament
ex. 15000000.0
scoring_systemtournamentStringScoring system for a tournament
stroke, stableford
start_datetournamentdateTimeStart date of a tournament
ex. 2022-11-20
statustournamentGUIDStatus of a tournament
scheduled, inprogress, delayed, cancelled, created, complete, closed, playoff, reopened
parent_idtournamentGUIDUnique parent ID for a tournament. Use this ID to tie reoccurring events across seasons.
ex. 5c8d8f92-8da7-4d5d-860b-e820d57ff640 (ID for The Masters)
winning_sharetournamentFloatPrize money for first place in a tournament
ex. 1080000.0
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
partsummaryIntegerSequential number of a tournament section/part. Used only in mix format events.
ex. 1 or 2
statussummaryStringStatus of a tournament section/part. Used only in mix format events.
ex. inprogress or closed
typesummaryStringType of a tournament section/part. Used only in mix format events.
ex. stroke or match
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