Daily Change Log
Utilize the NFL Daily Change Log feed to track daily changes to the API without depleting your call limits.
The Daily Change Log updates you on significant changes like schedule adjustments, game results, player updates (such as name or number changes), and team modifications.
Update Frequency
TTL / Cache: 300 seconds
Data Updates:
- Entries populate live for changes to teams, players, game statistics, schedules, and standings.
- Start time of the log is 05:00:00 UTC; end time is 04:59:59 UTC
Daily Change Log Scenarios
Post Game Updates and Revisions
The table below outlines scenarios and use cases for utilizing the Daily Change Log for applications that offer live game updates. This log provides updates and stat revisions for recent games.
Data | Use Case |
Play-by-Play | Track changes in play details such as new plays added or corrections to existing play records. |
Game Statistics | Monitor updates in player statistics and team performance metrics post-game corrections. |
Game Boxscore | Monitor adjustments in game summary data, including final scores or statistical errors being rectified. |
To use Daily Change Log feed for monitoring changes to recent games:
Identify Change Types: First, review the Daily Change Log to identify the types of changes reported. These could be related to games, players, or teams. Each entry in the log will list relevant IDs (game, player, or team ID), depending on the type of change.
Use IDs to Retrieve Specifics:
- Game Changes: If the ID is found within the "results" node, it typically indicates a change in game results. This ID is a game ID.
- Player and Team Changes: Similarly, IDs associated with players or teams indicate changes relevant to these entities, such as updates to player information or team rosters.
Pull Detailed Data: Use the identified IDs to pull detailed information from the relevant feed. For example:
- Play-by-Play Feed: If a game ID is mentioned, you can pull this feed to check for any new plays added or modifications to existing plays.
- Game Statistics Feed: Use the game ID to retrieve updated player statistics and team performance metrics to see what specific data was altered.
- Game Boxscore Feed: Pull this feed using the game ID to review any updates to the game summary, including scores and other significant game statistics.
Verify Changes: After pulling the detailed data from the relevant feeds, compare the newly retrieved data against previously stored data to verify the changes and update your records accordingly.
Changes to Standings
The Daily Change Log can be a helpful tool for tracking potential adjustments to standings within the NFL (though rare). For example, if a game statistic is revised due to a correction or a late reporting of results, the change log will include an entry for the update in its results node
Identify Change Type: When you encounter an ID within the results node, it signifies that some data associated with the game has been updated. This doesn't necessarily mean the final score has changed, but rather that various game-related details have been modified.
Pull Detailed Data: Use the game IDs to pull information from the Postgame Standings feed.
Verify Changes: After pulling the detailed data from the Postgame Standings feed, compare the newly retrieved data against previously stored data to verify changes to the standings and update your records accordingly.
Note: While standings data typically remains stable once games are concluded and results are recorded, rare changes can still occur, such as adjustments following a review of play outcomes or corrections of data errors. You can continue monitoring the Daily Change Log to catch any updates that could impact standings, even though such adjustments are infrequent.
Impact of Data Changes on Standings
On September 24, 2023, the Daily Change Log noted an update for the game with ID 2273ef3a-6eff-4028-824a-9e7224a323c8, indicating a potential revision in the game statistics. This game was between the Seattle Seahawks and the Carolina Panthers.
"league": {
"id": "3c6d318a-6164-4290-9bbc-bf9bb21cc4b8",
"name": "National Football League",
"alias": "NFL"
"start_time": "2023-09-24T04:00:00Z",
"end_time": "2023-09-25T03:59:59Z",
"results": [
"id": "097a36e8-c61c-4b76-b415-e6dc2da98d00",
"season_id": "a538d200-e916-4272-aa07-b486094a1668",
"last_modified": "2023-09-24T21:16:37Z",
"sr_id": "sr:match:41209199"
"id": "2273ef3a-6eff-4028-824a-9e7224a323c8",
"season_id": "a538d200-e916-4272-aa07-b486094a1668",
"last_modified": "2023-09-25T00:03:35Z",
"sr_id": "sr:match:41209217"
"_comment": "Generation started @ 2024-07-02 17:21:05 UTC ended @ 2024-07-02 17:21:05 UTC"
You can pull the Game Statistics endpoint to confirm recent updates. The latest data shows significant changes in penalties and turnovers, which could influence the outcome of the game and thus affect the teams' standings in the league.
A scenario like this highlights the importance of regularly checking the Change Log for updates that may impact standings, especially as they pertain to playoff qualifications or division rankings.
Roster Updates
The table below outlines scenarios and use cases for utilizing the Daily Change Log based on team roster and player updates.
Data | Use Case |
Team Rosters | Use this data to keep track of adjustments like player trades, contract signings, or releases. |
Game Rosters | Useful for verifying rosters after a game or adjustments to player participation. |
Transactions | Observe adjustments or corrections to transaction data. |
Injuries | Observe adjustments or corrections to player injury data. |
Depth Charts | Verify or track adjustments to team depth charts. |
Identify Change Types: First, review the Daily Change Log to identify the types of changes reported. These could be related to games, players, or teams. Each entry in the log will list relevant IDs (game, player, or team ID), depending on the type of change.
Use IDs to Retrieve Specifics:
- Game Roster Changes: If the ID is found within the "results" node, this can indicate a post-game correction to the game roster. This ID is a game ID.
- Player and Team Changes: Similarly, IDs associated with players or teams indicate changes relevant to these entities, such as updates to team rosters.
Pull Detailed Data: Use the identified IDs to pull detailed information from the relevant feed. For example:
- Team Rosters Feed: If a team ID is mentioned, you can pull this feed to check for any updates to team rosters.
- Game Roster Feed: Use the game ID to retrieve updated game rosters and to see what specific data was altered.
Verify Changes: After pulling the detailed data from the relevant feeds, compare the newly retrieved data against previously stored data to verify the changes and update your records accordingly.
Revisions to Seasonal Statistics
The Daily Change Log is useful for monitoring adjustments to NFL seasonal statistics. For instance, if a game statistic that affects seasonal totals is corrected, the log will record this update in its results node.
- Identify Change Type: Spot any game IDs within the results node to signify changes in game-related data or statistics.
- Retrieve Detailed Data: Use the identified game IDs to pull additional details from relevant feeds such as Game Statistics, Play-by-Play, or Game Boxscore. Game Statistics is recommended for its direct impact on seasonal statistics.
- Access the Seasonal Statistics Feed: Utilize the team ID obtained from the detailed data to fetch the seasonal statistics.
- Verify Changes: Compare the newly retrieved data with previously stored records to confirm changes in standings or player statistics. Use the player ID to access the Player Profile feed for deeper analysis of player-specific updates.
Updated 6 months ago