Coverage MatrixDocumentationChange LogLog InContact Us

Provides IDs and timestamps for players, tournaments, schedules, pairings and statistics that have been modified on a given date. To receive the data updates, use these unique IDs to pull relevant API feeds.


Update Frequency

TTL / Cache: 2 seconds

Data Updates:

  • Entries populate live for changes to players, tournaments, schedules, pairings and statistics.
  • Start time of the log is 04:00:00 UTC; end time is 03:59:59 UTC

Data Points

Change Log:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
start_timechangelogdateTimeStart time of the daily change log
ex. 2022-06-13T04:00:00+00:00
end_timechangelogdateTimeEnd time of the daily change log
ex. 2022-06-14T03:59:59+00:00
last_modifiedparticipants - playerdateTimeTimestamp of a change to a tournament participant
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
last_modifiedplayers - playerdateTimeTimestamp of a change to a player
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
last_modifiedstatistics - playerdateTimeTimestamp of a change to a player's statistics
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
last_modifiedtournaments - tournamentdateTimeTimestamp of a change to a tournament
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
last_modifiedtournaments - field - playerdateTimeTimestamp of a change to a player in a tournament field
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
last_modifiedtournaments - round - pairingdateTimeTimestamp of a change to a pairing
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
match_formattournaments - rounds - matchStringFormat of a match
singles, fourball, foursomes
titletournaments - rounds - matchStringTitle of a match
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idtournaments - roundGUIDUnique ID of a round
ex. 56983b8a-92e6-40b1-8c53-1b38857d712b
numbertournaments - roundGUIDNumber of a round
statustournaments - roundGUIDStatus of a round
scheduled, inprogress, delayed, suspended, cancelled, complete, closed, reopened
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idtournaments - round - pairingGUIDUnique ID of a pairing
ex. 01048eea-8a29-4b87-83c1-2c09557e52bb
sequencetournaments - round - pairingGUIDSequence number of a pairing
tee_timetournaments - round - pairingGUIDScheduled tee time of a pairing
ex. 2022-06-17T11:51:00+00:00
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
full_namefield / statistics / pairing / participants / players - playerStringFull name of a player
ex. Zach Johnson
idfield / statistics / pairing / participants / players - playerGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. ace28c92-bea0-4aaa-b3c4-c992971eb59d
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idtournament / player - seasonStringUnique ID of a season
ex. 133720bb-8653-4d8e-9f49-b9f4fe41a161
yeartournament / player - seasonStringYear of a season
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliastourStringAlias of a tour
ex. pga
idtourGUIDUnique ID of a tour
ex. b52068af-28e4-4e91-bdbb-037591b0ff84
nametourStringName of a tour
ex. PGA Tour
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
course_timezonetournamentStringTimezone of a course
ex. America/New_York
currencytournamentStringPrize money currency type of a tournament
ex. USD
event_typetournamentdateTimeScoring type of a tournament
stroke, match, cup, team, mix
idtournamentGUIDUnique ID of a tournament
ex. 42b7bbc2-858a-4c0d-85dc-b30179bb5e9a
nametournamentStringName of a tournament
ex. Wells Fargo Championship
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